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Murder most Foul

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 7:44 pm
by Ron Caliburn,1413,36%7E53%7E2682235,00.html

Paleontologist's worth not fixed in artifacts

Burglars misjudged how much they could get for Charles Repenning's possessions, a friend says.

By Kirk Mitchell
Denver Post Staff Writer

Burglars targeted the home of a world-renowned paleontologist believing he had valuable artifacts.

Although Charles Repenning, 82, had fossils on loan from museums, they were skulls of rodents that had great scientific worth but no black-market value, experts say.

The suspects allegedly took fossils, rifles, pistols, a Nazi sword, a figurine, quartz minerals and a Navajo rug from Repenning's home.

But if the thieves who strangled the scientist to death in his bedroom believed they would find treasure, they must have been sorely disappointed, said Dr. Lou Taylor, a research associate at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science.

"These guys were so misinformed, they killed someone over nothing," Taylor said.

Police arrested Richard James Kasparson, 34, and Michael James Wessel, 40, late last week. They are being held at the Jefferson County Jail for investigation of killing Repenning, said Lakewood police spokesman Steve Davis.

An employee of Table Steaks Bar in Edgewater called police last week when he overheard two men talking about strangling an elderly man during a burglary.

Repenning's body was discovered Jan. 5 after a neighbor saw his dog running loose.

Detectives do not believe the burglars randomly picked his home. Police are still investigating the case, hoping "the location of the missing items might help us make additional arrests," Davis said.

Taylor, also a paleontologist and a fellow museum associate, knew Repenning for 30 years.

Even if Repenning had dinosaur bones or artifacts that were valuable, which he didn't, they would have been carefully documented, Taylor said.

Museums wouldn't buy stolen artifacts, he said.

All that was of extraordinary value in that house was Repenning himself, he said.

Anybody hear anything about what was stolen? I've heard this fellow might have done some research into death cults. I'm worried that we might have somethign loose we don't want loose.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 1:46 pm
by PSC27
He may have be investigating them and got too close. Logically, why else would they have stold fossils, Nazi sword, a figurine, and quartz minerals? You guys maybe dealing with a Nazi Magus...Hitler was into the occult. Anyway, do be careful!

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 4:02 pm
by Cipher
Third Reich Indeed!

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 6:53 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Great, something I can hate worse than demon worshippers or fascists - demon worshipping fascists.

Seriously, somebody should check this out.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 10:53 pm
by PSC27
Ron Caliburn wrote:Great, something I can hate worse than demon worshippers or fascists - demon worshipping fascists.

Seriously, somebody should check this out.

Yes, well...Hummm. Wonder if Jerry Falwell fits in to that catagory? :lol: I had no idea anyone could be that stupid, until I visited the states the first time.

Don't look at us, we are going to the land down under for a week, we shan't have a chance to posting until Wednesday, if then.

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 9:44 pm
by Joseph Darkhold
Mr. Repenning was also a German POW in WWII and managed to escape after nine monthes in captivity. He brought back a Nazi sword to the states with him. after the war he earned a degree in geology and whent to work on the Navajo reservation in Arizona, where he was digging wells and doing excavations, he could easly have found and brought back a Navajo blanket from there. However, I could not find any other mention of a figurine and that bothers me, have you guys found any mention about what kind of figurine it was? nationality, religion, age, any of that would be helpful.

possilbe theft

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 6:56 pm
by alias
Hitler coveted possession of the Spear of Destiny, supposedly THE spear with which the Roman soldier pierced the side of Jesus Christ. Anyone trained in the esoteric arts know that certain relics, monuments and physical places inherently possess power and that power can be harnessed and used for whatever means you choose.

The Spear of Destiny is also known as the Spear of Longinus. Supposedly, the leader who "possessed it and understood the powers it served, held the destiny of the world in his hands for good or evil." This spear has been held in the House of Hapsburg, in Vienna, Austria, for centuries, and is on public display in a museum. One of Hitler's first official acts, once he annexed Austria, was to drive to Vienna in a motorcade, go to the museum, and take physical possession of the Spear of Destiny. At that point, Hitler believed he possessed the power to overcome all odds and conquer the world. At that point, World War II became inevitable. A new age and a New World Order steered by the Third Reich was waiting to happen

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 9:49 pm
by Joseph Darkhold
So what happened to the Spear of Longinus? did it just fail to perform as advertised? or did someone or some group stop him?

And can anyone get me a picture of the sword that was stolen from Mr. Repenning's home? Swords and other melee weapons are bit of a specialty of mine and I might be able learn more if I can see a picture of it.

Also, has there been any other mention of that figurine yet? I'm still interested in it.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 6:28 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I know a few who say that the Faschist really won World War II, they just had to abandon Germany to do it.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 7:37 pm
by Joseph Darkhold
If they abandoned Germany where did they go? Maybe they neither won nor lost, but are still out there struggling for supremacy...

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 10:19 pm
by PSC27
Joseph Darkhold wrote:So what happened to the Spear of Longinus? did it just fail to perform as advertised? or did someone or some group stop him?

The US took it from him, and returned it to the museum in Vienna, Austria; after the war was over.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 6:46 pm
by Ron Caliburn

My understanding (through a throughly disreputable source, so it's probably true) is that the survivors packed up and each took a corner in the governments of the allied powers, typically wthin the various countries' intellegence apperatus. The've been working their way tot he top and battlign each other for supremecy ever since.

Interesting side tidbit, the current president of Russia is former KGB and the current president of the United States belongs to a family that includes buisness men bankrupted for supplying the Nazis and a former head fo the CIA.