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3 legs better than one?

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 1:02 am
by randy_eh?
Did anyone happen to catch the article in WWN awhile back about a french supermodel who has 3 legs? To say that she's leggy is an understatement, let me tell you. I happened to be doing a story at a movie premiere (yeah, yeah, I know...lame...but I needed the money) when she walked out of a limo with her date; a very short (he had to have been like 4'8") one legged asian male. To say they were attached at the hip would be a very accurate statement. He surely benefited from her extra leg. Anyway, I was really intrigued by her, so later I tried to get an interview. Her date actually knew a thing or two of martial arts...and her extra leg was one more to kick my butt I found out! (Note to self, do not ask 3 legged people how they manage to go to the bathroom) Anyhow, they quickly pushed me out of the way, but not before I took a couple photos.

After developing the photos, I was surprised to discover that the asian male's photo resembled photos taken by security cameras at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. The man in the Mueseum's photos is wanted for questioning in connection to the theft of an ancient knife of Osiris. During the robbery it is believed that the thieves had a bloody gun fight with security. All 40 security guards were killed along with some priceless relics destroyed in the aftermath. However, no thieves were caught. In fact, a museum employee speaking under condition of anonymity, said that the egyptian government has sealed the full burgarly sequence caught on security cameras. He said, the knife was cursed and whoever tried to move it from its display case, would set off supernatural forces. "There were five thieves and 40 security guards. Give me a break. 5 on 40? What killed those security guards were not 5 thieves," the source explained.

As for the asian male mentioned above... In the segment of security video that was released to the public, an asian male resembling the one I photographed is visible. However, he has both of his legs...

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 3:42 am
by Cipher
interesting. Do you have any details on the knife? And have you got an ID on the asian gentleman in question?

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 5:38 am
by Geronimus
As soon as tey sprout tentacles, subdue them and force them into the porn industry... You'll make a killing.
Seriously, toss a grenade in their limo.

Not yet

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 12:17 pm
by randy_eh?
Cipher wrote:interesting. Do you have any details on the knife? And have you got an ID on the asian gentleman in question?

Not yet...And you'd think a one legged 4'8" asian male in the U.S. would be easy to spot...not trying to find a needle in a haystack...literally. Upon making my discovery, I tried contacting someone with the Egyptian government but they do not return my phone calls. With the survelliance video getting sealed by the Egyptians, I smell cover up!


Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 12:35 pm
by Cipher
hmm. Do you have a picture of this gentleman in question? If you do perhaps I can help you find some more information about him.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 7:24 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Now I have to admit, that actually sounds really freaky.

Keep us informed.


Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 12:08 am
by randy_eh?
Cipher wrote:hmm. Do you have a picture of this gentleman in question? If you do perhaps I can help you find some more information about him.

I'll email it to you. Do you have a favorite encryption that I should use, cipher? :wink:

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 12:17 am
by Cipher
yeah, if you have access to code 9 delab. I'd prefer that. Call my mobile with the number key if you could.


Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 1:53 am
by Cipher
thanks for the picture. I'll let you know what I can dig up.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 9:21 am
by Anthony

Sigh. what am I to do with you? Before bringing up the knife, you should have researched the god you referenced. I, too, have heard of this incident. The knife was dedicated to Sebek, not Osiris. Osiris was the leader of the Egptian gods until killed. Sebek is a minor god, symbolized by a crocodile. Also a very evil god who relished in sacrafices. The knife was stated to be a sacraficial knife and reputed to be touched (aka cursed) by Sebek. I have a few contacts and from what I understand is the gaurds were not killed by bullets. Instead they were pummelled/choked to death. Most of the artifact destroyed happened in the room the knife was stored. Oddly enough there was some structural damage and gunfire. I'd say the dead were jealously gaurding the knife or seeking to recover it. the knife's where abouts are currently
unknown. :shock: .

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 12:01 pm
by randy_eh?
Anthony wrote:Randy_eh?,

Sigh. what am I to do with you? Before bringing up the knife, you should have researched the god you referenced. I, too, have heard of this incident. The knife was dedicated to Sebek, not Osiris. Osiris was the leader of the Egptian gods until killed. Sebek is a minor god, symbolized by a crocodile. Also a very evil god who relished in sacrafices. The knife was stated to be a sacraficial knife and reputed to be touched (aka cursed) by Sebek. I have a few contacts and from what I understand is the gaurds were not killed by bullets. Instead they were pummelled/choked to death. Most of the artifact destroyed happened in the room the knife was stored. Oddly enough there was some structural damage and gunfire. I'd say the dead were jealously gaurding the knife or seeking to recover it. the knife's where abouts are currently
unknown. :shock: .

Interesting...I can't tell you how appreciative I am with this information. Amazing what a little misinformation can reveal sometimes...thanks! :wink:


Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 4:11 pm
by Cipher
I've found out some things about the asian male in question. It seems he's a geologist from Korea by the name of Rayo Kim. There's also come connections with a group known of as the Phoenix Society. I'll see what else I can find out. Other than his passport info there isn't any mention of him any any databases in Korea. Heh, he's a little bit of a cipher.


Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 6:41 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Korean? My pappy saw some freaky stuff when he served over there. He pulled DMZ watch in the early 60's before they hauled him over to the 'Nam. Apparently, there are some places in the hills there where the earth was still soaked red with the blood of the Chinese who got wasted int heir stupid human wave assaults more than 10 years after the battle.

Rayo Kim?

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 9:56 pm
by randy_eh?
Cipher wrote:I've found out some things about the asian male in question. It seems he's a geologist from Korea by the name of Rayo Kim. There's also come connections with a group known of as the Phoenix Society. I'll see what else I can find out. Other than his passport info there isn't any mention of him any any databases in Korea. Heh, he's a little bit of a cipher.


Rayo Kim? I just did a web search on him and found this:

Something tells me that this is the guy!


Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 10:23 pm
by Cipher
Hmm....I've checked him out. You know those Tasmanian Devils that you were talking about earlier? It seems he might have a link to them somehow.

I'll see if I dig up some more info on the Phoenix Society


Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 11:39 pm
by Anthony
Be careful Cipher. You may chew off a more than you wish with the Phoenix Society. Heard they are careful on watching their backs. Nice enough guys but hardcore paranormal problem solvers. If this Ryu is with them, they will let you know in their own way.

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 12:25 am
by Cipher
Anthony wrote:Be careful Cipher. You may chew off a more than you wish with the Phoenix Society. Heard they are careful on watching their backs. Nice enough guys but hardcore paranormal problem solvers. If this Ryu is with them, they will let you know in their own way.

Well i'll be damned. It appears that their CEO is my employer. Nice guy name Cornelius Drake. Oh, having said that....there was some big mojo down in Mexico about the time these "Tasmanian Devils" were being taken care. Apparently for the space about 30 minutes they had a completely dead area in regards to Satellite Imaging. I'll keep a digging. Hell, I might just ask Mr. Drake to hook me up with the story. Oh, almost forgot. Checking out that link you set Randy. appears that the Mafia found it as well. There appears to be a hit out on this Rayo gentleman.

thats all for now



Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 2:59 am
by randy_eh?
Cipher wrote:::sputters::
Well i'll be damned. It appears that their CEO is my employer. Nice guy name Cornelius Drake. Oh, having said that....there was some big mojo down in Mexico about the time these "Tasmanian Devils" were being taken care. Apparently for the space about 30 minutes they had a completely dead area in regards to Satellite Imaging. I'll keep a digging. Hell, I might just ask Mr. Drake to hook me up with the story. Oh, almost forgot. Checking out that link you set Randy. appears that the Mafia found it as well. There appears to be a hit out on this Rayo gentleman...

Well, if Rayo really helped take out one of those "Tasmanian Devils", then I personally feel sorry for the hitman assigned to take him out...

Rayo, if you're reading go brother!


Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 3:01 am
by Cipher
with his one leg and all eh?

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 3:09 am
by randy_eh?
Cipher wrote:with his one leg and all eh?

One leg or two...if he can help take out one of those tasmanian devils, then I certainly wouldn't want to pick a fight with him!

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 3:13 am
by Cipher
Hmm....this is true.