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Shadows of The Night: First Blood

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:19 am
by Azrael

I recall my first actual kill of a vampyre when I was only 16 years of age. I had been over 4 years since Menekhier and his followers raized my home and my family to ashes.
I had spent every waking moment in search of the monsters the destroyed my life and that of my family. My hunt lead me to a small town just outside of Bucarest Romania.
It was there that my new live as a slayer began.

I was ready, my thirst for revenge strong, and my spirit undaunted by the events to come. But as with all youth, I was not ready. I was rash and unfocused. My actions were drivn by hate and rage, both of which would later almost
lead to my undoing. I soon learned very fast, that though Death could no longer lay claim to my life, it did not mean that I could not be sent to join him.

I tracked down a vampyre whose identity I confirmed as Radu; one of Menekhier's followers.
I remembered how he and his unholy companion fed upon my dead father's blood like leeches. A fire welled up within me, a rage drove onward to the alledged lair of the monster. With the usual weapons against their kind I entered into the castle and searched for the crypt.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:15 am
by Azrael
I was young, and nieve. I though that because I read up on the old legends that I was aptly prepared. I had my wooden stake, my crucifix, and my garlic. I had even gone as far as to arm myself with a flask of holy water and an axe in case more than just the vampyre lurked in those shadows.

To my dismay, I found several coffins, each with a fine layer of earth, and each say for one, contained a vampyre.

I was not prepared for this, I was expecting two, maybe three at the most, not nine of the vile creatures. So with no further hesitation I got to work and slowly killed each of the foul creatures. I had to stake the first three and remove their heads, then I poured the holy water down the throat of another. I then touched the crucifix to the heads of two more before it burst into flames with the last.

I then had to remove the next one into the light of day, so I lopped of its arms and legs and lefts its vile form to bake in the fading light of day.

This left but one, the one I sought, Radu. I returned back to the crypt and proceeded to the creatures sleeping place. However when I threw open the coffin, it was bare. He was gone. That is when I felt his cold blade against my back.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:48 am
by Azrael
I must admit, I froze for a moment, contimplating my own swift death a this monster's hands. However, the killing blow did not come fast enough. For as he drew back to strike, I lunged to the side, drawing my axe and swung hard. The creature before me was not Radu, but a human minion set to protect the lair. I truly despised this excuse for a human being, as I do all who aid and abed these unholy abominations.

The human was a skilled fighter and put up quite a fight. I was not truly prepared for the nine vampyres that I had to slay, and now I had to do battle with only a wood cutter's axe. My skills in combat were not what they are today, and I was almost bested by this traitor to humanity.

He swung wide and strong, his attacks were fast but sloppy. In has last swing, I was struck, but I was able to disarm him, quite literally. I managed to sever his arm just above the elbow, and as the shock washed over him, I took his head. To this day, I still feel remorse.

I was wounded, the vampyres were slain, and Radu had some how managed to escape my wrath to I had no idea where.

I searched the castle and grounds completely, and still no sign of him. I should have looked harder. For though my wounds had aleady healed, I was still weak from my previous battle. That is when I found Radu, with several more human thralls waiting to dispatch me.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:26 am
by Azrael
I am affraid, I must put off the rest of this story till the morning. I must seek some rest and proceed fresh then.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 9:41 am
by Kolya
Do not wait too long. The world may come to a crashing end this weekend.


Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:46 pm
by Holister
Ok....I interested. So what happened next?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 2:49 pm
by Azrael
The battle raged on, I was fortunate enoughto grab the sword of my would be assassin and was now able to return the favor on these fools.

I however was out numbered, and suffered because of it.

I managed to slay four of them, and send another two away with bloody stumps where their arms once were.

The last impaled me with a spear, so I drew myself along its shaft and lopped off his head. I then removed the spear from my body. In case you are wondering, yes, I still do feel pain.

After the battle was fought, I was two weakened, to injured to withstand Radu's direct assualt upon me. As was knon to be his tactic to wear an opponent down with minions before closing in or the kill like the coward he was.

He tossed me asside like a sack of straw. Then again, and again. He beat me sense less, and even broke my arm and shattered my lower leg. But the torture would not end there.

He dragged my broken body back to his lair and rested me upon the alter to his dark mistress and proceed to cut me. My blood flowed like red rivers down into the channeles cut into the alter, then flowed down into an awaiting chalice.

He gazed upon with the wicked eyes of an unholy thing.

He lifted the chalice to his lips and drank. Afterwards he spoke to me through blood stained lips, " This time boy Menekhir is not here to stop me, he is not here to prevent me from draining you dry. "

That is when his eyes shot open wide, his hands reached up for his own throat as if to tear it away, dropping the chalice upon the floor, spilling its sizzling contents onto the stone floor.

Then suddenly, Radu burst into flames, screams of agony errupted from his lips, as his face melted away, followed by by his body, the all that remained was a skeleton, that fell to the floor in ashes.

Radu was gone. One of my father's excutioners was dead. But I was somber. I was almost defeated. I knew not of the power that flowed through my very veins. My blood was poison to their kind, a deadly toxin that would end their existance if they were to consume it. That is all that saved my live that night.

I was reckless, and conceeded. My anger and thirst for revenge consumed my rational mind. I was ill prepared and I paid the price for it. These were mistakes I would not make again. Though I was immortal, so were the things I hunted.

That alone only leveled the playing field, it was not an advantage. I needed more of I was too see Menekhir, Dhamistir, sand those like them perish. So began my search, my training, and my

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:23 am
by Kolya
Kolya wrote:Do not wait too long. The world may come to a crashing end this weekend.


As you know... it didn't.