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Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 11:45 pm
by Sean O'Neil
How many of you out there believe in vampires?

If you don't you should, I have in fact met a few vampires. My ex girlfriend became one of the unholy blood suckers! I know this might sound crazy to alot of people but I swear it's true.

She and a friend became hooked into LARPing, now I have no problem with role-playing games, but this went to far. At first it started with the black clothes, and makeup, normal gothic stuff right? Now it became really odd when she wouldn't come out durning the day and and moved out with of our apartment and didn't take any of her stuff.

One day after a month or so of her being gone I was walking to the mini mart to buy some beer and ran into her and a few of her "friends". Anyways, it was raining that night and I noticed that they were using very large umbrellas to keep the rain off them. I found this very odd, no one uses umbrellas in the Northwest at all.

She walked up to asking if I wanted to play with her "gaming group" to which I said no and grabbed her by the wrist and tried to take her home. Well that was a wrong move, it knocked her umbrella from her hand and when the rain hit her she let out this scream and I swear her skin started to burn! She quickly grabbed her umbrella up and ran behind her group of friends. They all started to hiss at me, and showed fangs. I didn't know what to do at that time so I ran and they followed. I ran across the street right in front of a city bus which almost hit me. When I turned around they were gone, it could of been the fact that the bus splashed through this huge puddle which sprayed water every on both sides of the street.

I never heard from her again.

So anyone one else ever met a vampire?

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 11:58 pm
by Silhouette
To be honest I don't know much about Vampires except for the fact that wood in the heart puts them down, and to kill them you need to cut off the head and burn it.

I'm sure there is a lot of lore behind Vampires, and their abillities are quite complex and varied, but it's not my area of expertise. One thing I am sure about though is that "White Wolf" and "Anne Rice" have got it all wrong. The few I've met were ugly, deformed, "Noferastu" types that seemed about as intelligent as a rabid pit-bull.

Your girlfriend could just be playing with you. Nothing (including the 'burnng') is beyond the abillity of simple halloween shop F/X.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 1:37 am
by Lightning Plant
Silhouette wrote:Your girlfriend could just be playing with you. Nothing (including the 'burnng') is beyond the abillity of simple halloween shop F/X.

Do you really think anyone here believes that, though?

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 5:03 am
by Geronimus
The gaming geeks who want to be vampires never get to be vampires, the undead don't want the advertising that those loudmouthed Denny's haunting rvenants would bring. But they will sure as hell take advantage of one and use them to pull in some tasty snacks. there used to be a bunch of those folks here in New Orleans, but they all started disapearing one by one. Kinda ironic, ain't it?

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 11:24 am
by Sean O'Neil
Silhouette wrote:To be honest I don't know much about Vampires except for the fact that wood in the heart puts them down, and to kill them you need to cut off the head and burn it.

I'm sure there is a lot of lore behind Vampires, and their abillities are quite complex and varied, but it's not my area of expertise. One thing I am sure about though is that "White Wolf" and "Anne Rice" have got it all wrong. The few I've met were ugly, deformed, "Noferastu" types that seemed about as intelligent as a rabid pit-bull.

Your girlfriend could just be playing with you. Nothing (including the 'burnng') is beyond the abillity of simple halloween shop F/X.

You are right, she could of been playing with me. Scared the hell out of me though.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 12:34 pm
by Lightning Plant
Geronimus wrote:there used to be a bunch of those folks here in New Orleans, but they all started disapearing one by one. Kinda ironic, ain't it?

I know I shoudn't be laughing, but I am anyway. :oops:

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 8:56 pm
by Ron Caliburn
i tell ya, those Role Playing Games were the best deal the demons ever stumbled on. Provided a whole generation of explanations for wierd behavoir.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 10:28 pm
by Lightning Plant
Ron Caliburn wrote:i tell ya, those Role Playing Games were the best deal the demons ever stumbled on. Provided a whole generation of explanations for wierd behavoir.

That may be, at least for the establishment, but they also have created thousands of people whose minds are more open to our particular cause.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 11:58 pm
by Sean O'Neil
I think people would have open minds no matter what, it isn't all about role-playing games.

Then again there are plenty of people who can't think outside the box.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 10:27 am
by Ron Caliburn
Lightning Plant wrote:That may be, at least for the establishment, but they also have created thousands of people whose minds are more open to our particular cause.

Yeah, but they are dangerously unskilled - or rather wrong skilled. They lack a fundamental understanding of how to deal with Real creatures.

I knew one who tried to attack a Hell Hound with a +8 Mace of Slaying - a toilet brush. It wasn't pretty when he woke up to the reality.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 2:52 pm
by Lightning Plant
Ron Caliburn wrote:Yeah, but they are dangerously unskilled - or rather wrong skilled. They lack a fundamental understanding of how to deal with Real creatures.

I knew one who tried to attack a Hell Hound with a +8 Mace of Slaying - a toilet brush. It wasn't pretty when he woke up to the reality.

That guy in particular is an idiot. I'm talking about the ones that have their wits about them.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 4:35 pm
by Sean O'Neil
Ron Caliburn wrote:
Lightning Plant wrote:That may be, at least for the establishment, but they also have created thousands of people whose minds are more open to our particular cause.

Yeah, but they are dangerously unskilled - or rather wrong skilled. They lack a fundamental understanding of how to deal with Real creatures.

I knew one who tried to attack a Hell Hound with a +8 Mace of Slaying - a toilet brush. It wasn't pretty when he woke up to the reality.

Yeah, any fool who wants to think a toilet brush is a mace got what was coming to him.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 6:30 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Lightning Plant wrote:That guy in particular is an idiot. I'm talking about the ones that have their wits about them.

Yep, he definitely was an idiot. Problem is, out of every hundred odd people who realize that there's nasty things in this world, probably about 80% don't know much more than this guy did.

The only thing more dangerous than the enemy is somebody who doesn't know what he's doing in a battle. He's more likely to get you killed than anything.

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 12:22 am
by Johnny Hunter
Vampires aren't that bad guys you just have to get on their good side and then you have nearly invincible back-up when your in trouble. If they do fight you a Lighter and being a Pyrokinetic works wonders.

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 12:57 am
by Sean O'Neil
Johnny Hunter wrote:Vampires aren't that bad guys you just have to get on their good side and then you have nearly invincible back-up when your in trouble. If they do fight you a Lighter and being a Pyrokinetic works wonders.

Hairspray works too.

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 12:10 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Sorry, I have a problem letting anything that considers me a food source cover my back.

how to spot a vampire

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 4:05 am
by randy_eh?
If anyone has tips on how to spot a vampire, please reply. I have been working on a vampire story for sometime now. The other day I thought I got my big break when I spotted a group of pale individuals wearing dark clothes roaming around a college campus late at night. They seemed to communicate with weird hand signals. I kept a safe distance and took some photos. However, when I showed them to my editor, he slapped me upside my head and said that I photographed a bunch of kids playing something called a "LARP". Any help would be appreciated.



Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 6:20 pm
by Sean O'Neil
Try walking up to them with some holy water and a cross. Wooden stakes come in handy too.

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 7:19 pm
by Ron Caliburn
A good permant marker should spot them nicely :-)

More seriously, get a dog, or a cat.

Neither react well to most nasties.

I think Dogs might listen to vamps though, so the cat's the better choice.


Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 4:39 am
by Demostar
Vampire/Demon war will break out soon--check out "Agency Voice" Board for details.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 7:22 pm
by Ron Caliburn
That's just what we need.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 12:26 am
by Sean O'Neil
Do you really think that Vampires are going to gather in such a large group?

Re: how to spot a vampire

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 4:26 pm
by Jack
randy_eh? wrote:If anyone has tips on how to spot a vampire, please reply. I have been working on a vampire story for sometime now. The other day I thought I got my big break when I spotted a group of pale individuals wearing dark clothes roaming around a college campus late at night. They seemed to communicate with weird hand signals. I kept a safe distance and took some photos. However, when I showed them to my editor, he slapped me upside my head and said that I photographed a bunch of kids playing something called a "LARP". Any help would be appreciated.



Don't bother writing your story it'll be buried by the government, or turned into tabloid disinformation. If you think you have spotted a vampire, kill it. It's the only way to be sure. If you can't, find someone who can. Trust your gut. Innocent blood may be spilled but, if that's what it takes to keep humanity safe, then that's what it takes. I know I wouldn't lose sleep over some vampire worshipping freaks who aspire to be like their masters.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 6:46 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Yeah, a fast takedwn is often the best option with those things. Of course, if you're still not sure if it's human or vamp, I suggest you find out first.

You don't want to waste an innocent kid if you can avoid it.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 8:10 pm
by Kolya
LARP? Sounds like an acronym for Live Action Role-Playing.

A group of them together might be much for you to handle, vampire or not.

Before shooting them with holy water from a squirt gun, I would seek some paranormal assistance (and backup) to help you determine whether or not these kids are vampires.

Re: how to spot a vampire

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 10:17 pm
by randy_eh?
Jack wrote:Don't bother writing your story it'll be buried by the government, or turned into tabloid disinformation. If you think you have spotted a vampire, kill it. It's the only way to be sure. If you can't, find someone who can. Trust your gut. Innocent blood may be spilled but, if that's what it takes to keep humanity safe, then that's what it takes. I know I wouldn't lose sleep over some vampire worshipping freaks who aspire to be like their masters.

You know, a LARP would make for a good front for a group of vampires, no? I wonder how many real vampires might lurk in a LARP. Perhaps this needs more investigation. As Koyla suggested, I think I should befriend someone rich in the paranormal to assist me...



Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 6:54 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I doubt vampires would do that. As far as I know, vampires come in two types; Slobbering Monsters and Narcicists(sp). Slobbering mosnter wouldn't fit in well enough to hide and the Narcicists wouldn't sink to that level.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 2:56 am
by Cipher
Hmm....when I was young and dumb (before I learned better) I played a LARP called vampire (everybody makes mistakes once). We actually played in San Francisco. There was this club that we went to that ....well, everybody in the club seemed to play the larp. Another odd thing. All you could get was water, red wine, or bloody marys to drink. Well, years after I had stopped playing (only played for about a month). Fox had a show on for a bit. I think the show was called Kindrid: The Embrace. Kinda funny, the club we played this larp at......well, that was the central location for this show. Some of the people on the show were people that I played the game with. Um, they didn't look any older. I'm talking like 5 years had passed and they looked the same. Another interesting tidbit is that the reason the show didn't continue was because after shooting the pilot and like 6 episodes, the Lead (the prince of the city) got in a fatal motorcycle accident in Europe. (BTW this is all true) So, what do you think about that?

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 4:31 am
by Kolya
That they age really well and were not really vampires?

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 4:54 am
by Cipher
Wheres the fun in that.