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I don't want to die...

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 1:49 am
by Billy J.

Uh, my name is Billy Jameson, I've only posted something once before. I never got a response. That was a while ago. I thought that something was wrong here, something maybe supernatural. Several people have died since then mysteriously. I do not even know where to begin to talk about this. I know that I asked for help, and now my sister Renee is also dead now.

I can't explain it, its like a cold wind that lurks in the shadows and the dark places. I think I have seen it once or twice, maybe. I do not know if what I saw was real or just another one of my delusions.
They tell me Renee died from a bad heart, but what 24 year old has a bad heart. It killed her, I know it did. I overheard the doctor's say that it looked like something simply crushed the life out of her,
I know what they are talking about.

It looks like a shadow, something you would see only out of the corner of your eye, then vanish.
It isn't human, I know that much, but each time I smell the earth of a fresh dug grave on a winter's morning. The air is always so cold and the lights tend to fade or flicker alot more now.

My friend Jason was killed by it, I think. They say he also died of a heart attack. Just way too much physical activity they say. Jason was 17 when he died. He was on the track team. He was in good health.
They won't see it though. The thing in the shadows. They just ignore it like you ignored my plea for help.

Now Renee is dead, Jason is dead,
Sally and Mitch are dead too. They are calling their death a double suicide. They loved each other. They were going to get married after school. Why would they?

It killed them too. I know it did. Its just a matter of time before it kills me. I hear it sometimes. It scratches at the walls, in the dark or at night. It whispers names to me, I think it knows that I can see it. Sometimes it see me back.

I am affraid.

Help me; please.

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 2:11 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
Do we have anyone who can deal with Spirits that can check this out? I'd go look but, as I told Ben tonight, if it can't be shot, knifed, or blown to smithereens i can't do anything about it.

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 4:29 am
by Shang Li
I am sorry about your friends. I am even sorrier that we missed your call for help. I wish I could help right now, but everytime I am active at the moment my nurse gives me a sedative that renders me immobile.

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 9:56 am
by Ron Caliburn
Sorry Billy,

Your timing was off. We had a lot of other things going on and you got lost in the shuffle.

Do we have any specialists with the ghosty type stuf available?

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 10:22 am
by Razor
Well, I used to do a fair amount of ghost hunting before I came to San Marcos, but... well we all are aware of my damn predicament. I so badly want to hop the fence here on site, over to the local airport and steal one of the Cessna's. At least then I could fly home in a few hours. (And yes, I do know how to pilot planes. :D )

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 10:58 am
by AdamaGeist
Prime example of issues we have... A comunity spread too thin in general, and when we do congregate, it just leaves further gaps.

Billy, you realy should have kept updating us on the situation. If we had known that it had turned serious, someone would have gotten involved earlier, rather than let it sit. As it is, I'll be heading out later today to come and investigate in person. I can only spare a few hours today, but it won't take me anything in travel times.

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 11:51 am
by Shang Li
I may be down but I am not yet out. If I am capable I will gladly help in an advisory role. (my nurse is getting increasingly inventive at ways to administer sedatives) On a good note I am allowed to at least watch my student train. (even the longest journey is begun by one small step)

Might want to look closely at the beings you call "mothman" here. The love of mind games and the stealth factor makes them sound possible.

Mr Jameson - if you need a safe place, and can reach Nashville Tn, my doors are open to you. (not many things that enter my dojo without permission leave in the same state as they enter)

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 1:09 pm
by Holister
AdamaGeist wrote:Prime example of issues we have... A comunity spread too thin in general, and when we do congregate, it just leaves further gaps.

Billy, you realy should have kept updating us on the situation. If we had known that it had turned serious, someone would have gotten involved earlier, rather than let it sit. As it is, I'll be heading out later today to come and investigate in person. I can only spare a few hours today, but it won't take me anything in travel times.

Adam is right. This is not how things should get done. This poor guy sounds scared out of his mind.
He sounded familiar, so I looked back and found a similar plea for help last month under CLASSIFIEDS.
Only Pendragon answered it, asking for others to help. No one did.

Im in NYCright now, but I am going to hop a flight and head down. This guy needs help, I know what that is like. I going to PM (private message) you. Just let me know where and when fella.

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 2:22 pm
by DarKnyht
Sorry we missed your post, be as others have said it is hard to find time to deal with things. I've been tied up the last two weeks with a major system upgrade for my employer and it took me out of the fight.

Please keep in mind I am by no means an expert at spirits, but here is what little I know. I seem to have a gift for sensing the things that are not noticed by others, and as such I have spent a lot of time trying to research and learn how to deal with what I sense. I am not sure what exactly you are dealing with, but it does sound like a spirit or demon.

Salt has long been known as a natural barrier to demons and spirits, they cannot cross over a unbroken line of it. If make a circle of salt around you (or preferably an area you are going to be in for a while) or place salt at all windows and doors, then unless the demon is already inside the area you prevent it from getting to you.

If you know anything more about this things contact me. The more information we have the easier it is to figure out exactly what you are dealing with.

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 4:44 pm
by Billy J.
AdamaGeist wrote:Billy, you really should have kept updating us on the situation. If we had known that it had turned serious, someone would have gotten involved earlier, rather than let it sit.

Im sorry. I only have had limited acces to a computer here at the clinic. There is only two, and we are only allowed 15 minutes each when we are allowed. My parents got me a lap top during there last visit. Hopefully I could keep in touch with them better now.

When no one responded the first time, I though I was crazy. Maybe I was seeing things. It is so hard now with the kemo treatments. I am always so tired. Maybe I was seeing things. After Renee died, I knew differently.

Maggie down the hall hall passed away last night. The nurses tell me it was " just her time to go " and
that " she is in a much better place now. " I know different. I know he killed her. She was a nice lady. She had two children and three grandchildren. Her familiy always came to visit on the weekends to see her. More than my familiy does.

Reverend Greene also died recently. No body around here wants to talk about it. They get pale and quiet.
Its out there, in the shadows. They don't want to see it, but I do.

It is the darkness, waiting, watching. It knows that I can see it. Oh God, don't let it get me.
I'm sorry, didn't mean to get cancer. Please don't let it kill me.

Please Help Me!

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 10:55 pm
by KonThaak
Oh...oh god. I'm sorry I missed this before... I'm sorry I didn't reply until now... I've had so much going on...


Adama, you said you were going out there... What did you find...?

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 12:13 am
by Holister
I don't know much bout spirits and ghosts, but I am coming to help.
I just finished up here in NY and Im in Kennedy now. Ill be heading down and should be arriving no later than tomorrow night. Hang on kid, Ben Holister is on the way.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 1:26 am
by Gothicfox
I'm in Alabama right now, I can drive over and see what is going on. Just pm me the address.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 3:20 am
by Shadowstalker
Got a few comments here, don't take any of them the wrong way. First off I will add my own aplogy for not responding sooner. Next Holister, Gothicfox not to put to fine a point on this but if this thing is some kind of spirt the two of you may not be able to be of much help, admitedly I don't know that for sure with Gothic but Holister unless somethings about you have changed drasticly you are more a target than a help, and I don't see you putting Molly in the field of Fire any time soon. Now all that is said if I have misjudged please inform me by PM as you may not want to advertise. Now due to things quieting down of late I can also offer my help along with your own and Adama's I have a few people who can be of some help besides myself. Also I was wondering Billy J. you said you have Cancer What kind and what stage please, also Adama if you could give a Heads Up on the situation that would be helpful?

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 3:28 am
by Shang Li
As a trained member of the law enforcement community Mr. Holister can do more than you seem to think Shadowstalker. Even if he cannot directly combat the thing, he can gather information. I belive it is probable that he can help smooth out some of the paperwork required at getting certain bits of information. (I know I cannot walk into a courthouse and ask for someones old records) Also it is likely that Mr. Holister can comunicate with the local precinct and at least keep them out of the teams hair. (don't you hate having to avoid the police at the same time you are running down a stubborn target?)

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 3:43 am
by Shadowstalker
This is true Master Li. Truth is I can do the same thing being that I also am a L.E.O. myself, I am also able to get the paper work to back me up if need be. My concern is more the safety of Holister as it is possible that this thing could perhaps kill him and he would be unable to defend himself, I do not underestimate Holisters abilities but nor do I seek to underestimate the possible threat, as that is a fast way to ones own death. At the present time I did not say that he or Gothic should not go, but merely that until the threat is undrestood they should use care in trying to deal with it.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 3:53 am
by Shang Li
I apologise for daring to assume I understood your prior statement. As for Mr. Holister being killed without the ability to defend himself, I sent Okikan along to watch for those things Mr Holister cant see. (Sorry Mr. Holister it is not that I dont trust your judgement, it is just that Okikan lives in the spirit world and is well attuned to it.)

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 8:55 am
by Holister
Ok guys, Im in the town now. I got a room at the local motel. I haven' seen anyone else yet from Lazlo.
Im exhausted, so Im gonna get a one or two of sleep and head over to the clinic.

Let me tell you though, this place is creepy. There is deffinitely somethin' going on. Drivin into town, it was like a morgue. Ill give you updates as they happen.

Thanks for the backup Shang. Good to know you got my back.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 12:26 pm
by AdamaGeist
Alright, here are the notes...

First off, I want someone with Psychic surgery to get around here, see if you can help Billy out. Honestly, I need multiple teams of healers, and I might just want to summon another water elemental. That hospital he's in needs to be emptied of people, FAST.

I Don't know exactly what's there, but I don't like it. Couldn't get enough of a beed on it, it kept running away from me, but it seems to be centered there and heading out from there to touch the rest of the town. It's malicious, and it's feeding. The cycle of death probably will continue, if not escilate.

Hollister, I'm not coming back without healing backup, getting people out of there is the first priority. But if you go, check out the basements of the hospital, keep a good stock of lights, and I'll see about getting you some wards before you go down. This thing is not physical, but I think what brought it to this world is down there.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 12:38 pm
by Holister
Don't rush Ada. The kid's dead. I just got back from the clinic. He died last night from "complications due to his cancer. "

I checked his medical records, he was recovering. The kid was only 12
years old. DAMN IT! How the hell did we let this happen.

I also managed to nab some other files while I was there. I read up on them and post what I find. Ill also be heading to the M.E. in town. Apparently there has ben 36 deaths in this town over the past two months from alledged "natural cuases". Mostly heart attacks, strokes, or suicides.

This kid reached out to us, and we let him down. I got a looj at his room. He obviously liked to read, watch football, and draw. He kept a notebook of everything that was happening. I saw one of the nurses throwing it away with his sketch book. Why would they do that?

Adam, I starting reading it and I looked through the sketch book.
How many wards you got?

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 12:48 pm
by Ron Caliburn
A kid. Why do they always go after the kids?

Any notes as to how he found us?

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 12:53 pm
by AdamaGeist
DAMNIT! Damnit, if I had come earlier... I could've... Damnit...

I can make wards, Ben. I can make as many as needed. Send me a copy of those notes if you can, too.

I want whatever did this dead and gone. Destroyed. I swear it...

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 1:52 pm
by Gothicfox
He really picked up the pace, whatever it is.

I think is ghost of some kind. While I was sneaking around on the hospital grounds something homed in on me. Might have to do with some tomb stones I found. They were covered over with lichen and tall grass. I cleared that out and there it was.

It looked like one of those orbs you see in pictures, only briefly did it show a more human form when it tried to get aggressive. Nothing special really happen, more of a battle of wills and I think it realized I could do it some harm if it wanted to tangle.

It happen at night after I came into town, so I guess that would mean it went after Billy after it left me.

Think I'm going to read up on this place at the library.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 1:57 pm
by Holister
I learned a bit about Billy, I did the whole CSI of his room at the clinic. I found salt rows in front of the door and the windows. Any idea why?

I also found a single drop of blood o the sheets. Just one. The nurses and doctors didn't notice or even seem to care. I have it being processed anyway; DNA, C-Date, the whole nine yards.

As for Ron's impertant question. He found the society from an on line ad of all places for The Lazlo Agency. He was just directed to go to us.

Guys, from what Im lookin' at here, this thing has been around killing folks for nearly two months. I did
some checking around the clinic, to many damn secrets at that place.
The basement was sealed off. So I went to see where this Reverend Greene died.

Guys, no autopsy was performed. They sent out the body for burial ASAP. That is just odd in my book.

I sprayed the room down where they found the body. Someone cleaned it up nice, because I found trace blood sprays everywhere. With a large puddle under the bed.

This whole frickin' town is watchin' me too. So if you guys get here, Im staying at The Lazy 8's motel of Deptford Lane. Be quick about, I can't place my finger on it, but I think this town is purposely coverin' for this thing.

Oh by the way, Billy's lovin'parents can't be bothered to pick up the body until next week because they don't want to cut their Caribean Cruise short. Hows that for family love.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 2:01 pm
by Ron Caliburn
My question was very pertenant.

I was trying to establish if someone who knows of the Society had any contact with Billy before he died.

Apparently nobody did.

I hope that helps your investigation.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 2:09 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
I'm on my way and I'm bringing some toys that haven't seen the light of day in awhile.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 2:09 pm
by Dorian Gray
Ron Caliburn wrote:A kid. Why do they always go after the kids?

Because they are weak pathetic hunters, why go after those that could do you some harm when you can get a free easy meal from the young or the injured.

But from what Holister has said I don't think it's a what is killing them but more of a who is, no proper place of healing would of acted in that way towards people who have died.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 2:11 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Most SupNats are PPE Predators, and children have.... the highest PPE levels! Especially teenagers.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 2:12 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Dorian might be onto something there, it reminds me of the "skilled, caring professionals" where Gabrielle and I used to live.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 3:14 pm
by Shadowstalker
Ron that is a down right worrisome thought, particularly in light of Rose's latest efforts towards finding out what is going on with Gabrielle. It seems some paperwork that she filed to get more info just vanished not just denied gone as if it was never filed. Well I will be there in a days time, see you then Ben.