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Permanent Nap?

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 1:53 am
by Ron Caliburn
On Jan 14th, Bloodbane wrote:In the meantime, if I don't post news about Ron's clone by the end of the night, then something has gone horribly wrong.

Normally I don't really pay attention or care about his ilk, but this was the last we heard of him and suppsoedly he was going to have a discussion with Not Me.

Not that I'm worried about him, but if he learned soemthing useful I would like to hear it.

If not, a monster killing a monster don't really make me cry.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:59 pm
Don't worry Ronnie, I'll be there for you. And you alone.

Then Holy Hollister is NEXT

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 4:13 pm
by Holister
NAIN ROUGE wrote:Don't worry Ronnie, I'll be there for you. And you alone.

Then Holy Hollister is NEXT

Once again, its HOLISTER you Hooked On Phonics reject. Damn, can't you spell. Guess you were tobusy watching Beevis & Butthead.
You want a piece of me wacko, then just bring it. Like I said before, put up or shut up. If Ron doesn't kick your sorry ass back to the luny bin, Ill be more than happy to do it for him.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 4:17 pm
You still do not understand who it is you are dealing with....

Beg me for mercy now and i may forgive your foul chowder filled mouth.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 4:23 pm
by Willie Long
NAIN ROUGE wrote:Don't worry Ronnie, I'll be there for you. And you alone.

I doubt that. Ain't you payin' attention? Adama is floating around.


Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 4:24 pm
by Razor
Wow, he sure does like to talk about a mouth full of white stuff... He's got to be the expert on that one.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 4:25 pm
by Holister
Don't waste your time tryin' to explain things to this guy Willie, he had so much trouble with my name. 8-)

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:20 pm
by Kolya
NAIN ROUGE wrote:Beg me for mercy now and i may forgive your foul chowder filled mouth.
"foul chowder filled mouth" - you made Mountain Dew come out of my nose.

Reminds me of that time at The Brick..

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:39 am
by Ron Caliburn
yeah . . . anyway . . . any leads on the blood sucker?

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:47 am
by KonThaak
Yeah, he was here just now... He said something about Comcast shut down his Internet...

Hey, Ron, you'll never guess who else was here...

I'll have to explain tomorrow. So damned exhausted... Bad things really do come in sets of threes... Thank all that's holy that so do good things...

Sorry, just glad to be alive right now. Need sleep.


Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:56 am
by Ron Caliburn
I'm sort of disapointed in all honesty.

But good for him for not getting wiped out by the Not Me.

If I can just get him to stand and fight I should be able to handle him.

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 7:51 am
by KonThaak
I'll post what I have time for now, and whatever's left, I'll post after I get home from work today. (If I have work... Been slim pickin's past couple days...)

I logged off right around midnight (local time), and went to bed. My dragons were on high alert to watch for anything suspicious, and it wasn't more than a half hour later, I was snapped back awake by them informing me that there was a vampiric entity in the set of townhouses next to ours.

I got up, threw on a shirt, some pants over my sweatpants, and grabbed Claw and my trench, and ran outside in some slip-on shoes I keep by the door. It was frigid outside, and there was still fresh snow on the ground from earlier, and it wasn't long before I was shivering, between anticipation, exhaustion, and cold.

One of my neighbors screamed, running outside, a vampire squatting in her doorway on all fours, grinning. It waited until she was out past her porch, and pounced...

I was there in an instant, slicing at the thing with Claw, and cursing myself for not bringing anything to use as a stake... I got its attention. It never spoke, and it fought like some kind of rabid animal, leading me to believe it was one of those Wilds I hear about from time to time...

It was fast. Real damned fast. Lady made it back to her house alright, 'cuz it fought me with bloody single-mindedness... It had apparently either forgotten about her, or didn't care, anymore, by that point.

I was scoring some hits, but it was scoring more hits on me... I don't think I've ever seen a vampire move that fast. I doubt it was just because it was Wild... That was when I heard the engine of a motorcycle scream down my court. There was a moment's hesitation in our fight, as the thing sniffed the air and grinned widely... Then Bloodbane's motorcycle screeched onto our driveway, and the report of a shotgun took the thing down, one silver slug blowing half its head off.

He wasted no time in staking it while it struggled to regenerate, and I struggled to get together a healing spell for myself.


TBC, 'cuz I've gotta get to work...

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 1:44 am
by KonThaak
Sorry, in advance, if this post seems a bit out of sorts... My guardians had to help me recall about half the details. I was really out of it, even after I was given my strength back...


So, yeah, I can hear Ron and Willie reading the first part of this account and saying, "Wait, he fired a shotgun in city limits?"

Our neighbors (in a townhouse community, we have a lot of 'em) were all awake at that point, and looking out windows and doors, trying to discreetly figure out what was going on. It wouldn't be long before the cops were called.

As Bloodbane took the skull of the vamp's skeleton and lit both body and skull on fire with a zippo, I frowned. "Not to sound ungrateful, but what're you doing here?"

"The nightmare beast led me here."

"Nightmare...? You mean--"

"Mr. Asshole, himself," he replied with a smirk. "So has anyone worried about my sudden reappearance and disappearance?"

I thought about the post Ron had made a couple nights ago. "Er... Not really."

"Don't worry, [Bloodbane], the world hasn't turned upside-down, yet. Nobody cares about a monster like you." We turned to the mouth of the driveway, where Mr. Asshole himself was standing, next to a creature that was blatantly demonic. Its skin looked almost black in the dim lighting of the cul-de-sac, its eyes glowed red, and it had a huge pair of wings growing from its back.

"And you, [KonThaak]," Mr. Asshole continued, turning to me. "What will people think when they know you were consorting with a beast like this?"

I was exhausted...spiritually and mentally, completely fatigued. I was freezing, on top of that, and my teeth were chattering hard...which probably took a lot of the bite out of it when I said, "Me, working with a monster? My, Mr. Kettle, we're looking awfully black today, aren't we?"

"This is...a mutual arrangement," the demon spoke. "We're using each other to get what we want."

I caught sight of Bloodbane twitching from the corner of my eye. Turning to glance at him, I saw his face curled into a scowl, shooting death glares at the demon. I figured then we were dealing with Nebuchadnezzar himself.

There were sirens not far off, then... Asshole turned to Nebs. "Deal with them..."

"NO!" Nebs vanished, and less than a minute later, there was an explosion, and the sirens ceased. I was numb...and I felt myself losing consciousness fast. "Dammit!" I saw Bloodbane brandish a katana, and rush Asshole... I saw a number of forms converging on him, fast, and sensed more coming my way.

I felt Claw start wielding himself, but I couldn't see what he was protecting me against. I just knew I was fading. I had no adrenaline left to even keep me awake for a fight to save my own life.

...and then a warm hand reached from behind me and grabbed my wrist. A second hand touched my back, and lifted me fully onto my feet. Wamth seeped rapidly into my limbs, and a female voice spoke into my mind, Honestly, giving up already? I thought better of you...

I blinked. I had energy. I had life.

And a spirit-woman who was the spitting image of my wife's prized Asian ball-jointed doll was adding her strength to Claw's, successfully keeping three vampires at bay.

"...the hell?" I asked.

Can't talk, fighting, was Claw's intelligible response.

If you're awake enough to take care of yourself, now, there are other things that need attending to... And then she was gone.

The vampires moved damned fast, just like the Wild one...but now I wasn't exhausted, and I didn't feel sleep-deprived. I couldn't take the time to watch Bloodbane's fight, but I could tell by the four skeletons at his feet and the several shapes around him that he was doing all right. The entire time, Asshole and Nebs just stood by, watching and smirking.

I suppose it was one helluva late-night show for our neighbors.

I got the upper hand on my vampires, with Claw's help... (Once again, I wouldn't be here if not for him.) Bloodbane was finishing the last of his... And then the spirit of Victoria (my wife's doll) showed up again, planting herself in front of Asshole and Nebs, hands on her hips, looking as pissed as ever.

She wasn't alone. Our other dragon, Cubrious, was towering over her, visible as day to anyone watching...

"I don't care what you're doing, get the HELL away from our home!" Cubrious rumbled his agreement.

Nebs growled and moved, lunging for Tori...but Cubrious' tail was faster, and sent him flying. He landed near Bloodbane, who beheaded him cleanly... The last thing we heard of him was his mirthless laughter echoing off the walls of our neighbors' townhouses...

Tori looked at Asshole. "Need I repeat myself?"

"I don't know who you are, woman, but you're in my--"

She backhanded him.

And while I will never admit it around her, I think what caused him to vanish was that Cubrious bore down on him a moment later, making as if to chomp.

Either which way, he vanished. Again. Leaving us with a couple piles of vamps, and innocent casualties.

Victoria went back to her doll, looking smugly satisfied with herself. Cubrious went back to guarding the house. One of Bloodbane's friends' dads is a police detective who's brushed things under the rug for him in the past... With casualties involved, it became messier to do, but even with eyewitness accounts, there was no evidence I had done anything wrong.

I apparently have my neighbor's respect.

And my wife's Asian ball-jointed doll spent the half hour between the time Bloodbane left until the time the cop arrived to question me, berrating me for not noticing two vampires sneak into the house. She also seemed quite smug over the fact that she took care of them, herself.

Cubrious later admitted he'd helped. A little.

All in all, I have a new spirit in a house full of spirits, and I'm alive. That counts for something.

Despite the craptacular day at work that followed.

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 1:49 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
Well, hmmm. Interesting and I'm glad you got out of it alive. Oh yeah, I have some goodies for ya.

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 1:54 am
by KonThaak
Yeah, I think you mentioned in the other thread... What are they?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 2:03 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
A more or less ordinary web belt with various pouches and holsters attached, one of those wooden-bladed knives I carry, a four barreled .22 Derringer with silver and iron rounds for it. All of it fits on the belt. Just something to keep with your sword. Grabbing one should mean grabbing both. Extra pouches and holsters included for random things like extra stakes, home made charms and items, etc.

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:01 am
by Ron Caliburn
It's seeking allies . . . great. Next thing you know It will have pulled in that mothman that got away ffrom me and Koy or soemthing.

I'm glad you and the family are okay KT.

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:57 am
by KonThaak
Thanks, Ron. Gotta say, that was the most bizarre night ever.

My guess is that he wanted me dead, and knew he couldn't use kiddie gloves to get the job done. He found Nebs through the one time he was in my dream... According to Bloodbane, that guy practically advertises where he is, to taunt his enemies and attract partners in crime, so to speak.

So the two of them hooked up and made some kind of business arrangement. At least that's my guess, judging by the fact that Nebs referenced that they're "using each other".

Unless you wanna take that the wrong way, which is fine by me. =P

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 1:47 pm
by Ron Caliburn
So my devil is making deals with demons . . . great. I'll sleep much better now.