Board Pollution

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Board Pollution

Post by Razor »

Personally, I agree that some people do have the proper right to call themselves Otherkin, but others are just retards really.

Even I, as a high-power kind of person, don't claim to be a decendant of such things as they. And I do have memories of past lives. I've died several times, the last of which was in a car crash with my wife in that life. (Which sucked cuz I was driving so it was pretty much my fault.) Before that was in the first few months of Vietnam, before we got smart. (In comparison to an orange anyway.)

Even so, of all the ones I remember, I've never claimed such a reincarnation. I doubt that many others have that right either.
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Post by KonThaak »

Well, Razor, no offense intended by this, but if you have memories of past lives, I should *hope* you've died several times. =P Not that I'm saying more Razors running around wouldn't be cool; just that I see a lot of problems inherent with someone not dying before moving on to their next life.

Then again, maybe that's what happened with Bush... o_O
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Post by KonThaak »

Razor wrote:I would like to say one thing.

Murder is the way of nature. I know at first that comment sounds... probably extremely evil, but I have a point.

When you got out to a forest, and you see it in all its radiant glory, murder is all around you. Now, we all label it as survival, but in the end, it is what it is. And in truth, we favor it. (Now I've really gone off the deep end, eh?)

Say you're walking through this forest, and you come across two pine-trees sitting side by side. One grows tall and proud, stretching into the morning sky to soak up the sun and all its radiant glory, siphoning its energy from that limitless source of life over 83 million miles away. The one beside it is smaller, and dull brown in places, bent and slightly gnarled with its needles falling off in patches. Now, which one would you more like to look at?

The healthy tree has its branches intermingled with the smaller one, and you can tell that their root systems are too close together. The bigger one litterally has the smaller one in a stranglehold, and in a few years (a few moments in the lifetime of a tree) the smaller one will be dead wood.

Just as the tree murders to survive, the herbivore murders the plant to survive, and just as the herbivore murders the plant, the carnivore kills the herbivore... and so on.

All in all, humans are the highest grossing killers of all time. We are the most advanced predators on the planet. We learn, we think, we make tools, we adapt, we create tactics and strategies... all so we can kill our food faster, as well as each other. Not even apes, savage as they are and can be, are as bad as we are in that regard. The smarter we get the worse we are to each other. Ever noticed that?

In the end, we're all quite similar. STFU.

From another thread.

The problem with this logic is that part of the definition of "murder" is "to intentionally kill without justifiable cause or reason". If one kills to feed, it isn't murder. If a tree kills a weaker, smaller tree because they're growing too close together, it isn't murder.

If a cat toys with a mouse until it's dead, then leaves it to find more interesting things to THAT's murder. That does happen, but outside the feline genus, it tends to be the exception rather than the rule. (Hell, most cats eat the rodentia they hunt, alive, so even then they even then it's more the exception than the rule.)

Labeling it all as "murder" is about the same as Agent Smith in the Matrix calling humanity a virus. Sure, we grow beyond the means of our niche, and we spread and destroy ecosystems around us...but ALL life would do that, if it could. All species of life in the world spread as far and as hard as they have the means to, and proceed to go through resources as if they will never run out.

The fact is, though, that every other non-viral specie on the planet, with the possible exception of the cockroach, competes with enough of their surrounding species (or with their own setbacks, such as environment or slow breeding) that they all start to balance each other out.

Bonus points to anyone who can remind the rest of us why dingoes were introduced into Australia!

The fact is, if one compares humanity to a virus, then it would be hypocritical not to recognize that all life is a virus...and it isn't murder if you don't go out with the specific intention of killing another, or do it for a better reason than "just 'cuz you can".
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Post by AdamaGeist »

Rabbits, for the bonus points.
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Post by Kolya »

Dogs will kill without eating. That is one way folks know if they are dealing with dogs or coyotes.
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Post by technomancer »

Kolya wrote:Dogs will kill without eating. That is one way folks know if they are dealing with dogs or coyotes.

So do most humans. :wink:
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Post by Holister »

Greetin's From Maine

Firt off, I think its funny as hell how easily this whole subject gor thrown off track from one topic all the way here. Only in Lazlo right.

Now were talking about nature's own indiscrimination toward itself and man's role, its purpose in that eternal struggle. Ok then, lets wax philisophical for a moment.

Consider this, as harsh as nature is, it is perfect. It has existed it all its grace and wonder for ages well beyond that of humanity's interfearance. The whole world went to shit when we showed up.

Did ya know that other than ants, man is the only species on this planet of ours that wages war.

Hell we kill each other each and every day by the thousands for shits & giggles. (That's progress for ya). What nature does in and too itself is an intricate balance of instinct, intuition, and survival, but also beuaty, compassion, and love that delves far deeper than we could hope for.

In this mans opinion, we have sacraficed alot to be at "the top of the food chain", and we can never get that back. We ignorantly claim dominance because we have an opposable thumb and can count to ten. Big deal.

It was best said by Mr. Shroud that humankind is so unkind. And as a LEO, I tend to agree. When you got children ut in the street no more than 5 or 6, killing other kids just for laughs, we have a problem with "our" society. Just turn on the news at night, and you'll see for yourself the blatent signs of how we as a race suck in general.
Hell we do more to destroy ourselves day after day than all the legions of Hell and Heaven combined.

But I would like to think we are not just some evolutionary dead end, that we can truly evolve in to something better. I have alsoseen first hand the compassion and humility of mankind too. Each time I look into my Molly's eyes, I see the reason why I know we are not lost yet.

The past can not be rewritten for it has already come and gone, the future is not worth worryin over for what will be will be, we can only truly concern ourselves with the here and now, by learning from nature and try to improve ourselves as a species, by putting a little more "humility" back into humanity.

I don't care who ya are, that's some good comentary right there!

Happy Huntin'
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Post by Kolya »

technomancer wrote:
Kolya wrote:Dogs will kill without eating. That is one way folks know if they are dealing with dogs or coyotes.

So do most humans. :wink:
Do you mean "so do most humans that kill" or "so do most humans kill without eating" ?

I think the first one..
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Post by Holister »

I belive that it retoric illuminating mans primal killer nature toward itself.
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Post by Kolya »

Sure, but that is not ultimate. Still, there is a significant difference between "most kill" and "most that kill".
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Post by Holister »

Just philisophical technicalities.
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Post by technomancer »

If I've been reincarnated I'm sure glad I don't remember any of it. I'll probably have done something really stupid.

Kolya wrote:
technomancer wrote:
Kolya wrote:Dogs will kill without eating. That is one way folks know if they are dealing with dogs or coyotes.

So do most humans. :wink:
Do you mean "so do most humans that kill" or "so do most humans kill without eating" ?

I think the first one..

Sorry, I was just being mischievious by mentioning that most humans don't eat their prey either. Although there are some exceptions to that.

Holister mentioned that humans are killing each other for "shits & giggles" but the sad part I don't think that's the case. They're killing each other for "good reasons" like politics, religion or honor. Crazy isn't it?

But then that's why I avoid leaving my workshop.
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Post by Holister »

Buddy there is no "good" reason for murder, cept maybe if Ron's in a bad mood *-).
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Post by Kolya »

Holister wrote:Just philisophical technicalities.
Which could lead to dangerous behaviour.
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Post by Holister »

"amen" comrade.
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Post by technomancer »

Holister wrote:Buddy there is no "good" reason for murder, cept maybe if Ron's in a bad mood *-).

Sorry bro, but I can think up a few good reasons. I'm a father so I'm sorry to sink so low to prove a point. What if someone "messed" with Molly? Looking at your sig I figure you would give 'em both barrels.

I don't go around killing folks but there is evil that doesn't belong in the gene pool.
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Post by Holister »

You are correct, if anyone hurt my Molly or Sarah I would give them both barrels, reload, and use em again. That doen't make it right though.
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Post by Shang Li »

Right? no. Understandable? yes. Honorable? that depends on if they are shot down in cold blood, or given the chance to defend themselves. Given my past, however i have no room to judge anyone. all i can do is hope to spread a little light that not all who walk paths of darkness must learn from their own mistakes - i hope that some can learn from mine.

PS Holister if it would not offend your sensibilities i would like to talk with the young niece that Okikan keeps going on about. (the one that "petted" him)
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Post by Crosshair MT »

Well my past has been very questionable as far as haveing killed people. Personally I belive what I did was for the greater good of all around me, to eliminate the scum who were pushing a poison on the innocent. Was I right in doing the murders? Was it my place to do the crimes? Hell no I was not right by the very laws I enforced as a LEO, but I watched hundreds of peoples lives ruined by this drug. When my wife was killed in a gun fight between two dealers, for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I watched my fellow officers bring the garbage in and then watched as they paid for a high end lawyer get them off with a slap on the wrist. I snapped and had to do something to prevent this from continueing, I do not feel that I was a evil person and I stopped when the problem was no more upon arriving here.

I aso feel I was the only person willing to take care of the problems I saw going on every day. I have been forced to kill other humans here recently. A mage who decided to kill me first after I destroyed a Dybbuk and the members of the cult here a few weeks ago. I only killed the ones trying to kill me, the rest died due to thier leader blowing the building out with thier fuel bombs. I will have to live with these incidents and answer to what ever power there is that I face at my end. I will continue to do as I must to protect the majority of innocents.

Does this make me a evil person? I don't belive so and hope my actions will show me as I am, a man determined to save people from things few or no one else will.

Crosshair MT
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Post by Kolya »

Carry on Crosshair MT.
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Post by Holister »

As an LEO in Bangor I had to shoot and kill a 14 year old kid with a Mac-10 that tried to shoot me. With one shot I dropped him. It was self-defense, I was doing my job. It doesn't change the fact that a 14 year old kid threw his life away and that I was the one who had to take out the trash. Was I right, legally and professionally yes, moralely, no. It didn't have to come to it, but as a race, our own destructive impulses comsume us, so even the best of us lapse at times.
What I did was neccasary, but still wrong. What Crosshairs did was he lesser of two evils, but an evil none the less. There is good spin on murder, no septic subsituion for killing. Death is death no matter how you dictate its terms or conditions.
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Post by Deathblaster »

Yeah! Just ask Celeste! She knows ALLLLLLLLLL about death!


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Celeste Darken
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Death . . . a little

Post by Celeste Darken »

What on earth is that supposed to be . . . .?

. . .?!

Deathblaster . . . .

You are pushing your limits fast and hard.

And that is not a compliment. My signature line is no idle comment. While I’m mature enough to let these childish taunts slide . . . .
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Post by Deathblaster »

Wel I take it as a compliment! Image

And the cup is um, filled with grape juice. Image
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Post by Holister »

Cee don't waste your time or your breath on this looser. His days here are numbered he just dosen't know it yet. He is a big a ain in the ass as NAIN ROUGE and Gothicfox, and both of them got slammed as well. Give this clown enough rope and he'll hang himself.

Deathblaster, consider this a friendly warning. Push the folks on these boards, and they will push back, hard.
So knock of off the crap.
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As you have told me

Post by Celeste Darken »

Holister wrote:As an LEO in Bangor I had to shoot and kill a 14 year old kid with a Mac-10 that tried to shoot me. With one shot I dropped him. It was self-defense, I was doing my job. It doesn't change the fact that a 14 year old kid threw his life away and that I was the one who had to take out the trash. Was I right, legally and professionally yes, moralely, no. It didn't have to come to it, but as a race, our own destructive impulses comsume us, so even the best of us lapse at times.
What I did was neccasary, but still wrong. What Crosshairs did was he lesser of two evils, but an evil none the less. There is good spin on murder, no septic subsituion for killing. Death is death no matter how you dictate its terms or conditions.

As you’ve told me, Ben . . . we all have our skeletons in the closet. Morals are not as grey as we would like them to be. I’ll admit, sometimes we have a difficult time finding out what is “right” and “wrong,” per se . . . but there is always a right or a wrong. There is no justification, and wickedness never was happiness. In my opinion, if the choices become a matter of choosing between the “lesser of two evils,” then the lesser evil becomes the right choice.

Ben, I believe you made the right choice. Was it difficult? I’ll bet it was. Did you wish you hadn’t done it? Very likely. But that doesn’t change the fact that you did. Nor does that change the fact that you still feel responsible.

But now I would ask you . . . have you done everything in your power to make it right? The problem with death, of course, is that it is irreversible. It’s not like returning something you stole, or offering up community service to return a vandalized church to its former perfection. But what have you done to make it right?
Death isn’t a state of nothingness. It’s a journey. What path are you forging?
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Post by Holister »

I send anynomonous contributions to their church for a program to stop gang violence and to get guns off the streets. Maybe his little brother will have a chance to grow up then.
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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And is the Guilt Gone?

Post by Celeste Darken »

And is the guilt gone, Ben? Probably not; but you are doing what I can.

So am I. I just haven’t gotten there yet.
Death isn’t a state of nothingness. It’s a journey. What path are you forging?
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Post by Deathblaster »

take a right at Albaquerque and follo the yellow brivk road.

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Post by Holister »

Your right, I dosen't get rid of the guilt, but it helps aleviate it.

You can't keep letting what you did while under Boaz's control devour you Cee. I won't let it. That wasn't you, that was somone else, and that person is no longer here.
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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