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A taste of home.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 2:25 pm
by Silhouette
I really hate computers, but I guess this message board thing has some potential.

How many of you have ever heard of these incidents:

For those of you in the agency who don't know me I'm from the little bit of hell on earth we all know as Africa. I don't have a national affliation, do don't ask. The term 'professional refugee' or 'mercenary gueriella' pretty well summarizes my life.

Probably the closest thing to an actual 'war story' that I have is how I came to the US. Basically some of your geniuses in the UN decided to build one of their soup kitchen/hospitals on the former site of one of those British concentration camps. Drawing people in with the promise of experimental French "AIDS Vaccine" shots.

They set off some kind of a supernatural chain reaction, and turned the area into miniture third world version of a "Zombie Apocolypse". I traded my expertise in dealing with such things for US citizenship and a pile of cash.

Of course as far as anyone knows one of the local crime lords was simply after the food and medicine.

Now I post messages about stuff like this on open forums to thumb my noses at those who didn't deliver the ten million american dollars that was supposed to go with the citizenship. Not that anyone takes me seriously mind you.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 6:23 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Any idea why the site went crazy on ya? Was it just the mass death or did something more have a hand in it. Perhaps that Kitchener fella had to disappear without a trace for a reason.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 11:07 pm
by Silhouette
No idea. Things got pretty tense, but I was hired to help deal with the walking dead, nothing more.

It could have been some ritual some of the refugees were doing, a goverment experiment, or maybe something funky they were putting into the vaccines. The UN might know more than they are letting on, but if they do the people on scene were either ignorant or very good actors.

Many of the corpses seemed quite old, so I personally lean towards the simple 'disturbed site' theory. Of course it occurs to me that if this happened once there, it could happen again.

It goes without saying that I'm a bit wary about how easily I obtained citizenship to the country of my choice. I suspect that I was being kept under surveillance when I first arrived, but I've adapted to America quite well and I don't think they have even the slightest clue where I am.

Take the internet connection I'm using. If it wasn't magical enough as it was, the guy who set it up for me has so much security on it that I doubt even Lazlo's codeheads could find me easily.