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Of Heretics & Matyrs

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 10:09 am
by Stephen
A thank you is in order for all of your valiant effort and steadfast courage in Maine a few weeks ago. Without your best efforts to challenge and defeat
Arawn and The Ancients, the release of my dark master from
Abadon would not have been at all possible. You see it was I who opened that ninth gate, knowing all too well the end result and the predictability of heroes. While you were all watching the front door, all I need do was wait and slip my master out the back amidst the battle. No need for my men or myself to jeopodize ourselves when you could not only find the way in, but to slay my master's warden and destroy his prision all in one fell swoop. I commend you all for job well done.

Quite an elaborate sceme for a prision break wouldn't you agree gentlemen.

Well a new year is about to dawn upon us, a special year. With this must I part for now, adieu.

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 8:42 pm
by BraveSirRobin
So at what point do you plan on putting us all in an elaborate and easily escapable deathtrap?

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 8:53 pm
by Crosshair MT
Most likely this is a fruit as my friend would put it. If you are telling the truth then we will deal with you and your "master" when you are foolish enough to draw attention to your self. Just look through the threads on this forum and see how many of your kind have been neutralized by this society. And think on that before you do something stupid.

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 11:49 pm
by Stephen
Yes Mr. Crosshairs, I too can read. That is why I decided to use you and your collegues the way I did. I laid the bait and The Lazlo Society was good enough to spot it and predictabe enough to take it. I once again commend you and the society for a job well done.

By the way, please inform Mr. Shadowstalker a heart felt thank you for revealing the location of the last fragment for us. I do hope he relizes that he orb he now possesses, is the rough equivalent of a supernatural nuclear reactor. Enjoy the gift.

As for who or what I am, I am a man quite aware of my own limitations and weaknesses, as I am of all of yours. I helps to money and connections in the right places gentlemen. Plus as I stated earlier, I too can read.

My plans are my own, and in regards to your possible interfearance, my plans would not have come full circle without your aid. So please, get in my way some more, you may end up finishing my work for me.

Lalzo was a brilliant man, so are his deciples. Do not disappoint me now with idle threats and mockery. I learned much from him. I studied his work, his teachings, and his beliefs. Too bad he was misguided. He wanted to open the eys of the world, to reveal that the supernatural was real and as much a part of our world as earth, air fire, or water. He was a genius. But with what he knew he could has conquered it, bent it to his will. He could have sujegated it for the power it held. For that he was a fool and died a matyr. I on the other hand have continued the good doctor's work. To my own ends of course. I know the Lazlo Society inside and out, for in my youth I was one of you.....

I know the tricks, the powers, the egos, and the strengths. I know more than you like me to.
But I digress, give my regards to old Mach for me. As for the rest of you, just ask Mr. Eland about my presence in Maine. As for his would be assassin. He's already paid the price for failure.


Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 2:09 am
by Shadowstalker
Ok do I have to go through this again, you think you are smart, if you actually are behind some of the things that are happening lately I will gladly give you some credit that may well have been smart. But you just did a major Bone brain by telling us, you say you know us maybe you do I assume then you know what comes next and no it won't be something you will like. Oh your Agents that you sent to retrive the item they won't be comeing back.

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:17 am
by KonThaak
Ugh... I've had my fill of bad guys using our boards.

Do whatever the hell you want. I'm sick of attacking you and your kind around here. Just know this... If you even think of considering harming my child or his future in even the slightest of ways, I will be on your ass so damned fast you'll be reaching for Hemorrhoids medicine.

Just so we're clear on that...

Oh, and one other thing... Stop misusing the word "heretic". Being as I am one, myself, it sickens me.

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:30 am
by Shadowstalker
To be honest I don't see how either of the Headers apply because you kinda have to Die for the other to work and well the Heritic well I think KT put it best a missuse of the word.

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 10:58 pm
by Michael T
Again a fool claimimg to know every thing about a group that gains new members daily. You sir (and I use that term loosely) are not only deluded but a naive fool for thinking that a demon would ever allow you any real power. Once you are no longer useful it will feast on you as readily as it would any of it's enimies. And don't be so arragant to claim that Doctor Lazlo is dead, I have very good reason to belive other wise. And you should also watch how much involvement from this society you ask for it may well be more than you want.

As far as helping you release something from the incident in Maine, a small evil to allow to save Holister's town and it's populace, one that can be tied up as a loose end when needed. Please make a move and gain my attention, I alone may not be able to stop your master but with my mentor and time to prepare (which this notice of yours has given us) you and your master may face more than you can deal with.

Michael T.

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 11:12 pm
by Shadowstalker
I found myself wondering is ther some book or such that these people are being given you know (Evil Demon Flunkies for Dummies) because they all seem to make the same mistakes. If there is such a book the person or persons or whatever either needs to be killed or rewarded I'm not sure witch I should do.

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 11:18 pm
by Bearshaman
Ms. Etiquette's guide for Flunkies, Cronies and Servants of Great Evil from Hell?
How to Serve Ancient Evils in 100 Easy Lessons?
Morons guide to Serving Moronic Monsters?

Please tell me if I am getting close

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 11:22 pm
by fate
I just get the finishing touches on my new cabin in Maine, I sit back in a nice and comfortable chair across from the warm fire I’ve started, with a glass of scotch in hand. Ready to start my recovery….and then I turn on my computer to find this ignorant fool prattling on like some bad James Bond villain. I haven’t the patients to put up with this idiot! KT, Shadow, Ron, anybody! Please kill him so I can get some rest. If the society needs anything let me know, I’ll be in Maine for the week.

Thank you

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 11:31 pm
by Shadowstalker
Nice to hear from you Fate. Trust me this one will be taken care of soon.

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 12:50 am
by Stephen
Glad to see you survived Abadon Mr.Fate, I thought we may have lost you early in the game. Especially now after your own "awakening". I look foward to meeting with in person one day.

As for those men you dealt with Mr. Shadowstalker, they weren't mine, but I can tell there will be more. The Orb will see to that, its unavoidable I'm affraid, I should know I possess the other one.

Well the hour is late gentlemen, and I have other matters more urgent that I need to tend to.
In the mean while, just a parting note, you should really change that hair style Mr. Fate, I can see your bald spot. Not very becoming.


Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 1:50 am
by Gothicfox
Does this mean this guy is Unamables master coming out of ths shadows now with his great scheme.

Oh boy, hey kid, how about we skip to the part where you master comes on here next and talks about how great he is. Better yet, you guys can get together and practice some new material; like one of those groups for alcholcis and porn addiction.

'We want to be important, please stop ignoring us.'

Yeah, thats a good name for the group. More likely, it be set around getting into porn addiction then causing any real trouble.

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 2:47 am
by Stephen
With a name like Gothicfox, you are making hostile references.

Ok, well it looks like " Tickle Me Emo " found a way past the parental locks on their computer in between her thorezine and valium doses, and obviously needed a way to express herself other than carving her name into her own arm. I can see how after a while that might get boring.

As for that geoncidal idiot Arawn, he deserved his Fate.

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 6:17 am
by AdamaGeist
Ah, the eternal reminder that makes me smile... That no matter what, my enemies are less intelegent than I am.

Eh, screw it, I'm not even going to bother going into it. A happy reminder for everyone's new year, our enemies are still fools. Happy new year, everyone.

More noisy bad guys

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 5:35 pm
by Eric Eland
I don’t know why there are so many loud evil people running around, I think I would make a better bad guy, I can at least shut up and not tell everyone my plans, maybe I should change careers, Eric Eland, super villain world conqueror and totally awesome guy, nice ring, I have too much to do already though, maybe when I retire Ill go for world conquest. Are you that one guy with the smelly guy and gun guy who tried to kill me? You should apologize, I don’t like guns, and don’t like guns in my face more. Stop being evil please, I have lots to do and don’t want to chase after you. Happy new year.

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 1:22 am
by Stephen
Hello again Lazlo Society. A new year has been rung in, and we as a race continue. But for how long is the question.

Something is stirring, something deep in the dark places, even something more powerful than even I could imagine. I have seen a future ladies & gentlemen of ash, fire, death, and destruction. Ice and shadow, where darkness has eveloped all.
My master bid me warn you, and against my better judgement I must speak with you, it is urgent, so you may name the time and place Watchman, bring as many men as you wish. I am affraid what ever is about to unfold is bigger than even both of us.

All hosilites aside, even a blind man can feel the flames n front of him. We need to meet, face to face, no weapons, no powers, just man to man. Are you game detective?

And don't waste my time or yours with these peon probees who have nothing better to do than post derogatory remarks while flipping back and forth between wacking off to a Tomb Raider
video game and dowloading hentai Sailor Moon pics. You know who you are detective, I speak on behalf of my society, will you do the same.

PS: In order to control it, to suppress it Watchman, you must imerse it in what it is. Just some free advice.

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 3:22 am
by fate
I’ll meet with you. Come to my cabin in Maine. It over looks a lake.

You got my back Holister?

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 11:44 pm
by fate
Please do come Shadow and anyone else who would like to attend. I had planed to invite everyone to a dinner party after my recovery, but I guess there’s no time like the present. I hope everyone like’s cordon blue with a light mushroom cream sauce.

Now we just wait for the good Mr. Stephen to RSVP his spot at the dinner table.

Oh and sorry for the double post.

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 11:56 pm
by Kolya
What is the time frame? I might be able to make it. We can handle the details in PM if you like.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:20 am
by Gothicfox
I know a guy who jerks off to Sailor Moon, scary.

Sounds like fun, I'd like to be there. In fact, due to family crisis at the moment, i'm heading to the states. Once I get this issue settled I can be where-ever you guys are going to meet.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 3:09 pm
by Stephen
Very well Fate, you were on the guest list anyway. Ill meet at your humble retreat, but none of that cheap stuff, only Chianti and Asiago for me.

As for the rest, I suppose Denny's curbside take out will suffice. I will meet on Friday. Until then your may plot with your Lazlo conspirators.


Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:23 pm
by BraveSirRobin
You know, your insults and threats would pack a lot more punch if you hadn't misspelled your own town's name.
it's "Arkham," with an "h"
And I ain't a detective pal. :P

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:10 am
by Gothicfox
Don't get stuck on yourself, kiddy, or the only curb you'll be seeing is the part I'll be stomping your face into.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:47 am
by fate
Well now that the guest of honor has confirmed his dinner reservations, I now extend the offer to any who wish to attend I can only seat about 10 comfortably so I will have to go with a first come first serve policy, so please RSVP as soon as possible. I can provide transportation if it is needed. I was thinking around 7:30pm.

The meal shall consist of roasted pheasant, Cordon Blue severed with a lovely cream sauce, and a large variety of side dishes, also a very nice chocolate cake for desert. I have an 18yr old bottle of scotch that I’ve been dieing to open and a variety of wines to choose from as well. Oh and if Ron would like to attend I will make sure that I have a thick New York stake and a baked potato with all the fixens, did I mention all the beer you can handle.

You’ll have to forgive my appearance as I am recovering from radiation poisoning.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 1:09 pm
by Shadowstalker
Skip the beer for Ron or were you not paying attention. As stated I will be there.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 1:42 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I'll have to decline. I have other matters to atend to right now.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 2:01 pm
by Kolya
I'm in.

I can rent a vehicle from the airport - you'll have to tell me which one is nearest you - if you are too busy to pick me up.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 10:48 am
by Stephen
The guest list continues to grow, this is your party serve Fate, don't drop the ball.

I will be there as planned, and as a show of good faith, I will even come alone, this matter is too grave to be avoided with discrepencies and foolhardy notions of heroism.

However, I do expect everyone else in attendance to adhere to to rules; No weapons, no powers, no men. And please leave the foul mouthed rookies home to tend to their online porn sites.

Again, I will be there tomorrow night....6 PM. Don't be late, I would hate to be disapointed.
