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Perpetual Twilight

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 5:14 pm
by SensorArray
Well I've survived the solstice apparently. My crew and I decided to see what sort of happening would go on at this seeming bottomless pit in this well during the solstice, as the building was constructed to have certain celestial phenomenon visible in the interior. We arrived early on the 21st as the Solstice would occur at 7:22 pm EST that night. By about 1:30 we had all our equipment set up. By about 5:30 pm EST we began picking up some droning noise in the infrasonic range on our equipment. Shortly before the solstice occured all the stars dissapear from sight.

We intially figured the light pollution from the nearby town washed them out. But when one of my men had to do some bio functions and went outside we realized that things were quite the contrary the landscape we saw seemed geographically the same devoid of trees and covered in a strange grey grass. The stars were still absent from the sky but looking at the horizon it appeared to be twilight, it appeared to be twilight on the horizon in all directions.

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 5:39 pm
by SensorArray
I donned my portable sensor array and we explored the surrounding area. Our light-amplification night vision equipment seemed to only work about half the range it should have been, so we didn't notice the 4 creatures coming up the hill. Dog-like the the only way i can describe them though they were not dogs. Thankfully we were loaded for bear (literally as bears frequented the area) we were able to turn the creatures after killing one of them. We hurried back to the building which was the only thing on this landscape. We quickly put the flood lamps out side so we couldn't be suprised again. After about 45 minutes we noticed some moving on the opposing hill. We couldn't get a good image of it due to the level of light but it appeared as the hill was alive. About a dozen of the dog-like creatures began to bear down upon the building, not carrying suffiecent ammunition for this we barricaded the door from the inside. There was pounding on the door for well over an hour but we apparently barricaded it quite well. When the pounding stopped there was a moaning/ gurgling sound and the distinct odor of sulphur. The others were quite terrified for being a group of heartset skeptics. It all seemed surreal looking through the HUD of the sensor array maybe thats why i wasn't quite as shaken.

We unbarred the door when daylight crept through windows. To our suprise we were back where we entered from. We hastily loaded our SUVs up (heavy one corpse) and returned to our offices. We're currently trying to ascertain what had occured. We all submitted blood and urine samples to check for hallucinogens, and running a dna test on the "dog" to see what it is. The others suspect that there was possibly fungal spores in the well and caused us to hallcinate and that the mining and the "dog" is probably diseased. I'm the only one who didn't outright deny what had transpired.

My concern is that this experience is only forshadowing something far bigger to come.