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Last minute requests

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 10:11 pm
by Eric Eland
Kon Thaak and me, we are magiking this evening, lots of magick tonight, plane to accomplish a lot, two mages better then one, need to make some potions and charms and wards and stuff, but there may be time for requests, while the magic is high, can make some small quick things if you need, also going to play around with some new magic ideas, don’t get to much, and never at a time like this. You want anything?


Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:38 am
by Eric Eland
There may have been a small whoops, more later, if there is a computer left, not much left around here, need to call a repair person, and, oh, there it was, got to go.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:49 am
by BraveSirRobin
do I want anything... hmmm..

how bout "all the nasty things that want to make me a snack go away?"

too much? :P

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 5:14 am
by KonThaak
I'll do what I can, Sir Robin. ...if you promise me you didn't really eat a group of travelling minstrels. XD

Eric and I were working on some magical theories and whatnot, mostly just discussion and stuff, but we were testing them, at times... I think he forgot that my magic is amplified tonight, so he was kinda surprised when a gremlin kid, first time in our world, suddenly popped up.

He wasn't malicious or anything, surprisingly enough. Just insanely curious, rambunctious as any kid, and thank all that's holy we didn't accidentally bring him into my house. We've had enough things falling apart lately. x_x We don't need to start shelling out more money just after replacing car tires, a washer and dryer, a vacuum cleaner, a router, and two CD drives.

Little bugger apparently had it into his head to build a he was running around, gathering the materials he thought he'd need. Chrome hubcaps, license plates, engine cylinders, video cards, mice, keyboards, power tools of all shapes and sizes, a muffler, half of a sewing machine that was already broken, and, of course, about 50 CD's and a pair of speakers.

Fortunately, we got him to put almost everything back, and we now have him on a leash, listenning to tunes on my computer. He's content, and out of reach of anything electronic or mechanical. Anyone think they're up for taking care of him, or shall we send him back?

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 5:27 am
by KonThaak
On this night of Solstice, as I light these candles of ritual, may my voice echo across the world like ripples in a pond... May the ripples of my voice stretch the pond into a lake, and turn those ripples into waves... May the waves of my request wash the lake out into an ocean, turning the simple waves into a tidal wave that carries my request to every far shore...

Spirits around us, hear me. Aid our friend Sir Robin, and cleanse the area around him. Destroy the negativity he has discovered, and purify his new home.

May the light that shines through in the darkness ever prevail... May the night always be a blessed creature. May we find peace in the year to come.


Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 1:35 pm
by Holister
Eric...Holister here, listen what else can you tell me bout that guy you brought in. He made one phone call (damn civil rights) and less than 24 hours later some high priced lawyr shows up with an order from some goverment orginazation (one of those ones with letters instead of an actual name) to release him. I had to, didn't really have much of a choice.

I did some checkin, couldn't find out anythin'. Maybe you guys will have better luck.



Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 2:49 pm
by Eric Eland
He is probably gone, worked for the bad men, not government, probably no lawyer you saw, maybe bad men trick, they took something from the place, vanished, left him to finish me. You need a gremlin?

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 3:15 pm
by Holister
Greetin's From Maine

No thanks Eric, had one already, bad transmission, cracked windshield, leaked oil like a seive. If I find out anything else about that guy, Ill let you know.

Happy Holidays.

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 2:31 am
by BraveSirRobin
KonThaak wrote:I'll do what I can, Sir Robin. ...if you promise me you didn't really eat a group of travelling minstrels. XD

well, you see, it was winter, and we were starving...

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:19 pm
by Holister
By the way, Sir Robin,.....did you ever find that shrubbery you were lookin' for.


Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 6:02 am
by Shang Li
shrubbery?? i am sure that if Sir Robbin had eaten a troupe of minstrals under any but the worst circumstances someone like Ron would have already dealt with the threat. if you did sir robin i have some herbs for you to eat and some teas to help keep the energy of that act from taking root and growing.

All done

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:00 pm
by Eric Eland
I have finished my vacation, school is about to start back so I am home and ready for it, boring classes. Chicago was new and full of experiences, smelly, smog and other stuff, it looks old in a lot of places, abandoned, discarded in favor of newer and bigger things. So many people so close, the weight of all those people pressing in on you, causes me a headache if I’m not careful. Saw the Sears tower, had to stand in line all morning to get to the top, see all the small people down there, waste of such a nice tower though, if I had a tower that big I could channel enough energy to carve my face in the moon I bet. Went to the field museum, all kinds of neat stuff, there were dinosaur bones with all the teeth, rocks, animals and fish stuff, things about places around the world, and mummies, I liked the mummies, only one had a neat curse though, it drained a little energy from everyone who passed, always gaining to fuel its badness, but because so many people passed it so much it was constantly trying to curse everyone and ended up doing nothing worth mentioning, so I left it alone, didn’t want to risk the mummy getting mad and chasing me. Walked around a lot and looked at stuff, it was ok to look and all, but I don’t want to live there, to much stuff going on for me to worry about. Sent the gremlin back before I headed home, couldn’t risk having him on a plane, he may have tried to turn the wings into a blender or something. Spend a few days milling about my old Kentucky home before getting back here, saw our two cities, much smaller then Chicago, smell better though, not much better, I like the hill country, less noise and smoke and people and problems.