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Stop Searching.....

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 11:04 pm
by The Unnamable
You have been warned. Stop looking into my shadows, for I may begin to start looking back.
Do not search your mortal mind's eye for my name, for you will not find it. Do not search your meager memories for my face, for all you will see is unending oblivion.

I was there then,as I am here now. Hede my warning followers of Victor Lazlo. I destroyed him, end you futile resistance, or your suffering will be legendary, even in Entropy's cold embrace.

I have spoken......

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:24 am
by Shadowstalker
Oh goody we have another wannabe bad guy telling us we are doomed. You will pardon me if I don't worry.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:32 am
by Holister
Greetins' From Maine

Buddy listen...ain't nothing scarier than the tax man come April 15th. Go home, get a grip, and find some one who gives a rats ass...
The folks here don't scare that easy....neither do I. So go ahead an rant, ave, and play mr big and scary all you want. If you wanna play with the big boys, Ill be the first to take yer best shot..Now thats some good commentary.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:48 am
by The Unnamable
I see that examples must be made of. Your arrgance blinds you Shadowstalker. You have slaughtered legions carving your inevitable path to me. What was it that gave you the strength to fight, and win? Your faith, or perhaps something a bit more primal, darker. We will meet soon enough Shadowstalker, much like the others I seek. For now the imputance of a small country sheriff takes my notice.

You think you know suffering Ben Holister...oh yes, I know who you are. You will be first to suffer my wrath, but unlike the others you are ALONE. They will not come to your aid. They will abandone you to save their own pathetic flesh. Much like Victor Lazlo himself, cowards to the end. Expect retribution to be swift sheriff....count on that.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:56 am
by Shadowstalker
Oh you think you know what drives me do you come and see.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:00 am
by Ron Caliburn
I ain't scared of anything that claims to be responsible for Doc Lazlo's disapearance.

I just want one good shot.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:08 am
by Holister
Greetins' from Maine

Jus' bring it on threaten me I can let that threaten my tow..I kick your sorry ass up one side of the street and down the other. To Serve and Protect...thats right Im do yer worst.

ER...he's wrong bout the rest you guys leavin me to fry on my own right. Hes not really someone who can like fry my ass in blink? Er..guys...hello?

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:13 am
by Shadowstalker
No worries we don't leave people to fend off things on their own if we can help it.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:13 am
by Ron Caliburn
Don't know who or what he is or what he can do. But he sure does run on at the mouth anyway.

He' sjust gonna talk himself into a world of hurt.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:19 am
by The Unnamable
Ah, Mr. Ron Calburn has finally responded. And how is The Lazlo Society's resident mass murdrer.
How vigiliant we are to defend Victor's name, when he would be most disgraced by your thirst for blood. Tell me Mr. Calburn, was it you faith as well well that has driven thus far, your conviction, or perhaps your strength of character The truth be told Mr. Calburn, you fear that most of all which you seek
most of all. I will not forget you when the moment comes for my revenge.

As for you Mr. Holister. I see you doubt my word. Check your PM and you will see I am a " man " of my word. You are not worth my time sheriff, so I will dispatch one of my servitors to dispatch you, or has it already arrived.
How is your niece by the way Mr. Holister.....

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:31 am
by Holister
You do not threaten my family and get away with it. Im gonna send your pet back to Hell where it belongs. If I don't come back from this one guys, help my family.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:31 am
by Ron Caliburn
And wht pray tell do I seek that I would be afraid of.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:46 am
by The Unnamable
Impudent to the very core Mr. Calburn. I see my mouse has a voice afterall.

To answer your question Mr. Calburn, you fear what all of you deciples of Lazlo fear...
The Whispering Dar ". You know of what I speak without knowing its name. That little dark impulse in the back of your feeble mortal mind Mr. Calburn, the one that tells you to pull the trigger. The sweat that pours from your forehead as you sit alone in the dark, with the barrel of a .45 pointed at your temple. All the while hearing the voices of those you butchered because of your righteous indignation. And to think the Summarians called me

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:50 am
by The Unnamable
First I will deal with the good sheriff. Then I will deal with the rest of you. But who shuld I choose to go first. Perhaps the spilling of innocent blood will catch your attention.

Maybe that death of one of your own will prove the validity of what I speak.

You should fear me not for who I am gentlemen, but for what I am.
Beware the dark, for I am in all of you.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:54 am
by Ron Caliburn
Wow, got it all wrong.

I do feel genune remorse for any innocents who have paid the price for my failings. I've learned from those incidents and I have made myself a better hunter because of it. While some innocents may have died on my watch, I wasn't the one who did the killing.

Do I fear I may fail another innocent? Yes.

Do I use it to motivate me to make the world a better place? Of Course.

The only time I look down the barrels of my guns is when I am cleaning them.

I left that guilt in the past, which is where you're gonna end up if you keep running your mouth.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:58 am
by Shadowstalker
I don't know who you are but you are digging that hole deeper and deeper keep it up and you will not like where you find yourself.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:02 am
by The Unnamable
So tell me then Mr. Calburn, how much hubris does it take to wash all that blood off your hands.
You seem to speak the words of a saint well, to bad you know better than that. You are no hero M. Calburn, in fact, you are no different from the monsters you hunt. Perhaps it is time that a hunter targets you as his quarry. Im sure some of the others might enjoy that; maybe even Raven Celeste....

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:10 am
by Ron Caliburn
There is a difference between me and them.

Yes I kill, but I kill to protect.

Each time I kill one of those . . . things another child gets to wake up Christmas morning. Another woman gets to walk home safe that night. Another homless man on the streets doesn't get dragged into some dark alley ripped open and eaten.

I might be a killer to the monsters. Thats fine, let them think that, they deserve to be afraid. I really don't care if thye like me. Quite honstely I don't care if the people I protect like me either. But I know, when they have to walk through the dark places in the world, that they are thankful there are people like me who go there first and make them safe.

So Unbelievable I've been hunted already and I'm still here.

Feel free to try your luck.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:12 am
by The Unnamable
Ah...and Shadowstalker speaks again. How many sins have comitted in the good doctor Lazlo's name. Deny the truth all you want....i is the darknes in your very souls that guide you, not conviction.

Perhaps an introduction is finally in order gentlemen; though I have many names, in many tongues. For the moment you may call me Arawn....for now that is all you need to know.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:14 am
by Shadowstalker
So we have a bit of darkness in us you say, yeah I think that may not be to far off, but it is a part that we control and use to defend those who can't or won't defend themselves we do not let it control us and so you Know I have looked into the darkness of my soul and and bent it to my will and you weren't there so take your song and dance elsewhere.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:17 am
by The Unnamable
Walked through the darkness yo say Mr. Calburn why you are still there, looking over you shoulder. I can feel your pulse begin to quicken as you wrap your fingers around that 45 again Mr. Calburn...does the truth about what you truly are frighten you so much. If you are so righteous, then why do so many innocents die because of you. You claim to kill monsters, yet several exist right amongst
you in your own orginazation. Would Victor tolerate suh abominations dwelling amongst his society. I think not.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:25 am
by Ron Caliburn
I also prioritize and recognize my limiations.

Celste is at least being actively monitored by society embers that I have faith in to pull the trigger if she does fall back into old habits.

In the meantime I have my own situations to deal with. I brought down another one of those furry beasties that have been slipping into town lately. Got it just before it made a meal of a Salvation Army Santa Claus and his Kettle.

I could take the time, risk letting more die on these streets, and go track down Celeste. I'm sure I would make a lot of the people here unhappy with me in doing so, but if I felt she were an imminent threat to anyone innocent, she and I would be watching the sunrise together tomorrow morning.

For now, she's not worth the trouble. I have situations to deal with here first.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:25 am
by The Unnamable
A man of self proclaimed control and goodness. Very well Shadowstalker, I accept your denouncing of the darkness, but by your words it is still there, and as long as it is, so am I.

I am surprised only three of you stand up to face me. I thought Victor Lazlo's legacy would have produced more noble crusaders than that. A shame, and he was such a noble adversary. At least he stood upon his morals, though it cost him dearly.

Is he dead, maybe, maybe not. I left his fate in the hands of others. He may return one day, but to what, a society run by murders, monsters, and deceivers. The more I think about it, the more alike we truly are.....scary notion is
it not.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:26 am
by Shadowstalker
You want to talk abominations why do I get the feeling you have no room to talk.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:29 am
by The Unnamable
With the Solstice fast approaching my power grows ever stronger. Soon the long night will be upon you, then what will you do. You could barely handle the " pets " I sent for you to play with. If I were you Mr. Calburn I would check the stomaches of those creatures,
you may just find the good doctor Lazlo.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:30 am
by Ron Caliburn
I think that most, rightly, decided you weren't worth the trouble of debating.

As for wht Victor would think, I think he would be might proud tht the numbers who know the truth are growing and that we are doing our best to stave off the calamaties he felt were coming.

I might be a murderer - but only if you're a monster.

As for the solstice, I've seen them before and I will see them again.

I think your last solstice will come before mine

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:37 am
by The Unnamable
Abomination...I have been called that by hunters before, as well as others who stood in my way.
More and more of my legions enter your world, most know not even of who it is they truly serve.

But he did....he dared to challenge me....that acursed night atop The Serpent's Mound.
He challenge me and lost. Though I could not destroy him, I could remove him, and cast him into the very core of the storm. If you dare to do better, then by all means, I will be than happy to send you to meet him.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:41 am
by The Unnamable
The time for discussion has passed...I have already said too much. The lines have been drawn with the blood of the innocent.
The street of the cities of man shall run red. If you believe you can hold back the tide. I'll be waiting for you, just look over your shoulder.


Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:49 am
by Ron Caliburn
Ya know what. I think Unbelievable here is scared of us. He wants to put us of our game.

He tries to intimidting by making educated guesses about us after reading our posts and come off as sounding like he's in charge.

Well he's not.

I think I figured out what he's really scared of.

Let's think about this, there are more than 6 BILLION human souls on this planet.

Backin the days when there were a lot less of us (say a few hundred million) but we all beleived, we were able ot fight the supernatral effectivey.

Now, only a few thousand of us know the truth and we can barely keep this stuff at bay.

But think of what will happen to these things when 6 BILLION human beings figure it out and bend thier minds to making htis planet safe for our children.

What makes us scary to them, is that we are trying to get the word out and wake up people. Each time we open someone's eyes, it's harder for them to hide. Each time we teach someone how to protect their family, it's harder for them to feed.

That's what they are scared off - when we go from the point where we are just protecting oursleves to when we hae so many of us beleiving and trying to change things that they are forever pushed from this world.

So have faith folks, we can win this forever and send these accursed creaturs back to the pit that spawned them.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:56 am
by Holister

Where is she..what'ld you do with my niece! I'll find you you bastard and Ill kill you with my own two hands! If you hurt her I swear Ill hunt you down to the end's of the earth.