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Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:58 pm
by Holister

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 1:00 am
by Shadowstalker
This kinda comes under a discussion that has been gone over before most times with no real answer. The fact is I've had deallings with several supernaturals most have been less than polite but I have met some that I was able to have dealings with that didn't involve violence at least towards eachother and there are a few very few I think I could safely call allies and maybe more, but these are not by any means the norm. Also lets not forget be sure of your target your bartender may not even be a Were another thing about Ley Lines is that you find a greater tendency for Psi powers in people in the region around it. I hope this is of some help.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 2:13 am
by KonThaak
As a druid, I don't believe in the "supernatural", just the "paranormal". To a lot of people, the difference is splitting hairs and semantics, but to me, it means a lot.

But I'll cut the boring philosophical semantics for those who don't care, and get right to the point.

Morally speaking, the only time you should ever end a life, be it paranormal or mundane, is if ending that life will end its own suffering, or if that life is causing more suffering to those around it than is justifiable. It's best to go through life trying not to kill anyone or anything at all, but in our positions, that's hardly ever possible, so we try instead to only destroy that which is malignant.

I know it doesn't exactly answer your question, but it's the best answer I can give.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 2:48 am
by Ron Caliburn

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 3:08 am
by Shadowstalker
As to the point as ever Ron.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 3:33 am
by Ron Caliburn
I figured I'd elaborated on this point enough in other threads.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 7:36 am
by KonThaak
You most definitely have, Ron. And part of me really wants to say that yeah, life's that simple, paranormal creatures can't be trusted any farther than your local high school nerd can throw them.

But morally speaking, we become as corrupt as they if we just indiscriminately kill them before they've committed a crime.

Of course, it is possible not to trust someone and to let them live.

Just keep a very...very...VERY close eye on them, and if they do prove to be monstrous in as many moral senses as actual senses, stop them before they do commit that crime.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 7:45 am
by Holister

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 7:53 am
by KonThaak
I've taken two human lives, ended the existence of five or six vampires, and had the extreme good fortune never to have crossed a werewolf.

In the case of your Kelly, just be very careful. As Ron has pointed out before, they are usually as monstrous and sadistic in their human forms as in their monstrous. She may well just be very, very crafty, and hiding it from you.

If not, she might be trying her hardest to just live out her days in as comfortable a manner as possible. If she is legit, it can't be easy for her to know what she is, to constantly suppress the urges she probably has, and to go on with her life.

No matter what the situation, keep a closer eye on her than you've ever kept an eye on anything. Just because I say you shouldn't kill her straight off doesn't mean I think you should ignore her. That'd be like turning your back on a rabid rott just because it licked your hand.

Good luck with the other lycanthropes.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 8:17 am
by Holister

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 8:51 am
by KonThaak
A ghost befriending your niece? That's always a stressful situation, but in my experience, if they're actually befriending a child, and nothing bad has happened yet, then they're on the level. Kids usually have a strong second sense about whether or not a spirit can be trusted. They're wrong sometimes, but usually bad things happen in the wake of the spirit when they're wrong, bad things they take pains to keep the kids from finding out about.

Has she told you what kind of ghost it is? Just be careful not to piss it off too much, whatever the case may be. Spirits can go negative at the drop of a hat, and it's a pain in the ass to fix it when that happens. So long as you don't insult it and don't ignore it if it tries to talk to you, you should be fine, though.

You might even have someone who could tell you more about your little hell house problem.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 8:59 am
by Holister

Can you trust anything?

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 10:18 am
by Eric Eland
Not everything supernatural, paranormal, magically different, is bad. There are plenty of spirits and ghosts and entities that don’t mean harm, they can cause problems still, breaking windows and scaring pets, sometimes make people sleep a lot, but that can be a misunderstanding or consequence from them being around. I don’t trust them, not in a true way, but I can expect them to do certain things, let them be, convince them to move to a less disruptive area. Some times you cant though, wouldn’t want to ask a vampire to stop eating people, or move to Alaska, or the moon, can expect them to keep killing, roaming, hurting. Maybe you can trust in pain happening, but not in their actions, not their motives, its all about actions and motives, some are better then others, some are not so nice.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 10:40 am
by Holister

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 1:36 pm
by Crosshair MT
I wish I could claim not have had to kill humans, though I use that term in the loosest sense of the word. I have had to put down people who are were as bad if not worse than the paranormal meneces I have encountered here. I don't know if you can trust most of the things out there, I would not recomend trying to give one the chance to prove themselves alone. Ms. Darken is a very rare individual, does this mean I have absolute trust in her, or anyone for that matter? No. But with all I have read on her and from the reports of other Society members I can give her trust enough to work with, and as she has said herself I would watch her carefully.

I would advise people to get help if they are going to give a paranormal a chance to prove they are not as evil as the rest and stero types of their species.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 2:26 pm
by Ron Caliburn
KT, you're right, humans can be every bit as sick and evil and sadistic as the things from the other side of reality.

Which is why I don't particularly trust them either.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 2:35 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Dealing with the Supernatural isn't much different than dealing with regular people or animals.

Just because something is Beyond Natural doesn't mean it is evil.

Some things are simply animalistic predators that need to be put down for the greater good, they aren't inherently evil.

Some things are intelligent and enjoy causing misery and suffering, they're evil and need to be eliminated for the greater good.

On the other hand there are things that aren't evil but are either neutral or good like Ms. Darken. I'm not sure I'd classify her as "Good" but she isn't evil; she strikes me as someone trying to travel from Evil to Good that still hasn't quite made it all the way to the end yet and is still in the land of Grey Neutrality.

The most evil thing I've encountered yet is humanity. No demon can hope to hold a candle to the evils that humanity inflicts on itself.


Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 4:03 pm
by Eric Eland
Everything will act a certain way, given their circumstances, what has happened to them, what will happen, what they can gain or loose. Your monsters may be good or bad, depending on many things, if you know much about these things then maybe you can work with them, or let them be, help them even if it does good. Should not put true trust in anything though, everything can fail

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 7:36 pm
by Holister

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 8:43 pm
by AdamaGeist
I've killed a few humans in my days... I find that humans have a depth of depravity that few monsters can equal. A hellhound may hunt and defile out of nature, but a human will do it for the sheer pleasure of it.

That having been said, I spend more of my time fighting things in the astral than things in the physical, and in most cases the definitions of good and evil means little to them. They have no concept of things as humans do, so such terms are pretty much useless.

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 10:47 pm
by Holister


Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:27 am
by Razor
Yeah, Shadow isn't the only person here that has to deal with the Astral. Oh, btw... I wanted to ask you if you know anything about the Crystal City or the Crystal City Council, Shadow. I've been having trouble with them for a while. I actually wiped out half the council in one go, after they messed with one of my students too much. But then they got their own revenge, but more on that later.

Ben, perhaps this ghost befriending your neice is a good thing. Perhaps your niece has the natural knack to be a Medium of sorts?

No, Holister, you cannot trust us

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 5:00 pm
by Celeste Darken
Holister wrote:I got a problem with, its every other supernatural creepy crawler that ties to impersonatin us and act all peron like, only to turn around and rip out our throats when we ain't lookin'. What bout here in The Society, Im sure they got in here too. How do you know who you can trust? Hapy Huntin' 8-)

Holister wrote:Im her personal warden for four nights *-) So maybe, maybe not. The question is still for debate. Maybe if I could hear from some of the non-human members of the society, maybe get their opion on this matter it would be very helpful.
Drop a line.

The truth of the matter is, sir, you cannot trust them. I don't expect people to trust me, nor have I tried impersonating any humans. I warn people of what I am and what I can do. They work with me at their own peril. I have only been free for a little while, considering the spans of years I have to . . . “live,” but I have not harmed an innocent since I was freed. I have given my views on the matter, and I have not changed them. What more do you need? It all boils down to whether you are willing to take the chance . . . this “Kelly” that you speak of, for instance. She is in a position to kill many people, if not the entire town. Ron Caliburn has stated time and time again how it’s not a matter of “if” as it is a matter of “when” they get loose. Can you live with yourself if she ends up murdering an innocent on account of your . . . “mercy”? How do you think Kelly would feel . . . how would you feel if she ends up murdering Molly?

And just what, exactly, are the reasons you have let her live? You say she is incredibly “hot.” What do the others of your town think? Are there female members of the police board that feel just as merciful as you? Would “Kelly” still be alive if she happened to be any less attractive, or an overweight man no woman would look at?

Remember, it doesn’t matter how nice they were when they were human. Once they’re in the thrall of the bloodlust, they’ll tear out throats and hearts without qualm. They may feel sorry afterwards . . . but that will not bring back the dead. You asked for a “non” human’s view. I have given it. Make of it what you will.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 12:59 am
by Holister

That's the way it is

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 12:47 pm
by Celeste Darken
Holister wrote:Its just so damn hard to think of Kelly as being some monster capable of tearing some poor ol' bastard apart.

But then, that’s often the way it is, isn’t it? Whether you can sleep or not is not my concern; it’s whether or not you could “blow her away” if the need arose. Consequently, I don’t know if I am the one you should ask for help or not. Ron Caliburn once said, in essence, that he would kill any monsters that proved a threat, and give those others that didn’t to one of his “touchy feely” companions.

I am not one of those companions. If I come to see Kelly, it may very well be a death sentence for her. I warn you, I do still feed on blood; the blood of evil. I warn you, I am heartless. I am a vampire, after all. So here is a final warning for you: if I come, I will probably kill her. Because I, for one, will not sit around and wait until the slipup that could cost innocent lives. I will speak with her and see how she feels on the matter. Considering her feelings, I might leave with her blood on my hands as an act of mercy. I might leave with her blood on my hands as an act of murder. I might leave with no blood on my hands at all.

Do you still seek my help in the matter?

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 12:55 pm
by The Unnamable
Still the heartless monster as
always my dear Celeste. Such primal savagery, just a lust for carnage. A cold heart who turns its back on those like you, I knew you had promise. We are much alike you and I Celeste Darken. Its a shame we could not meet under more favorable circumstances. Why do fight so hard against the thing that you embrace so deeply. I can use someone with your thirst for blood, join my legions Celeste, you belong here with us.

Deny me, and I shall still see your fangs wrapped around the throats of your comrades.

Consider my propsal my dear, for at times it is best to walk by the side of the devil's hand, than beneath his feet.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 1:01 pm
by Shadowstalker
You still talking shit eh maybe Celeste is heratless in the true sense but she has something you would never know of a soul that in spite of everything that has happened to her is still good. Lets not forget you have other problems as well Unnamable.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:12 pm
by AdamaGeist
I find irony here... In all probability, I am the coldest killer here, and yet for some reason I have been the only person not singled out for a decrying of morality. While I will admit the potential that our unknown irritant understands full well that such taunts would mean little to nothing to me, I doubt that is the true reason for it.

In any case, I will make my presence known before long. It has taken me longer than I belived to remove my seals, but now that they are down, I belive my 'presence' on the battlefield will be of assistance, even if I am only consuming those foes who have a less than physical presence. But to be honest and fair, those will not be the only ones I shall be targeting.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 10:05 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
AdamaGeist wrote:I find irony here... In all probability, I am the coldest killer here...

I think I'd at least tie with you.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 11:44 pm
by The Unnamable
You have not been over looked Mr. Giest, it is my own personal preference that I choose the vampire. Your power would be useless to us, unless......

But I digress, the coldest killer amongst you.....I see I correct in my assumptions of the true inent of The Society. And I am called a monster.

I do not fear any of you, your calous rage, hatred, anger, and bloodlust makes you all what you are. I that is what I am counting on. Mortals are so very predicatable.