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Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 12:04 pm
by Ron Caliburn
My worry Hollister is that, wihout silver involved, what you're doing to these criters do't actually make them dead. Sure they have to pull themselves together for a week or two, but they will be awfully ticked when they do.

You have to remember that something that is supurnatural isn't bound by the laws of physics and biology to the same extent we are.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 7:21 pm
by Holister

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 9:11 pm
by Shadowstalker
Hmm I don't know what you found with that van I just got confermation on their arrivall about an hour ago and they are all well and ready to fight.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 11:25 pm
by Holister

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 1:05 am
by Shadowstalker
If you don't mind a few of the people from the team that showed up would like to take a look at that van and it contents. I'll PM you with the particulars if tou have no objections.

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 9:53 am
by Holister

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 11:59 pm
by The_Unicorn
Holister wrote:My dog Duke kinda helped with that last one earlier. Can a dog get all werewolfed by attacking one. Just curious. I'ld hate to have to put him down 8-(

I've never actually heard of any type of lycanthropy that was contagious, contrary to the standard crap hollywood puts out.


Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:22 pm
by Last Moon
I am interested in more details about this incident, regrettably it appears someone has taken the steps to remove them. Is anyone able to provide me with information as to what happened?


Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:58 pm
by Hannah
It's been a while, but the short story is there is a pack of werewolves in and around Cypress Cove, Maine. They have caused a lot of problems, but last I heard Ben had pretty near wiped 'em out.



Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:01 pm
by Grace
Well, not all of them. Presumably he hasn't killed what's her name, the love of his life. And there's some question about his current species.


Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:06 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Kelly, I think? She did admit to biting him, and they have a child so there has definitely been some fluid transfer.


Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:09 pm
by Grace
That sounds right. Did she have the kid before or after changing? I'm remembering that right, aren't I? I was pretty sure she was bitten and turned at some point. Sasquatch.


Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:13 pm
by Hannah
Kelly was a werewolf before she and Ben started dating. I think maybe as far back as when Ben was spending time with Celeste.



Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:06 pm
by The_Unicorn
The real question is can they transmit their werewolfism(lycanthropy is merely the delusion that one is a wolf, a separate issue from werewolves).
I've heard of a curse that can be spread through a bite in wolf form. If she had that it could be safe to copulate with her(relatively).
Not sure about the kid....


Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:30 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I wouldn't be surprised at all if Ben has to put his kid in a kennel every 28 days.


Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:34 pm
by Hannah

Be nice. Kelly is a nice girl and I am sure Ben and her are raising a fine girl together.



Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:19 pm
by Last Moon
So Mr Hollister has married and fathered one or more children with a therian and there is the possibility he may also currently be a therian?

Has anyone verified his current status?


Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:48 pm
by Hannah
We haven't heard much from him the last few years. He moved to Wyoming for a while, but then went back to Cypress Cove last I recall.



Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:17 pm
by Last Moon
Thank you very much.


Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 2:09 pm
by Holister
Thanks for your concern.


Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 4:44 pm
by Hannah

I'm so glad to hear from you again. You won't beleive what's goign on around here these days.

Anyway, how have you been? How's Kelly, Molly and Samantha?



Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:43 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Ben, I see you're still alive.


Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:43 pm
by Last Moon
Mr. Holister,

I am pleased to find that you are still among the living. I have been hoping to conduct some research regarding therianthropy and it is my understanding that you personally associate with some therianthropes and have actually married one.

My research would consist of interviews, video and audio recordings and, if the therianthrope consents, blood and hair samples. It is not intended to be intrusive in any way.

Do I have your permission to contact you regarding my research?

Thank you.


Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 11:39 am
by Holister
Say what?

Not to sound rude or nonthin', but WTF?!

{I am pleased to find that you are still among the living.}

So what in blazes did ya'll think I was dead?

{I have been hoping to conduct some research regarding therianthropy and it is my understanding that you personally associate with some therianthropes}

First of all...ENGLISH. SPEAK ENGLISH! therianthropes? therianthropy? I dont know what the bloody heck your talkin' bout son.

{and have actually married one.}

Actually Kelly is a Protastant, if you are insuatin' somethin' else there pal, I may be prone to take that statement as an insult.

{My research would consist of interviews, video and audio recordings and, if the therianthrope consents, blood and hair samples.}

Are plum out of your mind there fella!? First, I still have no idea what the heck your talkin' about? Second, I DO NOT TRUST STRANGERS! I have to deal with pretty unusual stuff up here and I don't need some yahoo egg-head professor type getting lost out in them woods. Probably wouldn't find your carcass until spring thaw in May.

{It is not intended to be intrusive in any way.}

Never is, but it happens anyway.

{Do I have your permission to contact you regarding my research?}

You can do whatever you want fella...just now what Im gonna say is a completely different ballgame.

{Thank you}

You're welcome.

By the way, since I find myself here again..

1) Heard you were in school Hannah. That's good. Hope you're doin' well.

2) {Ben, I see you're still alive} - Sorry to disappoint you Ron. :lol:

3) I miss you guys. More than a grown man of my nature is gonna care to admit. Alot has happened since, well, I dropped off the face of the world. Maybe one day I'll get round to tellin' it someday.


Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:16 pm
by Hannah
Hi Ben,

School is great. I recently switched majors to Sports Medicine.

I am doing very well actually, sure there have been some rough times because of the usual suspects but overall I'd chalk up last year as definitely one for the win column, and that's even before I add in getting engaged over Christmas.

How are Kelly, Molly and Samantha? Any new additions to your family Ben?


PS: FYI, we found who was posting with Celeste's account, the answer was kinda Celeste but at the same time kinda not. Also, Khavik's been destroyed, finally.

PPS: Wie had a rough time of it, but she's okay now.

PPPS: Oh, yeah, Dad married Darcy, they adopted Clarity and Cynthia, then had Anna and Arthur this December.


Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:29 pm
by Last Moon
Mr. Hollister,

I seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot here. I apologize. I assure you there is no intention to offend you or pry into your life.

Therianthropy is the technical term for shapeshfting between human and animal forms. Lycanthropy is a common label applied to the process, but technically only applies to those who transform into a wolf-like form including the creatures we commonly know as werewolves but also a variety of other shapeshifting entities. As my studies involve human-animal metamorphosis in general I prefer to use the terms Therianthropy, Therianthrope and Therian.

My understanding is that your wife, Kelly, is a lycanthrope (and therefore also a therianthrope). As I am studying therianthropes I was hoping to spend some time interviewing her and would like to contact you about that possibility.

However, I do understand your need for privacy and I will certainly not press if you and your wife feel this is an intrusion.


Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:46 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Nice to see that some things have remained constant.


Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:17 pm
by Holister
And alot has changed.

Good to hear that you got remarried and have a family of your own. A fairly large one from what I hear. I'm sincerely happy for you man. To hear that Khavik is also dead and dust, congratulations on that too man. Wish I could have been there to see it personally.

One day we need need to get together for a family BBQ. Its been awhile. :lol:

As for things up here. Things went bad for awhile, then got better. Thanks to Carter and some investigators from Miskatonic University everything got fixed. The whole town had there memories of the ordeal (and all the other wierd stuff from the past couple of years) erased. So things have gone pretty much back to normal.

I retired from law enforcement to focus on family and "other things". I suppose once your in, your always in. You should known better than any of us how true that is huh Ron. Anyway to make ends meet we (Me & Carter) restarted the old Lazlo Annex under a new name and management, out of the office next door to the gun shop I opened. Figured it worked for you, so why not try it. :D Business has been good and constant on both fronts.

Just finsihed a witch hunt in Vermont last month and a Wendigo sighting in Quebec 2 weeks ago. It was actually Molly who pointed out my name got mentioned on the site so i figured I would say hi. Good to see I've been missed (and not dead :lol: ).

Family has been good. Molly is growing into a fine young woman. Took up Tai Kwan Do and Kendo of all things. Kelly has been helping out where she can and has done a few investigations of her own. I can tell you its good to have a werewolf on the team when dealing with vampires, ghouls, and the like.
Sammy is doing well too. And no Ron, I don't lock her in a kennel once a month. Her and Kelly go off in the woods for a three day "sabactical".

So everything seems to be going well. I do have something lined up in western Massachusetts later this week that may involve a possible vampire problem, but the intelligence is a little sketchy. I sent Carter on ahead to find out more info. Should here back from him soon.

Well its been good catching up with you guys. I hope to stay in touch more often now. :?: Well maybe. :lol:


Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:49 pm
by Hannah
Hi Ben,

I'm gad you got out of the Sheriff gig, I think it was bad for you. Freelance seems to be much better for you.

I look forward to seeing you again sometime and seeing how much Molly and Samantha have grown.

Take good care of yourself Ben,



Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:48 pm
by Shang Li
It is good to see you still living Mr. Holister. You have been silent so long, I had begun to wonder if I would have to brave the lands of the dead to deliver the tea I promised. It's been a long time since I was this pleased to be mistaken.

If it would not be a burden, I should like to visit again. I shall of course bring tea, inscense, and what blessings I know the rites to ask for.

I think I shall bring Ms. Kelly a pendant that I have found. How this particular pendant wound up in a Chicago art gallery and for sale (how obscene to trade such a thing for mere money) is beyond me, but I have seen it before, long ago. I think it will go with her hair quite nicely.

Ms. Molly has taken up kendo you say? Well then the she simply must have proper training equipment. I'll bring some bamboo to split for making shinai, and a small beam of cherry in order to teach her how to make her boken.

Expect me tommorrow, if I do not find someone at your cabin, I'll walk into town and find you.

It's so nice to have friends to visit and learn from, and thank you my friend, for more than you can ever know.