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Major problems

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:21 pm
by Crosshair MT
I just now feel up to typeing this out, I was out on Saturday night patroling a area I have heard people are dissapearing in. Nothing semed to be out of place as I spent most the night wandering the area, about 3 AM I was ready to call it quits when I spotted a person staggering down the street. I figured they were just a drunk or junkie out on walk about. Something was not right as I watched them wander along. When they fell into a dicth on the road side I walked over to check on them. The person was not moving and a large humaniod suddenly matireialized in the ditch when it spotted me it lashed out with a gorilia like arm. The impact slammed me back into a car parked across the road, I pulled my Colt and fired the full 10 round clip at less than 20 feet. I was winded and had managed not to smash my head into the car I know I hit the thing in the center mass with all the shots. The thing staggered and ran the opsite direction as I pulled my second Colt, I managed to wal to the person in the ditch and found a corpse at least a day dead.
Any suggestions as to what I may have just ran into? I belive the hollow points I put into it hurt it pretty badly or it would have tried to move in on me. I have very little experince with the paranormal so far and would like any suggestions or advice as I belive this thing is the responsible party for the dissapearing people.

Crosshair MT


Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:42 pm
by Razor
Crosshair... you said it was a gorilla-like arm... would that be because it was overmuscled, or that it actually looked ape-like or what?

What part of the country are you in... that might help as well.

As for the appearance of the body... you said it looked to be about a day old... were there any visible wounds, did it look to be bled out or what?

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 4:35 pm
by Crosshair MT
The thing was very much gorila like, there was not alot of light for a good look at it. I am in the D/FW area, well north of there by a little ways. The body had small cuts and appeared to have been strangled, due to some aching ribs and back I did not get a real good look at the body, and after lighting off a clip of .45 with out a silenccer I did not want to be there if the cops arrived.

The thing probaly was around the 7 foot mark or so, again hard estimate as it was moving fast and hunched over. I stand almost 6'6" and I felt small next to it. I plan on going back out with the full armor and gear this coming Friday, should have the aches and pains gone or at least minimum by then. Unless I get wind of more disappearances before then.

Crosshair MT

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:47 pm
by Willie Long
Sounds like something I ran into about a year back. KT ID'ed it as a "dybbuk".

KonThaak wrote:A Dybbuk is sort of a two-part creature, from what my studies have shown... First, they are spiritual in nature, able to transfer their essence from host to host. Unlike other haunting entities, they seem to lack any form of mentality higher than a predatory animal's. I don't know how well they can understand or speak languages beyond what a Doberman can; I've only heard reports of a few others I know dealing with them, and at the time, they had a few more concerns than finding out how well they grasp the English (or any other) language...

Second, they have their own forms, which kind of look like Frankenstein's Monster. That would've been the Mr. Ugly you fought. When they're destroyed while occupying this body, which they used to call "Corpse Demons", they're destroyed permanently. Like many supernatural creatures, Corpse Demons don't leave much of a trace, either; the CD's corpse disintigrates into a massive swarm of bugs. Once you've seen that swarm, your fight with them is over; they are destroyed, both physically and spiritually.

As an interesting side-note, the ancient Hebrews believed that Dybbuks were spirits that were expelled from Gehenna (which is kinda sorta like the Christian "Hell"), who came back to Earth to plague the living. That's probably because of the bodies they inhabited when they arrived here, and a limited understanding that the ancients had of the astral plane, and other dimensions foreign to us...

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 8:06 pm
by Crosshair MT
Thanks Willie, I have squared off with a Dybbuk in better lighting, I guess the matirielizing threw me off I was not aware they were capable of that little trick. I know how to handle it now.

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 8:23 pm
by Willie Long
Glad I could help, Jack. You oughta pack something bigger than a pistol, though. Check out the discussion in Kinetics.

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 9:00 pm
by Crosshair MT
When I am expecting to go to war I pack at least 3 pistols a shot gun and a special little item that can stop a truck dead. The encounter was in a area that I was trying to be low profile, I was only wearing the Second Chance vest I have for protection when I may have to deal with the police.

My pistols are custumized .45 Colts that I have worked out a heavy hitting load for, with what I have delt with back home and here I do pack heavy ordnace when needed. The Dybbuk was not what I expected to encounter, I was not looking for a paranormal reason behind the disappearances. Guess I need to start looking for that first now.

That and I have stopped a Dybbuk with the pistols before, you just have to put alot of rounds in them fast. of course I was knocked around pretty good between bursts of fire or dodgeing the things swings.

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 10:19 pm
by Willie Long
Crosshair MT wrote:I was not looking for a paranormal reason behind the disappearances. Guess I need to start looking for that first now.

Naw, that'll make you crazy.

That and I have stopped a Dybbuk with the pistols before, you just have to put alot of rounds in them fast.

I've found that serenading them with sweet chin music works, too. The ol' one-two gives the best sound.


Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 9:20 am
by Razor
Ah... yeah, I haven't personally had a run-in with those nasties, but I have had run-in's with grave-ghouls. Blech... Anyway Willie, I doubt there are many other Chi users here on this board, so that their bare hands would hurt these super-freaks much. I can do it, and I'm pretty sure you can. I know Celeste can tear ass with the best of 'em... but other than that, I'm not sure.

Re: Hehe

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 3:06 pm
by Celeste Darken
Razor wrote: I know Celeste can tear ass with the best of 'em...

However, I prefer starting at the head. Peel them like a bananna.


Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 3:31 pm
by Razor
Hrmm *strokes chin with an evil grin* I like that... Sounds like my kinda lady!

Re: Hrmmm

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 3:50 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Razor wrote:Hrmm *strokes chin with an evil grin* I like that... Sounds like my kinda lady!

Just be careful if she asks you if you want to neck ...

I'll have none of that

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 3:56 pm
by Celeste Darken
Ron Caliburn wrote:Just be careful if she asks you if you want to neck ...

I wouldn't. But I will be careful if you start asking for a pet.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 3:59 pm
by Shadowstalker
Groan!!! I don't know witch of you diserves a bap to the head more for those last comments.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 4:32 pm
by Crosshair MT
They have to have some levity to keep sane, or they may do more than bicker.
As for the Dybbuk I belive it will be a good target for a new toy I've been playing with. Mr Caliburn may like it as well, a revolver that is a 3 shot 12 gauge magnum. About the size of a Deseret Eagle with full rifling and a ported barrel with laser sight. I know not enough rounds but it's more concelable than a full size 12, and makes for a good start on things.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 5:25 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Reminds me more of that old TV series "The Odd Couple" only with more violence and, you know, Vampires.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 8:45 am
by Ron Caliburn
Not many rounds, slow rate of fire and the muzzle flash will be a real whore.

But 12 guage that will slip inside your coat isn't something o be pushed away lightly either.

Still, for a sidearm, I would think a good large frame, high capacity auto loader would be the way to go.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 9:34 am
by Crosshair MT
I have a few Deseret Eagles in various caliber, and several revolvers in large caliber as well. The 12 gauge refvolver is a lark I built while bored, as I said in my introduction I can craft most anything from scratch if I get motivated; but it is easier to take a good weapon and modify it to suit my needs and taste.

I have a very large arsenal of weapons that I have modified to my taste, most are frowned on to be owned by the legal system, I craft new toys like most people build models. Guess I could have a worse hobby, like scrap booking or something else demented.

My prefered carry pieces are .45 colts built on a 1911 frame modified to carry a double stack mag to incress to 10 rounds with out the mag protruding much. I have higher capacity mags for these weapons. A good solid back up for me is a MODEL 44 TEN .45/.410 revolver it fires .45 Colt or .410 guage shells and is a 5 shot. I can keep a good variety in the chamber if needed, rock salt can be fun in this.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 9:39 am
by Ron Caliburn
If you like 1911s, you might want to check out the Para Ord P14-45.

14 rounds of .45 ACP, 1911 action and other than ammo weight, don't feel different from the origional.

They also make a compact model capable of holding 10 rounds.

I can, and have scratch built myself, but I find it more efficient to let someone else do most of the work and then tweak to my heart's content.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 9:57 am
by Crosshair MT
Yes the Para ordance are very nice guns, just the Colts are a personal fave. I can't help but scratch build it's almost like a diesese sometimes. I do like my PXT LDA High Capacity Light Rail, I Modied it to a .45 Super.


Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 10:46 am
by Razor
Well, Celeste... I wouldn't go so far as to ask for a 'pet' but... *Shrugs with a half-grin* I do like the darker side of things from time to time.

Re: Hehe

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 2:35 am
by Willie Long
Razor wrote:Anyway Willie, I doubt there are many other Chi users here on this board, so that their bare hands would hurt these super-freaks much. I can do it, and I'm pretty sure you can. I know Celeste can tear ass with the best of 'em... but other than that, I'm not sure.

Huntress claimed to have been called a "physical psychic" once.

That reminds me of odd comments I heard at the previous Society gatherings, something about "the Rush". At first Debunker and I thought they were talking about adrenaline, but after reading some of Dr. Lazlo's work, I realized that wasn't it.

Near as I could tell, some members abilities aren't ...stable. I don't know if it's poor qi control or what, but sometimes they can do crazy shit, other times it's like they got nothin' to work with. You encounter anything like that?


Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 9:19 am
by Razor
Well, yes and no, Willie. Back in my younger days of training, the only thing that worked semi-consistantly was my sensitive and sensing abilities, except for my Chi, which I used for breaking a lot. I found that when I was 'on the hunt' they would actually surge some, and my awareness would be sharper, and I could do things with Psi much easier.

Now, since recieving government military-level psi training, I don't have that problem nearly so much. Then again, my abilities do have their highs and lows still, but now they function at a minimum that is much better than the old days. Now, I also know how to quickly crank up my skills in a matter of seconds. Some days though, it just doesn't come... usually after I have fought something or have expended a lot of energy. For some reason, when that happens my Chi doesn't want to work either. I think somewhere in my training I may have learned how to convert -all- energy into Psi energy. I've even had it happen that I have gone into a psychic battle with a full stomach, and then expended all of my reserves and still had to keep going. Next thing I know, it's half an hour later and my stomach is completely empty again.

I do know that food does have a fair amount of influence on the body's ambient Chi levels, that's why its more beneficial to eat a healthy diet rather than junk food, and why some foods and herbs are better for us than others. Yeah, it supplies the body with everything that it needs, but every thing out there, every single object to the desk you sit at, to the stapler sitting on it, to the tree growing in your yard has Chi. When you eat something your body absorbs that energy into itself.

This follows a similar principle behind Psychic or Energy Vampires. It -is- possible to take energy from other beings, and some people or things get so good at it, it becomes second nature, and they can even take enough energy to weaken your very life force and its bonds to your body, causing you to die.

Anyway, I don't exactly experience that rush phenomenon much anymore. I don't know if it's from having my level of ability raised (which it was by a -lot-) or if it's from knowing how to control it better. Could also be due to my understanding and use of Chi too.

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 9:02 pm
by Holister
Howdy from Maine

Saw you folks talkin' bout fire power. I got a little number sure to pt the hurt on any solid bump in the nighter you may stumble cross.
Its a modified RAI Convertible Long Range Rifle Model 350 designed to shoot .50 caliber rounds. That enough is good, but add a passive long range scope with x10 imaging capability, and through in full brass teflon coated armor piercing rounds, tos in a flash suppressor for good measure and a bibop for those Sniper shots and let me tell ou sir, what ever you hit goes splat. Took out a lupine the other night with this lil' lady and theshell passed through its head like a hot knife through butter. Of course the round passed through the tree behind it, a tool shed, and finally stopped when it broke apart upon a boulder. But that's a nice shot and don't care who ya are, thats firepower.

Re: Well...

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 9:29 pm
by Willie Long
Razor wrote:Some days though, it just doesn't come... usually after I have fought something or have expended a lot of energy.

I don't understand, Jack. Just tap into the ambient qi.

'Sup, Holister? Have you read our discussion in Kinetics?

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:14 pm
by Holister
Thanks for the heads up on that " Kinetics " discussion Mr. Long. I found it rather interesting. I left my 2 pennies worth also, hope you check it out.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 8:34 am
by KonThaak
Wow, I can't believe this one flew under my radar for so long...

On guns, as those of you who know me know, I haven't said anything in the "Kinetics" thread because I know about as much about guns as I do about altering the genes in microbes. Which goes about as far as saying "Uh, I know it can be done..."

...Para...ord... Uh, Ron? Isn't that what you trained me on...?

On 'the Rush'... Willie, you admitted to me that you're not really sensitive to all that you're capable of doing, you just know that you can do it. Many who are more sensitive to it call it a rush, something that happens when you're facing an enemy that really sets your senses off.

Razor was basically right, and actually, so were you and Debunker.

Adrenaline. That's the key. Our bodies are always pumped up on some level of adrenaline; it's one of the biggest chemicals that keeps us going, even just from minute to minute. It helps keep our heart beating, our lungs pumping air, and our muscles going. Usually, we have very low amounts travelling through our bloodstream, but when you need an extra kick, your body naturally has reserves of the stuff on hand.

Those of us who use Dr. Vic's "PPE" have a unique way of dealing with adrenaline. When we sense a threat, our bodies respond accordingly, giving us as much adrenaline as they think we need to deal with it. Sometimes, unfortunately, that isn't enough...but unless we learn to control our bodies to the extent that Willie has, we can't squeeze any more of the stuff out of ourselves.

But that's life.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 8:48 am
by Holister
Greetins' from Maine

So all this time its been the adreniline keepin me going, here I was thinkin it was the day old coffee at the station and my beers down at The Brick. As for my input on firearms yall otta check out my entrey into yer "KINETICS" thread. Its quite informitive.

Happy Huntin' 8-)

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 9:01 am
by KonThaak
Heh, well, caffeine does have its perks... It draws out your body's natural energy resources and starts burning them faster.

You don't want to OD on the stuff if you're any kind of PPE user. Burnout and caffeine crashes are bad things to have happen to you when you really need a burst of energy.

That and it takes several days to re-fill your adrenaline reserves once they're drained, so a caffeine crash to us is about the same as the migraine-level hangover that just won't quit.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 9:49 am
by Holister
Greetins' From Maine

Well thanks for that bit of info. Looks like we're switchin to decaf over at the station house (two of my depties think they're psychic).
Though it ight be funny to slip ol Derik a few No-Dose in a can of Jolt just to see what happens...heck he start really seeing dead people. *-)

Happy Huntin' 8-)