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Greetings to all.

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 9:56 am
by Crosshair MT
Hello, I have been reading the stories and topics here with great interest while waiting for the acount to be activated. I have had some very unusal encounters here with things that did not appear where I am from in the numbers I see here, and read of from all of you. I was the victim of a spell of some type that has relocated me, most everything here is the same as where I am from. I have gifts as well as a vast majority of the board does. Mine focus on weapons and armor. I can craft a weapon from almost any matieral and with the most basic of tools, not a simple crude club or such, a very sturdy firearm if that is what I need. Of course modifiying a exsiting weapon is alot easier to do.

As far as body armor goes I have not managed to get a suit to the levels I had back home, but I have made a few sets that have the same or higher rateing than the best currently avalible to the millitary. I also have nearly recreated the ballistic gel I used as a padding layer under my armor, it can reduce a firearm hit to a good punch and leave only bruises instead of broken bones. A bonus to the gel is it also can clot a wound and has a anti-bactiriel in it to help protect from diesease.

My involvement to date with the supernatural has been a vampire, a Dybauk I belive I has read here is the best description of the thing; a mage and several ghouls that were in a area tormenting children. I am looking to try and help protect the north Texas area from these things no oe wants to admit exsit beyond a very small group such as herre on the forum.

Sorry to ramble but I look forward to edchanging information with anyone interested in hearing what I have seen and found.

Crosshair MT

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 10:27 am
by KonThaak
You should probably hook up with Razor. I don't know if he's in the panhandle or not, but I know he's somewhere in that state.

Welcome to the boards, and, erm... Welcome to earth? Well, this earth, anyway.

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 10:54 am
by Crosshair MT
Thank you. I am from earth just not this one, never was big on the stories of other diminsions and such, at least till now. I am closer to the Lousiana border than the pan handle but I can travel and will if needed.

Where I am from ther e are things most would call impossible and fiction, so this world's paranormal problems are not too hard to belive in.


Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 3:45 pm
by Eric Eland
You say you make things, weapons, firearms you mention. Can you make less modern things, maybe following specific guide lines, different from normal methods? More like a change in how you handle something while you make it, need it pure, untainted. But first, can you make sharp pointy things? You let me know if you can please?

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 7:34 pm
by Holister
Howdy from Maine

Careful who you offer your gear too, we have had thefts here of rare and unique equipment (I personally blame the gov'ment).
Just a head's up. Oh, and heres an idea me and buddy Kincaid was thinking about, a Kelvin gun. Picture it..the ultimate supernatural fighting weapon...a gun the fires a laser that is the temperature of ABSOLUTE ZERO. It would freeze the subject solid at the molecular level. No amount of supernatural regen, no amount of resistance, and no matter how large it would be destroyed with one successful hit. Well, what'd think. I know we just a couple of good ol' boys here at Cypress Cove, but is it plausible, all you'ld really need is a synthetic diamond bout the size of a golf ball and a sufficent power supply.

Think Bout it.

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:15 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Errr, I didn't even think we'd achieved absolute zero in laboratory conditions let alone making an absolute 0 gun.

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:33 pm
by Holister

Im sure the gov'ment's got some eggheads some where working on it. Gotta admit its a good idea though.
Just think bout it, no more thinkin bout what ammo to use or what special weapons or attacks are gonna this bugger. With one weapon yo can pull the trigger and its bye bye Mr. Vampire, werewolf, ghoul, Dy-Buuk, whatever. Remember, man created the H-Bomb, tis may just be plausible too.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 8:13 am
by KonThaak
Just a few problems... Please understand, I'm not criticizing your idea. Personally, I think if it could work, and the problems I'm about to present could be dealt with, then by all means, let's do it.

#1: Such a device would almost certainly have to be magical in nature. We have a hard enough time simply approaching absolute 0 with modern tech, in an enclosed environment; to have it loaded into a laser or a ray gun would be, with the tech we have now, pretty much impossible.

#2: As I learned in physics, "cold" is an illusion. "Cold", as we feel it, is the absence of heat. To make an area cold, we defuse the heat in that area, but just like air in a vacuum, heat from around that area will rush in to fill that cold spot, which drops the temperature around it. If you suddenly make an area freeze down to absolute 0, I can't even imagine what kind of spherical radius you would liquify and freeze the very gases that we breathe. It would create a kind of "cold blast radius" effect, and I can't see a way for whoever fired the laser to survive that blast, either.

#3: These paranormals have what is, in effect, a magical regeneration effect. How do we know that, soon as they thawed out (which would eventually happen), they wouldn't just start regenerating again? Of course, due to the problem in #2, everything else around them would be long dead, so most anything coming back to life would most likely starve to death, but that's not the point of your idea...

Again, I'm not criticizing your idea. Personally, I think the idea of a freeze ray would be pretty cool (no pun intended) and quite effective if used the right way. Just maybe...instead of absolute 0, aim your sights a little higher...?

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 8:30 am
by Holister
Greetin' From Maine

Well you probably got a point there, after all I wouldn't want to,er, liquify the environment, heck, Ild probably have Greenpeace breathing down my neck all like, " Why'ld you have an go freeze half the county, the porr owls and snails, how could you. " Shoot, probably have to arrest em for being a public nusiance. Anyway, your might be right, besides if such a weapon did exist, theres always the chance of it fallin into the wrong hands. Looks like we stickin with the old standy's; 12 gauge in one hand and a.45 in the other, with a chainsaw in the trunk for carving up them dead lupine like a turkey on Thanksgivin'.

Happy Huntin' 8-)

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 12:55 pm
by Crosshair MT
Sorry for the delay responding, had some work to ddo last night; more on that in War Stories. Okay in order of questions:

Eric that depends on exactly what kind of requirements you need for the purity of the weapon in question. AS for making sharp pointy things, yes I forge my own blades and can do Damascus folding to a very high degree of strenght and quaility. Basicly if it's aweapon of some kind I can manufacture,forge or craft it with a little prep time and research. I have a gift similar to some of the psychics here, but mine seems more of a inate ability that is some what more advanced to some of the people I have heard of. Of course this may just be me tooting my own horn over much.

Holister, I have never built anything with that kind of capabilities, I have built a device to instantly flash freeze a target to about -150 F. I can also build a good old fashioned hand held laser if I can get some of the parts manufactured here with what is avalible. I think alot of the things we run into have a vunrability to flame and heat, this project unfortanutle does not have priority currently.

As far as giving my gear and equipment away too freely, not going to happen unless I get a lot of references to the persons charecter. Some of the people on this forum would certainly quailify for trade with. With a little prodding I could probably be persauded to part with copies of my 12 guage pistol, as long as people understand it is illeagle to own in some areas due to the required length of shotgun barrels, unless the officer involved just declared it a pistol.

As for werewolves silver has always been the accepted bane, I am curious if silver nitrate would work. Nothing like popping the beasty with a round of liquid silver. I have seen this in movies but don't trust my life to test it alone, and figure one of the Society members may have tried it on a giggles moment.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 2:36 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Silver nitrate isn't pure silver, it's a chemical compound that has silver in it. In my expeirnece it's pure silver or nothing.

Case in point, one of my standard rounds uses an exposed silver core. On a normal human, theround acts like a hollow point because the siilver is softer than the jacket around the rest of the bullet and deforms causing the bullet to expand inside the target.

Against a werewolf, what happens is the outer part of the cartridge pancakes on the target while the silver core slides in as easy as you please and goes in nice and deep to mess with the beastie's internals.

I suspect that silver nitrate, not being pure silver, would not have the effect.

Also, seeing as it's a liquid, the round would likely splatter on the surface like a paintball rther than getting inside where it would do some good.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 5:10 pm
by Crosshair MT
Yeah but I know a design that will penetrate and release the fluid, if standard matiriel will pirce their hides. If not I could probale do it in silver the nitrate would be a nasty way to deliver it to vitals even if you only hit a limb.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 7:29 pm
by Holister
Greetins From Maine

Im gonna to have to go with Ron on this one. As cool as it looks in the movies, any hunter knows that you don't go of that Hollywood nonsense. You have to go off of fact, and personal experience. Pure silver is the best solution for lupine, other solutions may include fire, decaptitation, blow them to itty bitty pieces, thermite (now thats nice to watch one them lupine swallow one of them and have it go off), or a silver link chainsaw (my deputy's idea). To close, stick with the tried and true methods, and not what you see in the movies.

PS: Silver nitrate really doesn't do anything cept make them sick and well, even more pissed off than they were before.

Happy Huntin' 8-)

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 8:20 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
I have to disagree with using Chainsaws as weapons. Too dangerous, too unpredictable, too heavy, and they're probably going to throw the chain when you swing at and connect with something.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 8:50 pm
by Holister
Greetins' From Maine

Ild have to disagree with yer disagreence there.I use chainsaw on a regular basis. They are more dependable than you think. Sure they're slow and clumsy, but Im not saying to use them in all out melee combat. Heck you want to dead something, you do it from 300 yards away. But for up close, how do you do carnage, nothing says lovin in the oven like a trusty McColluogh.

Happy Huntin' 8-)

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 3:22 am
by Ron Caliburn
To get the silver nitrate to penetrate you'd need a silver bullet hollowed out to contain the chemical.

At which point it's cheaper and more efective to shoot a solid lump of silver anyway.

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 10:41 pm
by Holister
Greetins' From Maine

Heck, if you wanta shoot somethin lethal into em' how bout a tranq rifle sportin cyanide cartridges, or better yet, CO2 cartriges. That will get ya more bang for ya buck. If worts comes to worst, ya can never go wrong with ACID. Yeah, how do spell relief mr lupine.