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A new call for help from an old Society member…

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:20 pm
by Private Dic McVay
Yes I know I’ve been out of the loop awhile. I thank all the well wishers from my injuries from that Gormaglut case months back.

I was out of commission for awhile, but I healed nicely up and things have been quiet since, reducing me to being the kind of private dic that chases cheating husbands and wives all day. Boring bread and butter work basically.

But I’ve run into something, and like the Gormaglut case I’ve never seen or heard of this thing before. The best I can describe it is to think of a ghost orb, but with a green tint to it.

It acts similar to a possessing entity where it enter's people. But this particular entity it doesn’t possess people… It seems to make them incredibly sick and eventually kills them, moving on to its next victim!

I need the Society's help again people… I don’t really know how to fight ghosts to begin with, and this thing seems very different than the usual spirits out there. Its dangerous and seems to be infecting and killing at random! Help Please!

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:38 pm
by Huntress
Ya know Terrance, I've seen these things before.

I dont recall the name of it, but I do know that there are some incenses you can use to keep it away from you. I'll try to find an old friend and ask him about it. but I cant guarentee I'll find him, so to the rest of you studs out there... feel free to speak up. I love a man who knows how to handle a ghost.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:41 pm
by Ron Caliburn
McVay, welcome back to the world of the wierd.

I'm not sure I'm the best to help you on this, since if I can't shoot or stab it, I can't do much to it.

That being said. There's a guy here called KonThaak. He knows about this kind of stuff and he might be able to point you to some things that might work. He might not be able to get out to La La Land to help you, but he can probably hook you up with a few interesting items and techniques that might help you contain this thing long enough to dispose it.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:42 pm
by Shadowstalker
Ghost huh I think I may be able to help let me check on somethings and I'll get back in touch.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 6:11 pm
by KonThaak
Heh, since the introductions have been done for me... (Thanks, Ron.)

I'll skip to the chase.

I don't know exactly what you'd call this kind of thing, but negative energy spirits tend to share certain similar traits.

First off, invest in an incense burner and some sage. It smells like you're smoking pot, but as opposed to the more intoxicating alternative, the fumes from burning sage have purifying properties. There's a good chance that your viral ghost ball could even be driven out of a possessed person by the fumes alone...but at the very least, it should be kept out of an area that's had sage burned in it within the past 24 or so hours.

Secondly, resort to anti-vampiric measures. Holy symbols presented in faith, salt, and silver are all supposed to be an effective means of dealing with negative energy creatures of any sort. (A common misconception is that these things are all effective against the undead; an untruth which can lead to major problems. Vampires have negative energy in place of their souls, so they're effectively the same as demonic entities, when it comes to methods of getting rid of them.)

Third, you'd be surprised what small fuzzies can do against things of this nature. Cats and dogs, either wild or domesticated, tend to be surprisingly effective against negative-energy spirits. Some spirits can be driven back by the cry of a hawk or the hoot of an owl. This one tends to be a bit iffy, as some spirits respond more noticeably to different animals, and can sometimes become dangerously violent when exposed to these stimuli, but nobody I've ever known has actually witnessed that. It may be an urban legend, or the closest thing we have to such a thing in these circles...

Finally, and one thing that I hope you already understand, these things are dangerous when one doesn't know how to deal with them. The above methods are good at keeping these things at bay, but to destroy them tends to take a lot more. If you can astrally project but can't defend yourself on the astral, refrain from doing so while baddies like this are around.

Sounds like Shadow's already working on a method of getting down there. If you drive the thing out of a possessed person, don't try to confront it yourself, or you may find yourself infected, next. Wait for someone like Shadow or me to make it down to get you some help. Keep a vial of holy water on hand, in case it decides to force your hand, and tries to infect you. (Keeping it on your person should help, but splashing it with the stuff should completely dissuade it from trying to harm you.)

I'd like to come down and help take care of it myself, but I'll defer to those who can actually get their butts down there. I have a family to consider, now, and family means bank accounts and budgets suffer greatly.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 6:32 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Have the attacks been completely random? Does it seems to be targeting certain groups of people? Children? Teenagers? Psychics? Magic Wielders? etc.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 7:49 pm
by Shadowstalker
I have been trying to help out Ron lately but his situation is not as pressing as your's may be at the moment so if you like I can be there with a team in a day or two. Oh my people did some reserch came up with some possible info on this thing first off for Incenses you may want to try somthing a little more old school biblicly speaking Frankincense and Myrrh there are likely a few others but I don't know what they are at the moment,as to if they will drive it out of a host or not I don't know. As for silver thats a maybe same for holy water and symbols but an item of pure iron should work when it is in its energy form most entitys tend to have issues with it. If you don't mind and I can find her I may want to invite Celeste along her unusal nature may make her immune to this thing and her own abilites could prove useful in tracking it.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:17 pm
by KonThaak
Uh, what'd you find, Shadow? Iron tends to work better against faerie-folk than spirits... Do you know for a fact what this thing is?

Re: A new call for help from an old Society member…

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:21 pm
by Willie Long
Private Dic McVay wrote:But I’ve run into something, and like the Gormaglut case I’ve never seen or heard of this thing before.

You don't make things easy, do you, T? I can do about as much to ghosts as you can, and I've got a few irons in the fire myself.

Glad to see you back.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 11:22 pm
by Shadowstalker
Actually its what one of my team that found it they said it was Huntress's comment about incenses that nailed it down for them. They found a few old case files detailing an entity that fits the profile and it had advisements on how to try and deal with it. The bit about the pure iron well that was also in the files and I've had it work on a few nastys myself so never hurts to have your bases covered.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 12:37 pm
by mrloucifer
Bloody Cripes mate! I dont recall all the details, but what ya got there is called "The Hoarse Whisperer". You got a right problem on yer hands bloke.

As far as that foxy lass Huntress told ya, some incenses will scare it off (I remember Rosemary and Vervain did the job nicely) and what the bloke above mentioned with the weapons made out of iron will make it bloody run off like Teddy Kennedy after a car accident... but only when its in its mist form, which happens to be its most dangerous form. Oh yeah, did I mention that when it leaves a victim it spews out its bleedin mouth in mist form to infect another? Much more lethal in that form from what Paster Greed told me. If the mist comes for you... bloody haul yer arse away if your not ready for it.

Oh, and Hello to all me mates out there... Ive been hiding out and helping me mum with the law. They think she killed the neighbor, and her excuse of "he was a bleedin zombie" isnt the best defense.

Me mum's a good lady, but she aint the smartest about dealin with the law. She's much better at beheading zombies with a shovel... yup, that's me mum, I BLOODY LOVE HER TOO!!!


Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 10:27 pm
by KonThaak
Alright, I checked back with some of my sources, and Shadow's right about the iron. My sources haven't positively identified what, exactly, it is, but they're working on it. I'll drop them a line about the "Hoarse Whisperer"...

If you're going to use iron, though, go for cold-wrought iron. Crowbars and pieces of wrought-iron fences work very well. Forged iron works, too, but cold-wrought iron is more disruptive to energy beings, for some strange reason... I know that forging the metals changes the chemistry somehow, but again, you'd have to ask someone who's really good at chemistry to figure out how.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 1:21 am
by AdamaGeist
If you are truely unable to handle this on your own, send me a message. I seem to be the only person on this board who specialises in destroying spectral creatures. I may be able to come over astraly and handle this issue for you.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:34 am
by Pastor Greed
Indeed it is the creature known as the Hoarse Whisperer... and its truly an evil one.

I have some details to share on this creature myself, but anyone with more details would be most helpful. These creatures will kill men, women and children indiscriminantly and with lethal precision.

These notes were made by a colleague of mine who has experienced it before and made some analytical notes about it:

"The Hoarse Whisperer is one of the hardest supernatural creatures for parapsychologists to define, locate or even deal with. It shares a few traits in common with entities, such as it’s a supernatural energy being that’s invisible to the human eye (while in its base energy form), it’s a P.P.E. vampire and like the possessing entity it can control humans (albeit to a limited extent). However, there is more than meets the eye depending on what stage one confronts this cold blooded killer and tormentor.

While in its energy form it shares all the same traits of entities; they are impervious to all physical attacks, they hover, fly and even possess limited psychic ability. However, the Whisperer has an above average I.Q. and is very determined to thrive and survive. And it survives by feeding of P.P.E. via vampirism. However, to feed the whisperer must invade the human body like a disease!

These creatures act very much like viruses and begin the process by selecting a suitable host to invade. To that end they slowly wander around in their invisible state, harmlessly passing through people (literally) as it does so until its cherry picking procedure strikes gold. While it can try to invade any human body it desires, it prefers to locate a victim whose immune system is weak at that moment for one reason or another (genetics, old age, already suffering from an illness of some sort, etc) and invades them. At this point the Whisperer is no longer an energy being, it converts into a mucus form.

In its mucus form it begins to”infect” its host by entrenching itself in the lungs, using its natural abilities to affect its host. The host suddenly begins feeling “congested” and will start coughing and wheezing. Within the first hour the host begins to feel and act as if their sufferinging from a severe chest cold, sinus infection or even flu like symptoms. The reasons for the Whisperer affecting the host in this manner are twofold.

The first is that the act of making its host look and feel ill helps hide the fact it’s presently in its host’s body to its enemies (Psychics that can see it). The second reason is that the victim will eventually be forced to relax and rest, slowing down their metabolism and breathing. This “relaxed” state is essential for the Whisperer to continue its invasion and the eventual usurping of their hosts body.

Once the conditions are right the Hoarse Whisperer with begin slowly expanding and crawling up through the lungs and the esophagus, further constricting the hosts ability to breath. While in the process of doing this the Whisperer invades and coats the host’s voice box, causing their voice to sound very hoarse and gravelly, requiring a tremendous about of effort to even speak (and hence their common name). At this stage it also begins to collect pieces of knowledge about the host’s life (experiences, skills, etc) through a sort of Mind Bond (see Psionics for details) as this information may be useful to it later.

Within an hour or so of its repositioning the Whisperer begins to thicken and expand its mucus body and will slowly suffocate its host to the point of unconsciousness and death shortly afterwards (often times while the victim is asleep). While the P.P.E from their host’s death is what it craved to begin with (and will drink gluttonously like the vampire it is) the supernatural invader may not necessary leave the host at this stage, it may have more plans for the host’s body as it can now take it over like a villainous puppeteer.

If it stays within the host body after it’s consumed all the energy it can, the Whisperer begins to take over the brain and motor functions of the host, usually within a matter of a few minutes. It will continue to move the host’s lungs to imitate breathing (which causes a wheezing sound), move around the eyes, the mouth and perform all the movements one would expect a person to do. However, its now dead shell of flesh that looks cold and sickly and the creature knows it has to act as ill as it looks. To this vile beings credit, it can perform the actions and reactions of being ill and display various symptoms very well.

The hoarse and raspy whispery voice, the moans of discomfort and aching, producing a runny nose and/or sneezing and coughing up phlegm (its own mucus body providing the source) and other imitations are all a part of its bag of tricks. Even the actions of forgetfulness and lack of the host’s memory and “brain power” works to the Whisperers advantage as most people give huge allowances and excuses to those who are so obviously under the weather.

This gives the Hoarse Whisperer the option to move about in society to carry out whatever a motive it may have at the moment or carry out and perform a task or command given by the person or supernatural being that may have summoned it. Its guise is useful and particularly helpful in that they’re rarely disturbed or hindered by others since most people tend to dodge folks who look this sick like they have the plague. In this capacity they can make good spies, moles and assassins.

If the Whisper is not under a superiors command, it amuses itself by tormenting those close to the host it has invaded, or causing general mischief and mayhem to the general human populace, or use the host body to help them get closer to another human to infect and invade them. Once the Whisperer has invaded a host, this is its preferred method of traveling and looking for a new host to feed on. This mucus form is less taxing on the creature, and it just enjoys the puppeteer like dominance on its now dead host and prefers to stay in its shell as long as it can until it’s ready to invade another.

From its hidden lair inside the host, when it’s ready to invade a new victim, it expands the lungs of its current body and immediately shifts into its third form… a mist like substance, allowing the lungs to push it out of and becoming airborne. In this form it floats quickly towards its target in hopes of being inhaled. Once inhaled it will travel directly to the lungs and once it’s reached its destination it reverts back to its mucus form to begin its invasion methods all over again in a new host. This is the Whisperer’s favorite method of invasion. Unless the host has adequate shielding the Whisperer almost ALWAYS successfully invades its new host, dominating them to its influence, eventual death and puppetry much faster then through its energy from!

The Hoarse Whisperer is a very frustrating creature to hunt down, encounter and combat. First off it’s nearly impossible to tell apart from a Poltergeist or a Haunting Entity while in its invisible energy state. The Whisperer knows this and has been known to use this advantage by imitating poltergeist activities (moving, throwing or hiding things, etc) to draw the curiosity and attention of its food source to them. If they are lucky enough, perhaps they will get the attention of their natural enemies so they can invade their bodies, namely psychics. It especially loves to invade Psychic Sensitives, Ghost Hunters and especially Psychic Healers as they see these psychics as the most direct threats to them.

This is only more frustrating and dangerous to psychics as the weaknesses of the Hoarse Whisperer are very different from the entities they resemble and imitate. Those who don’t know that they’re confronting a Whisperer usually aren’t prepared to combat or defend themselves against it. This often leads to an invasion by the entity, becoming its next host! The Whisperer loves to inhabit the bodies of their natural enemies (psychics) when it can and uses them to torment and attack their comrades, friends and family.

Even after the Hoarse Whisperer has changed into its mucus form it’s a tough opponent to combat. While in a host but hasn’t taken over the body yet (its host is still alive) it’s not quite as dangerous to others yet, but it’s no less of a challenge to combat or expel from the body. It also has several Psionic abilities it can use to defend itself as well. If forcefully expelled from its current host it returns to its energy form and may try to invade the one who expelled it. Then again, it may flee the area to hide from its attackers and find a different host altogether.

If the Hoarse Whisperer has claimed the life of its host and has full control of the body, it’s now a much tougher opponent to face. Like a possessing entity, it gains complete control over the host body and it turns the body’s P.S. into supernatural strength when needed. It may cause the host body to look and act very sickly, but this is merely a ruse. It’s very capable of fighting like the devil and can move its host body deceptively fast, making for a dangerous combatant. Even worse is that besides the unexpected agility and strength of the host body, the Hoarse Whisperer still has its Psionic arsenal at its disposal as well! If the body is destroyed the Whisperer is ejected from it, but it has the option to either return to its invisible energy form or its mist form to try and invade its attacker."

I hope this sheds light on how dangeorus this thing really is. God's speed in destroying this thing Mr. McVay.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 11:01 am
by KonThaak
In the light of what the good pastor has just mentionned, I hope that our good detective is still with us.

"Standard" methods of dealing with entities such as these usually involves psychic combat, astral-effective attacks, or magical means of dealing with the creature. Having said that, I hesitantly suggest that cold-wrought iron and burning sage may still be quite effective against such a creature, for their disruptive and purifying (respectively) properties.

This being the case, if psychic healers are considered one of its three greatest threats, then it sounds like supernatural healing is the best way to expel the thing when it's in its mucous form...

I still wouldn't try to take it on without some supernatural backup, if you're there, Mr. McVay.

Pastor, thanks for the information.

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:52 pm
by Ron Caliburn
So if it has different weaknesses from regular entities, what are those weaknesses?

So I might have a chance if I ever run into something like this.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 12:04 pm
by Private Dic McVay
I'm indeed still here... but unfortunatly the "Hoarse Whisperer" is still out here with me. I won the last battle with it thanks to the help of you all, but the war continues as I wasnt able to kill it. Its out there somewhere.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 12:52 pm
by Shadowstalker
The offer has been made just PM me with details on where to meet and I can be there with a team in a day

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 12:55 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Good ta know you're still alive and kickin'.

Hopefully you can fnd a way to shut this thing down for good.

Hopefully you get to share that technique with us.


Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:26 am
by Razor
Well, if you need some spiritual firepower, I am available. I may be stuck in Texas, but the Astral knows no limits of time or distance. It's also nice to know of somebody else around here that can Project, and of course fight from the Astral.

Just say the word and I can help track this bastard down, at the very least.

A timid offer

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:08 pm
by Eric Eland
You could use my help maybe? I have skill in finding things of magic. I could help you look for it, but I don’t think I will be much help after that, don’t like evil bad things, and this thing sounds very nasty, slimy, ick. But I will help look if you need.

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 3:21 am
by Shadowstalker
Is anyone besides me worried we haven't heard anything from McVay lately.

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 10:36 pm
by Ron Caliburn

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 12:03 am
by Shadowstalker
Ron how do you feel about a trip to check on him you know where to find him, when I am done playing delivery man.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 10:30 am
by Ron Caliburn
Sounds like an idea.

Since I am not spending my X-mas holiday as orgionally hoped.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 11:16 am
by Kolya
Can you share the details with me? The timing might actually work out for me. All the paperwork is done; I may be able to travel to the States before my work actually starts there. Of course, I would have to be back in time for duty...

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 7:43 pm
by Ron Caliburn
We never did find him.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:48 pm
by GhostSpider
Ron, this is getting old. Be nostalgic later, the world needs you now.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 6:00 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I'm not being nostalgic, I'm frustated that some good men and women who have helped us out so much in the past have fallen through the cracks and dissapeared.

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 11:07 pm
by Kolya
Yea all the leads just sort of vanished in air.