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Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:11 am
by PSC27 ... nvironment

I am flying to Texas tonight to investigate, now that my funding has been OK'ed for trips...FINALLY!!! Shall post finding.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 4:40 pm
by janus
Watch out there aren't more of them. So you think they can carry rabies? Are you sure it wasn't dead before they shot it? Good luck and keep us posted.


Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 6:00 pm
by PSC27
janus wrote:Watch out there aren't more of them. So you think they can carry rabies? Are you sure it wasn't dead before they shot it? Good luck and keep us posted.


To be honest, no; I do not.

For the record, I am in New York now, at the airport...They've lost my bags. Annoying, especailly since my equipment and gear was in it. Also the delay of my flight until 7:30PM here is a wee bit annoying. The food is surprisingly good. Though they only have iced tea, or hot green tea.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 7:39 pm
by Ron Caliburn
My advice is to toss a milk bone at 'em.

If they go for it, shoot 'em 'cause they are rabid.

If they don't go for it, empty the clip.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 7:47 pm
by Bob Trustworthy
What I can't believe is that nobody 'official' is investigating these two incidents! Where's our cryptozoologists? Coyote with mange!! No way!!!! I'm no animal expert, but those photos sure don't look like a coyote to me, and I know dogs. I worked at a kennel one summer.

So okay, maybe this isn't the Chupacabra or anything supernatural, but it sure as hell looks like a previously unknown species of animal living right under our nose. And if it's not that, then something is mutating the coyotes in Texas and somebody should investigate. Sounds like a cover up of big industry chemical pollution. Might be a topic for the conspiracy mesage board. I'll have to give that some thought.

It's definitely another example of how the media, authorities and scientific community blatently ignores the obvious. I'll be curious if anything comes from the DNA lab test, or whether the true results will be covered up.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 6:37 am
by Unkledak
I'm going to go out on a limb here, but the animal pictured, the first of two if I have been following the news items correctly. Could not be the source of the Chupacabra reports. The sightings of Chupacabra have spread from lower North America through South America. As well as several Caribbean Islands. If reports of the tests of the animal shot in Texas are confirmed as being that of coyote, disfigured by mange or not. It will preclude its connection to the Chupacabra story, as the range of the coyote are far out reached by sighting of the Chupacabra. The Island sighting alone guarantee that it could not be coyotes. And I doubt that dogs with a similar ailment are behind the sightings in the islands. If it is some disease vector in canines, why have no owners shown up with sick pets? Wild coyotes and feral dogs mix quite commonly. The feral animals coming into contact with pets enough, that surely some vet by now would have reported a skin diases of that magnitude to some of the literature on domestic animals. No I believe what they have there is not connected to the mystery of the "goat sucker". Although I believe it bears looking into. I await your post here eagerly.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 8:57 am
by A. Pendragon
Bob Trustworthy wrote:I'll be curious if anything comes from the DNA lab test, or whether the true results will be covered up.
10 lbs of British gold says it all gets covered up!

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 11:30 am
by PSC27
First off, I am a cryptozoologist. And this is not a dog nor is it a goatsucker...That much is known.

I keep on remembering a Mayan stone carving I seen in Palenque, Mexico. Back in 1990 when I went with my step father on a dig.

I am almost sure that it's DNA should turn up something. I am sending it to the main office, via a privet shipping crew out here. Should arive with in 7-8 hours. I shall wait on the results, enjoy Texas, then I am off to Haiti for a bit. Shouldn't take long to conclude my business there. Then it's off to Palenque for a bit to get some pictures of those carvings.

(Quick question...can I post images here?)

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 6:30 pm
by PSC27
I just saw one of those "things" out at the local restaurant. It stood up and actually walked and jumped on it's hind legs. Like a bloody kangaroo mouse. this one was an albino...weirdest thing too!

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 6:35 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I hope you brought protection, sounds like you might need it.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 8:02 pm
by PSC27
Ron Caliburn wrote:I hope you brought protection, sounds like you might need it.

Always, along with a video camera I picked up in Atlanta last night. I cast see aura, and it is unlike anything I have ever seen before. It's like, I don't know how to describe it to those of you who don't read aura. It has abundant PPE, but no magical ability, nor psychic ability. Age, I would estimate as being 6-7 mounths. Still a pup, well sorta...and clearly a male.

I am going to turn in now. Not use to the time change and all that rut.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 9:22 pm
by A. Pendragon
If you get a chance, "bag it and tag it"

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 11:22 pm
by PSC27
The tele woke me up...It was Kevin at the main office. DNA tests came back as being an unknown. They are now trying to match it's closest kin in the animal kingdom. Should have something to report tomorrow. My two comrads are here with me. Good night all.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:54 am
by PSC27
A. Pendragon wrote:10 lbs of British gold says it all gets covered up!

Well, Mr. Pendragon, it would appear as if you owe him quite a sum. The test results came in, its closest kin is the armadillo, but also shares DNA with a cheetah, a kit fox, and; of all things; a golden eagle.

We are going hunting later on, we hope to take two of them alive. We leave tomorrow for Haiti.

And I was wrong about that one being a male. We reviewed the tape this morning. It was a hermaphrodite (it had both male and female sex organs). :shock: John was the first to notice. And it was in heat.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 11:30 am
by A. Pendragon
Ah, but i bet it is still being covered up by your U.S. government. You got your answers through your independent resources.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 11:51 am
by Sean O'Neil
The government is great at covering everything up, or trying to at least.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 12:20 pm
by PSC27
A. Pendragon wrote:Ah, but i bet it is still being covered up by your U.S. government. You got your answers through your independent resources.

Uh, I'm English...REMEMBER?!

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 1:04 pm
by A. Pendragon
PSC27 wrote:
A. Pendragon wrote:Ah, but i bet it is still being covered up by your U.S. government. You got your answers through your independent resources.

Uh, I'm English...REMEMBER?!
Sorry Chap. It slipped my mind. You spend so much time in the Americas that I forgot your roots are here in good ole England.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 1:26 pm
by PSC27
We were able to capture 1, an adult. Much bigger than the other. It would appear that it too is a hermaphrodite and pregnant.

What's more...From what Daric (Psy Healer) told me, the 7 "pups" also are hermaphrodites, and in 2 months; give or take a week; they will come out. Also, something very unexpected. They have snake like fangs, only insted of killing venom, they have a druging venom the equal to hallucinogenic mushrooms. It bit a local teenager who went with our party. He's fine, Daric was able to negate the toxins. He asked if he could do that for right before a drug test.

John (Psy Sensitive) told me this thing was a pet of someone in the desert. Apparently mage of some type, from what the locals say. We may not be leaving tomorrow after all.

We are going to the mages place, after lunch.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 1:30 pm
by PSC27
A. Pendragon wrote:
PSC27 wrote:
A. Pendragon wrote:Ah, but i bet it is still being covered up by your U.S. government. You got your answers through your independent resources.

Uh, I'm English...REMEMBER?!
Sorry Chap. It slipped my mind. You spend so much time in the Americas that I forgot your roots are here in good ole England.

So much time? This makes my 3rd trip here as an adult. And my first time for business.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 8:53 pm
by PSC27
Alright...Gents and ladies. We offically have a freging huge problem! I have been to the mages cabin, and found his remains. He was dead. I also found his book of shadows amound other stuff there...His book had in it a weird magical text writen in Mayan. I was only able to transcribe about 4 pages of it thus far. What I was able to decipher was a spell for summoning a creature which is simply called the hybrid...Very high in ITZA (what you would call PPE), but very weak...At least the first and second Generations. Each generation gets stronger. But original they were supposed to take 5 years to have 1 "pup" and were not hermaphrodite. But I also found something more disturbing...Apparently he was tampering in genetic magick as well. He altered one of them. He felt that if he sacrificed the "pups" of the one he would be okay. He didn't count on him dying of a stroke while his pet was knocked up by its own sperm which he inserted himself. ALL TOGETHER NOW..."STUPID!!!"

This is one of the pictures I was talking about.


Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 4:13 pm
by alias
Itza is actually called "milk of the gods". all civilizations of ancient times saw rain from heaven. Their clerics trapped into glass jars and gave it to their kings and pharoes. They then applied it to their bodies beleiving that it would heal them and make themselves immortal.There are five great daily sacrifices that are to be performed by every householder. They are: Brahma Yajna, called also Veda Yajna, sacrifice to Brahman or the Vedas or the sages; Deva Yajna, sacrifice to the celestials; (iii) Pitri Yajna, sacrifice to the manes; Bhuta Yajna, sacrifice to all the creatures; and Manushya Yajna, sacrifice to men.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 8:58 pm
by PSC27
Oh well, can't remember all the words.

Re: itza

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 8:08 am
by Kolya
alias wrote:Itza is actually called "milk of the gods". all civilizations of ancient times saw rain from heaven. Their clerics trapped into glass jars and gave it to their kings and pharoes. They then applied it to their bodies beleiving that it would heal them and make themselves immortal.There are five great daily sacrifices that are to be performed by every householder. They are: Brahma Yajna, called also Veda Yajna, sacrifice to Brahman or the Vedas or the sages; Deva Yajna, sacrifice to the celestials; (iii) Pitri Yajna, sacrifice to the manes; Bhuta Yajna, sacrifice to all the creatures; and Manushya Yajna, sacrifice to men.

Are you still talking about the Mayans? This looks very Hindu to me.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 3:57 pm
by PSC27
We've been re-reasigned back to this case. It appears as if they want us to go back in and see if they got all the little buggers.

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 5:05 pm
by PSC27
Oh, lovely...the people that were supposed to pick us up from the air port last night are missing. And from the looks of the car they've wrecked.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:17 pm
by PSC27
No, they didn't kill them all. Not even close to it in fact. They need someone who can sense Magick. I'd suggest next time you yanks use someone with dog a as familiar.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:55 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Cat's a better choice than a Dog. Dog gets all noisey and agressive, let's the bastards know you're there.

Cat stays quiet and if the nasty is nasty, it looks for an escape route, providing you with valuable information if things go south.

BTW I might be able to provide you with some muscle who beleive in this sort of thing. I can't promise much expertise, but they'll have plenty of ammo. PM me if you want the hook up.