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Seeking assistance in finding items

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 2:01 am
by Inari
Hello everyone, I am sorry to have to ask here but I am seeking out a good quality of pure silver... At least ten pounds, five pounds of rainbow moonstone's and a good deal of smoky quartz.. at least a pound. The final item I seek is a half pound of obsidian. I seek these items to complete a ritual to heal myself. I a seeking these items in the colorado area, around denver. I would appricate anyones assistance in locating these items.

I unfortunatly only have a small amount of time left before my injuries sap what little energies I have left. I am unable to heal through conventional means or I would never ask so much of you all. The ritual itself I am afraid must be preformed in private though and while I belive a few of you could assist, it would be best if I kept this matter as private as possiable for all our sakes.

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 4:52 pm
by KonThaak
Man, oh, man... What tore you up to need that many components...? Is it venomous? And, most importantly, is it something that might come back to finish the job, or possibly go after someone else...?

Unfortunately, I can't help, myself, but I have a friend in your area. I'll ask him on your behalf...

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 11:18 pm
by Inari
It was dangerous yes, but more of a punishment for my conduct. The injury will not kill me but deprives me of a great deal of strength. I worry the ones responsable might attack others if they become involved though.. and no human alone is match for them I am afraid. This is not insulting but or not meant to be.

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 8:23 am
by KonThaak
Understood... I heard back from my friend. The only thing he could donate was a silver chain of sentimental value...and though he said he'd part with it to help someone out, it doesn't amount to much silver, not even a full pound.

I can't afford to help you with that many materials, myself, but I know of a store near here where they sell most (if not all) the components you need. If my route goes by there today, I'll stop in and let the owner know about this, and maybe she could set something up for an online deal...but the added costs of shipping and handling could be problematic. Have you checked new-age stores in your area? Are there any?

If all else fails, PM me. I very well may be able to help. Druidry does involve healing, counter-curse, and restorative magics, after all...

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 3:39 pm
by WonderingMind

smokey quartz


If you contact these folks, just tell them I sent you. Tell them that you need the raw material, it will be considerably cheaper that way.

As for the silver, coin store will have 1oz ingots for sale. Likely, 15-20% over metal value.


Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 8:55 pm
by Inari
I truly appricate the assitance and the offer for help. I should explain though, the items are acting as channels for specific types of energies. Through these energies my wound will hopefully be healed. I am unfortunatly immune to most healing magics given my nature.

Thank you for the link, they appear to be a good source for what I require. I have managed to find the silver through everyones suggestion's and for that you have my thanks.

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 11:41 pm
by WonderingMind
I am based in Tucson AZ, we are home to the international gem and mineral show held here each February and March. I have family that comes in for the show. My cousin sells jade of all kinds, so if you need anything, just let me know.


Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 10:51 pm
by Shang Li
Perhaps a 6" white jade Bhudda would help? Jade is after all very capable of drawing the negative chi from poisoned wounds, and the bhudda does help to bring balance to one's energy.

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 3:18 pm
by WonderingMind
Shang Li wrote:Perhaps a 6" white jade Bhudda would help? Jade is after all very capable of drawing the negative chi from poisoned wounds, and the bhudda does help to bring balance to one's energy.

Welcome to the boards Shang Li.

Question, would one have to believe that the symbol, in this case Bhudda, is effective, or is the power inherent in the symbol its self?

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 11:51 pm
by KonThaak
I think I can field this one...

A symbol has value and meaning in and of itself first and foremost. The cross, the Amida Buddha (or any of the other various Buddhas--including my mother's favorite, the Fat Buddha), the Star of David, even the swastika (both varieties) have an innate value and power in themselves.

Our beliefs can bend and shape how that power affects ourselves and others. In this case, if the person presenting a Buddha to an invalid has faith in the Buddha they are presenting, then there is a greater chance of that person and the symbol healing the invalid. If the invalid believes in the healing properties of the Buddha, then the chances of their being healed is even greater.

Of course, symbols have their greatest affect when being used by mages or psychics who believe in their powers, because those who wield the energies can channel and focus the energies of those symbols to increase their effectiveness.

Hopefully, that's been enlightening...

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 1:13 am
by WonderingMind
Thanks, this clarifies the subject for me. As a Universalist I see the validity in almost all faiths (with the exception of the Dark/Evil ones). As a rule I will carry only those symbols that most have meaning for me personally. I have never had need to use such symbols in any way except for personal enlightenment.