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The hunt

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 5:40 pm
by Wolf Brutscher
Well with a little help from Ron I have started my
first solo job.I got a call from a local sheriff about
a shooting he said it was out of his juirsdiction on
government land.Well I got all my kit in my old
truck and headed up the cost.By the time I got
there it was at lest 4 hours old bad for me good
for the bad guy's.There wasn't much to find for
4 lab boy's shoot in the head it was a pro that
wasn't hard to tell but the gun that was on the
seen just didn't look right wrong calliber and to
tell the truth it smelled funny like fresh plastic.
I have what I could get out of the lab in B.F.E.
and gun that has never been fired the gun in
question is moer of a hand cannon and very very
rare it's a Olympic Arm's model OA-93 and only
one has been purchased in my area so I'm off
write more soon.

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:30 pm
by Ron Caliburn
So that's what you were askign me about.

That's a pretty expensive red herring

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 12:37 am
by Wolf Brutscher
Sorry about the long down time been sick.
The body's where looked at by the coroner's
office and they said that on bullets where
recovered from the lab boy's body's there
only explanation was that thay where stab
wounds.I didn't press the fact that most of
the"stab wounds" went threw most the bodys
in question.As for the gun it self Im taking
that to a specialist in the field of weird a
Dr.Micheal Smith Parapsychologist old frind
and I think the only person that can help
me now.

Ron your red herring belonged to a
very rich dead man Otto Heiss passed
on 4 years back in a plane crash.And some one
is still acting in his name I will get into
that after the gun is looked at.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 10:12 am
by Ron Caliburn
I could see a through and through with the gun in question at close range on a skinny target (or using armour piercing rounds). But you said that wasn't the one that did the damage.

A through and through stabbing would require a sword - and a lot of muscle behind it.

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 10:32 pm
by Wolf Brutscher
Thay where through in most but sum did hit bone and whene thay did it left a hole or brake as if"shot"or hit at hi speed.The"bullet holes"in the wall
what there was of them where also empty :?

As for what paper work I could get my hands on it looks like the lab was
trying to make a P.P.E. meter of some kind I will have the Dr. look at that as well.

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 2:15 pm
by Ron Caliburn
So either the bullets evaporated or somebody did a through cleaning.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 2:04 am
by Wolf Brutscher
I will know more tomorrow.I have a frind and I use that term loosely
that is going to"requisition"the video discs for me.
More later.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 1:19 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I suppsoe, technologically, bullets that evaporate - or rapidly break down into a substance unrecognizable as a bullet are possible - but they would probably be pretty worthless as projectiles.

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 11:05 am
by Ron Caliburn
A Ghost Hunter? I'm sometimes called that - though I never took the name for myself.

I've been told my custom monster hunting weapons and body armour look more like something you'd find in a bad sci-fi movie prop room - but they all do the job they are supposed to.

I do wish I was psychic though. It would make finding these things so much easier. As it is I have to use old fashioned detective skills, tracking expertise and a bit of luck. I do have a set of googles that lets me track things in the dark or that I otherwise couldn't see - but that's as close to ESP as I can ever hope to get.

But, if this guy is a ghost hunter, he's not a very good one. I will admit I have brought down a few humans - but never in the sort of mass shoot 'em up you're describing. I protect people from monsters (human or supernatural) and there's no point in creating situations where I might end up accidently injuring those I wish to protect.

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 10:57 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Seeing as I've spent time in an institution, I can accept that concept. But It'd have to be something really major to swing you around to destroying what you want to protect.

Then again, that's what happens in those family annhilator murders, isn't it.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 4:08 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I've had to take down the occasional cult leader, drug dealer or serial pedophile in my time, but those are always singular people. What would this guy think these folks are up to that he'd need to go after a whole bunch of them?

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 7:32 pm
by Wolf Brutscher
Ok hear we go it all started ok but the s___ has hit the fan now that I have got some help.I whent to the Doc.s house and had a talk with him and showed him the papers I had found at the crime seen what he could make of it was mostley test info and the gun he said we need to take to the lab for testing and analysis.As we are leaving his house he shoves me back in and says that there is some thing out there and he looked shook up,so I pulled and took a look out side....nuthing the Doc. ran up stares and started looking out the windows after about 5 minute's he said he hurd some dogs barking at some thing and it must have left and so did we.We talked by cellphone tell we got there and form what he saw then he thinks
it's a Loup-Garou.Any how we took the gun to the lab and started the tests
I'm not going to go through them all but there was no fringerprints or fibers on the weapon.At this point I left the lab to get the vid discs from my "friend".Whene I got back the Doc.had the mag out of the gun and was looking at it but I just got strated to the discs all looked like what I think would be normal until a man in a blak upsute just appeared on camra and started shooting people in the lab you could hear the gun but it didn't sound quit rite.After thay where down the shooter changed mags at witch time there was a flash from the gun.The Doc had been watching from over my shoulder and said there was a flash like that whene he took out the gun's magazine and it burned out the magnometer next to him.At withch point the shooter put a fue more rounds into the labtech's and motioned off camra and a big clawed hand riped it out of the wall.So now I ask the Doc. to explane the flash he said there was a crystal and some circuitry inside that had stored power of some kind but whene he removed theme thay burned up.Got to go just got to the I will finish to night.