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Special Weapons

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 1:21 am
by KonThaak
I noticed in his thread in his thread "Alarming Trend", Ghost Spider has/had a magical sword... I, too, have gotten my hands on a special weapon, of a slightly different nature...

A couple of years ago, my wife (who was at the time my fiance) and I were at a convention, and I purchased a saber of decent quality... It was mostly ornamental, but I figured it would look nice in my collection. I'm not normally a big fan of sabers, but this one had the hilt of a silver dragon whose wings formed the guard, and there were three more dragons lazing along the black scabbard...

I really didn't think much of it as a usable weapon; the blade caught in the scabbard easily and didn't want to be drawn; the weapon itself was heavy, difficult to recover from a good slash (and sabers aren't exactly known for being weapons of stabbity doom)...

A few weeks after I'd gotten this saber home, I felt a draconic spirit enter into the blade itself, where it still is to this day. I don't understand the tongue of dragons, so I've yet to figure out why it chose to help me, but now, when I'm in the presence of supernatural evil, the blade slips easily from its scabbard, is practically weightless, and can cut through creatures that normally would be immune to such an attack...making it a rather effective weapon against the occasional demon, vampire, lycanthrope, or other monsters that I happen to come across... What's more, it's also proven that it can cut down monsters in the astral, though not as effectively as in the physical.

Anyone else have any fun little weapons like that?

HAM radios of protection

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 1:36 am
by WonderingMind
For unwanted astral beings I like to use a modified Swan 350c HF HAM radio. The one I use was made in 1966 its rugged but hard to get vacuum tubes for it (I have to order them from Russia). It’s just flat amazing what 600 watts in the right frequency band will do to an astral creature. I keep one (Swan 350c not creature) in my truck and I can get it running with a simple flick of a switch. It creates an energy zone about 100ft in diameter around the truck protecting me from most astral creatures

I have been working on offensive applications against "super natural" beings in the VHF/UHF bands. The radios are cheaper for the shorter bands so make better monetary sense to work with VHF/UHF radios.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 2:07 am
by KonThaak
That's rather unique! I'd never thought of using radio waves...

As for vaccuum tubes, check the ham conventions. A lot of times old hands have a bunch of spare equipment that they're willing to sell pretty cheaply. Also try ebay... Silly as it sounds, my wife and my mother have pointed out time and again that you can get ANYTHING there. My mother got a haunted doll there, once...but I'll relate that another time...

new tubes

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 2:17 am
by WonderingMind
I go to ham fests on a regular basis, and sometimes you come across some one selling vac-tubes. But, not enough and in good enough condition. So I buy them new from Russia, they STILL use vac-tube equipment there so they still make tubes. It make one wonder about the Red-Menace…. :?

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 4:19 am
by KonThaak
Wow, I didn't know that! 'Course, ham was my father's gig... I never really got into it very much, so there's much I don't know... I just know that one year, my father came home from a hamfest in Kansas City (back when I was living in Lawrence; see the "Mary's Lake Demon" thread in "War Stories") with a box full of old vacs... They'd been sitting in someone's closet for years, and were still in working order.

If you ever hear an N9XR on the contests, give him a good contact, alright?


Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 9:14 am
by WonderingMind
If I hear him out there I will of course give him a good contact. I see from the look up that he’s busy out on the bands (725) look ups.

I usually run on the VHF bands so that I don’t interfere with my defensive field. I have found that astral beings react most strongly right at the top of the 80meter band about 3.6mhz. And, as would be expected I have a separate 11meter radio (CB). I maintain an extensive communications suite: a Ranger 6900F150, a Icom IC-7000 and the Swan as well as satellite text communication and cell. If you happen to see a plain white unmarked 2001 Freightliner with about a dozen antennae all over it that would be me. My main area of study is non ley-line energy vortices. I am looking for non traditional means for astral entities entering our dimension. Also, I offer my services to the Society moving attack teams/equipment any where in the lower 48s, Canada and northern Mexico. My day job is very similar, I haul Haz-Mat, every thing from radioactive casks to captured monsters.

Gotta go out on a run I will be back Friday.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 1:32 pm
by AdamaGeist
A little note as to how that actualy works, in a way... Probably everyone here has heard of Electronic Voice Phenomena, even if they only know about it because of that White Noise movie. The principle is simple, strangely enough. A good deal of astral creatures, from spirits to demons, can actualy interface on high-frequency bandwiths, enough to drop messages onto tuned recorders or hijack phone lines. (As noted by the 'Ghost Call' Phenomena.)

Because they can send and recieve off of those wavelengths, anything set up to transmit on those same variations can be felt by them. And the more power you pump out, the stronger the force they notice. Radio stations are often good places to hide from angry spirits, in my experieince.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 10:51 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I haven't played with radios - mostly because I haven't had the idea to until now - but it's not really my style anyway.

My day job involves being the owner and propriter of a firearms and police supply store. I also do some gun smithing.

Seeing as i can get the stuff at cost, and I'm lisenced for stuff the average bloke just can't pick up, I have a pretty large toy box. I also make a point of telling my customers I've fired at least 1000 rounds through each one of my demo pieces (I jsut never say at what).

I do a lot of tinkering with what I got, and though a long arm is my preferred weapon, I'm especially proud of my Piece.

My Piece is a custom made handgun of a low recoil design firing my own custom ammo loading (based of a 32 guage shotgun cartridge if you're wondering). I have a variety of special ammunitions for it (and because I actually know how bullets really work I can make effective silver / wood / cold iron / salt / holy water / whatever rounds rather than that gimicky stuff sold over the internet). I aso have a nice suite of quick swap aiming aides, a nice silencer, and awesome ergonomics. While the special bullets I laod it with usually ain't so hot on human targets, I haven't yet had a failure to stop on a vampire, werewolf, hell hound, bat creature, swamp thing or jabberwock.

To go with my piece I also have my Blade and my custom body armour. Both optimized for dealing with bad beasties.

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 12:23 am
by Koralth
against... Against HIM, does anyone think this *ahem* radio idea would work?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 1:22 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
It couldn't hurt to try it. Although I don't believe he would classify as being Astral. Maybe Ron could fill you in on the specific ways that his family tried blocking the spiritual.

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 2:50 pm
by Ron Caliburn
We had some kinda transmitter set up, that was for sure.

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 3:15 pm
by Shadowstalker
I know this whatever it was when I went in looking for Hannah, well when I was in an Astral form it gave me one hell of a headache, and a case of vertigo. Had to really focus to get to Hannah and later out again.

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 3:40 pm
by Koralth
That's good enough... I'm going to set something up. I can't just sit around and wait for him to come back. Jeremiah, he *ahem* seems invincible, nothing anyone did could stop him last time, but... *ahem* I really hope, Ron, that your signiture is true...

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 11:47 pm
by KonThaak
Jeremiah can die. More than that, he will die.

He's already seen to that.

It's just a matter of when Ben or I get our hands on him.

Of course, if I get there first, I'll save some for his creator...