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What is it about 2006?

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 12:17 am
by Faerie Chaser
Gremlins attacted my computer sci. teacher while class was going on, a demon possessed a friend of mine in my dorm room, another friend of mine joined an occult, and I was attacted by a werewolf; 2 vampire; and 4 cute little kittens who tried to rip my freaking arm off. And that was just in January.

In February, my Anthropology teacher pulled me aside and told me he knew that there was more going on on campus than meets the eye. And told me that he was with a group of healers, I needed their services. I went with him to see them, and they healed the demon kitten's bites and scratches and told me to avoid the hospital. Strange things happen there. A little boy grabs ahold of my harley trike, and flips it. I was abducted in a UFO. Missed most of my classes and had to do major make work.

And today, a douser friend calls me, tells me he has found a "black energy spirals" emanate from the earth in the dorm I am in, and it's in the dead center of campus. According to him, the dorm is designed as an amplifier and the raido antena on top of it is not just used to broadcast the college radio station. Blaw, blaw, blaw.

I tell you guys, there is going to be a lunar eclipse on the 14th of March, the Spring Equinox on the 20th, and then a solar eclipse on 29th. Then a lunar eclipse on the 7th of September, then another solar eclipse on the 22nd, then the fall equinox on the 23rd, and a Transit of Mercury on November 8th!!!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 1:21 am
by Fiera
Wow, you sound busy, and I thought my life was hectic.
Sounds like your dormed on a hell mouth. Either pack up or start packing (preferably silver bullets) but thats just my suggestion ... oh and if you aren't psychic get a friend who is.

good luck and good health on this one

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 6:29 am
by The_Unicorn
Sorry about the kittens, I thought you were someone whom, as it turns out, you weren't.

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 12:33 pm
by Faerie Chaser
The_Unicorn wrote:Sorry about the kittens, I thought you were someone whom, as it turns out, you weren't.

You sent the kittens??? Hummm. Note to self: KILL THE UNICORN if he/she/it doesn't have a damn good reason!!! Start talking Unie, while I prpare a doll.

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 1:16 pm
by Faerie Chaser
Well, tomorrow is supposed to be when the radio station starts broadcasting, not only locally but globally; via the internet. Is there anyone who understands feng shui on this board? I have done a bit of researching since the last post on black energy spirals. I can do nothing about it, unfortunately I know VERY little about energy spirals, much less feng shui.

I am going to see if the healing group knows of anyone.

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 4:16 pm
by Dante Andel
I don’t really know that much on feng shui, although I do have enough books on the subject so it shouldn’t be to hard for me to figure it all out.

The one thing I did find out through a few of them is that feng shui seems to be connected to Taoism. After some time researching that I'm not entirely sure feng shui could do what you what you want it to do, I'm guessing you want to get rid of the black energy spirals.

It might however be able to allow you to create a white energy spiral of equal strength to the black one thus creating a natural balance and ultimately creating a more healthy environment.

your best bet would probably be trying to find a Taoist monk and seeing if they can help you, if this isn't an option though I guess I could try and figure it out if it would help.

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 6:27 pm
by The Watcher In Shadows
I would suggest checking who built the dorms and when they were constructed. If they are a company or large corporation give me the name and I will see what I can find out.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 11:31 am
by Faerie Chaser
The Watcher In Shadows wrote:I would suggest checking who built the dorms and when they were constructed. If they are a company or large corporation give me the name and I will see what I can find out.

Well, the college dictator, er uh pres.; Peter Crow; designed it. It's a fairly new building...not even a year old. See what you can find on him. Because I haven't been able to find jack on him except he that he like every college pres. tries to cover up most of the rapes, attacks, and murders that happen on campus. Most of the time only succeeds in keeping it out of the news. And he is a republican, so demon spawn would probably be true enough. :lol: :twisted:

And Dante Andel...I have some people working in the basement/laundery room, right now. Trying to change it into a white one. I sorta had a frat friend of mine issued a frat challege, they unfixed the washers and driers last night. Don't exactly know how well it will work out. But they are trying!

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 5:15 pm
by Dante Andel
Ok cool hope that equals the spiral out and slows the weirdness down for you.

Question I forgot to ask in my last post though, whatever happened to the kittens?

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 6:01 pm
by Faerie Chaser
Dante Andel wrote:Ok cool hope that equals the spiral out and slows the weirdness down for you.

Question I forgot to ask in my last post though, whatever happened to the kittens?

I ain't worried about me, it's the rest of the world that I am worried about. We are reaching the time of the eclipes. And they're making some progress down stairs.

Oh, lets just say that I got rid of either them or a small pack of werewolves one. Ummm, why do you ask?

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 6:38 pm
by Dante Andel
Those kittens were probably yanked out of there dimension then thrown into a new body in this realm then I am going to guess they were shoved in a box somewhere and somehow delivered to you and the rest you know better than me.

I guess it would have been nice to get them home again, which would only realy matter if the were's didnt kill them as the souls of most demons return to their dimension when they die in any other dimension.

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 12:00 am
by The_Unicorn
Dante Andel wrote:Those kittens were probably yanked out of there dimension then thrown into a new body in this realm then I am going to guess they were shoved in a box somewhere and somehow delivered to you and the rest you know better than me.

I guess it would have been nice to get them home again, which would only realy matter if the were's didnt kill them as the souls of most demons return to their dimension when they die in any other dimension.

Cinsidering my previous post in this thread, I know that all you just stated was completely wrong(except that some entity's spirit's, including the occasional demon, do return to their "home" when their vidies are killed here).

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 11:05 pm
by Faerie Chaser
I just used the term "demon" to discribe them. I honestly don't know if they were possessed or not. I'm guessing that would be your area huh, Unicorn. Demonology has never struck me as being a wise thing...Even to summon an angel is a bad idea. Even so, you are some of the best exorcist in the field, accourding to my teacher of the arts. But, I guess I have been a bit of a do-gooder magus. I only hope to be half the mage my teacher was. I haven't heard back from him in 2 months. So, I expect the worse has happened in Africa.

I have a long freaking way to go before I can fill his biker boots.

Anyway, things actually have worked rather out well here. For the moment anyway.

I am fairly new to the society. I guess it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. LOL Uh, it's 11:04PM and I have a paper to finish. Please excuse me.

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 11:38 pm
by PSC27
Faerie Chaser wrote:I haven't heard back from him in 2 months. So, I expect the worse has happened in Africa.

No, Jonathon, I am not dead...Just extremely sore and possibly paralyzed. At the moment the bloody doctors and 1st rate healers here don't know if I shall ever be able to walk! I shall let you know later.

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 11:05 am
by Faerie Chaser
Good that you're alive, Sir. Bad that you're going through hell. What happened? And where is here? England, China, or Africa? Remember Sir, I can't exactly access the Brittish records from the US. You mentioned healers, I assumed you were one of 3 places.

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 12:34 pm
by PSC27
I got the crap beat out of me by the life force in Africa. Actually, I should say the life forces minions. I destroyed the life force, however it's control on the villagers lingered on for what seamed like an hour. And I am in China. I will not disclose where though. But at least the society has a good health plan.

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 7:48 pm
by Faerie Chaser
Okay, I understand.

By the way, the pres. of the campus is not very happy. I don't know, something about 5 lightning bolt appearing out of a clear sky...the 1st shorting out the equipment in the radio station. 2nd one blew up his car's computer. 3rd one got his house. 4th one got his laptop. And the 5th one got him. That and some one burned a message in his yard. Change your ways!

And no, I wouldn't know anything about it. Really!


Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 11:01 pm
by PSC27
:lol: Well done!