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The Cult of Asia Seven

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 5:09 pm
by Celeste Darken
I have escaped the Cult of Asia Seven and dealt them a harsh enough blow they will not reform for many, many years. But I should start at the beginning. And since it has been very involved, a synopsis is in order: I have been corresponding on the web with one who calls himself Brian Hole. He has an unhealthy interest in vampires. A meeting we were to have face to face was interrupted by a demon. That is to say, a demon posing as me would have killed him had I not arrived late (Hole insisted the time be during the day, as though questioning my vampirism) and fought it off. He and I found the remains of the servers of the café, likely murdered by this same demon. This convinced Hole to call the police. Not desiring to be questioned, I hid some distance away. But the “police” that showed up were odd—their uniforms and unmarked cars made me suspicious. Though I wasn’t near enough to hear the exchange, I knew Hole didn’t approve being the one arrested. I lost their trail, but found some interesting stats about grave robberies and missing persons on the bulletin board at the real police headquarters.
When I went to investigate the tampered graves, I saw a zombie, who seemed perfectly willing to work with me. Unfortunately, I learned grave ghouls cannot speak, so my questions were useless. But it led me to a very interesting place: The basement of the church, which was supposedly abandoned and sealed off. Only, it wasn’t. A cult of demon and undead worshipers had taken residence there, with plans of altering an undead force by use of a mystic cane, all for some sort of military campaign. Through the course of exploring the basement, actually a catacomb, I found Brian Hole, bound, gagged, and under the impression that this was all a big mistake. I freed him, and rightly guessed the "police" were actually security guards within the cult. Through much investigation, we found the cane and the means to get through the spells guarding it. I pondered on a way to safely destroy the cane and the spell it contained.
It was at this time that Brian Hole decided to reveal his true colors as an absolute buffoon. He used the cane on me, tapping my head as though playing a drum! Immediately a searing heat enveloped me and settled over my heart like a stopper. But I seemed uninjured. Perhaps his meddling had not awakened its dormant powers. In either case, I decided the best means to stop the cult’s plans was to simply destroy the cane. I snatched it from Hole’s hands and snapped it over my knee. Both of us were thrown to the floor by a rush of wind that left as quick as it came.
Thinking our job done, I searched for a way out of the mazelike catacomb. However, fortune was with us, for we came upon a sacrificial ritual that had not yet been completed, instigated by a priest training an acolyte. Rushing through the incantation, the priest ordered the apprentice to slay the child upon the bedlike altar. Though Hole and I both rushed at once to put a stop to the vile deed, I reached the altar first and rolled it aside. Realizing I was a foe of their cause and not an ally, the acolyte stabbed me in the heart with the sacrificial dagger.
For a brief instant I swooned. But as the acolyte pulled the dagger out, I regained consciousness—and felt different—the heat over my heart was pulled out along with the dagger as though it was merely a cork and the dagger a corkscrew. Before the wound closed over, I felt coldness flare through my body, so chill even ice seemed as warm as a bonfire in comparison. The priest must have noticed the change I felt, for he seemed deathly afraid, and fled quickly. Nevertheless, even after taking the time to feed on the acolyte (with my back turned to the screaming child), I nearly caught up to the priest, but he reached the stairs that evidently led above and escaped me. But I had caught the scent of his blood—I would find him later. But for now—the child must be safely returned.
Brian Hole had untied the child, and we used the stairs to exit above ground. The sun was shining brightly, and I was burned as I cautiously entered its aura. So I quickly returned to the catacombs, which is about the time of my last message.

I have spent the rest of the time hunting the members of the cult and ensuring they cannot bring about the rest of their plans. And as a side to Debunker and Nick’s Mind. I believe you will find a like-minded friend in Brian Hole. Even with all the evidence we had seen and handled, he is a skeptic. His eagerness to meet me was not so much as an interest in vampires as an attempt to prove me a human! He would not even believe his own bleeding flesh, when he pierced his thumb upon my fang. Well. To each his—or her—own. He is a brave soul, and with his help the police and I (working separately) have ensured the Cult of Asia Seven trouble humanity no more.

Celeste Darken.

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 1:44 am
by DHunter
Why would he hit you on the head with a magic staff?
sounds like it helped but it could have killed you.

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 7:15 am
by The_Unicorn
DHunter wrote:Why would he hit you on the head with a magic staff?
sounds like it helped but it could have killed you.

Apparantly, he was an idiot.

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 8:14 pm
by KonThaak
Judging from the priest's reaction, he may have known what happened to you... Unfortunately, if you've already silenced him, he cannot help us at this time... I may be able to offer some hypotheses to what the cane was, but I'll do so in your "Death by Vampire" thread...