Valley of the Kings

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Valley of the Kings

Post by Contact_21 »

Recently, a group of mummies were found in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. The initial report gave a hint that all was not right when it could not even be certain as to how many mummies were found. Was it 5 or 6? There was no comment from the leader of the team who made the find. Even the Egyptian Antiquities Authority was largely silent.

However, some hours after the find was made, an Agency Associate contacted us. Here is his report.

Extracted from File # 34771 and Addendum B-34.

The walls within the room in which we found the mummies were bare, indicating a rushed burial. This made the find unique in that I have never seen a room for the dead so unadorned.

Only three of us could fit comfortably in the room without disturbing the artifacts, including canopic jars with their seals intact. Our flashlights scanned the room and we spotted a glass sphere in one corner.

To my astonishment, disregarding all protocal, our team leader began to crawl toward it. When he came within a few feet it began to glow a blue green and he disappeared!

My fear was suddenly redirected as a pair of hands pulled me out of the room from behind effortlessly, and I weigh a little over 280 pounds. It was night, but after being tossed onto the ground I could see a man in front of me lit by the headlights of some nearby vehicle. Moments later, my companion was dropped unceremoniously next to me. The figure spoke, "Don't move."

He was dressed from head to toe in some sort of charcoal grey body suit, with a vertical collar that went around his neck up to his mouth. His eyes were indicated by two dark, elliptical lenses. It was then that I realized that the rest of our team and our vehicles were gone.

While in a mild state of shock, I turned my head to see another man, identically dressed, emerge from the opening to the mummy chamber with the glass sphere on the end of a three foot long wooden pole. Held in place by some sort of finger-like grips.

The man guarding us immediately pulled his rifle away and the pair walked to a long van. Suddenly, I heard a soft pop and a white mist began to rise from the ground. Both of us fell unconscious.


This is Contact_21. Yeah, they called me in, but this incident was rated so high as to skip the usual plane ride. I was teleported to the general location the following day. It was dark when I plugged my scrambled cell phone into my laptop. The satellite images I had requested had just come in.

And they confirmed my initial suspicion that a secret, global organization that I call the Conspiracy was involved. The images showed only the vague outlines of the truck. Clearly, it was equipped with holographic and thermal camouflage equipment. But there were also tire tracks on the ground. I had something to follow.

I called up a map hoping to get some idea of where they were heading. The most likely candidate appeared to be a group of small, low buildings that had been built by some archaeologists in the early 1900s and abandoned.

The plan was for me to locate the site and call in a strike team. Normally, we try to recover ancient artifacts but in this case, we couldn't take any chances, especially if they had it.

It soon became necessary for me to abandon my car and switch to bedouin garb. I also had to rent a camel in order to appear like a local in my final approach to the target. And as I traveled through the desert, I felt mighty alone. Fortunately, there was a sliver of moonlight to guide the way.

Then I spotted him, in the middle of nowhere. I was about to check my 9 mm but I had a gut feeling that this person was not there to hurt me, which is pretty rare.

"You are seeking the myralon (mir- uh- lon)."

"The what?"

"An artifact of great power."

Aren't they all? "Uh. listen mister, I don't want to sound rude but I've got a feeling that I don't have much time. So whatever you've got to say, say it."

"I am what people call a mystic. This artifact must never be touched except by wood or some nonmetallic substance. And it must be kept at arm's length at all times."

"What can it do?"

"It can send men to a bad place, a dangerous place. That is all I can tell you."

I had slowed down to listen to the man but I speeded back up. I had another gut feeling that his appearance was no coincidence. I at first resisted the urge to turn around and look, but I did, and he was gone.

A few minutes later I could make out the outlines of the buildings in the distance. Then I had another visitor - a man with the head of a jackal.

"Stop, mortal!"

Don't you hate it when you're confronted by an Egyptian god and the names of all the Egyptian gods disappear from your memory?

"Do not interfere!"

OK. Now what? Suddenly, I heard a voice in some strange language coming from above my head. The god looked up, listened and then disappeared.

I tried to put a call through on my cell phone but I couldn't get a signal. If this was important enough for one of the gods to appear, something had to be done fast, even if I might not make it out alive. I was checking my concealed rocket propelled grenade when I spotted a bright light in the sky. A meteor? No! I hit the dirt just as an unnatural ball of flame slammed into the buildings, consuming them in seconds. It was if they had never been there.

I looked over the area and spotted something glinting in the sand. My cell phone was working now. "I need an artifact extraction team immediately! Bring a three foot long nonmetallic pole with nonmetallic grips on one end. The sphere is about six inches across."

Hey, if they didn't want me to have it, they could have destroyed it too.

Lazlo Agent
Dante Andel
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Post by Dante Andel »

A few minutes later I could make out the outlines of the buildings in the distance. Then I had another visitor - a man with the head of a jackal.

You met Anubis, that is unbeleivably cool (no I cant think on anything else to say about this).

OK. Now what? Suddenly, I heard a voice in some strange language coming from above my head. The god looked up, listened and then disappeared.

Wish I could of heard that, would of realy helped in my studies of these higher beings.

Hey, if they didn't want me to have it, they could have destroyed it too.

Actually the first thing that I thought of was that if they didnt want you to have the orb they would have just allowed you to enter the camp and be struck by the flame as well.

My bet would be that someone has taken a strong intrest in you, of course you probably already know this.
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Joined: Wed Apr 05, 2006 8:15 am

Post by librarian »

If you heard the stranger correctly and it was myralon your organization may have the orb of Anubis, From my study of the ancient text recovered by my brother hood The orb was last recorded by the text as to reside in the temple at Ammon until Alexander the great moved it to Alexandria to the great library. It is written that the orb had the power to teleport the chosen Pharaoh or men of dark hearts to be brought before Aker and Amment to be taken to Anabas for the weighing of their heart. It is also written that the orb when placed in the great lighthouse would show the way to the tablets of the true book of the dead. My research has shown if the tablets were to be brought together and deciphered the holder would hold power over the entrance way to the dead. As for the components to do this I have found reference to three items that may be of consequence. To your report the scroll of tibias state that the staff of the Lance of Heilige is purported to a staff of that of the pharaoh Aha. First son of Ra The staff was purported to be forged by Hike himself at Ra’s command if these two pieces were to be aligned together it could be to great consequences. By brotherhood has been searching for the lances staff for many years since its misplacement by the Curators of the museum it was on display at. This is all the info I have at this time I will report our finding as they come available
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