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My first encounter with the family business

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 2:48 pm
by Bowie
I said I'd post this story in roll call so here it is.

It was 1992 and I was coming home from a game. My mom was a piano teacher and I knew her favorite student had a big recital coming up so she and my mother would be working late to get ready for it. So I came in through the back so I wouldn't interupt them.

I heard a mans voice coming from the living room and it sounded a bit menacing. Being the only man of the household home I figured I'd go in and find out what the problem was. Given the hour I thought it would be smarter to go armed than not. So I went in to the study and got my fathers Greener and the .45 p-14 I use to practice at the range.

When I checked the mag I noticed my father or uncle Travis had loaded splat rounds into the gun. I slid the .45 into my belt picked up the shotgun and walked in to the living room.

My mom was backed against the wall with Stacey behind her and the intruder was standing with his back to me. I Caughed to get his attention holding the shotgun so that he'd be looking directly down the barrel when he turned around. He turned and snarled at me when he saw the gun. I politely asked if he'd like to leave on his own or if he would need my assistance. I lowered the shotgun to center mass and motioned toward the door.

I noticed my mothers expression across the room Shock and horror read across her face. To this day I don't know if it was the situation as a whole or the sight of her armed son confronting an intruder.

I would later find out that the intruder was a vampire at the moment I just thought he was a junkie with a thing for the goth look. He started in with the whole Anne Rice monologue. I used the time to my advantage and slowly moved to where my mother and Stacey wouldn't be in the line of fire. (Every blood sucker I've ever faced has been this pretentious feel free to use it to your advantage)

The lestat wanna be realized what I had done and bared his fangs at me. When he lunged I gave him both barrels in the chest to bad it didn't even slow him down. He knocked the shotgun away and sunk his teath into my throat I heard my mom and stacey screaming as I fought to get the .45 lose from my belt. I wasn't expecting it to do much but hell it was all I had.

I finally got the gun out and fired four times into his chest and stomach at point blank range. He went slack back peddaling holding his chest and fell over.

Going purely on adrenaline I advanced on him and emptied the clip in his head and heart. Considering he shrugged off two shells from a shotgun I decided to play it safe and keep him down.

I stumbled over to my mother and Stacey asked if they were ok and passed out from my own wounds. The next thing I know my father is apologizing and stabbing me in the heart!

When I woke up again I was laying in the backyard with my father and uncle travis around me my father held the stake in his hand. I reacted (I felt really bad about this later I swear) I punched my fathers lights out sending him to the floor and into an unconsious stupor of his own.

My uncle travis restrained me and tried to explain that what I had fought was a vampire he and my father were tracking and they thought I'd been turned. When my father came to the explained everything to me. The family business the real reason my parents died. And the special gifts my mother passed on. Apparently I heal real fast wich is a bonus in this line of work as I'm sure you all know. And I'm pretty quick too.

When I asked why the .45 worked better against the vamp than the shotgun My uncle explained that those were some silver nitrate rounds he and my father had been testing.

They started to teach me how to spot these things and how to kill them and I've been doing it ever since. My parents and uncle Travis are gone (casualties of the war) So except for my partner I'm alone. If anyone needs an experienced gun hand please call on me I'll get there as soon as I can.

Re: My first encounter with the family business

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:56 pm
by Willie Long
Bowie wrote:I slid the .45 into my belt picked up the shotgun and walked in to the living room.

My first thought was you're packin' an awful lot of heat for walkin' into the living room. :)

Apparently I heal real fast wich is a bonus in this line of work as I'm sure you all know. And I'm pretty quick too.

I feel ya, Jack. You any good with your namesake?

My uncle explained that those were some silver nitrate rounds he and my father had been testing.

I'd never heard of vampires being harmed by silver. Mythically, it makes sense: The ocean, a symbol of life, is connected via the moon to silver; used against an embodiment of disease... I can dig it, yo.

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 12:18 am
by Bowie
My first thought was you're packin' an awful lot of heat for walkin' into the living room. Smile

I was 16 and a little overzelous

I feel ya, Jack. You any good with your namesake?

I hold my own

I'd never heard of vampires being harmed by silver. Mythically, it makes sense: The ocean, a symbol of life, is connected via the moon to silver; used against an embodiment of disease... I can dig it, yo.

Silver works pretty much like wood incapacitating vamps and making them vulnerable to being taken care of permanently. The best part of silver nitrate is that it goes directly into the blood stream and making them unable to transform into mist. There by making any shot that hits an incapacitating shot. And making it impossible for the vamp to expell the material

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 11:12 am
by Ron Caliburn
I'm glad you survived that first encounter . . . but you mentioned being stabbed in the heart.

What the heck are you?


Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 10:04 pm
by Bowie
Human with a little spice in my DNA. If you want specifics pm me