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Energy weapons

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 11:53 am
by Kolya
I tried out a new weapon, a particle beam rifle, to be precise.

Such weapons may not be new, but this one is. It is both faster and cheaper than the older ones.

Pure sweetness to use and maintain, too.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 1:16 pm
by Jake E.B.
Does it run on a beryllium zirconium power supply?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 3:22 pm
by Kolya
Sorry but I cannot get into that sort of detail.

It would mostly be over my head anyway.

I'm a shooter, not an engineer.

I am putting this post in War Stories since we used them in an operational capacity - after some pretty extensive tests in a control environment. The story is forthcoming. There is still a lot to figure out, including what is classified and what is not.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 7:19 pm
by Jake E.B.
Thought as much but thats OK. I already know enough of it to make my own if I had to. Never had much use for a weapon thow. It just goes to show that the military youes outweighs the civilian applications.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 3:01 am
by Cowardly Leon
Aw man... it must be great to have an unlimited budget like you do.
I mean a sweet piece of ordonance like that must be worth more than my house, car and workplace combined. (Not to mention it's probably as illegal as crack.)

As the team weaponeer I've occasonally get asked for that buck-rogers crap and let's face it. Those kind of parts and powersources are not made available to the public at large... especially to make them portable. I mean I can make a Tesla Coil but let's face it. It'd be huge with the parts available but to date and need a batter the size of a school bus.

To date the most "High Tech" weapon I've been able to cobble together came from tricking out an old second-hand microwave oven. Cranked up the capasiters, modified the shielding to have an exit point and put it on an electronic trigger switch instead of a timer so that the user controls the how long with the press of a finger.

It's cumbersome, has exposed wiring, looks like a kid's science fair project, has a limited range, smells like old Kraft Dinner, can be thwarted with just tin foil and is limited by the length of an extension cord to the nearest outlet that has the correct voltage but it worked the one time we were trapped in a farmhouse, out of ammunition, while a few dozen "contaminated" animals were trying to get at us.

Ugh. The effects of a Microwave weapon on a living creature are nightmareish... especially when they can't figure out what the source of the pain is. My only personal note is that I was glad it worked through the glass windows. I really wouldn't have opened the windows for the world.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 9:37 pm
by Joseph Darkhold
I don't think that having an unlimited budget is a good thing...It means your bosses want you to do something really really stupid and/or suicidal. It can also make you a bit complacent stop depending on yourself quite as much, and start depending more on all those great gadgets that your unlimited budget can buy...and then one day you get stuck in a bad situation where no one can get those fancy gadgets to you and you can't quite figure out what to do next.

Besides, he works for a government...unlimited budget? over their dead bodies...every penny counts.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 3:12 am
by Ron Caliburn
I think E-weapons are a crazy idea for our type of work for quite a coupla reasons.

1st, you need a weapon that is cheap, reliable, easy to operate, easy to maintain and easy to supply with ammo. No E-weapon will be that for a long time to come.

2nd, so many of these thigns from the other side seem to require a specific material interacting with them to put them down. Last I checked an E-weapon couldn't duplicate the effects of a silver bullet or a wooden steak.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 5:42 pm
by Ammendment2
I agree, but I did work with a gentleman who had made a flashlight-type device using a UV bulb similar to a tanning bed. Works great on bloodsuckers.

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 1:47 am
by Elijah Sight
I have seen a particle-transfer gravity propulsion machine, on loan to my supporters from Tokyo. Simply put, it synthesizes a piece of matter for you, from the air around it. Be it wooden stake, silver bullet, rock, swiss cheese, whatever. It then uses electromagnetic force to simulate negative gravity, and fling whatever it is at incredible speed.

Right now, the device is the size of a bus, and would short out Manhattan city to use it once. REALLY impractical.

But imagine: A gun that makes it's own ammo, then shoots it faster than mach 6.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 11:32 pm
by GhostSpider
Elijah Sight wrote:I have seen a particle-transfer gravity propulsion machine, on loan to my supporters from Tokyo. Simply put, it synthesizes a piece of matter for you, from the air around it. Be it wooden stake, silver bullet, rock, swiss cheese, whatever. It then uses electromagnetic force to simulate negative gravity, and fling whatever it is at incredible speed.

Right now, the device is the size of a bus, and would short out Manhattan city to use it once. REALLY impractical.

But imagine: A gun that makes it's own ammo, then shoots it faster than mach 6.

Very nice. 8)

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 12:00 am
by DevilNuts
give me a good rifle with iron sights and im happy.

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 8:18 pm
by librarian
All the weapons in the world doesnt help unless you know what feind you are hunting have its weakness at hand. As for unlimited budgets they are nice but instead of making three of the same thing in four diffrent ways is not really cost effective. Now testing on a bloodsucker to figure out exactly what is the most effective long range method of killing it. or the limits of its powers would be of greater help

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 5:19 pm
by Kolya
I apologise for my silence. It is a long, painful story. I hope to have the opportunity to share it here, but for now I have no time for that. Basically, it involves some captivity in a far away place. But the problem was eventually solved.

The e-guns are coming along nicely. We are using them operationally. They are extremely effective against certain opponents, and, as Caliburn correctly pointed out, utterly worthless against others. Most of my problems have been of the human variety lately, so the extra fire power has been welcomed by my team.

Many of the original bugs seem to have been hammered out. These weapons are nothing short of amazing. It feels strange firing them though. It definitely takes time and practice to become comfortable with them. But once that happens, they are really pleasant to work with. Expensive like toys to be sure, and I guess old habits die hard as I still prefer the old standbys. These are interesting times in which we live.

We are gearing up to take down a deranged mage, which seems to be a common trend with that crowd. He has graduated from howling at the moon to animal and human sacrifice. It is time for him to be put away, or down--I don't care which.

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 10:28 am
by Ron Caliburn
Glad to hear you're still alive and shooting.

I've tried the toys you sent me out a few times, very interesting - though I'm trying hard not to go through all that ammo.

Your new toys sound interesting, but I think I'll keep to things I understand rather than the high powered flashlights.

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 10:45 am
by Kolya
Ron Caliburn wrote:Glad to hear you're still alive and shooting.

I've tried the toys you sent me out a few times, very interesting - though I'm trying hard not to go through all that ammo.

Your new toys sound interesting, but I think I'll keep to things I understand rather than the high powered flashlights.

Yea, I'm glad to be alive and shooting.

About the ammo. Perhaps we can arrange something. It looks like I will be in North America again soon. I will PM you details... as soon as I know them myself.

I can't say it has been an easy transition to the e-guns. I agree with your sentiments and with guys like DevilNuts. But when doing the kind of damage these things do, it's hard not say, "This is not so bad".

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 10:52 am
by Ron Caliburn
Just make sure you have plenty of extra batteries.

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 10:55 am
by Kolya
You know me. I over-equip for everything.

But yea, it's always in the back of your head.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 12:44 am
by Det_Gillhouly_PD
My dept. SRT has toyed around with energy weapons. And since I am in tight with the teams Lt. I got to play along. I like them OK. A little hard to get used to, but kinda cook, in a Star Trek kinda way.

Re: Energy weapons

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 5:41 pm
by Cybermancer
More Cybermancy, folks.

Odd, isn't it? This was the first thread I ever intended to post in but accidently created my own thread. Called Kinetics, I believe. That was back before I realized that I had accidently accessed a whole new world through this web site. The discussion of energy weapons didn't phase(r) me one bit.

I like to have a stun gun handy with me. Especially when dealing with people, non-lethal force is my preference.

It has other advantages as well. Lightweight, low maintenance (fewer moving parts + less stressors compared to firearms), no recoil, dampened sound (as compared to firearms + not recognized as a weapon discharge) and extremely easy to use (due in no small part to the above benefits).

For me, there is no downside to this trusty sidearm.

But for many of the more unique applications required by many who come here, more traditional firearms are still the way to go. Even I haven't forsaken kinetic weapons and likely never will.