score two for the cryptozoologists....

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mr. e
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score two for the cryptozoologists....

Post by mr. e »

Live giant squid caught on camera

A live, adult giant squid has been caught on camera in the wild for the very first time.

Japanese researchers took pictures of the elusive creature hunting 900m down, enveloping its prey by coiling its tentacles into a ball.

The images show giant squid, known as Architeuthis, are more vigorous hunters than has been supposed.

The images, captured in the Pacific Ocean, appear in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

It was exciting to get a live Architeuthis tentacle. It was still functioning when we got it on the boat

Tsunemi Kubodera, National Science Museum
Documentary companies have invested millions of dollars trying to film adult giant squid in their natural environment. These efforts have met with little success - though one team has managed to capture a juvenile on film.

leave it to the japanese. while everyone else works on hair-brained schemes to lure the squid in, they go fishing.
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Post by Debunker »

This is exactly what I'm talking about! You wanna prove to me something exists? Get the proof, not fish stories.

So the day anyone gives me proof of ANY of these ridiculous monsters they creative write about on this site, I'll concede and apologize for my mistake. Till then, keep fishing folks… I aint losing any sleep over my declarations.
Elliott James Tobias III
AKA: Debunker

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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

D, you just don't get it do you?

For centuries the giant squid has apaprently been a mythological beast that science refused to admit existed. It dismissed eyewitness accounts because they were amde under less than ideal circumstances or could nto be coroborated by hard evidence.

Did this mean the creature did not exist? No, it meant it went undiscovered by science.

Science does not and typically can not discover every thing on this planet first. There are too few scientists to do that. However, until science manages to discover a thing, that thing still exists. Just because science has yet to properly document as sasquatch or a yeti or a compassionate conservative it doesn't eman they don't exist. it doesn't mean that those who have encounters with those creatures are lunatics or drunk or liars, it just means that science hasn't prooven it exists yet.

You need to open your mind up to the possibility that science just hasn't gotten around to explaining a phenomnea or identifying a creature yet. Rather than dismissing us as crazy.

Afterall, it's pretty delusional to think that science has allready discovered all there is to discover.
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Tabloid Hound
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Post by Tabloid Hound »

Ron Caliburn wrote:

For centuries the giant squid has apparently been a mythological beast that science refused to admit existed. It dismissed eyewitness accounts because they were made under less than ideal circumstances or couldnt be corroborated by hard evidence.

Did this mean the creature did not exist? No, it meant it went undiscovered by science.

Science does not and typically can not discover every thing on this planet first. There are too few scientists to do that. However, until science manages to discover a thing, that thing still exists. Just because science has yet to properly document as Sasquatch or a yeti or a compassionate conservative it doesn't mean they don't exist. It doesn't mean that those who have encounters with those creatures are lunatics or drunk or liars, it just means that science hasn't proven it exists yet.

I'm hearing ya RC, but have you noticed how the magic seems to disappear once the Crypto's have gotten their filthy mitts on something new?

It reminds me back in third grade when I went on a school field trip to the local potato chip company. I watched them process the lowly potato into those magical chips we all love. And then it hit me, I didn’t like knowing where my chips came from... all the magic was suddenly gone.

Not the same thing I know, but keep working with me. It's like this. Lets say some hunter actually caught a Sasquatch today and brought it home alive, what then? It get worked over and studied, analyzed, x-rayed, laser beamed, EKG'd, etc. And what do you get? We get a new addition to book of primates in our biology books and a Sasquatch that wished it wasn’t stupid enough to get caught after all it went through.

But in a matter of months the excitement is gone and the Crypto's are off and looking for something else to carve up.

I say let the mysteries of the world stay mysteries if it's not harming anyone or thing.

Ok, I'm off my soapbox now. :roll:
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Post by Debunker »

Tabloid Hound wrote:
I say let the mysteries of the world stay mysteries if it's not harming anyone or thing.

Its attitudes like that we kept ourselves in the dark for so long. Before the advent of science, people lived miserable lives of superstitions, mythologies, and fearing everything around them. No wonder they were lucky to live to 40 years old.

Sure, science has caused a loss of mystery, but hasn’t is given so much more back? Electricity, fire, lighting, film, long distance communication, the PC your using to write your posts on the Lazlo Society. They are all magical wonders in and of themselves. But we have so taken them for granted that we dont realize how fearful we are without them.

This is exactly how the creative writings of monsters show up on this site to begin with. You've become so proud and brave with science and modern civilization that you need to find your thrills and frights in other ways. So we turn to movies, Stephen King books, writing and telling spooky stories and visiting haunted houses in the dead of the Halloween season to be reminded of a hint of the pure terror humans once lived with on a daily basis.

I say a hint of it because most of us have no clue what true terror really is, books and haunted attractions are safe, so we can laugh in the face of their so called terror after were done with them. I promise you all that if we all lived now the way people did before science pointed our how idiotic our fears were, you'd never leave your huts and hamlets in the middle of the day much less night!

So why do we have visit these cheap imitation scare and thrills? Because they dont visit us that’s why! There’s no boogeyman, gremlins, ghosts and goblins terrorizing us, there's nothing to fear but fear itself people!

Halloween is coming soon, go visit a horror attraction and get this nonsensical need to be frightened out of your system already, even if you have to suspend disbelief for twenty minutes to do so, since you know your ultimately safe from harm inside them. The science of scaring people is better than the mystical version of fearing everything.
Elliott James Tobias III
AKA: Debunker

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Post by Ellie »

No offense boys, but I'm kinda with Debunker on this one.
Humankind is either just too curious, if not downright stupid, to simply let mysteries stay mysteries.

Granted, unlike Debunker, I didn't doubt this discovery. Why? I would think that Debunker of all people would realize what scientists are, and that it's their job to find out about things like this.
I'm willing to accept that he just jumped the gun on his first comments though.
For one thing, at the time I don't think he noticed at the time that the link went to the BBC.
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Post by Debunker »

Ellie wrote:Granted, unlike Debunker, I didn't doubt this discovery. Why? I would think that Debunker of all people would realize what scientists are, and that it's their job to find out about things like this.
I'm willing to accept that he just jumped the gun on his first comments though.

Please dont misunderstand me Ellie, I'm not doubting there are creatures on this planet that have yet to be discovered. I can see the plausibility that giant squids or large & hairy bipedal primates could be out there, but those make a linear sense.

What I refuse to believe is the lunacy of those posted descriptions of creatures on this site that deny logic of any sanctuary.

Monsters who walk around in other peoples corpses, houndish monsters who can only be killed with silver bullets, little green monsters who build mechanical traps out of household items and junk, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, banshee's, etc, etc,....

These are ramblings and scribblings of overactive minds. They are absolutely harmless because of one simple fact...they do not exist!!!

These fantastical oddities are what Im daring anyone to get proof of! You want be to believe a hellhound exists? Show me the carcass and I'll concede I was wrong. But for all my efforts and searching and researching, I got the big goose egg in terms of proof.

I've wasted much of life in these pursuits (if you havent read it yet, my life story is in the "War Stories" section titled "Why do you all do this to yourselves?") and I dont wanna see anyone else suffer and have nothing to show for it as I have, even if much of it was forced upon me.
Elliott James Tobias III
AKA: Debunker

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Post by Ammendment2 »

Science is just another magic. Many will not admit that the concept of "empirical data" was first put into practice by Druids and Alchemists. Just in doing, they were able to prove what does and does not work in their natural world. Druids gave us the baseline for many modern pharmecutical, the most noted of which is asprin, should we mock them because they muttered a ritual over their experiment. Of course Alchemists were unable to produce gold from lead, but they had a general understanding that the were so similar it should be possible, and from that we got the periodic table of the elements. Someday in the future a new group of people may dismiss Psychology as fantasy (some already do), or our puttering with electronics, but what we do now is the basis for knowledge that comes after. I believe what I see with my own eyes, but I do no dismiss information because of a lack of belief in its source...
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Elijah Sight
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Post by Elijah Sight »

Ron Caliburn wrote:
Just because science has yet to properly document as sasquatch or a yeti or a compassionate conservative it doesn't eman they don't exist.

I'm a compassionate conservative...
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Elijah Sight
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Post by Elijah Sight »

Tabloid Hound wrote:
I'm hearing ya RC, but have you noticed how the magic seems to disappear once the Crypto's have gotten their filthy mitts on something new?


I'm also a cryptozoologist...
"Only the mad destroy themselves and all that they have wrought. But only the Phoenix lives forever."
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The Watcher In Shadows
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Post by The Watcher In Shadows »

Debunker wrote:This is exactly what I'm talking about! You wanna prove to me something exists? Get the proof, not fish stories.

So the day anyone gives me proof of ANY of these ridiculous monsters they creative write about on this site, I'll concede and apologize for my mistake. Till then, keep fishing folks… I aint losing any sleep over my declarations.

I only wish I could show you the HUGE amount of videos and ther evidence I have. Unfortunately there are things in the videos that I am not permitted to allow you to see.

Debunker wrote:These are ramblings and scribblings of overactive minds. They are absolutely harmless because of one simple fact...they do not exist!!!

So I suppose, by your logic, that the scars I have from fighting these "imaginary creatures" are not real?! You are lucky those of us who fight these beings do not do so for recognition or thanks, if we did I have the feeling there would be no humans left on the planet by now.
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Post by Kolya »

The Watcher In Shadows wrote:
Debunker wrote:This is exactly what I'm talking about! You wanna prove to me something exists? Get the proof, not fish stories.

So the day anyone gives me proof of ANY of these ridiculous monsters they creative write about on this site, I'll concede and apologize for my mistake. Till then, keep fishing folks… I aint losing any sleep over my declarations.

I only wish I could show you the HUGE amount of videos and ther evidence I have. Unfortunately there are things in the videos that I am not permitted to allow you to see.

Seeing is believing, except with Debunker.

He's always got an excuse.

I have not only video footage and photographs, but also I use alien technology on a nearly daily basis.

I have a few more 'seeing is believing' evidence but that is extremely classified information that would rock the world.
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Post by VermisVictus »

I cant ge
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