conspiracy 1983

A place where members can debate rumors and claims of conspiracies, cover-ups and secret government activities.
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Jake E.B.
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conspiracy 1983

Post by Jake E.B. »

Look at history and the truth will unfold before you, let start at 1983.

Korean Airlines Flight 007 shot down by USSR.

US forces invade Grenada.

President Reagan proposes Strategic Defense Initiative ("Star Wars&quots;)

Apple Macintosh introduced.

Indian Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, is assassinated.

Soviets boycott Los Angeles Olympics.

Gorbachev becomes Soviet leader.

"Live Aid" pop concert raises money for the starving in Africa.

French secret agents sink Greenpeace ship, "Rainbow Warrior".

Challenger Space Shuttle explodes killing 7 astronauts.

Chernobyl Accident (first nuclear disaster) in Soviet Union.

Iran-Contra (1985) revealed to public.

Corazon Aquino assumes presidency of The Philippines deposing Ferdinand Marcos.

US bombs Libya.

Argentina wins soccer World Cup. England knocked out 2-1 in Quarter Finals by Argentina,

including Diego Maradona's "Hand of God" goal.

Stockmarket crashes on Black Monday.

INF agreement between US and USSR eliminates an entire class of nuclear weapons.

Iran-Iraq war ends.

Benazir Bhutto becomes President of Pakistan.

2003 The biggest solar proton storm in 15 years

Beagle 2 from the Eurapeon

USS Vincennes accidentally shoots down an Iranian airliner.

A Pan Am Boeing jumbo jet crashes into the Scottish town of Lockerbie as a result of a bomb.
Soviet forces withdraw from Afghanistan

Berlin Wall falls.

Communist regimes in Eastern Europe collapse.

Anti-Communist revolution in Romania.

Chinese pro-Democracy demonstrators and students massacred in Tiananmen Square.

Ayatollah Khomeini condemns British author Salman Rushdie to death for blasphemy.

Ayatollah Khomeini dies.

Nelson Mandela released from prison in South Africa.

Iraq invades Kuwait.

West Germany wins soccer World Cup.

Hubble space telescope launched.

Microsoft introduces Windows 3.0.

British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher resigns.

Tim Berners-Lee invents "The Worldwide Web".

US, Britain, France and allied countries drive Iraqis from Kuwait (Operation Desert Storm).

Warsaw Pact ends.

Attempted coup in Soviet Union.

Break-up of USSR, Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) formed.

Croatia and Slovenia independent from Yugoslavia after a brief war.

Bank of Credit and Commerce (BCCI) collapses.

Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi assassinated.

Bosnia votes for independence from Yugoslavia.

Bosnian war begins, siege of Sarajevo.

Los Angeles riots. Triggered by acquittal of four white police officers for beating of

Rodney King (1991).

Boxer Mike Tyson convicted of rape.

Waco seige in Texas.

First World Trade Center bombing. Terrorists detonate bomb in underground car park.

Peace treaty signed between Israel and PLO.

Mosaic, web browser software, introduced.

Waco seige in Texas.

Nelson Mandela elected President of South Africa.

Rwandan genocide: 800,000 Tutsi killed.

Channel Tunnel opens between England and France.

Brazil wins soccer World Cup.

Terrorist bombing kills 168 in Oklahoma City.

O.J. Simpson Trial. Simpson is acquitted.

Dayton settlement ends war in Bosnia.

Netscape goes public, start of Internet stockmarket boom.

Bomb kills 19 US servicemen in Saudi Arabia.

Prince Charles and Princess Diana divorce.

Britain cedes Hong Kong (a British colony since 1841) back to China.

Princess Diana dies in road accident in Paris, France.

NASA's Mars Pathfinder probe lands on Mars.

Prosecutor Kenneth Starr pursues President Bill Clinton for alleged lying about

extra-marital affairs.

US and Britain bomb Iraq (Operation Desert Fox)

France wins soccer World Cup.

President Bill Clinton acquitted in Senate impeachment trial.

NATO begins bombing Serbian forces in Kosovo. Mass explusion of Albanians from Kosovo.

Y2K scare. Computers predicted to crash at the end of the year.

Y2K computer bug doesn't cause too many problems.

Air France Concorde crashes near Paris.

US Supreme Court decides in favor of George+W+Bush in split decison over 2000 Presidential


Former Soviet/Russian space station, Mir, re-enters atmosphere.

Terrorists hijack 4 US airlines, and crash them. World Trade Center in New York destroyed.

Brazil wins soccer World Cup.

Accountacy and auditing scandals engulf Enron, Worldcom and other US businesses.

Im just rambling but can anybody see a pattern?
There's absolutely no inevitability as long as there's a willingness to contemplate what is happening.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I see nuttin' but history bein' cyclical.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra

Post by Lazrous »

News Happens?
Jake E.B.
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Post by Jake E.B. »

Thats right news happens, history go's in cyclicals and no one looks below the serfes.
There's absolutely no inevitability as long as there's a willingness to contemplate what is happening.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Sorry guy, you've just given us a pin by numbers set without any numbers . . . or paint.

Care to give us a hint?
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Jake E.B.
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Post by Jake E.B. »

I'm sorry but I'v Giving you too much as it is. if I gave you the "paint and numbers" the T. T. P. would be all over me more than thay arty are.
There's absolutely no inevitability as long as there's a willingness to contemplate what is happening.
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Post by concrete_Angel »

"Those who fail to learn from history..."

I hate sounding so negative, but perhaps this is the revelation that people don't truly learn from the past. Sometimes the most important lessons are those that have been gained from experience, that of others as well as your own.
You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings
You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means

Everything that you feel
Is everything that I feel
So when we dream
We shout....
Jake E.B.
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Post by Jake E.B. »

Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not their.
There's absolutely no inevitability as long as there's a willingness to contemplate what is happening.
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Post by Ammendment2 »

And just because you are paranoid dos'nt mean they aren't out to get you, right? Riddles do us no good here. Speak straight out or stop wasting time.
Good? Bad? I'm the one with the gun.....
Elijah Sight
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Post by Elijah Sight »

Frankly I agree with Ammendment2. If you are to list ANY series of events and add a cryptic tone, you will likely see a conspiracy. How do you think New Age bookstores make so much money? Conspiracies that aren't there. There is plenty of really scary stuff out there, without having to look at coincidence for it. Tell us what you mean, and we WILL do something about it, mark my words. We are not without resources, we are not without allies, we are NOT WITHOUT POWER.

We can do nothing with a jumbled list of events.
"Only the mad destroy themselves and all that they have wrought. But only the Phoenix lives forever."
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Post by Kolya »

This is not a game.

The point of posting here is to post something meaningful which helps others or allows others to help you. Otherwise, time is being wasted - as has been pointed out already.

Sometimes that means taking risks, yes.
С волками жить, по-волчьи выть.
Jake E.B.
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Post by Jake E.B. »

All the events I described were conspiracies in one form or another. All toke planning by different individuals. All had a specific outcome whether it was for money or terror. Some conspiracies are legal and sum are not. In my attempt to warn people of one of these events I stumbled onto a deeper conspiracy one involving all of us, one that we cannot escape. It
involves time and the interconnectedness of us all. It involves a machine that taps into the power of God. The whole knowing, all seen god. It allows the person that uses it to see any location at any time. For lack of a better term Ill call these people that uses the machine the illuminaty because they believe that the end sanctifis the means. In essence these people are evil because they could stop any evil event from happening but they don't.
Their only concern is for a select few. Their only goal is to make sure that those that exist 6000 years from now will be their own offspring. The way that they will achieve this is the subtle manipulation of people's brains. Through my actions I smoked them out of their hole and made them confront me. If they had not come and seen me I would not now be
writing this down. My only conclusion is that there is nothing that I can do to change the thing s to cum and no matter how powerfully you may think you are you cannot change it either. The ttp is watching so beware.
There's absolutely no inevitability as long as there's a willingness to contemplate what is happening.
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Post by Kolya »

Why can't you change the things to come?

What is the TTP?

They better have a large membership roster, or a really good plan for dealing with the dwindling the gene pool...
С волками жить, по-волчьи выть.
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Post by Ammendment2 »

I have met some of the Illuminati, for some reason they never mentioned this Deux ex Machina. Perhaps because it dosen't exist.....
Good? Bad? I'm the one with the gun.....
Jake E.B.
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Post by Jake E.B. »

The future is set like the past whatever action that is incited at any moment is the thing that was destined to happen. Good or bad men act even on things they have not seen. Men act on concepts and ideas sometimes just from wro amotion. I've already sawt professional help for my problem and their like you saying something like that can't exist. I tell you this is pretty difficult to act when you think that somebody's watching you at all times,
that you are being judged at every moment. Not just from God but by man as wheal. That is what they do, the ttp that is. With something like this the likability of probable deny ability is probably the truth and I may have purposely been led astray and manipulated. I believe there is this technology thow and thay are implementing it to perform their temperly
intrusive juxtapositional eugenics. My life is short but this thing spands a lot of time and so I discredit myself by ranting of ealogical stuff. In truth Ied prefer it if people thought of me as a madman so then I know where I stand. The truth for me the truth for you they are different. As vast as the universe is so are the possibilities. Whether it be truth or fiction is not my concern but to warn the world is all there is for me. Men must act on their own.
There's absolutely no inevitability as long as there's a willingness to contemplate what is happening.
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Post by Ammendment2 »

You are missing a major point: There is NO future.
There is only an infinite set of probable possibilities that are effected by each and every one of us. The Present is set by your current position in it. If Time travel were possible, as you traveled back you would, in effect, unravel those possibilities centered on you, your position in the past becoming your Present. If you again traveled forward, there would be no guarantee you would follow the same thread up, putting you in an infinite set of possible futures. Don't think much on it, it will give you a migrane. So even if someone were to travel back in time to "adjust the future" they could, but the likleyhood of it affecting all our futures is miniscule...
Good? Bad? I'm the one with the gun.....
Jake E.B.
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Post by Jake E.B. »

I respect your view on this matter and it is a compelling argument but the devil is in the details. Math is the master of the universe and it states there is a future. If there was no future the big bang would never have happened lost in a perpetual state of zero. With out a future we'd not exist for we are but an organic augarhythm that starts with conception of a zigot growing into an infant that is born as a child that grows into a teenager thin
into an adult and finally we become elderly. It is truth this process can be cut short at any time but without the future the augarhytmec process can not function. Just because this moment is the sum of my own augarhytmec process does not mean that if I were to travel to the distant future or past that it would stop at all. With any system if we know enough of the variables in the system we can determine the purpose and outcome of the system. Not including the natural variables to occur on our planet like gravity and solar radiation there is the human variable. At this time there are 6 billion people each with their own augarhythmec variable. All with their own clock. Even elements in our bodies have their own individual clocks determining when they shall change into something else. If there was no future this could never happen. Einstein supposedly worked on Time travel and didn't
like what he saw that it could be used in much more devious way than the A-bomb. That's why he destroyed his work on the subject hoping to stop what he forsowe. The sad thing is that if one person can contemplate the idea so can another and in essence is the Pandora's box. Once the subject has been thought of thers no turning back. Time travel has been a sci-fi
pseudoscience for some time and it's only a matter of time until somebody finds out how to do it, I already have a clue. You can choose not to believe that there is this conspiracy. You can choose not to believe that it's possible. I for one believe but much good that's going to do.
There's absolutely no inevitability as long as there's a willingness to contemplate what is happening.
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