An alarming trend

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An alarming trend

Post by GhostSpider »

My team and I have recently uncovered some disturbing information up here in Minnesota and felt that the Agency should be notified about it.

After a two month investigation in towns across Minnesota we have discovered that some unknown group has been selling potent magical grimoires to amateur wanna be spellcasters.

We've uncovered 7 cases so far, but are still as much in the dark as when we started. Here are the only connections we've been able to make so far:

1.In each case, the subject was young (the eldest so far is 19) and an avid RPG gamer (increased gullibility perhaps?)

2.The sellers have each been described as being well mannered, and well dressed.

3.The books, while varied, each had to do with summoning and were sold at very low prices.

At present we have been dealing with each case the same way. The grimoire in question is recovered and the subject is given a stern lecture in why not to meddle with forces beyond their understanding. (Check out my post in war stories to see how we "punished" a cult that one subject had created).

If anyone out there has any info on this (past occurences, knowledge of the group in question, etc.) Please PM me. Whoever's doing this needs to be stopped asap.
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Post by XerxesLogan »

I will look into this with my resourses, but as an might be a guy whom is calling himself "Pinebox". he an former doctor whom now has extreem power and controll over organic body the point of causing anurisms at a look. He is an extreemly warped individual and extreemly dangerious. He belives that a war is coming between practioners and the norms (yes, I know extremly Magneto like, but thats how it is). If you find evidence that it is this fellow please contact me ASAP, do not approch him......he has no qualms about killing people. If it is a must and he has to be delt with I would attept a sniper and at extremly long range, I personal have no idea how the range is on his powers but, I pressume that it is at least 100 yards.

Xerxes Out----------------
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Post by protaganis »

I've run across one of his disciples about 10 years ago... It's what started my hunting in the first place. He and his followers (typically about a dozen) aren't quite what they seem (but isn't that almost always the case) The last 2 books I was able to capture and have analyzed, seemed to have a reality destabilizing effect to the spells carried within. The more the spells are used, the easier it is to "break through" from the other side. We weren't able to determine what kind of weakening was taking place. Our small lab wen't up in smoke shortly after we ofund out the secret of the spells. I lost 2 good techs that day. If you run across these books and the kids have used them, be careful. There is also an adictive factor to them. Good Luck.
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Post by The Watcher In Shadows »

I believe that this "Pinebox" may not be a man at all. My guess would be that he is a demon of some kind and he is using the books to attempt to bring more of his kind to earth. The reality destabilizing effect only seems to be more evidence to my theory.
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Post by GhostSpider »

Someone once said that the road to Hell is paved with the best of intentions. They're right. Someone also said that hinsight is 20-20. Now that I look back I can see where we went wrong. I can see where my team and I should've asked questions instead of just pressing on. How we should have better examined the books, and actually studied the spells within them. But we didn't. Instead we let our haste to help blind us. We marched forward without seeing the big picture.

In other words, we were played like puppets. This comes as no comfort to me and mine.

Because, God forgive us, we have unleashed something terrible into this world.

Our folly will be explained in detail once my computer and cell battery have had a chance to recharge.
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Theres a reason I don't play with stuff from the beyond, I just use what I can toch, feel, taste and see to do the job.
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Post by GhostSpider »

Theres a reason I don't play with stuff from the beyond, I just use what I can toch, feel, taste and see to do the job.

First of all, we didn't "Play" with anything. Beyond cursory examinations to see if the books were authentic, we barely even opened them. I've seen what happens when a summoning goes awry and I have no intention of playing with fire like that. No, are folly was underestimating the enemy.

Even after all i've seen and done, I am still an inately good and honorable person. (Though being bonded to an enchanted sword with little compassion and no humor has certainly strained that). Still, I sometimes forget the depths of evil inhuman...beings will go to to further their own agendas. Let me explain.

After my last post back in September, we had hit a wall in our investigation. All our leads were dead ends and we had little evidence besides the books and vague desciptions of their sellers. For nearly two months this remained unchanged. Then, in late November we got a big break. One of the sellers had posted his intent to sell a book online. We were desperate for leads at the time and so only briefly wondered why they were breaking from their usual routine.

We replyed to his post, posing as interested buyers. He quickly set up a time and place for the sale. Once again it felt to easy and once again we ignored our instincts.

Two days later we had the book and its seller in our custody.

It seems that my cell battery is dying again, must have gotten damaged. Hopefully the next motel will have a working phone jack. I will continue my tale later.
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Post by GhostSpider »

Well, I said I was going to finish my tale and now that I don't have to worry about a bad cell battery, I plan on finishing it.

After we had the seller in out custody we began to "politely" ask him where he had gotten the books. It didn't take him long to spill the beans. He told us of an old mansion full of these books that he and his compatriots had robbed. He mentioned how dilapatated most of the the house was, but how the library looked well maintained. After we got the location of the house from him, we turned the man over to the police(seems he was wanted for a previous robbery) and headed to the mansion he had described. Perhaps if we had taken the time to do a little research on the mansion, then we might not have been so hasty.

The place was about 15 miles north of a town called Woodbine or maybe Woodborough, in western Minnesota. From the outside it looked just as the seller had described it; old and dilapatated. In a few years it might have been condemnded. Thats a moot point now, but i'm getting ahead of myself. Seems the house was occupied though, by a man who claimed to be the groundskeeper. He answered the door and was quite willing to give us a tour of the grounds.

As he showed us around, he gave us the history of the house. It was built by one Ludlow Van Buren, a wealthy man of German heritage who immigrated here in 1920. He was something of a recluse, and when he passed away in 1935, no one realized it until his sister, his sole remaining family, moved in with her children. Anyway, the house remianed in the Van Buren family until the last member of the family, a Joseph Van Buren passed away in late 2000. After his death the house passed to a Dutch family, who were distant cousins of the Van Burens and seem to have shown no interest in the house whatsoever. They pay for the houses upkeep but nothing more.

By the end of the story we had arrived at the house's library. It was in a much better state of repair than the rest of the house and seemed almost cozy, if not for the little tingle one felt when they stepped in. When we showed the groundskeeeper the books we had recovered he grew very exceited and quickly pointed out the spots where they should go. We obligingly put the books back and and released a long held sigh of relief. Our job was almost done, we had only to- our thoughts were quickly interrupted by the laughter of the groundskeeper. When we turned to look at him we saw that he no longer looked as he had. His eyes had taken a reddish tone and his voice had deepened by several decibels.

Once he had finished laughing, he began to talk. He told us how he had used us to collect, as he called them, the missing pieces of the puzzle. The thieves had never stolen the books from the house, they were simply mind controlled pawns who had stolen the books from other owners and brought them within the reach of the house. However, as the groundskeeper explained, a spell kept any man from crossing the threshold of the house with the books if their intent was evil. So he had simply had his thieves start selling the books to kids, knowing that some do-gooders, us, would put a stop to it. It was at this point that it really hit me:we had been used. We had been used. We had been used. We had been used.

By the time my head cleared I found that I was half way across the room, Karlash in my hand and the groundskeeper's head rolling on the floor. The rest of him twitched twice and then fell to the ground, bur not before covering a great deal of the room in blood. (Severing ones head is definetly messy). This was not the end. As the head looked at us and the red in its eyes dimmed, it started laughing again. As the laughing stopped, the house started to tremble. Wherever the man's blood had touched a book, it burst into flame. Soon the entire library was ablaze. We quickly ran through the house, trying to escape the flames as they spread. We finally escaped the house and saw that the entire place was ablaze. We stood there and watched, partially out of shock and partially out of fascination, as we watched the flames consume the house.

Within half an hour the house collapsed. As we turned to return to our Winnebago, we heard a very mocking voice appear in our heads. We turned to look for the source and saw that the smoke from the fire had coelasced into some...some...thing. It had four wings, an equal number of legs and five heads. It called itself Belladrox and thanked us for finally destroying its prison. The wind picked up at that point and threw us nearly 50 feet through the air. We all landed pretty hard and must have passed out. Next thing we knew the creature was gone and the house was just a smoldering ruin.

So here we are now. Our research has found nothing on this Belladrox thing, and further research into the house has been just as useless. The Van Burens seem to have been just aliases for someone else. Further more, disturbing events have taken place in every town where we recovered one of the books. Each one of the kids who purchased or used one of the books has dissapeared. No struggle, no foul play, just vanished into thin air.

We have decided to go after this thing. We let it out and so we're going to lock it back up. Still, any help would be very much appeciated. If any of you have come across mentions of these Van Burens or of this Belladrox, please contact me through posts or PM me.
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Post by The_Unicorn »

It was YOU who released Belladrox?!?! :shock:
DAmmit! Dammit Dammit! :evil:
Oh, well at least he only had four wings......
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The above statement is false,
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The Watcher In Shadows
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Post by The Watcher In Shadows »

I have heard of a being called Belladrox before, though that was far away and a long time ago. Perhaps they are a species and not just an individual?

Anyway, I believe them to be a kind of demon that feeds off of feelings of betrayal and hopelessness. Perhaps that is why it told you the story. My guess would be there was no spell at all. It simply wanted to make you feel used and betrayed so it could feed.

I would suggest the same weapons used against any demons, blessed weapons, purified fire and the use of scripture and holy water.

Good luck and safe hunting.
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Post by KonThaak »

The name Belladrox sounds familiar to me as well... I believe one of my spirit guides mentionned him/them/it/whatever once, but I'm afraid I don't remember in what context... As with any demon, do constantly err on the side of caution. Assume they are more powerful than what they seem...

I'm not in your area, but I will keep an eye out for the missing students. It's always a tragedy when children are involved... From what I know of demons, though, I don't hold terribly high hopes of any of us seeing them again. I will hope and pray for their safe return, and until then, I shall consult the runes, and see if the spirits can help point us in the right direction...

I'll pray for your safe return, too. Don't vanish on us, please... Especially not now that you recognize where you made your mistakes.
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Post by librarian »

Belladrox sumeran, lesser demon

Underling to log po

Demon of misery and striff draws power from the suffering of other beings
most likely found in slums, 3rd world countries and mental hospitals

Powers of note:
Shape change (most forms are that of well groomed male or female depending on the mental image of the demon,

Hypnotic gaze ( can control lesser or weak minded personalites

Flight ( winged) temporary flight can be attained for short periods usaully less than 60 miles,

A report in the log of the brotherhood,

"On the 3rd moon of the seond house brother tia and myself were sent by grand master lui to investigate a report of a demon who was stealing childrens chi in the lower provendenc.

It took us two moons to reach the castle of the suspected demon it was near the time of the dragons tail as we watched the castle. As the veil was lifted brother tia was beset upon by a demon with the look of a dragon but made of smoke and the blankness of the night. All that could be rendered was its eys and the silver points of its wings. Brother tia fought it, the blade of the brotherhood seems to hurt it more than are steel could have. he held the beast at bay as I escaped to the village of mialia with my injures. I fear I have failed to stop the evil that I was to end I hope my last words will spare others."

From this this account I would deduce the demon has a weakness for silver
as our knives that we recieve are silver lined blades with the sign of balance on them.

I hope this info helps
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Post by KonThaak »

Well... I'm supposing that the Ghost Spider is no longer with us... The last posts he's made to the forum were made the day after he made the last post in this thread...

My runes gave me very strange results when I asked about him, results I couldn't decipher. This usually only happens if for whatever reason, I'm not to know what's going on, or if the subject I'm trying to find out about is deceased...

Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions, but it would seem this Belladrox was too much for him...


Spider, if you are indeed gone, may you find peace.
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
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Post by The Watcher In Shadows »

We must keep an eye out for any more creatures of this type. If indeed Ghost Spider is dead it is our duty as brother's in arms to avenge him and render that which would cause more harm back to what it came from, be it dust, air, water or flame.

I will consult my sources, though it seems that my earlier thoughts were partially correct. I do not know how much I can learn, but I will try my best.
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Post by GhostSpider »

Well, contrary to popular belief, i'm not dead. Not for a lack of trying either. My silence these past few months can be easily explained. My team's Winnebago, along with my laptop, was blown up. Thankfully none of us were in the vehicle at the time, but we lost almost all of our supplies. It's took us awhile to scrape some more supplies, and a new laptop, together.

First off, I want to thank every body who posted information on this thread. We've only just gotten back on the road, but we intend to follow the leads you all have given us. Our recent encounter with Belladrox, soon to be posted in War stories, has opened more questions than answers.

Secondly, I want to thank KonThaak for casting the runes, or whatever, and checking up on me. I don't know why they didn't tell you anything.
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Post by Kolya »

GhostSpider wrote:Our recent encounter with Belladrox, soon to be posted in War stories, has opened more questions than answers.

Happens just about every time this way.
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Post by GhostSpider »

We've finally hit a lead on Belladrox.
Will post more soon.
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

How's it going Spider?
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Post by GhostSpider »

Well, it seems I have once again returned from the dead :twisted: . HA HA, just kidding. Seriously though, I do realize it has been many months since I last posted and with good reason it seems.

When I last posted in July, I indicated that my team and I had discovered a lead on Belladrox. This lead turned out to be very fruitful (more on that later), but the...sources who gave us the lead also gave us a word of warning: the spies of Belladrox were many and they routinely monitored sites such as this. They seek to protect their master's anonymity and sites such as the society's were prime places for hunters or supernatural investigators to post any info on Belladrox.These posters usually died very messy and very quick. So our sources warned us to remain inncomunicado until our research was completed. Now I see the wisdom of their warning.

What in the hell has been going on around here :x. I leave for a while and come back to find evil beings making regular posts (including that embodiment of chaos Nain Rouge), epic battles which I have missed :cry: , and what looked like a short - lived civil war. It looks to have been utter chaos for a few months. Still, it is good to see the surge of new posters since I left on my "sabbatical".

Currently, I'm back in the States and back on the road (in a new Winnebago, too). The members of my team, including myself, feel refreshed. We had a long holiday and are now itching to tussle with some evil cultists or dark supernatural beasts. We're back ladies and gents, and we plan on staying awhile.
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Post by DarKnyht »

It's good to see you back in one piece. Too many have disappeared in the past year.
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Post by Kolya »

It is good to see folks return.

Some people (and monsters) have it in their minds that they can break the Society. Not going to happen.
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Post by Holister »

Welcome back, I think.

But I say give him a week or two, and we're gonna have send out a search party cause he goes missin' again. :D

Must've gotten directions from Robin :lol:
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Welcome back GS, good to have some folks returning.

Now we need to hear from Traveller King, Wilie, Tabloid Hound, Debunker, Huntress, Mr. Loucifer, the folks from Raven's Roost . . .
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Would be nice to hear that they are all hail and hearty. Nice to hear from you again GhostSpider.
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Post by Razor »

Welcome back, GhostSpider! Now, if only those aforementioned would show the hell back up, that would be great. Also be nice if we heard from Willie. (Debunker I think could do well staying away though, even though it's sometimes useful to hear the voice of 'reason' around here.)
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No hell necessary

Post by Celeste Darken »

Razor wrote:Now, if only those aforementioned would show the hell back up . . .

I would prefer they show up without the hell. But welcome back anyway, Ghostspider.
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Post by Holister »

Amen to that. I did the whole HELL thing, it wasn't pleasant at all. :evil:
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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Post by GhostSpider »

I don't know guys, I could really use a dose of hell right now. I've been cooped up in a monastery/library for many months now and am itching for some action.

It's good to see that I was missed. Oh, and Holister, I can get lost on my own, thank you very much :P .
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Post by Holister »

"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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Post by Kolya »

GhostSpider wrote:I don't know guys, I could really use a dose of hell right now. I've been cooped up in a monastery/library for many months now and am itching for some action.

Say it.. say you are bored...
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