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Bell Witch Legend

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 9:26 pm
by DarKnyht
Sorry, I have not been able to post in a while, but I have been busy with my job, training, and medical treatments. Also, the computers that I set up are not working as well as I hoped. It seems that they find links to slasher movies and ghosting software as often as they get an honest result.

However, I am constantly coming up with a consistant hit when searching local legends in Tennessee. I will do my best to give you the facts as I know it, and perhaps someone can help me better understand it.

Simply put, back in the 19th century something slowly killed a man by the name of John Bell. No one knows exactly what it was, be it witch, spirit, or demon. They just know that it killed John Bell.

They said the being made itself known by little things as first. Odd noises, they things start moving, then forces harrassed the Bells. Eventually John Bell became sick. A while later, the Bell Witch began speaking. One of the phrases I found that the being said was, "I am a spirit from everywhere. Heaven, Hell, the Earth. I'm in the air, in houses, any place at any time. I've been created millions of years. That is all I will tell you."

The ghost claimed to return in seven years and did, and has more or less been quiet since. However, the townspeople when I questioned them mentioned that strange things occassionally happen near a cave that is supposed to be close to where the farm was located (the farm was burned down by the townspeople during the original events).

I have not gone near the cave, my training is not yet complete nor do I have anyone else to call on for help. I am however, like I said, curious as to what everyone things may or may not have happened there.

Bell witch?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:10 pm
by Elijah Sight
I seem to recall the specifics of this case. It would seem at first to be a Poltergiest phenomina. The family in question was protestant, and did not believe in ghosts, so the phenomina was labelled a "witch"

Holy water, excorcism, and other traditional means of dispelling an evil spirit had no avail, indeed, the phenomina seemed to take pleasure in mockingly reciting the sermons preached on Sunday. I would advise extreme caution, as this would appear to be an extremely abnormal entity.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 3:10 pm
by Tabloid Hound
I would suggest perhaps bringing a medium on board and examine the remains (if any) of the Bell home, perhaps the house foundation is still there and therefore the rumored (yet plausible) ghosts invaders or even the Bell family members themselves still have an attachment there to speak with.

If not, having the medium with you when visiting the said Cave may be helpful as well. Let us know how the events unfold.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 2:05 pm
by DarKnyht
I was not able to find anyone else to make the trip up with me, but I did look around the sites in question. Although I did not find anything, there was this almost overwhelming sense of wrongness there. It seemed to get stronger the closer I got to the caves. I did not get very close to the caves though because I did not want to risk another blackout while alone in that place.

I guess someone better trained and equiped than me will have to finish the investigation, or it will have to wait until I understand my talents better.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 1:58 am
by VermisVictus
I cant ge