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SINOD Detective Agency

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 3:00 am
by Wintercross
Ah hello there, allow me to introduce myself.

I am Doctor Sydney Wintercross, you may or may not have heard of me, either way it matters not.

I've only recently got the handle of this internet thing, been lagging behind the times it seems, but my computer expert has helped me out and suggested I get connected with you all on the Lazlo Society.

I have a few contacts in various law enforcement circles and have consulted and aided them in the past when dealing with cults, serial killers and so on.
My expertise in such matters has often been helpful in dealing with these cases and I am always eager to pursue them, I find the bizarre and archaic practices rather fascinating.

There have on more than one occasion, been supernatural phenomena involved as well, though these details never do seem to make it into the official reports and I too have had to downplay such matters for the sake of reputation.

Anyway, I have been getting together a group of 'talented' people to start what I am calling 'SINOD' Detective Agency.

Officially, SINOD represents "Security, Investigations, Negotiations, Observations and Deprogramming" as most of my 'consultations' have involved investigating, negotiating and several times deprogramming of brainwashed cult members.

However, both myself and the team I am assembling are well aware that often the root of the problem is supernatural in nature and if not dealt with directly, it's like plastering a bandage on a festering wound.

The idea is to give a 'logical' and friendly face to the public and any 'less aware' officials we associate with to try and avoid those awkward situations I have seen a few freelance hunters get themselves into.

Well, enough of my blathering on...
I'm currently based in New York for a while.

If any of you, freelance or otherwise, need a place to lay low for a while, get patched up or just need a hand, I'm happy to help.

Also, if there is someone who is more experienced in what they call 'psychical psionics'... I've got a rookie here exhibiting the same powers who could use a mentor to help him develop and control his powers a bit better.
He's already busted a few mirrors and a rather expensive vase with the occasional slip up.

P.S. anyone have any spare magic texts/spell books they'd be willing to lend?
I have a small library myself so we could share notes. I am no arcanist by any means, but I find the topic rather interesting none the less.