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The way of Peace, or the way of War

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 4:26 am
by Shang Li
Lets go ahead and start a long running (I hope) discussion of if you choose to meet an unusual encounter with speech 1st or with force, and why.

On the side for speech:
The universe is an amazing place with many amazing friends just waiting to be met.

The more powerful the enemy the more powerful the potential ally.

On the side for force:
I have it in my sights now don't let it escape to be a threat later.

It's different than me, kill it lots.

Either side, go ahead and weigh in on why you respond to certain "ambiguous" encounters a certain way. (for ambiguous, read it's neither threat nor ally at moment of awareness)

A supernatural animalistic predator elicits from me the same response as any other predator that preys upon shepard and flock - an attempt to restore balance, followed by the removal of the predator so that the shepard may some day come to know the way.

In the case of spirit and mind affecting entities the situation becomes much more problematic. My own skills at speaking with kami often allow me to deal with the cause of the haunting and lay it to rest. I recomend a more agresive approach for those who cannot initiate meaningful conversation - but be aware that the agresive methods of dealing with entities are often temporary - treating the symptom rather than the disease.

In Intelligent foes, I personally like to take each as it comes - with intelligence normally one recieves free will. To intelligent beings encountered I both assistance in reaching enlightenment, and swift rebirth in the hopes that perhaps their next reincarnation will be closer to enlightenment.

The koyuketsuki and the were-being have been the most difficult for me to provide sanctuary for - they must fight impulses that are as natural to them as breathing, and thus require closer observation. Enlightenment may come in this life, or the next - whichever is needed.

Re: The way of Peace, or the way of War

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 8:05 pm
by Ron Caliburn
None of the above. First step is to observe and assess its threat level. If you don't know what it is, approaching for a talk is dangerously stupid and engaging in combat could be counter productive.

Re: The way of Peace, or the way of War

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 12:31 am
by Lord Shakar
If it poses a threat to me or mine it dies. Otherwise I am willing to entertain the option of talking or other less than lethal methods for its removal.