Cover up conspiracy in a Nebraska City Park...

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Tabloid Hound
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Cover up conspiracy in a Nebraska City Park...

Post by Tabloid Hound »

I usually never send out reports of conspiracy theories as they come a dime a dozen these days, but I think this one is an exception. I’ve gotten too many pieces of a puzzle and they all fit to make an ugly picture. This may have conspiracy written all over it, but it’s also an issue that may need to be looked into by the society.

First off, the city park in reference is known as Hummel Park and is located on the northern outskirts of Omaha, Nebraska. From hearsay, rumors, blogs and online gossip it’s my understanding that the Park has always had a strange, macabre reputation and has been considered to be haunted for over a century now. Its said in the early 1900's, lynch mobs would ride through town and hang or otherwise mutilate any “believed” criminals that happened to be in sight, and their activities took place in Hummel Park. They hung so many people that the trees still bow over the main road leading to Hummel Park today. Even weirder is that young trees and even the grass lean toward the road outside the park and even from inside the park.

Reports of Apparitions, mists, Indian drums playing at night, wolves howling, even a supposed old Indian burial grounds is on sight. Also, I’ve read several reports of the “morphing stairs”. It is a long staircase that is roughly 200 stairs long. The word, “roughly” is used because every time you go up and or down it you will count a different number of stairs each time. The story is that if you walk up to the top and count the stairs going up, it will be less than the number of stairs going down, it has been referred to as the “stairway to hell” because of this.

There have also been reports of animal sacrificing and mutilations in the park. There are also stories of a cult of albinos that live in the park, as well as a maniac who wanders and lives in the park who lost his nose somehow (the urban legends range anywhere from his losing it in a car accident, others say he cut it off himself, etc). And this maniac is said to cut off anyone’s nose he comes in contact that laughs at his missing nose and keep them on a string around his neck. Point being there are a lot of legends about this park.

The newest story is what catches my attention the most however. This park seems to still have a fair amount of activity, from a nature day camp for children to regular visitors. The park is marred by the lack of modern design (no jogging trails, updated play grounds, or anything modern looking for that matter as its one of the oldest parks in the state) and the rumored gang activities that happen there. But the latest story seems to have interested parties trying to suppress it.

According to a source, Hummel park has a great hiking trail through some heavily wooded areas that look over a cliff to the before mentioned main street below. This is where the last story took place. The story has it two friends were hiking on this trail just this last spring, and making the most sense of the story, they were assaulted by what can be described as a “chameleon man”, the figure was “vaguely humanoid” and it used the woods for camouflage. During the struggle, one of the hikers was ”thrown” over the cliff (which is said to be a steep incline with about a 50-60 ft. drop), and the other was mauled to death.

But that’s only part of the story; the victim who was mauled was labeled as “being beaten to death by an unknown attacker” believed to be a gang member or a rabid deer. What even more interesting is that the police and the news have both neglected this story altogether, even with what I’m now reading to be several cases of this attacker being reported, and all describe the attacker in the same manner. None of the witnesses or surviving victims has come forward with more details about it either (in fact, it seems that they are doing so out of fear or repercussions), so I don’t have anything more than this at this time.

I did get one anonymous tip however; the tipper says that the Omaha and its neibor city Bellevue has had rumors of Secret Government activities since the Offutt Air Force Base was implemented. Even the power stations that run along the river that is government operated (the only government operated power company in the country I would note) are said to house government activities within them. This info would be useless if not for an interesting bit I got that mentioned that one of the power plants is almost literally right across the river from Hummel Park (Hummel Park is adjacent to Dodge park which has an Marina to the river, and the power plant is just across the river).

To the conspiracy theory folks, this is great fodder in that “something” could escape from a lab and find a home in the park! This can answer for all sorts of rumors from the animal mutilations blamed by the sacrifices to who knows what else. With the rumor mill in full churn here, I think an investigation is warranted, there is enough plausibility to make it worthwhile. If for nothing else, this chameleon man may be dwelling in the park is going unnoticed and ignore, if not protected and kept secret from various organizations. If nothing is done, who knows how many other victims could be assaulted or murdered by this thing?
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Post by mrloucifer »

GOOD LORD! Omaha is me place to hang me hat! I know the park, and yeah, its a bloody dive these days. Once I get back home I'll do a favor and look into a local problem for a change. Thanx for the heads up bloke!Cheers!
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Post by Debunker »

Sigh... here we go again...

First off, EVERY Park has some urban legend attached to it. I've got files and files of them stashed all over the place in my office. If had a nickel for every story I’ve read, I’d have expanded my wealth twice over now. But the funny thing about legends is that they are all JUST LEGENDS! These are stories told by older kids to the younger ones to scare and tease them (You see that lake over there little Timmy? THERE'S A MONSTER IN IT!!! AND ITS GONNA GET CHA! That is if the monsters under your bed dont get you first!)

Apprearently most kids only grow up pretending not to believe in them.

This particular conspiracy is for the bird’s folks. Do you really expect anyone to draw some kind of conclusion that an air force base and a government run electrical company is involved in some kinda conspiracy to make camouflage monsters like something out of the Predator films? This is lunacy people! Get a hobby that doesnt involve looking for extraordinary stories in ordinary places.

I could go on with this one all day so put up your dukes if you gotta, I’m ready. People do get attacked in the woods and parks; it sucks but its true! But that does not mean that monsters are attacking them. And the Animal sacrifices and rituals and those demon stairs, they all have rational explanations. Gangs, animals being eaten by other animals, miscounts, nut jobs looking attention, you name it, there is an answer for it.

This is another classic case of making something out of nothing!
Elliott James Tobias III
AKA: Debunker

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Post by The Traveler King »

Debunker wrote:This particular conspiracy is for the bird’s folks. Do you really expect anyone to draw some kind of conclusion that an air force base and a government run electrical company is involved in some kinda conspiracy to make camouflage monsters like something out of the Predator films?

Well, considering that I actually work with some pretty fantastic technology on a daily basis, it's certainly possible. Probable? That's another thing completely.
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Post by Ellie »

The Traveler King wrote:
Debunker wrote:This particular conspiracy is for the bird’s folks. Do you really expect anyone to draw some kind of conclusion that an air force base and a government run electrical company is involved in some kinda conspiracy to make camouflage monsters like something out of the Predator films?

Well, considering that I actually work with some pretty fantastic technology on a daily basis, it's certainly possible. Probable? That's another thing completely.

Such camouflage was tested. Don't really remember much about it, but a few military generals started asking if Predator movie style camo could be made. So these techies worked up a system of cameras and tiny monitors, to basically get as close to that effect as they could. Not very effective up close, but at range, it's pretty good stuff.
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Post by mrloucifer »

Well chaps, I walked & hiked all over that bloody park this weekend in 90 degree weather and found nuthin except for a Charlie horse in me right leg. I'm none too suprise as it aint like its gonna bloody advertise or anything.

Reading that post about the tiny camera's and whatnot, they sound bloody cool and all, but why would the government blokes rig that junk on a monster? And why would the bleedin Air Force need to use the state power plants in thier R & D? I dont get it!
Joseph Darkhold
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Post by Joseph Darkhold »

Ellie wrote:
The Traveler King wrote:
Debunker wrote:This particular conspiracy is for the bird’s folks. Do you really expect anyone to draw some kind of conclusion that an air force base and a government run electrical company is involved in some kinda conspiracy to make camouflage monsters like something out of the Predator films?

Well, considering that I actually work with some pretty fantastic technology on a daily basis, it's certainly possible. Probable? That's another thing completely.

Such camouflage was tested. Don't really remember much about it, but a few military generals started asking if Predator movie style camo could be made. So these techies worked up a system of cameras and tiny monitors, to basically get as close to that effect as they could. Not very effective up close, but at range, it's pretty good stuff.

The Japanese are already a lot more advanced in that than we are. They just recently showcased an "invisibility" jacket at the last San Francisco tech show, I went and took a look at it and it worked pretty well for the tests...well enough that, while not perfect, it was pretty good at close range as long as the subject moved slowly or stood still.
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Post by Debunker »

Invisibility jacket? Well, at least its something that makes scientific sense for a change compared to the other outrageous stories I've read here.
Elliott James Tobias III
AKA: Debunker

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Post by mrloucifer »

Hey blokes. I think there may be something more here than just a good story after all. I'll keep ya posted mates.
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Post by Heretic »

Debunker wrote:Sigh... here we go again...

First off, EVERY Park has some urban legend attached to it. I've got files and files of them stashed all over the place in my office.

If they're not real, then why do you seem to express such an interest in them?
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Post by Debunker »

My "interest" is trying to seperate the fact from the fiction, but in this practice the facts are pretty slim pickings.
Elliott James Tobias III
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Post by Kolya »

The rest is assumption and personal belief.

The same stuff he uses to say why we need medical help...
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Post by mrloucifer »

Kolya wrote:The rest is assumption and personal belief.

The same stuff he used to say why we need medical help...

Used to say? I gotta tell ya bloke, he still says we needs bloody medical help. But he's still a good egg and all, and I still thank him and Ronny boy for pulling me fat out of the bleedin fire the way they did.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Speakign of Medical Help, how are you doin' Lou?

D's system of belief is about as far fetched as most people think ours is, so we should cut him some slack. Afterall it's not his fault he can't see what's really there.
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Post by Elijah Sight »

Camoflauge monsters, eh? Sounds to me like a corruption or modification of the old Mothman legends. Not to say that there's no truth to it...
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Post by DarKnyht »

Thought I would bump this back up. Seems like a lot of the investigations that were started have gone cold. Anyone up for taking this one on again, or attempting to contact Mrloucifer?
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I have 3 or 4 unread PMs to him in my outbox. I've not received any reply to my emails either.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Not good at all.
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Post by Kolya »

Definitely should look into taking it up again.

Obviously, we cannot...
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Post by Holister »

Great, another MIA. This is a trend. How many more guys do we gotta loose. In my opinion we just don't have the corespondance, orginazation, and focus we need. Too many chiefs and not enough indians
if ya get my drift.

Sure each of us does our part to keep to world protected, but that is obviously not enough. It does seem that the only time we get real results is when in act in unison when tacklin' a these problems.

Maybe we just need to get more organized, keep better tabs on each other, and have a SupNat alert system like they have for terrorists. Maybe have a half a dozen "meeting places" or safehouses stocked with supplies, intel, and aid.

Not for nothin' either, but there is a lot of bickerin' between members, and that takes our attention away even further. Ya'll know who Im talkin' bout. That shit's gotta stop.

We may walk different lines, and talk a different talk, but we need each other and that's the bottom line. So its time to put differences aside, stop with holding secrets from each other, and really come together as a team here folks.

When one member is in need, we have to be there for them. An attack on one of us, is an attack on ALL of us and with that there are NO EXCEPTIONS.

Ron & Azrael, ya'll may not like Cee, deal with it; Gothic, ya'll may not like KT for his beliefs or me period, but deal with it; alot of us may not like Hideoshi, we have to deal with. We are the last of Lazlo's Legacy to this world of ours. We are a team, a gathering of the truly great who walk that line between good and evil, keepin people safe at night.

As it was once said by Abraham Lincoln; " A house united will satnd against anything, a house divided will always fall ".

Time fo us to really get our acts together. If we survive past this weekend. I say that is what we do.

Ill even go first and swear off drinkin', do my best to curb my anger, and help my fellow members anyway I can, even if I don't agree with them.

It's half time folks. Time for the show.
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Holister wrote:Ron . . . ya'll may not like Cee, deal with it.

I'm not sure you and I think the same way when you say I should deal with this situation.

As for the rest of your suggestions, there are unfortunately a number of agendas present in this "organization" that make it rather difficult.

That said, I strongly belive the Lazlo Agency itself is digigng in and bunkering up . . . for what I have my guesses, but nothing I want to put name to.
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Post by DarKnyht »

Couldn't of put it better. Too many times we are getting caught up in our beliefs and letting them keep us from working together.

I don't trust Celeste, but I am not going to go out of my way to kill her unless she proves it is necessary. It would be very bad if that day came because it would mean that most of us would be at each other's throats. Not to mention I probably would be one of the casualties. So I pray in the meantime that it will never be necessary.

I really don't agree with Gothic and Azreal. I think their view of my faith turns it into something it is not, but I would also be there if needed to help either. If we ever come to a time when we the world is not on the brink of destruction, I would be happy to discuss our beliefs peacefully. Unfortunately, for now we are going to have to agree to disagree.

Now, how can we go about implementing this network to keep up with our members better?
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Post by Holister »

1) We set up regional contact points between members where they have to check in every 24 hours or so when they are out in the field. This way when something goes awry, and they don't contact that regional person, we can go in and find them.

2) We set up eight regional contact points

A) New England -that would be me

B) Mid Atlantic sea board - that could be Ron.

C) Southeast _ Don't know.

D) Great lakes area - KT

E) Midwest - don't kow.

F) Gulf States/Texas - Razor

G) Southwest & California - Don't know

H) Northwest - Don't know.

Plus we should have foriegn coespondants also -

Like Hideoshi for Japan and Kolya for Russia.

3) These contact points should also have Safehouses available in the area. Since this is a Society endevor, we all split the bill and offer up what we can along the lines of weapons, gear, medical, intel, magic, psi, and knowledge.

4) Keep the pesonal info and greivances on the boards to a minimum cause we don't know who is listening. Hell, I could be The Devil himself with an internet connection, who wold know unless we met in person.

I can only vouch for some of you, and the likewise can be said for alot of ya'll back.

5) Keep up with the Lazlo Greeting Signals. I say we use that at the beginning of ever coespondance between members to prevent infiltration by evil forces.

6) Im hungry, Im gonna grab some lunch. Be right back.
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I just wish the Agency would let us in on some of their resources.
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Post by GhostSpider »

May I get an amen for Brother Holister :lol: .

I know that I just got back into the mix here, but it does seem to me that there is way more conflict going on then when I left. And I don't mean with evil either. I know that I'm not exempt from this. Before my departure, Adama Geist and I had a serious difference of opinion, and my views haven't changed.

Still, we're all in this together. So what if you don't approve of someone's background or methods, deal with it. The only one's who benefit from our bickering are the monsters.

Oh, and I would like to volunteer for a roaming contact position. My team and I are always on the road.
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Post by Holister »

Success Redifined:

The ability to achieve victory over your opponent by use of a wiffle bat filled with cement across their frikin skull.

Have a Nice Day :)
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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Post by GhostSpider »

Success Redifined:

The ability to achieve victory over your opponent by use of a wiffle bat filled with cement across their frikin skull.

Have a Nice Day

HA HA HA, I love it. :lol:
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Well if people wouldn't threaten to kill people just because they think that a creature that feeds on human blood might be a threat to humans . . there might be a lot less conflict.
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Post by DarKnyht »

It is going to be a point of conflict until either A) Celeste is destroyed or B) Celeste somehow becomes human once more.

New people joining our ranks are going to just reopen the issue because they are going to have a strong opinion one way or another.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Another valid point.
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