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In Memory of

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 4:39 pm
by Huntress
I recently returned from a hunting party in Mexico (courtesy of Debunker's ticket of course). I wish I had nothing but good news but alas; we lost a great comrade during our encounters. I realized that the truth deserves to be told out of respect for our lost comrade who gave his life in an unknown war and I noticed that there is no "In Memory of" section on this site.

Its time we changed that people, good men and women have died on the frontlines and this may very well be the only place the truth can be spoken freely. I'd like to be the first to post here about the loss of a valiant man and good friend, and for the protection of his family I will refer to him by his code name as "8 Ball"

"8 Ball" was normal Joe, he had no powers or gifts, no magic casting abilities, but he made up for it in bravery and a seething hatred for the supernatural (he claims as a boy he lost this older brother to a boogieman. He watched the monster take his brother away and everything, but no one believed his story, but they never found his brother either..)

Debunker had called an emergency assembly of a party, which included 8 ball, Pastor Greed, Mr. Louis Cifer and myself amongst others and a support crew (I think he tried to get Caliburn, but he was off on other duties at the time.) He flew us down to Mexico City to look into rumors of a necromancer in the area.

Making a long story short (my tequila tour stories aren’t really important) the rumors were indeed true, only it was several of them and a platoon of flesh bags as their minions. The good news is that we won and exterminated the entire lot of them. The bad news was that 8 Ball fought valiantly but was over whelmed by several flesh bags during our flush out of the caves they were hiding in and they literally tore him apart. The Necro's must have loved the irony, because they escaped with several flesh bags, and the remains of 8 Ball, only to piece him together into another flesh bag for confronting us later.

I write this in between tears now as I tell you how terrible it was to see him. One of the finest fighters and men I've ever known, and to see him as this chimera of body parts and organ mass, ironically the only distinguishable feature was his face. To see this thing stumble along coming to kill me, I swear to you I didn’t destroy him out of fear, I did so out of pity. I would be damned if I was gonna let these maniac's let 8 Ball's efforts in life be marred by their perverse use of his body for terror now.

I hit him harder than anything I've ever struck at in my life, it was quick and I pray it was painless to him. I then went into full huntress mode with the party and finished the rest of the necro's off. Everything was incinerated, including the body mass of 8 Ball. His family has no idea of the truth, they believe he was on a vacation in Mexico and died in a fire as we told it.

For all the tales they say that the supernatural knows no bounds in the realm of terror, I say they got nothing on us humans. The necro's knew what they were doing to me and they enjoyed it till the end. I wonder if in the eyes of the supernatural we are their superiors in terms of evil and cruelty. I’m sorry, I’m digressing.

8 Ball was a defender and a protector of families; his loss was a great one to our frontlines and our hearts.

May he rest in peace.

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 6:05 pm
by Ron Caliburn
So that message was from Debunker? He needs to get a new cellphone.

My condolonces about 8-Ball, thank you for putting what was left of him down like that.

There are a few reasons why I really hate it hwen the bad guy is a human. One is because I don't like putting a person down. The other is because we come up with the most twisted shit. The other's jsut want to scare us or eat us, but humans come up with all sorts of ways to mess with their fellow man.

Somedays I do wonder why I bother trying to protect us from anything.

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 6:13 pm
by Kolya
It is sad to hear about 8 Ball.

On the other hand, you accomplished a lot of good.

Keep up the good work.

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 10:27 am
by Ron Caliburn
Things are really going pear shaped down Mexico way. Apparently there's some death cult with about 2 million members.

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 12:41 pm
by Kolya
My Spanish pretty rusty- I have not used it in nearly 10 years, so I was not able to get much off of their website

The everpresent singles advertisement and popup does make me a bit skeptical.

Then again, there could be more to it than just the drugs....

And sometimes just a scratch on the surface is not enough to reveal the evil at the bone.

Either road, probably worth checking out.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 12:11 pm
by Huntress
Kolya wrote:It is sad to hear about 8 Ball.

On the other hand, you accomplished a lot of good.

Keep up the good work.

Thanx Kolya, I appreciate it.

Mayor Zander Hill

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 3:33 am
by Fiera
I would like to post this in memory of Mayor Zander Hill.

He was a good man trying to fight through government coverups even though he was himself a polititian. Unfortunatley he got in over his head and did live long enough to see his own actions take shape. I only knew him for a few hours but he seemed like a good albeit confused man trying to make a difference.

May your goals still be reached though you my not get to witness them.

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 1:04 pm
by Bowie
1. One hunter to another I'm sorry for your loss huntress
2. I have to agree with Ron. Demons I get humans are just crazy!

This Thread Has been Forgotten too Long

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 3:56 pm
by Celeste Darken
This thread has been forgotten for entirely too long, and I feel it is one of those that shouldn’t be. I realize that some people we must not claim as dead, those like Huntress and Willie and others . . . but what about those we know are dead? Ron, whatever happened to PSC27 and his work? Has he had his funeral, his eulogy, and an assurance that his work will not be forgotten? It seems more often than not, people like you guys and him are unsung heroes in the world. That may be unavoidable, but it shouldn’t be among us.

Would you mind giving us an update, Ron?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 5:16 pm
by Deathblaster
PC whooie? souns like a computer.


Or a clone.

Or a siamese twin.


PC: number 27. Just add another of 'em. PC number 28, upp!


Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 7:22 pm
by Michael T
Show respect for once in your life child before you get it taught to you in a very difficult manner. I have no qualms teaching respect to brats.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 4:46 am
by Shadowstalker
Michael don't waste your time or energy on this pinhead. I have a feeling things will catch up on him in due time.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 7:32 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I afear that Faeriechaser let slip what they should not have. I have not heard of him since he broke that I had not sent the laptop to Britain.

So many fallen . . .