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Roll Call

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 1:56 pm
by Kolya
Who are we and what are we doing. And, perhaps, why.

I'll go first.

Nikolai (Kolya) Medvedev - FSB (formerly known as KGB) agent

My previous assignment had me focused aliens and UFOs. Lately there has been a rash of chemicals (related to genetics and mutogens) have been leaking into the Black Market. Investigating this is my new/current assignment. This work has a little more tangible payoff than investigating UFO crashes and/or "apprehending" their crew.

Being a government operator has, like any occupation, the pros and cons. The pros are having the backing of a government; the cons are the restrictions - I cannot just pick up and help save Louis, or investigate the red rain on the border or whatever. I go where I am told.

I have natural abilities which make me "better than the average bear" (to use an American saying, right). It was only natural that I do this kind of work.

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 8:26 pm
by Joseph Darkhold
Well, I guess I'll go next then.

Joseph Fenrir Darkhold-member of the Order of Tyr, sorcerer, inventor of magical devices, hunter of evil, etc...

I'm started out on the path of the supernatural at a young age, as my fathers apprentice and I was later inducted into the Order of Tyr (the Order is dedicated to the destruction of supernatural monsters and mortals who prey upon innocents) after my apprenticeship was over.

Since then I have wandered all over this humble world of ours, furthering my study of magic by learning from masters in China, Japan, Britain, Germany, Norway, and Egypt, where I began my studies of Dimensional travel. After Egypt I spent a couple of years wandering the dimensions, though I have since settled down in California, where I make my living as a freelance paranormal investigator and troubleshooter.

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 10:31 am
by Ron Caliburn
Ron Caliburn - an alias, one of many

Gun / Law Enforcement Supply shop owner and operator. Trouble shooter.

I'm just a guy who knows that we aren't alone and that most of the visitors aren't friendly. I do my best to help out people when and where I can. The city I live near has plenty of probems for me to solve as it is, but I'll occasionally make a road trip if I think a life is at stake.

My past is my past, I won't get into it unless I have to make a point.

Re: Roll Call

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 6:45 pm
by Willie Long

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 11:41 pm
by Katsumi Kim
My name is Katsumi Kim,

Right now I am a Crime Scene Investigator for the Los Angles Police Department with my partner Harry Firefront.

I grew up in Osaka, Japan until I was 18 when I moved with my dad to LA. I have the gift to heal those that are in bad shape with a type of psychic power (at least that is what Harry and a few others say). How I got my power I do not know and the story of when I got them is a blur, but I am willing to help others if my services are required for me to do so or if they are really in need.

I look forward to helping each one of you if the need arises, so don't be afraid to ask me for help.

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 1:39 pm
by Kolya
Not a very successful roll call.

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 10:33 pm
by Joseph Darkhold
Give it time...maybe it'll get better, I've already put my two cents in.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 10:49 pm
by The Traveler King
Company Policy prevents me from divulging more than I already have.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 10:18 am
by Huntress
Hey Big boys, Ive already gave my measurements and whatnot in previous posts, feel free to check me out anytime. :wink:

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 10:43 am
by Tabloid Hound
I think I've given my information previously as well, but making a long story short I'll give some details worth noting;

I have always had an intrest in the supernatural, but I've never witnessed anything first hand myself. But the stories I read here in the society fascinate me just the same.

My shtick here is posting interesting stories that I've weeded through the potential and possible supernatural issues in hopes that a member of the agency will inquire into it.

I'm not a fighter or magician or psychic or anyone exciting, I'm just a man wanting to help other with their troubles, I've spent my life doing so, which has costed me my legs in the line of duty. But you can take my legs, but never my spirit.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 10:53 am
by Kolya
We have all revealed a lot or little about ourselves on the forum. I was looking for a central location for that information. It would be helpful for newcomers and/or those looking for help.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 11:23 am
by Pastor Greed
Hmm, well my name is Pastor Greed (yes, its my real last name).

I have spent my life as a servant of the lord, and that has led me to becoming a sort of "Pest control problem representative" on the lord behalf.

I have tracked and hunted a lot of vampires, several monsters, a couple of demons (Paticularly with a possession demon known as Ecclesia). I have been in this field of service for almost 20 years now. While im not as young as I used to be, but I can still hunt and destroy monsters and demons with the best of them.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 11:45 am
by Dr. Kane
Hello, my code name on the society is Dr. Kane, I am currently a psychiatrist working at a mental health institute.

In previous posts I have mentioned that I had a tumor removed from my brain several months ago. Since that time I have developed what you would call psychic abilities.

Making a long story short, my world was turned upside down and I felt like my life was a lie. I've spent my carrer telling many of my patients that monsters and demons and psychic's dont exist, and now I am living the lie.

my abilites seemed to be uncontrollable at first, I was reading minds of anyone I came across like a book, I felt emotions of everyone, and always felt like I was being watched by unseen eyes. I was losing sleep and for awhile my sanity. Fortunatly I was albe to hide behind a veil of "surgery recovery and issues with medication" during this time. But in time they became managable.

In the following months I have learned to make peace with what ive become, and I've even taken a turn in my practice specializing in "delusional" patients where I can as assist them (and myself) in learning how to cope with their gifts. Would you believe that the X-Men films have gotten through to the kids more than I have? Greating training tool for psychics FYI

In an update from a previous post, I thought I was being followed by the "men in black" as the society calls them, but it seems they either lost interest or I was seeing things. No sign of anything in weeks. I cant tell you what a relief that is.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 11:52 am
by Debunker
My code name is Debunker, and from all that I've read, I need no introduction. I seem the be the most popular user due to a "we love to hate him" relationship on this site.

But I've come to realize that doing what's right on this forum isn't always popular, and what's popular on this forum isnt always right.

So I will continue to keep try to keep you all grounded and honest on this site as its the right thing to do.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 12:09 pm
by Huntress
Kolya wrote:We have all revealed a lot or little about ourselves on the forum. I was looking for a central location for that information. It would be helpful for newcomers and/or those looking for help.

ok, ok Kolya, you win... I like a man who tries to stay on top :wink:

My code name is the Huntress, and the book worm types have labeled me a physical psychic. I'm tall, blond and smokin if I do say so myself.

My day job is a waitress, and my night job is an "exotic Dancer". Like Tina Turner Im your private dancer, only I'd have whooped Ike's ass the moment he laid a hand on me, in fact thats my calling card. I kick ass.

Being born and raised on the farm, I've been breed to get my hands dirty, and dirty I do. My choice weaponry are aluminum bats (they make the greatest sound when you swing them at a beast square on the cranium), but I've used sledgehammers, wood planks, car doors, mailboxes, crates, other monsters and basically whatever I have arround me to bludgeon with at the time, including good old fashioned fisticuffs.

I tend to travel a lot as I wear out my welcome anywhere I go (when I run out of monsters I tend to get rowdy out of boredom.) So you play your cardss right and bring plenty of singles you just may get to see and feel me in person some time! Later boys :wink:

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 12:50 pm
by mrloucifer
Good Morning blokes!

Me name is Louis Cifer, just bloody call me Mr. Loucifer

I'm an Arcanist with a checked past, but I aint dwellin on the bloody past, so neither should you mates.

I wander the mid west of the red, white and blue in search of grave ghouls mostly (I dispise the bloody buggers, but you would too if you caught them chewing on your dead uncle after they dug him out of his grave for blim'n sakes!) but I also put the paid on other beasties as well when I see them. Me best girls Matilda and Bessie (call them the 12-gauge twins) also take part in the action, I cant let me spell knowledge do all the work now can I?

I was out of commission for awhile due to that Ecclesia bastard, but Im back now and I'm gunning for bloody bear! Cheers!

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:24 pm
by Private Dic McVay
Hello, I'm new here; I haven’t posted anything yet, so I think the roll call is the best place to start.

I’m a private detective who had a brush with the supernatural about a year ago, and since then have found my calling specializing in cases that seem to be supernatural related.

For the last six months I had assembled a loose knit band of like-minded individuals to help in the cause, as Los Angeles seems have a growing problem with supernatural encounters.

Currently our gang includes a parapsychologist, a ghost hunter, a diviner, and a physical psychic (would you believe I've never heard of these titles or terms before a year ago?) There are others who we work with occasionally, including a latent psychic, many ordinary Joe’s and Jane’s who believe in the cause, and those innocents caught in the cross fire (figurative and literal).

Together we’ve had quite a few different experiences with the supernatural, a haunted house, a boogieman, several vampires, grave ghouls, lycanthropes, cult members and even normal folks like gang members and police run ins.

I hope to use the society as a resource of information and perhaps share my own when I have something to give. Credit to my joining the society goes to Tabloid Hound for pointing the site out to me.

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 6:41 am
by Ellie
Okay, I'll admit, I've been putting this off.
My name is Ellie, and I'm not saying what the rest of my name is... It's kinda embarrassing.
I've been at this since I was sixteen, about seven years now. I'm pretty much California born and raised, my dad was in the navy during Vietnam, my mom is where the unusual "abilities" come from in my family. My sister once got this big gash on her arm when we were young, and Mom patched it up just by touching it. My abilities, ain't so noticeable. I kinda have this knack for hitting a target right where I want to. I'm also a lot better at dodging things then my co-workers. Basically, I'm no real psychic or mage or anything like that, I'm just someone who is above average.
Anyways, when I went solo at nineteen, I met Mr. Darkhold during one of my "jobs", and we got to talking afterwards. That's how I came to work part-time for him, but I still do the occasional side job if things are slow.
I'm pretty much the in house weapons expert at Mr. Darkhold's office. The other boys, they're okay, but I'm the one who knows how to make everything work. One of the problems I have with work, is that despite likely having the best credentials, I'm the only one of the gun savvy types in the office without a carry concealed permit. That involved an accident with the permit saying SIG, and the gun saying Glock.
I liked that gun too.
Right now, I'm "in the market", as it were, since things are going very slow with my other jobs. Oh yeah, I didn't mention that, did I? I work part-time at an indoor firing range. So that makes a total of three part-time jobs, only one normal.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 12:49 am
by ShadowsLight
OK CN is Shadows Light. . its a personal thing, right hand is black as pitch. . kinda unnerving since I'm a white boy from up north and since i work mostly at night im rather pale.

My parents were always into (beleived in) Psycich powers and for lack of a better word magic. They've even been known to demonstrait telepathy and empathy. I've always been able to see and hear things most people can't. I first started a couple years back when i was walking down the street and heard a fight in an ally and a womans scream, well i was raised to help those in need so i did. . most of what happened is a little fuzzy. . there were no lights and i kinda went into frenzy I guess it was sudden enough to scare what ever it was. . its was human shaped it jumped a 20 foot fence in one jump. i took the girl home and well ever since then I've been a hunter, and like any other hunter i study my prey and make sure i use the right tools for the job.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:52 am
by Inari
Hmm I am not sure how really to respond here.

My code name? Is Inari. I originate from japan though I do not look japanese. My abilities are mostly elemental I think its called Aracanist? Forgive my spelling. I have a very large dislike of the undead and cannot stand goblins. My family has nothing to do with me and I am not really welcome in my society for my belifes on humanity and on other beings. I dont take a very active role as I dont trust most hunters not to shoot me in the back!

I only recently found this forum and have been looking it over for any interesting tips and tricks. Your never to old to learn new things after all.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:50 pm
by BraveSirRobin
suppose I'm overdue for this...

my name, as far as any of you are concerned, is BraveSirRobin, or Robin for short. Why? Because, as somebody with NO support crew outside of the InterWeb (honestly, even my family is against me), I tend to spend a lot of my time running away, much like a character in a certain British comedy which I am, I'll admit, rather fond of. I trust I need not tell you what I spend my time running away FROM.

As to what I can do... well, I'm a general purpose nerd: some computer skills (I am the Google King!) and a comprehensive knowledge of useless things, from the varying official heights of Godzilla (never believe that 400 foot nonsense) to the basic theory behind Star Wars Hypermatter reactors (don't ask)... hidden somewhere deep within all that is a rather good knowledge of historic myth and lore, including that of the beasties we so often deal with... on that note, let me just say never to leave home without some salt: witches, zombies, and all kinds of other things are reputed to hate the stuff. On top of that, I took about a year of Taekwondo about half a lifetime ago, which, combined with a little refresher from when my dad threw me in the juvenile asylum he runs for no reason, the LARPing, and the wonders of genetics making me freakishly huge, means I'm a bit better at handling myself in a fight than your average 90 pound nerd. Then again, that makes me about as potent as my Shih Tzu in this line of work... but that's where the shotgun Ron gave me and my other talents come in handy... it's not much, but... so far, my signature ain't lyin.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 2:40 am
by Shadowstalker
I should introduce my self as well at least as much as I can.
I'm Shadostalker A nickname that has stuck for a long time, I'm a former sortof detecive/CSI. I have always had a nack for figuring things out, part of that is I am what a Parapsycholigist calls a sensitive. These talents manifested in my youth, thankfully this was nothing new to my family we have a long history with the supernatural.My first posting as an LEO was a little strange it was a given that any Officer would have to fill out one of the infamous DR-1313 reports on average of once a year, like I said strange place.It was so bad the station had a pool going for when a rookie would have to file his or her first report of that nature and if they reqested a tranfer afterwards.In my case I set two dubiuos records the first was shortest time to file my first DR-1313 and the second was most filed in one
year, so you Know it was 3 weeks the average was 2 months the other was
13 reports filed in one year old record was 5.This is what got someones
attention so I was asked to Join a group that dealt with such things on
prupose,I took the job and here I am hunting the things that go bump
in the night fulltime.

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 4:05 pm
by concrete_Angel
You know, I think I remember something about 1313. Someone was talking about it when my dad called the cops about my mom being missing.

I'm Angel. I'm pretty much a city kid, NYC and all. My family lived in an apartment on the upper west side. It was kind of nice, until my mom left us. Dad always said it wasn't our fault, and my brother James believed him, but he's always been "my boy" to him. I couldn't understand why she left, because she was really happy, and she always said she wanted a daughter.

My best friend is William. He's the reason I'm here. I haven't known him long, just in the last few years. He's kind of odd, and he keeps talking about stuff that's just too strange or fantastic to be true. He's only a couple years older than me, but he just seems so old fashioned. I think maybe he's got a crush or something, but I don't know.

He's also reading over my shoulder, and I'm embarassing him. Good! :P

I was supposed to start college this year, or maybe last year, but my dad said we only had enough money for James' tuition. I tried to tell him I'd work for it, but he didn't want me to leave like my mother. That's what he said. So, I ran away. After that, I'm not sure what happened. I'm now living with Will, and he says I shouldn't try worrying about the past, with everything that's going on. All I know is that he's all I've got right now.

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:20 am
by Damian Magecraft
My name is Damian Magecraft

As to my profession let me preface this with an admonition.
If you are given an oportunity to aquire the ultimate knowledge...turn it down...the price is too great. That said I guess you could say I am an "expert" of sorts in the supernatural as well as an agent of the Powers that Be. How did I find myself being an agent of the PtB? See the above admonition. I started as a simple scholar in a land far from here. My fields of study were, while unusual here, considered normal in my homeland. I traveled extensively in the pursuit of my studies; sometimes alone but usually in the company of hardy individuals.

On one of my travels I stumbled on a text of immense age and unknown origin. It detailed a series of steps that would grant one great knowledge. Needless to say I was excited by this find; so much so it seems that I forgot a very old and apt proverb; "carefull what you wish for; you may just recieve it." Against the wishes of my companions I explored this text in its entirety, (no easy undertaking I might add.) At the conclusion of my examinations I led my companions on the journies the text suggested were needed to acomplish the steps. Each task did indeed grant me more and more knowledge and power as it promised...but saddly as I said the price was too great. In the end after compleating the final journy my companions numbered zero. Some were lost on the trail others in battles with creatures to horrid and unbeliveable to describe and others still to my growing distance and indifferance to their plights.

But I digress; upon realizing what I had become I was disgusted and went on one final journy. I sought out Death and entreated that my existance be removed that I may atone for my sins of pride and greed. I was denied even that surcease; instead I found myself floating in a great void. There I conversed with beings whose power dwarfed even my own considerable skills. I was informed that I had be selected and groomed for my new position as guardian of the cosmos' (yes they did indeed use the plural). Now I find my myself drawn to places where I am most needed...why I am here at this time; I know not. But I place my expansive knowledge at your disposal. But know this; nothing comes without a cost...there may come a time when I will have need of you; as I have restrictions as to what I may do in any given place.
Before I bid thee farewell I leave you with one last reminder.

Who I am

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:40 am
by DarKnyht
I think I will leave my name out for now, but I am a Computer Tech that works throughout Tennessee. I am new to all of this and quite frankly it is still a little overwhelming for me. Two weeks ago, I was just another no body and now I find myself in the middle of a world I never dreamed could be real.

Anyways, I am trying to adjust and hopefully the scripts I am writing will help in locating problems that the people here seem best at dealing with.

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 3:06 pm
by Nighthunter Diel
Figure I'll start things off for myself here...Seems like a good place.

My real name isn't important. I go by Nighthunter Diel, that's about it.

I got started in all this six years ago when I walked into my parents house for Christmas dinner and found a monster, a Hell Hound, eating my family. A sight I'll never forget, and I'm amazed I lived to remember.

After that I got about as deep into hunting the monsters of this world as I could. I still take the fight to them everywhere they show up in southern Cali every night I continue to live. I won't stop until I die or they're all gone.

I think I'll become pretty regular here. I'm sure I can get any help I need through this site. You people seems to have a rather good handle on what is really out there.

I think I will leave it at that for now.

- Nighthunter Diel

Edit: Take a look at the Diego Hunters Homepage.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:00 pm
by Sidious
I'll echo a sentiment, if i were looking for information on the hunters this is where i would go. Of course, some of you have forgotten a basic rule and have put up enough information for those to find you. throwing around your true names like it was nothing.

Now i join your ranks.

my name, not my real one of course, is Sidious. You may call me Sid if you wish. My area of operation is the northeast of the american continent and my area of expertise is... shall we suffice it to say ecletic.

I look for ward to adding my input to your group.

My turn, I guess...

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 5:48 am
by Heretic
Name: Heretic (s'all you're getting)

Freelance paranormal investigator and archivist of the just plain weird. I get around writing articles for anyone who'll buy them, drawing my material from what might drive your average schmuck to a psychologist. All things aside, I try to keep my ear to the ground for more local matters, but I've been known to hop across the Pond now and then, especially when it concerns cults, brotherhoods, and major religious factions.

Though I'm no weapons specialist, I certainly like to prove that nothing is entirely bulletproof, especially when some critters have so many fun weaknesses to exploit.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 9:23 am
by arkaine
Simon Arkaine

Age: 34

Paranormal Investigator
Currently working for
TPI (Tri-axe Paranormal Investigations)

Since I was a young child I have had a ceartain attunement or bond with supernatural forces. I grew up being the odd kid both shunned and picked on for being diffrent and at times Scary. However, it is tough being 12 years old and having a Fel Imp haunt you because you accidently released it into this dimension. My parents had tried many things to "fix my problems" and all of them did nothing more than confuse me and make me have a stigmatism about my diffrence. I fell into a downward spiral of depression and eventually into my early teen age years, suicidal tendencies.

It was at the age of 14 when a mysterious thing happened. One of Victor Lazlos greatest accomplices wandered onto me! Sergei Konstanoff World renowned parapsychologist was his name (as Im sure most of you have heard of him). Once my parents got to know him they asked him to take me and Sergei was extremely happy to educate me in the ways of our beloved profession. I spent the next five years moving from place to place and helping Sergei in his work. We battled praytell countless cults of deaths, meandering nether monsters and other things that go bump in the night.

It was in the year 1990 when Sergei and I was hot on the tail of one of the oldest vampyr to walk the earth at that time "Baraton Malkavai or Malkavai the Bloody Baron". We had found his lair and was entering into his sleeping quarters when we was ambushed by 20 of more vampires and overpowered.
Our investigation crew was slaughtered save for Sergei and I. Malkavai tortured us for hours before he made me sit and watch as he devoured my master drop by drop torturing him and slicing off various bits of his flesh. (which he fed to his pet hellhound)

With Sergei's last breath he looked at me and murmered "The power of undeath lies in the tree of Nod". After disposing of Sergei Malkavai came to me and attempted to feed on me. When his fangs met my veins he released me and threw his headback in pain. Fire coursed from his open mouth and spread through his body burning out the pinky flesh into charred blackness eventually turning him into dust. Seeing there master defeated the young Vampyr ran in fear and I was left alone in the darkness.

After working my ropes off of my hands I noticed that my chest was extremely sore and felt hot beneath my shirt. I removed my shirt and saw that my flesh on my chest was scarred into a depiction.....a depiction of a tree.....both dead looking and looming, and thats when it all fell together that night. Who I was, what my purpose was, and why Sergei had seeked me out. I was to become the master slayer of these wretched creatures, the champion for our cause and master of the Black Priests of Nod.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 9:42 pm
by GhostSpider
In my time i've learned that names are powerful things, so just call me ghostspider. I've been at this for 3 years now, ever since I decided to skip a day of class and go perouse a certain pawn shop. While there a sword of obvious antiquity caught my eye and so (forgetting the tale of curiosity and a certain feline) I drew the sword from its scabard. Imagine my surprise when a voice suddenly popped up in my head and told me that I had just been bonded to a 3,000 year old mystic sword and that I was to become a crusader against evil and the supernatural.

Ever since that moment every attempt i've made at a normal life has failed. The sword, which calls itself Karlash, seems to be acting like a magnet to the supernatural. It either draws it to me or me to it.

Now I wander the roads of North America. Over time I have met four others who also fight against the supernatural for various reasons. Together we travel in our Winnebago (no laughing) and combat the supernatural so that Average Joe American can go home, eat his t.v dinner and not have to worry that some demon is going to tear down his door at any moment.

My specialty is fighting demons and the cults that spring up around them.