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UFOlogists and Cultists unite!

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 11:54 pm
by Grace
As far as whacko conspiracy theories go, I've come across one heck of a hum dinger.

Japanese school girls take note. Alien abductions may be related to tentacled monstrosities from other dimensions! That is to say, what we think are alien abductions are actually extra-dimensional attacks. In other words, the Simpsons were absolutely right about what aliens look like!

It talks about Cthulhu cults, which I always thought was early 20th century horror fiction. But it also mentions a "Cult in Yellow". Anyone got the dirt on these guys, if they even exist?

On a literary note, it was Robert W. Chambers who first wrote about the King in Yellow. That's of particular interest to me as he may have been inspired by Oscar Wilde and his creation, Salome. Of course there is no doubt that he had other influences. Both literary and...

Re: UFOlogists and Cultists unit

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:02 am
That article quotes "a quality control engineer at Kennedy Elucidian Space Time Center." I am sooo going on vacation there the next time I get a week off.

As for the equation of Lovecraftian novellas with Spielberg movies, it could be looked into. I know a guy who knows a guy. That guy is in contact with a very knowledgeable source on alien encouters who lives in -- wait for it -- Gulf Breeze, Florida.

I would have to call into question the tacticians behind this invasion. Someone whould have to think that abducting random humans, probing them in private places, and putting them back is an effective attack.

Re: UFOlogists and Cultists unite!

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:23 am
by Grace
Hmmm. Well, if you're ever taken by one of these things and probed, be sure to let us know if you feel as though you were attacked or not. :P

Re: UFOlogists and Cultists unite!

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 2:09 am
by Edge Shadows
Are you talking about "He Who Is Not To Be Named"? Be careful they seriously dislike outsiders, they are trouble but the cult is almost everywhere hidden among society's elite.

Re: UFOlogists and Cultists unite!

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:38 pm
by Grace
Edge Shadows wrote:Are you talking about "He Who Is Not To Be Named"?


Re: UFOlogists and Cultists unite!

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:56 am
What the heck happened?

I sent a question through the network to that guy I know who knows the guy who knows the guy. My guy is angry with me for causing him trouble, his guy is in hiding, and his guy has reportedly vanished. My guy is still speaking with me at least. He is currently being charged with some chilled up conterfieting crime. There is no physical evidence against him, so there couldn't have been a counterfeiting crime in the first place, so he'll be fine. We both agreed that these charges are an elorbate way of saying, "Shut up." Somehow, I stepped on the proverbial toes of someone with very strong connections in the legal system.

I blame Nemesis.

Re: UFOlogists and Cultists unite!

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 2:40 am
by Grace
Wait, you mean there's actually something to this?

Great, I can't wait for the smug looks that say, "I told you so."

Re: UFOlogists and Cultists unite!

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 9:22 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Sorry, I've been busy.

Re: UFOlogists and Cultists unite!

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 10:36 pm
by Hannah

Re: UFOlogists and Cultists unite!

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 4:46 pm
Something happened while I was away. By "away" I mean when I was in prison recently; please see Camping with Reptoids for more about that.

Two of my best agents in the Land of Dixie have quit. My best part time reporter in the region and one of my better sources both won the lottery. The former won Florida's State Lottery, and the next week, the later won a big cash prize in a Florida Instant Lottery game. Both quit their jobs and moves overseas. The former moved to Bermuda. The later went to Jamacia. No one has heard from either since they left. They simply vanished. After arriving at their destinations.

Does anyone know who is calling the shots in Florida?

While I am at it, does anyone want a job? I could use another part time reporter.