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The research whose Lazlo's professor is bad

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 9:31 pm
by 賢い&
Present class we try adding of the worldwide power of Lazlo of the victor ("triangle" aka) discuss arrangement. The triangle whose, reputation of the Bermuda island of these famous is worst perhaps with the coastal open sea of North America, you have known. In addition as for Lazlo in the same way the world (a quantity whose triangle is interesting) being five other triangles which are installed among them it meant. However, it is identical at position of shape and latidudinal to divide into three triangle all south, but there is no triangle of three north. Actually, it is tend to take those in an individual queer way. As for one with the strange thing of this imbalance you must think in doubt. After all, these triangles are if word is liked, the phenomenon where a happens (or supernaturally) naturally. So as for that it is why triangle of three north like three south triangles, not corresponding? Without the stand the answering which becomes considerably simplicity, is Professor Lazlo. Triangle of three north corresponds with size, shape and arrangement. It probably will start from easy predicament. "Generally known Japanese triangle". Many years between the thing, feared in the fisherman of the Philippine person and the Japanese, there was "of Sea the rumor of demon". Still, does Lazlo why put in place this triangle for the present from Japan and the Philippine both? Simplicity, he did not become aware in actual position of the latitude point of triangle. The thing and Okinawa which the underwater pyramid of the coastal open sea of the island of Yonagumi are discovered recently and anomoly of interesting archaeology it shows the southwest of the east of Taiwan. The mixture of this pyramid is older than Egypt Pyramids, it is entered sea urchin date, presently is under approximately 90 feet of the water. That it is not unexpected really, but it is no relationship? Simplicity, underwater the pyramid classified by recent was discovered with the coastal open sea of Cuba of the Bermuda island Triangle, this 1. But as for that everything! ! So it is not! Furthermore, in addition as for dissapearances of wierd it is the position of six triangles which to us do not have the fact that the map of mysterious time distortion strange occurrence is drawn, but 12 triangles it gives or, the sea of demon furthermore is meant in be. investigation of these triangles, the professor who by the place is not the Japanese triangle, Lazlo, is recorded to the place! The number of two degree triangles Lazlo means a certain thing! Position of the Japanese pyramid which is discovered to a more interesting note, recently has been based on accidental underwater discovery, in ocean floor and by into at this point in time from the Chinese pyramid designating the dragon line or the ley line as the diagram. Furthermore a more interesting discovery is that contiuation of this ley line comes accompanying us in position of Easter Island.

*Note: English where I am bad, permit the translator of Internet which has been used for translating my word from the English my native people from my Japanese.


Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 9:43 pm
by The Traveler King
I'm sorry. I tried reading this and broke something in my brain. Near as I can tell, it's a criticism of Victor Lazlo's theories about dimensional triangles and ley lines. I think the poor guy used Babelfish.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 9:31 am
by Tabloid Hound
The Traveler King wrote:I'm sorry. I tried reading this and broke something in my brain. Near as I can tell, it's a criticism of Victor Lazlo's theories about dimensional triangles and ley lines. I think the poor guy used Babelfish.

USED BABELFISH!!?!?!?! CALL 911!! :lol:

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 4:58 pm
by Huntress

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 6:01 pm
by Ron Caliburn
My head hurts.

Damn eggheads.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 12:02 am
by Katsumi Kim
Can't someone make a translator that works and good enough so this does not happen again.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 9:04 am
by 賢い&
Unfortunately, due to his problems with the English language, Kenjin-sensei has asked me to try and translate his words, which he will then post to this message board. - Dr Kashikoi-Oshiri

賢い狂気の賢人 wrote:Today class we'll discuss Victor Lazlo's placement of the worldwide power triads (aka "Triangles"). You probably know the most famous of these, the infamous Bermuda Triangle, off the coast of North America. Lazlo also purported that there were five other triangles similarly located around the world (interesting number of triangles). However, while the southern grouping of three triangles are all identical in shape and latidudinal location, the three northern triangles are not. In fact, they tend to take on individual bizarre shapes. One has to wonder at the strangeness of this disparity. After all, these triangles are a naturally (or supernaturally if you prefer the term) occuring phenomenon. So why is it that the three northern triangles don't correspond like the three southern triangles do?

The answer is quite simple, Professor Lazlo messed up. The three northern Triangles DO correspond in size, shape and placement.

Let's start with the easy fix. The so-called "Japanese Triangle". For years, Filipino and Japanese fishermen have had rumors of the dreaded "Devil's Sea". Yet, why does Lazlo place this triangle so far out from both Japan and the Philippines? Simple, he wasn't aware of the actual location of the latitudinal point of the triangle. Recent discovery of an underwater pyramid off the coast of Yonagumi Island, Southwest of Okinawa and East of Taiwan shows an interesting archaeological anomoly. This pyramid complex is dated as older than the Egyptian Pyramids and is currently under about 90 feet of water. Not that surprising really, but what's the connection? Simple, recently another underwater pyramid was discovered, this one off the coast of Cuba, at the Bermuda Triangle4.

But that's not ALL!!! In addition, wierd dissapearances and mysterious time warps are also recorded, not where Prof Lazlo says the Japanese Triangle, but where the Devil's Sea is purported to be. Further investigation on these triangles and mapping of strange occurences gives us the location of not six triangles, but 12 triangles! Twice the number of triangles Lazlo purports to exist!

On a more interesting note, the location of the newly discovered Japanese pyramid is based both on accidental underwater discovery, and by charting a dragon line or ley line from the pyramids of China to that spot on the ocean floor. An even more interesting find is that contiuation of this ley line brings us to the location of Easter Island.

Editor's Note: Unfortunately, due to time constraints, I won't be able to translate Kenjin-sensei's work on a regular basis, especially due to the vast number of technical and foreign terms he uses in his work. However, rest assured, the parties responsible for the bad first translation have been sacked.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 5:25 pm
by Ron Caliburn

Still way over my head.