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Its quiet. Too quiet?

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 5:18 pm
by Holister
Yes it is. Here it is a Monday afternoon. The start of the workweek, the begining of the seven day stretch.

But no one is around?

They say to enjoy the down time; to just relax and take in the quiet. However every time it gets quite like this, something is always lurkin' in the shadows just off stage plannin' something. Usually something that involves us, and its never good.

I am usin' this down time to restock my inventory, do a lil' off site investigations, spend some time with my family, get some trainin' in with Kelly, and of course post here.

"But Ben" you ask, "You are a sheriff, how do you have time in your busy day as a law enforcement officer to do all of that?"

My answer is a simple one. I live in a small town in northeastern Maine where the largest crime is a parking ticket maybe every other week. I do my job when it calls for it. But I also have half a dozen highly trained deputies to back me up.

I pretty much sit on my butt most of the day starin' at the computer or workin' on my arsenal. Once a day a go for a drive to patrol the town and three times a week I drive the outer lying areas of my juristiction.

Its often quiet here in the off season; winter was a pain in the ass though. Even the sup/nat activity seems to go down from spring to fall. I have the occasional sup/nat to deal with, but seldom anything that big as of recent.

The whole SoS attack on the annex back in February was a fluke really. Broke the borebom I'll tell ya'll that much.

Since the annex is down until Joe finishes the repairs and what not, I've decided to get more into the " support " end of the operation.
Not as much fun as kickin' down doors and takin' down the baddies, but its an important part of the job none the less.

Well, I just got a call from Kelly. She's has dinner ready at The Brick so I better get goin'.

To all my fellow friends and collegues out there who can read these words. " Live, love, laugh. Enjoy the daylight, spend a sunny afternoon with your family, and never forget to enjoy the downtime when you get it."

Re: Its quiet. Too quiet?

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:04 pm
by Shang Li
I am looking for a quiet place, both a part of, and yet apart from todays world.

If it is possible, I would like to trade some of my expertise for lodgings in your sleepy little town for a week or two while I meditate on a few oddities.

Re: Its quiet. Too quiet?

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:14 pm
by Holister
You know that you are always welcome in my town Shang. I can even set up a private retreat for ya' where no one will bother ya'.

I can even stock it with tea for ya'.

Re: Its quiet. Too quiet?

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:26 pm
by Shang Li
I will arrive on the monday greyhound. I will gather the tea from the local area, spring teas are sooo much better when the ingredients are fresh.

If it would not be too much trouble, I mostly need to be around goodly and peacable folk, to remind myself again WHY.


Re: Its quiet. Too quiet?

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:20 am
by Holister
Sounds good to me, I'll be there in person on Monday to pick you up.