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The Rescue - A testiment by Randolph Carter.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:56 pm
by Randolph_Carter
Hello One and All

I would like to start out by saying thank to those brave and courageous sould who were involved in the rescue of Miss Landry, Mrs. Kelly Holister, and myself.

Master Shang Li
Mr. GhostSpider
Mr. Joe Smith
Mr. Bloodbane
Mr. Reckoner
Mr. Azrael

Each and everyone of you played an intrical part in our search, rescue, and recovery. You have saved our very lives and for that, I know that I, as well as the rest of those you saved, we are eternally greatful.

You mangaed to defeat insurmountable odds, overcome a fairly sized number of foes both mortal and supernatural, as well as walk away with not just our lives, but your own.

Included in the scuffle, you Mr. Smith were able to aid me in my effort to reclaim my copy of The Necronomicon that was stolen from me and defeat those misguided Shadow Society cultists that protected it. Once I discover the secret of that medallion we recovered I will be quick to PM you the results.

To you Master Li whose special skills at healing managed to bring Benjamin Holister from death's door and protect his children from the forces of evil. I am truly humbled by your wisdom and humility sensai.

To GhostSpider whose fighting prowess allowed you to go toe to toe with the acusred Jeremiah Dark. If not you injuries and his cowardness I am sure you would have put him to his end. I know that snake will reappear all to soon, so fret not, you will have a second chance at that fiend my friend.

To Bloodbane who managed to defeat those minions of the werewolf Marcia, of which I know was no easy task. If not for your efforts, Kelly may have been lost to us for ever. You ability to face and her talk her down from her bloodlust after attacking Holister was truly remarkable.

To Azrael and Reckoner, your combat skills proved quite useful against the legions of unholy and foul minions that they had lieing in wait. Your courage in the face of such insurrmountable odds strengthened my own resolve and faith in the human spirit.

Finally to my old friend Ben Holister who despite his injuries after just being rescued himself, managed to find the inner strength to aid in not only rescue, but that of his wife Kelly and Miss Landry as well.
I can now see without a doubt why the people of Cypress Cove made you sheriff.

I will post more as I remember it. All those involved, please, I would like to hear more of your exploits from this recent victory over the forces of darkness. My knowledge and memory is only limited to the events I saw first hand and partaked in myself. I dare not think of the horrors you must have faced to rescue us all.

Again, I thank you.
- Sincerely;
Randolph P. Carter

Re: The Rescue - A testiment by Randolph Carter.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 3:28 pm
by Joe Smith
Ouch. Thats all I am thinking about right now. Getting batted accross the room by a werewolf was not fun.

You guys left me all alone there for a while covering your back while you got that book! I was getting worried you were not coming back there for a bit, and was getting worried I wouldn't be coming back. I was completely out of ammo by the time we got out of there!

Who were all those shadow guys anyways?

Re: The Rescue - A testiment by Randolph Carter.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:40 pm
by Kelly
Thanks again Joe and the rest of you guys. Especially you Bloodbane, I don't know what I would have done if I killed....Ben.

I am sorry I let that she-bitch Marcia get her claws into me and control me the way she did. Times like that I reaize how much of a monster I am. My only regret is that I let her get away; again.Next time I find her I swear I gonna skin her and tear out her heart and eat it RAW!!!

Those shadow guys were agents of The Society of Shadows.A cult that is a few hundred years old and devoted to spreading evil and darkness across the face of the earth. They worship some god or demon that calls itself The Crimson King. The Lazlo Society has had to deal with those guys more than once.

Re: The Rescue - A testiment by Randolph Carter.

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:09 pm
by Joe Smith
Whomever gave me those painkillers just after the thing, thanks, but I think they are too strong. Everything seems wavy.

Wavy Wavy Wavy gravy.

Re: The Rescue - A testiment by Randolph Carter.

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:35 pm
by Shang Li
Hush now. It's over and all of our own are still breathing. I am sorry I was not there to bring peace to you in such a time of need.

I chose to watch after Molly, expecting Jerimiah Dark to attack the weakest and most defenseless in person while his minions dealt with the real threats. The small pack of minions that was sent for Molly initialy mistook me for one of her playmates (probably because I was laughing at her and Okkikan's antics, and reveling in the happy memories the game awakened, I may miss some of them when I forget after all)

They came though the front and back doors, two each. A large man dressed in some sort of cover all opened the front door for a very large black male wolf - not the largest I have every seen, but larger than any I have seen in a great many years. The two entering the cabin from the rear made no pretenses of a normal(ish) appearance, entering in their hybrid forms and moving over to the two that had entered the common room through the front door, the belly dragging and whimpers they exhibited when the two who came through the front showed me that these two were subservient to the man and wolf who entered through the front.

Since Molly and Okkikan were playing in her bedroom they were not spotted when I was. (I had come out to start another pot of tea, as much to calm my own nerves from the wait and worry as Molly's) I do know that they had detected soemthing that set me apart from a normal child by the way they all fanned out about me. The man stood, with the wolf at his side before me, as the other two flanked me, the two in front obviously intending on useing the others as a distraction.

Wanting to save my energies for what I had assumed was going to be a long night, I set my feet and began the swaying, gracefull dance of itsutsu no kata while relying on the tsuki no kokoro to be aware of all attacks coming in from all angles. After what seemed to be an eternity spent rolling and weaving around the clumsy attacks of the two wolf men flanking me, the man before me drew a wickedly curved knife and the great black beast in front of em crouched to pounce, ears back and hackles up. "You must be the bravest and most foolish child I have ever seen." Spoke not the man, but the wolf before me.

When they attacked, in my breif instant of shock (not sure why it surprised me when the beast spoke) I was not quite able to keep pace unarmed as the sea of teeth, fangs and steel bgan to slowly leak through my defensive posture, first an annoying scratch from the blade on an arm not quite fast enough to get away then a tracery of fire across the shoulder blades as sharp fangs rent the back of my keikogi and lightly caressed the flesh beneath in their passing.

Recognising the presence of death, I began to chant the buddhist prayer for the dead as I relesed my blades from their saya and focused my spirit inward.

They call it "eternity in the falling of a single blossom" as the body, mind and spirit enter harmony with themselves and the world around them. With the clearing of doubt and acceptance of death should she choose me, I watched as my opponents slowed before me as my hands hit the pommels of my blades.

Seeing an opening on the poor sickly thing on my right, my katana left her saya with a shreiking scream, her normal soft ring drawn out to a nearly unbearable duration. Seeing the silver arc flash crimson toward the walls I turned my attention to the knife slowly making it's way for my chest. dropping my left shoulder just enough to slip below the blade, I lunged forward, pivoting my left shoulder squarely into the poor man's groin. (buddha forgive me, I meant to strike the chest with that)

With an abbruptness that startles me every time, the surreal moment ended. The man before me flew backward, howling as he rolled on the floor in agony. Directly before me I watched a furred arm and hand thud to the floor as the gentle arc of crimson hit the wall in a sickening splat, while behind me a soft thump and a pair of snarls told me that my remaining assailants had met abbruptly in the space I had occupied just before.

Moving to make sure I was between my remaining opponents and Molly's door, I turned to face the three standing foes. With a snarl, the one who's arm lay on the floor lunged forward, snaping breifly at my face as he became human again, her rage becoming confusion as the point of my katana transfixed both her heart and spine. May Ahmihta prepare her a path to the pure lands, where Amaterasu may smile armly upon her.

Feeling the comforting calm of the buddha, I continued my chant, preparing the way to the pure lands so that the spirits of the fallen may know peace in the pure lands.

Parrying the remaining wolf man with my wakazashi left me out of place to defend myself with it against the black wolf's attack. Forgetting the body impaled on my katana, I attempted to parry with my right hand, being born to the ground beneath an impromptu sheild of flesh.

Re: The Rescue - A testiment by Randolph Carter.

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 12:28 pm
by Holister
I supoose its my turn to thanks ya'll for bailin' my ass out of the fire not once this time round, but twice. I owe you guys big time.

Ghost & Joe, thats three times since the year started that you guys came to help me out.

Master Li, you seem to be always comin' to my aid and that of my family. I owe you more times than a fella can count.

Bloodbane, you helped out Kelly big time. I owe you for that. She's a lil' torn up about what happened, but i'm hopin' she'll pull through.

Reckoner, I don't know who you are or why you came to my aid, but after seeing how you handle yourself in a scrape, I am honored to call you friend.

Azrael...well I know we don't see eye to eye on alot of things, but I am glad you are on our side.

Rourke; get better buddy. I'm gonna need you at 100% sooner than you know.

Anton; wherever you are pal, good luck. I hope that you can fight back against that which they have made you into. If not, I can only hope that it is me you come to when someone must put you down.

Well, with the thanks aside, I suppose that I reckon I'll tell ya'll what went down.....

As our former member Hit Squirrel would have put it . "In a Nutshell" The Society of Shadows has started a war with The Lazlo they do not intend to loose. They have Dark workin' for them, as well as the she-bitch Marcia. To top things off, the ghost of Dr. Allan Shepard is league with them too.

I also know that The Shadow Society is recruitin'. They are seekin' out other to join them with the usual promise of power in return for the destruction of The Lazlo Society.

I managed to overhear some things while prisoner....

I'm still not all aces yet, so I'll be back later. If I can't, someone will post what I tell them.

Re: The Rescue - A testiment by Randolph Carter.

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 1:07 pm
by Grace
Glad to see you pulled through okay, Benji.


As you can see, some things haven't changed.

I was a little too involved in helping out Hannah to be of any assistance to you and yours this time out. But I'll keep my ear to the ground and if I find anything, I'll pass it along to you.

In the meantime, I have a battle or two of my own to fight.

Re: The Rescue - A testiment by Randolph Carter.

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:43 pm
by Reckoner
Call me Paul, Ben. And I'm glad to have helped. I'm not in this to make money, I'm in it to help if needed and to meet fellow comrades in arms. Besides, you're too damn feisty and full of life to have gone out so soon! Get some rest, you've earned it.

And stop ribbing me about fighting gods already! :lol:

Re: The Rescue - A testiment by Randolph Carter.

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:45 am
by Ron Caliburn
Kelly wrote: Times like that I realize how much of a monster I am.

At least someone else here does.

Re: The Rescue - A testiment by Randolph Carter.

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:14 am
by Cybermancer
Ron Caliburn wrote:
Kelly wrote: Times like that I realize how much of a monster I am.

At least someone else here does.

That seems both inappropriate and uncalled for.

Although, statements such as:

Kelly wrote:Next time I find her I swear I gonna skin her and tear out her heart and eat it RAW!!!

Don't do much to help your image as a monster, to either yourself or to others, Kelly.

The fact that you were brought back from the brink during a high stress situation speaks volumes. I'm sure that Mr. Caliburn might be inclined to point out that being at the brink in the first place also speaks volumes. I'm sure he's been there many times himself so it is likely he knows what he's talking about.

I'm not one for prosecuting for crimes that could be committed nor for crimes almost committed. Only what has actually happened matters to me. And even then, I beleive that redemption is possible for those who want it and pursue it.

You strike me as a basically good person, Kelly. If you have some inner demons to deal with, you are not alone.

Re: The Rescue - A testiment by Randolph Carter.

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:01 pm
by Joe Smith
No more pills for me....ugh. I thought inanimate objects were talking to me.

No problem Ben. I do have to apologize to reckoner. He really can do the things he says he can. Real life superhero! And I didn't even have the painkillers at the time.

I am just am amatuer in all this, but at least I can shoot straight. The funny thing is, I am sure I saw the person who was following me around when we were blasting our way out of that place. Remember when I stopped and pointed out the woman who was just standing there among all the wreckage looking at us and doing nothing? That was her.

I think the silver rounds did work pretty well. How did they work for everyone else? We actually used up all of the ones I had!

Re: The Rescue - A testiment by Randolph Carter.

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 12:22 pm
by Holister
You saw the one that was following you Joe? Damn; this conspiracy goes deeper than I thought.

I know from what I overheard that The Shadow Society was keeping certain members under surveillance, I just had no idea who. I know that they're looking for Wie for some reason from what the voice was telling Shepard. I never got a chance to see a face, but it deffinitely was the guy Shepard was taking orders from.

I also know that they stayed in constant communication with Dark & Marcia. They were running two ops at the same time to divide our focus. It almost worked too. I don't like it when the bad guys get organized, not like that.

Has anyone heard from Bloodbane or Ghost yet? I know that the fighting got tough rescuing me, and saving the others. Had to be rough on them. Should have seen Ghost tear into those vampires though, it was like watchin' a man obessed.

Listen, I know that this isn't over yet. I have a sinkin' feelin that was only round one. They want us out of the way for something I fear is much bigger. What that might be, I have no idea. So everyone please watch your backs.

Re: The Rescue - A testiment by Randolph Carter.

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 4:51 pm
by Cypress Cove Annex
:testing: :testing:

Hello again everyone.

This is deputy Harper again at the Cypress Cove Sheriff's department.

First I wanted to th

so in retropect we almost have the sytem up and running again at the annex. There seems to be a bugs in the system sti

that's why we need a bigger budget I said. Well I am glad that sheriff Holister is back and his family is safe. I suppose you guys know what you're doing afterall.

Carter also wanted me to aks you guys something he said was importmant since he's still in the clinic. He wanted to know if any of yo

just to make a long story short I passed my recertification.

Well thanks again and I hope you guys can answer Carter.

Re: The Rescue - A testiment by Randolph Carter.

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 6:48 pm
by Holister
Um, looks like you ain't got those bugs worked out yet. Looks like that virus they downloaded really did a number on their operating systems.

Looks like we'll need a technician to reboot the whole thing.

Re: The Rescue - A testiment by Randolph Carter.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 12:19 pm
by Joe Smith
Well Ben,

I am not sure the woman who was following me was with them or just still keeping tabs on me. She never participated in the fight - she was just there at the end.

I haven't seen her since then. Could this society have control over things that follow but can't do anything else?

Re: The Rescue - A testiment by Randolph Carter.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 7:26 pm
by Holister
Well Joe, we don't know much about The Society of SHadows, but from what Carter has told me, they have been around for centuries. I think that are capable of anything, and if this mystery woman of yours was there, you can bet it was for a damn good, um, bad, reason. Surveillace is just one thing they have " things " doing.

By the way, you left that modified AR-15 up here. Nice conversion job on it. I'll be keeping your left behind gear up here in the vault in case you ever need it. Just let me know and I can ship it ASAP.

I also knw you ran out of silver rounds. Since I have to replenish my own stock, I can crank out a few boxes for you. Just let me know what caliber. I've also been working on something new I think you might enjoy. I PM you about it.