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Looking to Hire?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:04 pm
by Stephen

I am looking to hire the best. I am ready to pay out 1,000,000 €uro upon completion of the task at hand. A 50,000 €uro retainer will be provided for any interested parties.

All business dealings will be conducted here, in open forum.

Any takers?


Re: Looking to Hire?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:08 pm
by Gabriel
Mr. Stephen... First off, please do not butcher the German language. Guten Tag is two words, just as its English translation, and there is only one "e" or "u" in the entire phrase...and neither of them are in the second half. Secondly, Auf Wiedersehen is also two words, and does not contain a "z" at all... Might I suggest, if you wish to be taken seriously, you take your message as seriously as you, yourself, wish to be taken. If you don't actually know German, it might behoove you to leave it out altogether.

Secondly, if you at least tell us what sort of job this is--seek and destroy, find and rescue/return, extermination, playing hopscotch with the neighborhood children--then even if you don't include all details of the job, you might catch more interest than this sort of vague promise of money.

Please note, though I am blunt, I do not intend for this to be rude... I am only pointing out why I, myself, would not take this job at this time, were I even in a position to do so...which I'm not.

Re: Looking to Hire?

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 12:48 pm
by Stephen
Rude, pompass, and arrogant. You haven't changed much since the days when locked away in that self rightous druid.

Back to the subject at hand. I need one or more experienced and stalwart investigators and/hunters for an investigation into a recent acquisition my company has invested in.

The location is a castle in the Bavarian Alps, quite large, old, and deserted. I have reason to believe that a suernatural presence has taken up residence there. Due to local superstition and the inaccesability of the castle, I require only the best for this assignment as you would be pretty much on your own for a good three to four days.

The original offer still stands. 1,000,000 €uro upon completion of this task; per investigator. Plus the before mentioned 50,000 €uro retainer fee. A party of four should suffice.

I hope that clarifies things up a bit for you.

Re: Looking to Hire?

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 6:31 pm
by Brutal
I am presently fulfilling another contract at the moment but once that one as been discharged I will be free to to take on yours.

Re: Looking to Hire?

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 2:50 pm
by Stephen
Because we had no takers within the alotted amount of time qualified or capable of ridding the castle of its less than natural squaters, we simple decided to torch the place to the ground using high explosives and napalm.

You win some, you loose some.

I must however admit that the freelancers here are giving mercenaries every where a bad name. Not many would scoff in the face of 1,000,000 €.

Very well then here is our next proposition.

A simple matter of fetch and carry, nothing more, nothing less. It is not a glorious as the previous endevor of this I am certain, but my reward remains the same. 1,000,000 € upon the over all successful completeion of this questions asked.

The task will require a strong back, steady hand, and quick wit. A lack of conscious or moral scrupples is also a plus in a good mercenary, but not a requirement.

Transportation will be provided for no additional charge.

Only a small group of 1 - 2 will suffice this time.

Do I have any takers now?

Lets see if they will go where angels dare to tread.

Re: Looking to Hire?

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 5:47 pm
by Shang Li
Stephan, those who would take such a contract are currently busy. Most here do not do it for the pay, so the ammount you offer matters little.

Re: Looking to Hire?

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:50 am
by Joe Smith
For that amount I might try it. Send me the broad strokes.

Its not like I have anything going on for the next month.

Re: Looking to Hire?

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 4:17 pm
by Sheyblade
Stephen wrote:[color=#FF0000]Because we had no takers within the alotted amount of time qualified or capable of ridding the castle of its less than natural squaters, we simple decided to torch the place to the ground using high explosives and napalm.

Huh. So Bill was right.

Hey Steve, ever met Gothicfox?

Re: Looking to Hire?

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 12:09 pm
by Stephen
What ever are you rambling on about?

Who are these people and how did they manage to swim up out of the evolutionary quagmire they call a gene pool to get a membership here?

None the less; this matter of yet another meaningful opportunity of gainful employment has also been settled.

To those parties, and I know you are watching, you package will delivered promptly and for half the agreed upon amount.

Well then, one would think that I would give up on offering opportunities like this to you people, but alas, I must be a generous saint becuase I am going to offer yet another.

The job is even simpler than the last so I know you should be able to handle it, and the finacial compensation by comparison is not as great, but it is still yet another opportunity offered by myself and my benefactors. A mere 10,000 €uro up front and another 100,000 €uro when the job is done.

Those trained in SCUBA diving and basic seamanship are prefered this time out. Underwater salvage and submersible piloting is an added bonus. We are also willing to pay out a hansome bonus of 50,000 €uro if the job is completed underbudget.

The salavage vessel will be promptly leaving from Brownsville, Texas at 10 o'clock AM. The expedition will take us into the Gulf of Mexico and will,should all things go well, take no more than 15 days total to complete.

I am affraid I can not discuss the details of this expedition in open forum as it would violate our salvaging contract. So if you are interested please private message this account and ask for Macquire or Jacob. I simply do not handle these petty matters personally.

Thank You and have a splendid day.

Re: Looking to Hire?

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 10:19 am
by Jersey Guy
Stephen wrote:To those parties, and I know you are watching, you package will delivered promptly and for half the agreed upon amount.

Thank you and your esteemd organization Mr. Crane. I will be sure to recommend your services to my collegues in the future. I do hope that you will be refunding me the difference, since as you said above, the acquisition was accomplished for half the agreed upon amount.

I will be sure to make good use of the information as I already have several bidders lined up.

A pleasure doing business with you.

Re: Looking to Hire?

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 10:33 am
by Stephen
Thank you Mr. Holtz. We will be sure to be in touch with you again in the future.

I will have a splendid day. I hope you do, too!

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 3:38 pm
by Clarity
_____Hello, Mr. Stephen. I asked some friends I’m staying with about you, and they said that anyone that would blow up a castle simply because they didn’t know what to do about it was very shortsighted.
_____P.S. I will have a splendid day. I hope you do, too!


Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:29 pm
by Stephen
My name is Lazarus McQuire of CK International. It is with a heavy heart as I must inform you all that the person you all knew as Joshua [AKA: KonThaak] has died in a salavage recovery expedition in The Gulf of Mexico.

The official company reports states that he, along with several other members of the Green World Environmental Coalition met their end when the wreckage they were exploring collapsed.

There were no survivors.

We here at CK International offer our deepest condolences to the families of brave souls lost at sea. Compensation as per written contractual agreement will be paid out to the families of the departed.

Thank You

Re: Looking to Hire?

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 2:42 pm
by Robyn
A regrettable loss.

Re: Looking to Hire?

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:22 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Regrettable? Do you have any idea who that man really was and what he's done for us here?

He is a true hero and a truly good person, a combination very few on this board will ever even hope to be.

Re: Looking to Hire?

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:46 pm
by Robyn
Perhaps I have a penchant for understatement, Mr. Caliburn. I did not personally know the man as you did but I consider the loss of any human life regrettable.

Re: Looking to Hire?

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:50 pm
by Technocrat
I only ever met the man once and then only breifly. He seemed like a good sort and I'm sorry to hear about this tragic accident.

My heart and condolances go out to his family at this time.

Re: Looking to Hire?

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 10:07 pm
by Hannah
This sucks so much.

Re: Looking to Hire?

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:56 am
by Doctor Boggs
I only knew the man by reputation but this is sad news indeed.