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Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 3:54 pm
by Sakura
The hour was late, as the nightly news had gone off just a few short minutes before. The light from my workbench splayed over the parts to the weapons laid out before me. A few were typical, but slightly custom weapons, but others... well they were more special... unique creations that few could make. Most of the time the tools of my trade were either handcuffs, gunpowder, kevlar, a camera, computer, and a good memory. Besides those tools, other times... well, there were things out there that no normal weapon could easily affect.

Now sitting on the work table was a dremmel tool, soldering iron, wiring, a few crystals, voltmeter, bread board, circuit components, tubing, adhesives and other tools of the inventors trade. The smell of hot solder hovered in the air as a thin tendril of smoke curled up from a completed circuit. A sigh slipped from my lips as I tried to stifle a yawn. A dose of caffeine filled coffee would help the battle against sleepiness. Overhead, in the bedroom I heard feet on the floor, barely audible to most people, but after being a hunter of things that hunted the average person. A smile came to my lips for a moment, as I already knew it was only Brandon. He'd gotten out of the shower a few minutes ago. I could hear him on the stairs now as he slowly worked his way down.

I sat aside my ColdHeat iron as he came down the stairs, giving him a small smile. Brandon walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me, his head resting against mine. I could smell the soap and shampoo fresh from the shower, and his arms felt good around me. Part of me hoped that I could actually have a night off. It was quiet since the Faceless Man case had been finished. He murmured quietly in my ear to come to bed, the guns could wait. It sounded good... really good. I nodded in agreement then finished off my cup of coffee, then extracted myself from his arms.

... The phone rang.

I couldn't help but glare at the intrusion to my peaceful evening. I already knew this wasn't something I wanted to hear. The phone gave its second ring, demanding attention like an inappropriate five year old. “Oh fuck it,” I muttered, even though Brandon was shaking his head not to answer.


Is... Is this Ms Moyotada,” a slightly shaky voice with a pronounced Texas accent said on the other end.

“It is,” I replied. “Y-You don't know me,” he continued, as if it wasn't obvious, “but I think I might... need some help. I'm Thomas Earls, and uh... I was referred to you by Bill Shortridge. He... he said you might be able to help.

Bill Shortridge was a guy I helped out about two years ago when he'd been having trouble with a small devil of a creature. It had only been about two foot tall, fast, and ferocious. It had terrorized his family, and his children. The fire department, animal control, and the police department hadn't been able to help. Bill himself was a cop, and was usually quick to give me the head's up on the strange, weird, and unexplainable things that went on. Sometimes he would help me chase down leads when acting as a private investigator. Really, Shortridge was one of my buddies in the police department. If Bill sent this Earls guy to me, well... then the guy probably did need my help.

“Okay, Mr. Earls, calm down. I'm listening. What kind of help is it you need,” I asked him in the most soothing tone I could manage. Brandon turned away, obviously disappointed, shaking his head as he climbed the steps to the second floor of the townhouse apartment. I'd have to make this up to him later. I knew by how he held his shoulders, and the way he moved he was angry and frustrated.

Well... Somethin's been killin' my cattle out here. It's been going on for a few days. There aren't any animal tracks, and no human tracks either. The cows have been mutilated pretty bad. Most of the dead ones have been partially eaten, but I can't tell by what. I've been a hunter most of my life, and I usually track coyotes and stuff that get on my property and shoot 'em. This wasn't a coyote though, or even a group of 'em. It had got after the horses too. Some of them had bites taken out of them, and some had long slashes on their sides. They'd been goin' a little crazy before, but that night they'd been particularly spooked. On top of that two of my horses only had one puncture on them, and not even all that deep... but they were dead as a doornail.

About two nights ago, my daughter woke up and started screamin' in the middle of the night. When I checked on her she pointed out the window and told me there was a monster out by the barn. Well... I'm thinkin' she was just imagining things, or it was left over from a bad dream. I looked out the window and I saw... it.

I grabbed my shotgun and rushed out of the house in my boots. I popped off a shot at the thing. The thing whipped around when I hit it and it hissed at me. The thing looked a lot like a bug
,” he said, pausing. He knew it sounded crazy, but his voice had gotten steadier each minute as he relayed his story. By now, I was recording the call, so I could easily recall the details later. “What kind of bug, Mr. Earls,” I asked, taking him seriously. “I.. it looked like a praying mantis I guess. Biggest damn bug I ever saw... like something out of a movie on Syfy.”

I couldn't help but smile. “Do you watch SyFy a lot?” “No, but my son does sometimes,” he said. Thomas' voice deflated a little, thinking I was making fun of him. “Well, it sounds to me, like a vivid dream,” I said, keeping my voice pleasant, but not patronizing. “Can you tell me more about this bug?”

Yeah, sure,” he said, disheartened, thinking I was only going to make fun of him. “Well, y'see after that, I knew it wasn't just my girl's imagination. It definitely weren't no animal from around here. So, the next night, I posted up on the front porch with my .30-06 and waited for that bug thing again. I heard somethin' out on the south 40 after the cows again, so I headed out there. Sure enough, the damn bug was out there again... chasin' some of the cattle. It knocked one over, and rolled it in the dirt, then let it get up and start running again.

Now... it was dark out there, real dark. We're a long way from the city, but the clouds were low enough to reflect some light to see by. So I scoped up on the thing and took a shot. I didn't hit it, but I sure startled it. It ran behind the boulder I'd hit. I never saw it leave in the darkness, and I got there as fast as I could, but when I got there... it was gone. Only thing up there was a regular ole scorpion

I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. “Are you sure you weren't seeing things in the dark, Mr. Earls,” I asked him. “You yourself said it was dark. I have to ask.” I didn't want to agitate the man, but I really did have to ask these kinds of questions, even though I was sure that he wasn't seeing things. “No, I'm sure. I wouldn't have called ya if I wasn't sure.”

“Alright. Can I have your address please?”
He gave it, with some relief in his voice.

“I'll be out there first thing in the morning. If it comes back tonight, stay in your house, do not go outside no matter what you hear or see. If this thing is taking down horses and cattle you shouldn't risk yourself. Stay safe.”

I sure will ma'am,” he said with even more relief. I hung up the phone and then lowered my head to the table for a minute, hoping I wouldn't have dreams and nightmares about bugs tonight. I got up slowly. My tailbone hurt from sitting in the wooden seat for the last few hours, working on my new toys. Now it was time for the long climb up the stairs, to an irritated boyfriend who I'd probably be dragging with me on the road in the morning. And it wouldn't be a quick ride either.

Fun, fun.

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 4:03 pm
by Kolya
I've heard that this job can be hell on relationships. I wouldn't really know about that.

But I know about the other stuff. Stay safe and let us know what happens, Sakura.

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 4:25 pm
by Sakura
It is, Koyla, especially when the job comes first at times.

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 4:30 pm
by Sakura
Amarillo Protective and Investigation Services
Casefile 142-B-02122010 – A Bug’s Life
Investigation Day 1
Team Meeting
8:30 AM

For now, the team consists of myself and occult and research specialist Brandon Greene. The meeting was over breakfast at a local restaurant in Amarillo where I replayed the phone call with Mr. Earls. He seemed interested in the location as much as I was, as well as the habits and behaviors we could infer from the initial phone interview. Armed with the knowledge gleaned from the phone interview with my client, we proceeded to Double Creek Ranch to meet with Mr. Earls.

Arrival – 9:25

The road into the place was rough and the terrain is rugged, even for my four-wheel drive Chevy Blazer. The property sprawled all around with flatlands, a pair of creeks running through the property, giving it it's namesake. Cattle stood in the fields calmly chewing on the sage, scrub, and grasses that grew on the property, or laid in the field. The cloudy sky allowed me to see all across the property as we approached, and I could make out what looked like a couple carcases laying in the field. It was a gristly sight to my eyes.

The house was a two story place, with a wide front porch with stone supports and red-brick first floor walls. The second story had new siding that was an off-white, but with the new facade it couldn't quite hide the sagging gables, though new rain gutters helped a little there. The house was old, but well maintained. The barn beside the house was a little more ancient looking, showing its age. The wood of the barn had turned dark and gray, and appeared wind-worn and sun baked, but it too was still standing. Horse corrals edged the barn, and several feeding troughs stood lone watch over the cattle in the fields. There wasn't anyone outside that either of us could see, but that didn't mean that Thomas wasn't watching. Slowly I climbed out, my laptop case slung over my shoulder, resting against the pistol at my hip, but covered under my coat. It was a cold February morning. Brandon climbed out as well, rubbing his hands together, huddling in his long coat. “Nice place,” he muttered as we climbed onto the steps of the porch.

I knocked fairly loud, and was quickly greeted by a teenage girl with sandy brown hair and green eyes that looked to be about fifteen or sixteen. She regarded us with uncertainty, at first. She was quickly joined by an older man, looking to be in his late forties, standing about six foot one, average guy but leaning toward a heavier build. Slightly balding salt and pepper hair rested over the same green eyes as the girl had. His features were haggard and worn with stress, lack of sleep, and care for his family. His skin was weathered from spending most of his time out in the sun, working on the ranch. Obviously he was a fit and gentlemanly cattleman. “You must be Ms. Moyotada,” he said with a smile. I couldn't help but return the smile. “Yes sir, I am,” I said, extending my hand. He had a good and firm grip, quick shake. That told me a lot. “This is Brandon Greene, one of my team members and partner.” They shook hands as well. The man seemed to be both relieved and nervous by our presence. Sitting out nearby was a pump-action Remington shotgun, and a hunting rifle. “Please, call me Sakura, or Saki,” I offered, knowing that he was having trouble with my last name. He smiled more. “Saki, then. This is my daughter Jessica,” he said introducing her.

From the back of the house another pair of people were approaching. An older boy who was really out of his teens, making a headlong rush toward a young man. He had an athletic build from ranch work, and obvious Texas manners as he pulled off his baseball cap as he entered the room, revealing a head of short, wavy black hair that slowly spilled down his head, freed from the imprisoning cap. A pair of chocolate brown eyes fixed on both Brandon and me and he smiled. I could already see the gears in his head turning, knowing he liked what he saw. It was a little annoying sometimes, but I'd learned to deal with it in good grace. “This is my son Jacob,” Thomas said. “Howdy,” Jacob said with a small smile. “How ya doin',” I shot back.

Next to him was a girl of about ten years of age, with shoulder length hair and a wide-eyed expression. Brown locks spilled down each side of her head, matching her brown eyes she shared with her brother, and the common jawline and nose of her sister. “This is Amanda,” Thomas said, making the last introduction. “Hi Amanda,” I said pleasantly. “Are you here to kill the monster,” she asked, looking up at me with big, slightly saddened, but hopeful eyes. “Yes, honey, I am,” I said. She nodded. “Okay.”

I couldn't help but smile at that. I took a moment to look them all over. It seemed they were all a little sleep deprived, and the oldest ones were a little jazzed on caffeine to make up for the lack of sleep. Clearly the last few nights had been rough, and there was a tension to them that was like a power line in a high wind. Movement caught my eye from the kitchen, a curtain billowing a little bit. It was then that I noticed the heating system in the house was going full blast, making the place hotter than needed. I looked at the family then back toward the kitchen, able to feel cold air leaking from back there now.

They were scared. Before, Tom had been a little freaked out, a little scared, and worried about his livestock. This was different. The broom and dust pan sitting out in the kitchen told me that something had happened since we had spoken last night, along with their tension and fear, and the cold air leaking from the back of the house. I looked over to Brandon, then gestured for him to take the kids out front so I could interview Tom.

Day 1
Client Interview
Thomas Earls

We settled into the living room. The ticking of a clock hangs in the air from somewhere in the house, competing with the soft sound of air blowing through the central heating, keeping the place toasty. My laptop whirs softly on the coffee table, recording our conversation.

“Alright, Thomas... What happened,” I asked.

“After I got off the phone with you last night, I opted to stay up, just in case the thing came back. I could still shoot the thing from the house, even if I wasn't gonna set foot out the door. So... I'm sitting here in the living room, listening... and watching the barn.”

He pauses to take a sip of his coffee, then continues, setting the cup down. “Well, for a while, there was nothing. Then came this scratching at the back door. Well, I went to check it out. There was nothing there. Then I heard it at a window. Again... I checked it out, and there was nothing there. Then it was at the front door.”

I nodded and smiled reassuringly, then asked quietly, “Were you scared?”

He nodded after a moment, obviously admitting he was frightened to a woman half his age was painful to his pride, but he continued. “Yeah... I was. So... I'm going back and forth, hoping to catch sight of whatever was scratching at the windows, but I already knew.”

He sighed and scratched his head. “Well this went on for a few minutes, then nothing. Then a window upstairs shattered, and Jessica started screaming. Well, I already had my twelve gauge so I sprinted upstairs. That... bug thing... was in her room, standing on her back. She was on the floor, screaming and writhing in terrible pain. I didn't know what it had done to her, but it looked like it was about to bite her. I didn't waste any time. I shot at it. The bug scuttled sideways, barely avoiding it. And then...” he stopped, shuddering.

“It looked at me... right at me, and it sort of chattered. And as its bug eyes stared at me, I felt this thing reach out to my mind and try to take a stab at me... in here,” he said, tapping his temple. “I ain't never felt anythin' like it. The only thing I could do was try to resist the thing in my head.” He shook his head. “Then as I held out, it tried again... a different way. It suddenly felt as though I was on fire from my skin to my bones, and wrapped in lighting. I couldn't do nothin' but drop to the floor, screamin' just like Jessica.”

I could only imagine the horror of seeing this thing on my kid, and feeling it attacking my mind, and then being wracked with sudden and terrible agony. I was sure the man was going to have nightmares about the encounter for the rest of his life, as would Jessica. In the line of working with the supernatural and paranormal, you become somewhat armored to it... deadened to some of the sights and experiences you are bound to have... but for an average family man, who never in his life really encountered something he couldn't explain, much less beat in a fight in his own home... well it would have to be devastating.

“This thing sounds pretty hostile, but you and Jessica are still here. So what happened next?”

“Well, it crawled up, on top of me, and I guess it was going to start chewing on me when Jake came through the door. It leaped off the floor, straight for his face. Startled the hell out of him, knocked him down the stairs. It went after him. They were struggling downstairs for a minute, until finally I heard a shotgun go off, and then another shotgun blast. A window shattered, and then it was quiet. Of course Jessi and I were still hurtin' pretty bad, but Amanda was there with us as Jake came back up the stairs. He didn't look to good. His nose was bloodied, his t-shirt and stuff was torn up, and his balance was off. We all kinda just laid there on Jessi's bedroom floor until the pain went away an' we were alright. Then me an' Jake started cleanin' up. There wasn't gonna be any sleep after that thing.”


Well this raised my eyebrows a little bit. It was clear the assault on the house had left Thomas shaken, and while physically unharmed, I knew that mentally it was going to be some time before he recovered from the ordeal. I spoke with Jessica next. She seemed to be recovering better, though she obviously had not gotten any more sleep the night before. The attack had left her sleep deprived, evidenced by dark circles around her eyes and drawn features. Her story confirmed her father's account of the attack.

Jake's continued fight in the downstairs portion of the home was less skilled, and more close to a school yard brawl as the creature first tried to physically over-power the young man, and when that wasn't so easily done, went on a mental assault again. It managed to stun Jacob, but he had finally resorted to using the double-barrel shotgun like a baseball bat and sent this... mantis-like thing flying through the kitchen window. It seemed to have gave up after that, fleeing the property for the night.

With initial interviews conducted, it seems likely that what we are dealing with is not a spiritual entity of some kind. The being in question had a definite ingress and egress in regards to the house. A spirit would simply move through the structure without regards for any physical barrier. The creature was tangible and corporeal, and by all accounts moves in a manner consistent with bio-locomotion of an insect. The fact that it physically attacked three separate members of the household, and physically wounded at least one, as well as wounding or killing several of the Earls' livestock supports this. The attack in the bedroom did lend markings in the wood flooring and walls, as well as a broken piece of chitinous material. This material is being reviewed by Brandon currently. The markings left by the creature have been photo-documented, and are appended to the file as have the wounds suffered by Jacob, and subsequent scratches left on Jessica and Thomas. The wounds on the animals have been documented photographically, as well as those that have been slain prior to the investigation. Any further animal deaths will also be documented as necessary.

The account of the attack on the family reveals possible new abilities that were not initially known or disclosed. It seems that the creature is indeed self-aware and capable of cognizant thought. It also seems capable of a degree of mental ability previously unknown. The encounter supports the possibility of advanced psychic development, in the field of psionics, or specifically psychic ability geared toward attacking another person or living creature. I believe this family has come under bio-kinesis, also known as bio-manipulation. In olden times it was referred to sometimes by the monkier “the Evil Eye”.

Modern science has proven that simply wishing someone ill does little to affect someone else physically. However, bio-kinetics, bio-feedback, and mind over body research and disciplines have revealed surprising results for a subject that is experimenting with themselves. It has also been shown in studies that a person with strong body control, proper focus, and a degree of psychic aptitude or ability may potentially affect another human being or other creature. Usually this is achieved through a combination of force of will, and affecting the brain and brain chemicals of the target, including direct manipulation of the nervous system.

The behavior of this creature suggests that it is indeed intelligent, but is not of complex development mentally. It is capable of figuring out its surroundings, of prowling successfully undetected if it wishes. It has also exhibited stalking behavior, just before it initiated the attack on the house, and with some of the livestock on the ranch.

The behavior is semi-erratic, and at times indicates that it is a flesh and blood creature that needs an organic food supply to maintain itself, but in other ways it has exhibited no desire for physical sustainence. Perhaps this is another creature that feeds on life-force of some kind. I have spotted a patten and consistency with all the attacks reported thus far that lead me to a possibility. The creature has at the onset and continually sought to inflict pain, fear, and terror in its victims, be they animal or human, instead of killing. It seems that death was a result of accident, either by succumbing to a frenzy of sorts, or from damaging something truly vital, causing its victim to expire. More research and observation will have to be made on this point before anything conclusive can be presented.

The attack on the family also suggests interesting possibilities. To date the family was ignored and did not seem to be regarded by the creature as a threat until Thomas was able to achieve a near-hit at over a hundred yards, and having attacked the creature on more than one occasion. Perhaps this creature now regards humans as a threat to its territory, and as such was seeking to retaliate or even drive the family from the property.

The other possibility... and both of these may be correct... is that the family it saw as a more rich food source. It is well known that supernatural creatures feed on energy and emotions, as do some demon kind. They can feed off of animals, but the emotions of animals are rarely as strong, bold, rich, or full as those of a human, though sometimes they can be more atavistic. Perhaps this creature elected to try the family as a different food source.

Either seems as likely as the other, and perhaps both are true.

I would hate to think what would have happened if there had been even one more of these creatures. I might be examining dead bodies, instead of talking to victims and witnesses.

APIS Regroup
Double Creek Ranch
12:22 PM

Brandon and I regrouped outside the home at my Blazer after a tour of the property in a combination of foot travel and on four-wheelers. I've inspected the premises for signs of the creature's passing, and other signs of struggle from the fight. I found a spray of glass from the broken window outside the house, supporting Jacob's story further as well as a set of parallel divots in the dirt as though something scuttled along the ground, away from the house.

Mr. Greene was able to examine the fragment we picked up from the bedroom floor, and indeed it is exo-skeletal material from some sort of insect. The fragment itself is like a piece of a serrated blade, approximately an inch wide, with sharp edges narrowing to a point an inch long or so. In examining the piece, I am put in mind of the spikes on the grasping sections of a praying mantis' front legs. So far our clients have all described this thing as looking much like a mantis. This fragment only seems to support this description.

Brandon has also conducted his own walk-about on the property. His knowledge of the occult and arcane, in addition to all the things he has learned in the course of his studies I have come to rely on quite a bit. He has proven to be an invaluable resource. During his walk-about he was able to discern the location of something interesting. Approximately a mile from the property, he detected a large fluctuation in the local energy fields with an EMF detector. At the same time he reported that his energy was higher which we suspect to be the location of a Ley Line or Nexus Point of some kind. This seems to support his theory that both phenomena are detectable in the electromagnetic spectrum.

Further interviewing with the family has revealed a Comanche burial ground at the edge of the property, roughly in the same location of this hot-spot. Brandon also reports that an hour or so before the first incident with this creature there was a regional spike of increased energy. Perhaps... something was drawn to our world during this time. If so... what are we really dealing with?

After reviewing the property and where the incidents have occurred, Brandon is wiring the place with several nightvision equipped cameras, several FLIR cameras and motion detectors to see if we can't capture images of this creature if it returns.

Tonight, we will not be conducting any Dead Time events, as we are not dealing with a spirit, but a creature. Instead, Brandon will be posting watch up in operations outside the house, in the back of the Blazer. I will be keeping watch from the roof of the house.

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:17 pm
by Cybermancer
Seems like a professional operatoin you got going on here.

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:52 pm
by Sakura
Well, it -is- what I do, CM.

I can't believe how tired I am. I still have yet to crash.

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 3:00 pm
by Sakura
Amarillo Protective and Investigation Services
Investigation Day 1
Double Creek Ranch
12:04 AM

The dead of night lay over the ranch like a smothering blanket. Electronic eyes pierced the veil of darkness in unblinking vigilance over the property below. I was huddled on the roof the roof beneath a blanket or two, a special pair of goggles I designed to help me hunt the paranormal practically glued to my face. With me beneath the blanket is a favorite tool of the trade but one I rarely get to use. It was a tricked out, bad ass little M4, loaded for now with conventional ammo, but I had several magazines on me. One was pure iron, another silver, and a few other assorted and, in some cases, slightly illegal rounds. I could only hope that Ben Holister wouldn't try to turn me in if he found out... and since I knew I'd be giving an AAR on the Lazlo boards, I knew he would.

As Ben came to mind, I couldn't help but let my mind wander a little from the moment at hand to ease the tension. I hate the waiting game, especially when someone might get killed. The recent update and semi-informal request for a welfare check on the board's resident law man was a little distracting. I hadn't been online in some hours, but I wasn't about to climb down from my post. Nor was I going to break the protocol just to see if there was an update. I could find that out later.

Shaking it off, I turned my attention back outward, letting my eyes sweep slowly, watching for motion and changes in light, rather than outlines. I'd been out there for hours, and I knew every outline out there by now, burned into my sight. The animals were still, and I didn't hear anything else. It's winter out here, so its understandably quiet. The wind whispers through the trees and grasses, a soft sighing.

A sound caught my attention, but it was gone before I could figure it out. It came again. It didn't sound like anything disturbing the grounds. Then I remembered what it was... it was the house phone. I could hear Tom speaking quietly. It was well after midnight now, and if someone was calling his house, it had to be for a damn good reason. I still didn't want to leave my post. Reaching down, I pulled out my radio.

“Tech, come back.”
Tech here, Saki.”
“What's going on down there, Brandon?”
It seems our friend is praying at another alter tonight. Explains why he ain't here.”
“Run that by me again?”
The neighboring ranch needs a big ass can o' Raid, cuz our bug friend is over there.”

“Goddamnit,” I said, unable to hold it back. That was what I had been afraid might happen... it might have decided to explore, and find other easy prey. “Copy that, coming down. You got anything you can slow it down with,” I asked as I tossed the blankets off the roof with one hand, gathering up my carbine with the other and making a dash for the ladder in the dark. I didn't even bother with the ladder. It was only a ten foot drop to the ground and easily handled by my training. I dropped down, landing with a slight thud, and rolled through it easily. “I got a few ideas,” he said over the radio as Thomas came out the front door. “What do you think you're doin' Tom,” I asked with an edge in my voice. He was my client, not part of my team, and I'd be damned if I had to explain to anyone why one of my clients got hurt or killed in the course of my investigation and trying to bag this thing.

He just looked at me, tilting his head. “Well first, you don't know where you're goin'. In this darkness you'll either get lost, or wreck your truck. I know where you need to go. I live out here. Allan is one of my friends, and I didn't get this thing stopped in any of the times I've tried. I can't let it take a pass at his family. You could use another gun. You need my help just to get there.”

“Fine. You're driving,” I said and tossed him my keys. “Don't be surprised if you do manage to hit this thing, and your bullet doesn't penetrate. Things like this aren't so succeptable to hunting rounds. The typical hunting bullet is designed to fragment once it enters, doing massive tissue damage without risking over-penetration. It kills quickly by shredding. Hollow points do far more tissue damage and have stopping power, but in this case... It's a bug. There's no telling how hard it's armor really is. Full metal jacket is probably going to be required to get through.” It was the beginning of Monster Shooting 101, and if he was going to help, he needed to understand what he was up against, and what he could be up against. As we drove, quickly, I explained that many things like this bug, most normal bullets wouldn't even hurt it, or if it did... it would be hurt a lot less.

By now, I was hoping that normal weapons would hurt this mantis thing, because if not, we might be in for a really rough night.

Oh, on a side note to our resident Lazlo Amrorers: I want Beowulf.

I looked into the backseat, a knot in my gut. Brandon calmly reached into the very back and handed me my Blade. I pulled it from the scabbard part way to check it over. Tom looked at me sideways, the light from the dashboard giving his face a momentarily ghastly cast. “You brought a sword,” he asked, incredulous. “Yes. Sometimes a sword works better, and this one is made for this kind of work.”

“You any good with it?”

My only answer was a cold smile.

Brandon passed me one more item. It was an older version of the weapon I had been working on last night. The grip was thick, but it felt comfortable in my hand. This particular weapon didn't have any official designation. It was something that I had cobbled together a couple years ago, and looked like some mad scientist's play thing. The new version was going to be a more compact, sleek, and elegant version. This was a Frankenstein. I'm kind of embarrassed to describe it, even if it is an experimental weapon. The grip was scrounged from an original GunCon. I liked the feel. I actually borrowed part of the GunCon's circuitry, control board, and emitter system. After some modification, and the addition of several crystals, notably quartz, and marrying the grip to a make-shift housing from piping, a few capacitors scrounged from broken microwaves, adding a couple of charge meters to give me readouts on the thing, I'd cobbled it together with some creative interpretation of electronics. I could see Tom staring at this monster piece of equipment. I could tell by the size of the barrel on the thing he probably was wanting to ask, but at the same time not. I gave him a smirk and shook my head. “Trust me, its more dangerous than it looks.”

The damn thing weighs a freakin' ton. Wish I had it during the last days of the Faceless Man case. There was nothing like it to catch someone's attention when I let go with the thing.

It took only a few minutes to finish my lecture about what we might be up against. I could see regret on Tom's face. He was balking at just how dangerous this was turning out to be. In his mind, this was a suicide mission now. “You don't have to do anything other than get us there Thomas,” I said softly, laying a reassuring hand on his arm. “Nobody will think you're a coward if you decide not to try to bring this thing down. I want you to keep something in mind. No matter what happens when we get there. No matter what you see tonight, it is real. And you're probably going to see more that you have no idea how to explain. But it is as real as you and me. Understand?”

He nodded. Up ahead, I could see the shape of the house, and the Blazer's lights spilling over it only helped to define it in the darkness. “One more thing,” I said, then reached next to Brandon and pulled out something. It was a bullet proof vest, and I could feel the trauma plates in the armor. I wished it was DragonSkin. Inside the house there were flashes and I could hear the sound of gunfire, now that I had the window rolled down. A quick glance at Brandon told me that he had a pistol in his hand, but I knew that it was only a last resort, and perhaps, if we screwed up... might be the best option for escape. “Put it on,” I said handing the vest to the man as we skidded to a halt. I didn't wait, and neither did Brandon. We burst out of my SUV in a dead run for the house.

This house was similar to the Earls' home, two story, but this one was wooden from roof to the ground. The roof though was tin or steel. I couldn't be sure in the darkness. I was surprised that someone out on the plains didn't have brick construction as Texas is one of the busiest places in Tornado Alley, but the place rested in a low draw, making it a low-risk for tornados.

I've been teaching Brandon some Karate and kickboxing to help toughen him up and make sure that he can handle himself if his magic skills aren't always an option. I've also taught him to shoot, and taken him through some tactical training, especially if he has to come with me on some field work and it comes down to a situation like this. As we ran, I signaled for him to stack up on the door with me. I would lead the way in.

Hopping up on the porch I closed my eyes to let them adjust to more darkness as it would be darker inside the house. I steadied my breathing and got a handle on my adrenaline. I needed to be focused. It also helped block out the screaming from inside the house. Clearly, the mantis had skipped the stage of attacking the livestock. It had a taste for human now. Then, I gave the count. I pushed out from the wall and took a running step, then kicked with all the power I could put into my foot. The door slammed open.

Darkness yawned toward me but I didn't even blink as I swept through the door, kicking on my tac light and stepping to the side of the door to keep from silhouetting myself. Brandon slipped in on the opposite side. The living room sat in silence, undisturbed. A slightly weathered couch stood stoic watch across from the blank-faced TV while bookshelves were a silent testimony to the written word like a motionless sentinel. A hat rack menaced us from the corner with practiced bravado. “Clear,” I whispered. He confirmed it. I gestured upstairs, and I went up quickly and quietly, aware of the would be modern-day wizard at my back.

I could hear the creature chittering in agitation, mixed with soft curses. Another gunshot rang out, shattering my nerves. It was definitely a shotgun. Even with my ears ringing I heard its user cycle the action, but then there was a loud thud of something hitting the floor... hard. I couldn't wait. There were four doors on the floor. One was opposite where the sounds had come from. Ahead there were two side by side, then a fourth door off to the side I was willing to bet was a bathroom. I gestured for Brandon to take the left. I'd take the right. Rushing to the door, I listened. There wasn't any sound from inside. I pushed the door open.

I dropped into a shooter's crouch as the door opened silently. Glittering eyes turned to regard me in the darkness, its mandibles on its face opening up in what might have been shock. I'm not sure. I didn't waste any time. I went to raise my M4, however... just my damn luck, I made the classic mistake. There was no bang. Stupid me, I forgot the safety! Well the surprise wasn't so surprising to this thing anymore. I felt an invisible fang jab into my mind, but unlike Tom or his kids, I was no mental midget. I pushed aside the intruding unnatural power easily. Behind me now, I could hear whispering, and I knew Brandon was racing to complete his magic. Safety now off, I squeezed off a burst, but it skittered to the side as I fired, tearing a small group of holes in the wall. I felt it try again, this time taking a different tactic. For a moment, just a moment, I actually couldn't see. Everything was black, but just as quickly I forced my eyes to focus, and I could see again.

I swung the weapon around, tracking this mantis. It sat on the wall, contemplating. It seemed that its psychic attacks weren't going so well. It had taken two shots at me and it just wasn't having the effect it expected. I could tell it was a little confused. I don't know how I could tell, but it's attention swung to Brandon. Instantly, his back arched and he went down screaming and thrashing. Blazing, white hot anger exploded into a thousand fragments. I pinned the thing directly in my sights. This time, there was no escape. The M4 shuddered in my hands as hot metal spewed from the business end, spent shell casings clattering to the floor. The overgrown bug squealed and hissed as it was slammed against the wall, bullets bouncing off but splitting it's armor, with some lodging in. I also managed to snap off a leg.

I let off the trigger, watching the thing squirm and thrash on the bed it had perched on. I began to fumble for my camera; I wanted to capture this thing in a photo at least. Going for the camera was a mistake. Suddenly I felt as though I had been hit with a psychic 2x4. There wasn't any chance of shoving it aside. Mentally, I was reeling and I had to let go with one hand to hold myself against the door frame. Meanwhile the little bugger scuttled up the wall and over me on the ceiling. I was too busy trying to make my head stop swimming, and get my bearings. It dropped down on top of me. It was heavier than I expected, its armor giving my skull a good rap. The composite armor I was wearing saved me from most of the hit I took as it dropped on me. On the way down, I'd caught the edge of a desk inside the room I had been battling this overgrown garden variety bug with an attitude. I could feel a gash in my forehead, and I was pretty sure I might wind up with a raccoon mask for eyes.

Hissing in frustration, it began to scuttle down the stairs as fast as it's spindly legs could carry it, though it wasn't doing so well with one leg having been snapped off. I got to my hands and knees. Brandon looked as though he was having his flesh stripped from his bones, but he managed to grunt out “Kill it!” through gritted teeth. I knew he wasn't going to be able to cast in his condition, or be of much help.

I got to my feet, gritting my teeth. No way was a bug going to best me. I could understand something much worse. Not a stupid bug with a one-trick pony. The back door opened up, I could hear downstairs, and then the screen door shut. An ear-splitting shot rang out from outside, then another, and another a few seconds later. I couldn't help but grin. Thomas was helping after all. I made my way downstairs, rushing now, I flung open the back door. “Tom, its Saki, I'm coming out the back,” I shouted. I could see a form trying to get away as fast as it could in the dark. By the broken fragments of shell and the green and yellow trail of ichor leading into the darkness, I knew it was hurt very badly.

“Don't stop on my account though,” I shouted to him again. I began to circle to my right to keep me out of the line of fire, then began to follow after. “I'm not. I just got a damn dud,” he shouted back. Another shot rang out. “It's goin' around the barn,” I warned. It was true; it seemed the bug was headed for the nearest deep shadow. Irritably I began to run afterward, and sure enough it was making a beeline for the edge of the property, weaving through the mesquite trees and yucca plants. If I wasn't careful, I would loose sight of it in seconds. This time I emptied the magazine, the gun shaking against my shoulder but my fire tight and accurate, even though the bug was gaining distance, running in an agonized panic. It went down, thrashing about in the dirt even more, but it wasn't running.

Sighing, I stripped out the empty magazine and slapped a fresh one in, regular bullets. “Where'd it stop at,” the rancher asked me, keeping an eye on where he'd last seen it. “Let's go find out.”

I slung my weapon and drew my sword with one hand, and a second flashlight with the other and began making my way through the grasses. Sure enough, the bug was laying on its back, several legs missing or damaged. One of its fore-leg claws had been snapped off mid-way. One of it's compound eyes was torn up and goo was leaking from numerous cracks and several bullet holes in its exoskeleton. I could almost feel sorry for it. Almost.

I sighed, then after a few moments, I leveled the M4. It was the merciful thing to do, really. An empty magazine later and the creature was still. It would suffer, nor inflict suffering, no more.

Interestingly enough, the creature didn't discorporate on it's death. I still have the remains if anyone wishes to examine them.

Investigation Day 2
Final Notes
7:46 AM

The reported creature was dispatched with the sufficient application of modern firearms and conventional ammunition ten miles west of the Double Creek Ranch at another local's home. The ensuing investigation became a rescue operation when a late night phone call revealed our monster to be on the neighboring property and attacking the family there.

When we arrived a two-man entry team was formed, comprised of myself and Mr. Greene. We entered the house through the front door, and immediately determined the ground floor to be clear of any hostile activity. We could hear struggling, weapons fire, and screaming coming from up the stairs. We assessed the situation and momentarily split to quickly determine in which room the assault was progressing. I opened the door began to engage our target, and was joined by Mr. Greene moments later. He began spellcasting while I opened fire with my M4. The creature quickly incapacitated Brandon through use of it's Bio-manipulation powers, causing mind-shredding pain. I quickly went on the offense, and managed to tag it with several rounds. It retaliated with another mental attack upon myself, where the two previous that it had tried failed miserably.

Upon successfully stunning me, it managed to escape from the room, and into the lower section of the house, then fled the building. The client, Thomas Earls had driven us over here and determined that he would like to help us, but chose to wait outside and had the fortune of catching the creature in his sights and opened fire. He hit it repeatedly. Once I was able to catch up, a combination of direct fire from both of us finally totally incapacitated the creature, resulting in it's death.

A search has been conducted of the area surrounding the Ley Line Nexus we discovered as well as the burial site, but it seems that there is no evidence of any other creatures of this kind in the region, and no indication that it was of terrestrial origin. This leads to the conclusion that this was a singular occurance of this type of creature.

It's been the first open and shut case APIS has had in a while.

With this single occurrence, it seems that the things that go bump in the night can reek havoc in many ways. Two families now wonder what else is out there in the dark, and this encounter has left many psychological scars, and it is unknown how they will heal over time. I can only guess at the price the Earls family will pay for the terrible and unwelcome knowledge that they have gained.

I have contacted my friend and psychologist Donna Summers to meet with these folks and see if she can't help them cope with the events of the last few days, even though the Earls family is like to feel their losses even more deeply, having sustained significant financial losses in the course of the creature's attacks and habits.

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 12:39 pm
by Joe Smith
If you want beowolf - I got beowolf.

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 6:54 pm
by Hannah
I'm glad your okay Sakura.

It's nice to know there aren't more of those around.

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 2:33 pm
by Sakura
Hey Hannah.

I'm glad we didn't see any more either. My sense of paranoia wants me to go back out there and check the place over again. It's nagging on me some. I feel like I missed something, and I don't know what. It's like a splinter in the back of my mind, bugging the crap out of me.

Anybody got any ideas?

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 4:26 pm
by Cybermancer
Do you know it's gender?

Are you sure there are no signs of eggs being laid?

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 4:34 pm
by Sakura
I couldn't be sure.

that's it. I'm going back out there.

... Soon as I make a phone call or two.

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 4:36 pm
by Joe Smith
Get some military hardball ammo at least for penetration.

The Beowolf AR15's are nice but ammo is proprietary - get as much as you can when you can. I am a big fan of large caliber medium velocity weapons for close-medium range work and a Beowolf is one of my favorite weapons.

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 4:37 pm
by Sakura

No answer from Mr. Earls, or the other family.

One house not picking up is conceivable. 2? Not so much.

This... I don't like it.

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 4:42 pm
by Sakura
Joe, I figure the stopping power of the Beowulf system would be really good for nastier beasties, and ones that are particularly tough like these mantis things. Something that can put a lot of heavy metal down range pretty fast. Beowulf only has about 200 effective range, but most of the time, I'm a lot closer than that, and having options in the field, like the Beowulf would be really nice.

PM me so we can talk details... if I live long enough, that is...

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 4:45 pm
by Cybermancer
Sakura wrote:Oookayy...

No answer from Mr. Earls, or the other family.

One house not picking up is conceivable. 2? Not so much.

This... I don't like it.

Is it concievable that the families are hosts? On this site there is documentation of people and creatures coming and going from peoples minds through what is called 'dream pools'.

Perhaps psychic attacks could be used to plant eggs in these potentially fertile grounds, safe from most conventional predators.

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 4:50 pm
by Sakura
Cybermancer wrote:
Sakura wrote:Oookayy...

No answer from Mr. Earls, or the other family.

One house not picking up is conceivable. 2? Not so much.

This... I don't like it.

Is it concievable that the families are hosts? On this site there is documentation of people and creatures coming and going from peoples minds through what is called 'dream pools'.

Perhaps psychic attacks could be used to plant eggs in these potentially fertile grounds, safe from most conventional predators.

Can you elaborate for me CM?

I'm sorry, I don't have a lot of time to look everything through on the boards right now.

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 4:59 pm
by Cybermancer
Not Ron is probably the most famous example of a living nightmare come to life on these boards. He apparently originated in Hannah Caliburn's mind as some sort of amagalmation image of her birth father and of the man who raised her for most of her young life.

He has demonstrated the ability to enter peoples minds and leave at will. While in their minds, he has demonstrated the ability to assault their psyche. Kolya awoke, bloodied on a plane. Mr. Caliburn was awoken by his faithful feline. Nemesis seems to have been compelled to assualt herself while in a dream fugue.

While I am not fully clear on the details, Miss Solstice herself seems to a dream persona come to life, perhaps from seeds of Miss Darken's own personality.

Reportedly, several members of these boards have visited the dream pools of others, in some cases to fight Not Ron.

It seems if these dreams can be given flesh, and the flesh can enter these dreams... a psychic alien creature may have found a way to plant its eggs in the minds of others by placing physical eggs in their dreams. When the eggs hatch, they consume the rich emotions of their host and then emerge to the real world.

As time is highly variable in the time stream, they could potentially arrive at full adult hood in very little relative time.

This is all just hypothesis, of course. Probably not the case. I would expect a more likely scenerio to include the bodies of the families themselves to be implanted. Or perhaps livestock (maybe why it didn't always kill?).

Take it for what it is worth.

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 5:23 pm
by Sakura
Most of the things you describe I'm familiar with. As for Wie, I dont think the dreamstream quite covers it. As for visiting other people's dream pools, as you put it... I know that's for certain.

I just was wondering exactly how you meant the implantation thing.

This thing... I


No wonder it never actually killed any of the families. It may have been implanting, while it incapacitated them. I'm so STUPID! If it was interrupted originally, then it might have needed to finish the job. And, of course it would have to incapacitate all of them to keep the others from interfering.

We'll see.

This is waaay too much like the Alien movies for me now, if it was done physically instead of mentally.

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 5:24 pm
by skeptic
Cybermancer wrote:Take it for what it is worth.

This won't be a problem.

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:56 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Eggs, not good.

Any updates?

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 11:56 pm
by Cybermancer
I am also curious how things turned out.

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 3:10 pm
by Sakura
Guys, as soon as I get the report on what happened, I will let you know. As it is, due to pressing matters elsewhere, I have left the situation with the bugs in the hands of my teams at APIS.

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 3:07 pm
by Sakura
Okay I received this report in my email sometime yesterday. It seems that there is good news and bad news, but I still have confidence in my team. That being said, feel free to read for yourself.

APIS Encounter Log – A Bug's Life
Investigation resumed
Day 1
Team Brief – 10 miles from Double Creek Ranch
8:04 AM

Director Moyotada has been called out of town on pressing business with an associated team in Chicago, and has forwarded myself, Brandon Greene, as team lead for this operation due to prior experience at these two sites, and I have first-hand experience with these creatures. Rarely do I operate in the field with APIS, as I am usually a research consultant, and do provide some services. However, Sakura has been grooming me to be able to take part in active field investigations.

Being an occult specialist, an expert on the paranormal, and highly knowledgeable about artifacts and the arcane has proved invaluable in the past, but these creatures I have not heard of, as I immediately began researching them as soon as I returned to my library. It appears that we are dealing with either something very rare, or previously unknown.

This operation has been enacted on the pretense that myself and the Director were not complete in our tasks the first time around. This was prompted by a nagging feeling or a sense that something was missed in our investigation and subsequent encounter with the mantis-like creature. Finally, after multiple attempts to contact them by phone, nearly all of the remaining APIS members have been brought out here to investigate further.

I split our field teams up into 3 groups. Teams 1 and 2 are to investigate and fan out in a search pattern, while team 3 sets up and monitors the other two teams, keeping them in contact. Team 1 is taking Double Creek, while Team 2 moves to the other ranch, allowing at least one Sensitive member apiece. After setting up coms procedures, the teams moved out, while we set up on the Earls' property.

APIS Arrival – 8:32 AM

Investigation of the Earls' property revealed the family to have been killed with several lacerations on the bodies that appeared to be exit wounds, but not made by bullets. It looked as though something chewed its way out of the bodies. It appeared at least two passed in their sleep, and none were able to even so much as make it out of the house or to a phone. These same wounds appeared on several of the livestock as well. In addition to the livestock carcasses, we found what appeared to be cast-off husks or shells or skins of some kind.

We were too late, and our fears were realized. The other ranch property told a similar tale.

As near as we can estimate, we're dealing with at least 40 of these hostile mantis insects.

All of our team members are now armed with weapons and ammunition, and body armor as they have all been briefed on the previous encounter. They appear nervous, but at the same time determined. It's clear by their expressions that this has become an extermination mission rather than investigative. However, I have instructed our members with Telepathy available to them to attempt contact with these creatures. Perhaps we can reason with them, or at least get a better grasp of what we are dealing with, but it seems unlikely that any good will come of it.

Further instructions have been passed along to try to find a hive or lair for these insects as such a large number will need somewhere to hole up and seek shelter. With the gestation and growth rate suggested by our discovered evidence it seems likely they will have attempted to set up a colony, as befits intelligent creatures such as these.


By now we have had a few small encounters with these bugs, but it seems that our members are no worse for the wear. I am thankful that we are recording all of this information as well as what we have from the initial casefile. This situation is liable to raise many questions by local law enforcement, but in the mean time, there is a job to be done.

So far the bugs have been weaker than the one we encountered. I suspect this is due to recent hatching, and that their exoskeletons might not be completely hardened. As it stands, we have discovered a natural cave nearby. It would normally be a rattlesnake den this time of year, but it seems these creatures have ousted the previous owners and have taken up residence within the place.

Fresh turned dirt seems to indicate new tunneling activities. Currently we are having one of our psychics attempt to AP into the cave to confirm that we have or have not found a hive.

APIS Investigation Day 1
1: 45 PM

After conducting our search as thoroughly as we can, it seems that we have tied down the location of the hive. We have been keeping our distance and conducting surveillance on the entry way. It seems the ground formation is not big enough to admit the entire team, and only one or two of our smallest people at best. We can't afford to crawl in their with them, and its not like we can just wait them out, as they can simply dig themselves a back door.

There is a common thought among the team to toss in a high impulse high explosive charge. This is perhaps a good idea, but these creatures, if any survive can dig themselves out and we cannot guarantee that we were able to kill them. However, we do have several canisters of CS gas which are likely to be effective against these creatures, and would serve to cause great pain due to their compound eyes and are likely to drive them from their bug hole.

With them streaming out through the holes I have set up two fire teams to catch them in concentrated crossfire as they come out with a couple men using high powered rifles to pick off stragglers. I have given the more level-headed team members a few M67's in case the situation warrants it, but we are hopeful that we'll be home in time for a late supper.

APIS Incursion
2:00 PM

The bughole is down in the washed out side of a hundred foot drop down into a dry river bed. Mesquite trees are all around, and dead grasses blow in the afternoon breeze and the sun is shining bright. Members of one fire team are lined up every five meters, while the other fire team are down in the riverbed itself.

All is quiet except for a few of the bugs milling around the entrance. Then the afternoon air is interrupted by the sound of several CS gas grenades being launched straight into the bug hole. Acrid, white chemical smoke begins belching out from the hole, but nothing stirs at first, except for the three at the doors but they are ripped apart almost instantly by the concentrated weapons fire. Most of the shooters weren't world-class, but most could shoot decently and were required to keep qualified for conceal-carry licenses. A minute went by, then two. Finally they began streaming out.

I keep count as best I can as they come out, adding a few bursts into the mix but with so much dirt and sand flying its hard to tell if I was hitting the mark.

Finally the shooting slows down, but I only count twenty bodies. Standing up, I look around, but we cant hear the shouting over the ringing in our ears, but I spot a small army of the mantis' moving in on the fire team down the way. I simply shouldered my weapon and aimed down the ACOG. A small squeeze and I began flinging metal down range as fast as I could make hits. My team followed suit and began buying Team 2 some breathing room, though a couple looked like they were going at it hand to hand. When I changed my mag, I looked around to check positions and make sure I wasn't missing anything and I saw something else... light flashing off of gossamer wings.

These bugs were younger, newer, and weren't as big as the one that Sakura and I had taken down. But the one flying, I took a closer look at. It was the same size, and was particularly nasty looking. Instantly, I knew it was a queen. We were going to have to take it out before it could spread any more of its kind. Somehow they had finished a tunnel that they had been progressing on and had split their numbers out the back door, and the queen was making a run for it. Half of the remaining mantis were fleeing in her direction while the others had attacked Team 2, to buy time. A clever delaying action, it seemed to me. There wasn't any more time to pat them on the back.

It seemed we'd underestimated them twice.

I directed my guys to try to shoot down the queen, but only a few hits were scored, nothing earth shattering.

Time to track them down.

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 3:03 pm
by Cybermancer
Good luck, Sakura.

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 12:48 am
by Sakura
Hey boys and girls I promise I will have an update for this tomorrow. Things are kinda hectic right now so i am on my cell phone.

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:43 pm
by Sakura
Boys and girls, this is the final log that was submitted to me by the APIS team, I thought you might want to read.

APIS Casefile – A Bug's Life
Brandon Greene - Final Log

The encounters at the Double Creek ranch and surrounding properties have been exhausting. With the escape of a small portion of the hive, APIS members set out in search and pursuit of the escaping mantis creatures. It seems the queen of the group was certainly determined to escape.

All across the dry river valley and plains we encountered various members of the hive which attacked members of the searching APIS teams. The attacks were short, usually very sudden, and debilitating. Perhaps the initial encounters with the creatures allowed us to mis-judge them, or perhaps they were receiving more direction than previously thought.

The mantis seem to come up with several devious tactics. Some had time to dig pit falls under the soil so that a human moving too fast, or was too heavy would break through the soil, in some cases breaking a limb, or providing an attack of opportunity. Others would some how slip through our search line and attack us from behind with their psionic powers or in some cases with claws and jaws.

It seemed the longer we searched, the more devious they got. Even to the point of being able to attack us completely unseen, until we figured out how they were able to get around us, and harry the group from all directions. It seemed that as many as ten, and as few as three of the bugs were engaging us in a delaying action, trying to slow us down and distract our searches.

Admittedly, it was at least a semi-successful tactic. Their attacks were certainly confusing and definitely frightening when our APIS members started being struck down without any warning or sign of the attackers themselves. Perhaps, we wouldn't have come out so well, but one of our sensitives spotted an attack just a moment before it happened. It seemed that a small insect on the ground changed shape into one of the mantis and then set upon the attack.

The ability to shape shift into a smaller, lesser bug would certainly explain how they could get past us easily. So, we took to smashing any insect we could find. Once they were smashed, they reverted to their normal mantis shape and size, dead. We still had 5 drones and a queen to take down after several hours of stressful searching, and fending off sudden horrible mental assaults, or physical assaults. Once those five were dispatched, the attacks seemed to stop, leaving us free to continue our search.

Any wildlife we found we inspected for signs of being implanted, or having had a bug hatch from them. At the same time, we had the hive collapsed and demolished so any left behind eggs would be destroyed if they followed a similar pattern to most other insects. We found no signs of implantation or of larvae coming from any host bodies. That, at much, is a relief.

As day turned to night, we encountered the last few stragglers. We let one escape us, only so one of our sensitives could Astral Project from their body and follow the mantis. After several hours of ambling about the desert we were led to the location of the queen. It was a short matter after that to encircle them and bring them down with conventional weapons.

With all creatures killed we set out upon a very very thorough search of every nook and cranny we could find for miles. We found many snake-holes, ground hog and prairie dog holes, but we found no further bug holes or evidence of the bugs, even as we went to the effort of digging out the holes we found.

Finding no more evidence of the creatures, we have been able to breathe a collective sigh of relief, but I find many questions raised about this event and the surrounding area.

Where did these creatures come from? Will there be more? Were they a preliminary invasion, or simply the luck of the dice? Why Earth? There are many other silent questions buzzing around in my head, too many to grasp really. But for now, it seems as though this case is finally closed.

The loss of life and waste of human life here has been devastating, tragic, horrific, and needless. It is truly gruesome situation, but perhaps the spirits of the families these creatures killed have some satisfaction that their killers will never kill again. Time will only tell, and we, the Amarillo Protective and Investigative Services remain on the watch, as always.

As a further note, copies of all casefiles, recorded data and video have been turned over to the Amarillo Police Department and Crime Scene Investigators. An official police investigation is underway into the deaths of the family. APIS is cooperating fully with the investigation.

At this time APIS Director Sakura Moyotada is requested to come in for questioning, as is myself Brandon Greene.

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:55 pm
by Cybermancer
I'm glad to see that the mission seems to have ended successfully for the good guys.

Hopefully there won't be a recurrance. It seems that your team was meticulous so there is reason for that hope.

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 2:32 pm
by Sakura
Well, we weren't thorough enough the first time around and a bunch of people paid with their lives.

You learn from your mistakes, but at what cost?

Re: Casefile - A Bug's Life

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 2:40 pm
by Cybermancer
It was a heavy price, indeed.

All that can be done is to ensure that it was not paid in vain. And you have done that by sharing what was learned from those harsh lessons. Now others may recognize this problem sooner and respond appropriately.

Take time to grieve your fallen friends and to honor them.

Just don't let grief and self-recrimination swallow you whole. It is not what they would want.