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How Prepared Are We - Non-Human Members

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:27 pm
by Holister
This is a touchy subject for numerous reasons and has been brought up many times with no real solution. Even though we often find ourselves investigating and eventually hunting down such supernatural antagonists, we also have several members that I know of (my wife & mother of our child included) who are of the same "species" we find ourselves often hunting.

Many times have issues of trust, reliability, and loyalty to the Society have risen.

What is your opinion of this mater? Thoughts, philosophies, and personal experiences are also welcome.

Re: How Prepared Are We - Non-Human Members

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 6:21 pm
by Shang Li
Your behavior as a group toward such persons is simply shamefull.

If it has intelligence beyond that of a hunting beast, it has a choice, as do I.
If it chooses the paths of peace, I will help. If it chooses the path of the hunter, I will wish it better luck in it's next incarnation.

Re: How Prepared Are We - Non-Human Members

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:24 pm
by finder_fee
I don't know, I think in reality all of society needs some sort of policing. I also think that most of the different "species" you are talking about realy can't be policed by your average guys with a badge and some jail time.

As long as the people you are hunting are actualy a threat to society, I think it is a good idea. I mean after all, throwing a werewolf of any sort into a jail is probably a disaster waiting to happen, nevermind what you would get with a real witch or warlock. A jail wouldn't even bother a summoner's abilities I'm sure.

That being said, there are those that aren't a threat to society, and like Shang Li says, they don't need you hounding them.


Re: How Prepared Are We - Non-Human Members

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 2:32 pm
by GhostSpider
You will always be suspicious of us, as you must be. Still, I judge you by how you act around me. Ron and I will never be friends, I trust Holister and Master Li with my life, and I consider many others my friends.

Re: How Prepared Are We - Non-Human Members

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:58 pm
by Kolya
Given your approach to deprogramming cultists, no shit Ron doesn't want you around his daughter. You know, the former cultist.

Re: How Prepared Are We - Non-Human Members

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:49 am
by skeptic
GhostSpider wrote:You will always be suspicious of us, as you must be.

It amazes me to no end how you can get away with saying such things around here, and nobody gets suspicious.
When they do, they're debased for it.

Re: How Prepared Are We - Non-Human Members

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:30 pm
by finder_fee
GhostSpider wrote:You will always be suspicious of us, as you must be. Still, I judge you by how you act around me. Ron and I will never be friends, I trust Holister and Master Li with my life, and I consider many others my friends.

Pretty much agree with this... No matter how you look at it, to most of the supernats of any flavor we are all (to one extent or another) food. Some may try to rise above this in some ways, but realy, the antelope should never fully trust the lion.


Re: How Prepared Are We - Non-Human Members

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 7:42 pm
by Shang Li
No one here has ever advised a cessation of carefull watching over those non-humans here.

Not being human does not make one a monster.
Being human does not keep you one being a monster.

I have seen the soul of a saint clad in the raiment of a demon, I have seen the demon wear the body of a saint.

Skeptic, no one is chastised for being suspicious - just for condemning as heartless a man they have not met, just as I was appropriately chastised for the same offence in my response elstwhere.

Re: How Prepared Are We - Non-Human Members

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 2:09 pm
by Reckoner
I know I'm a relative newbie here, but I've been doing this for years now and I might have another perspective on this topic. I know many are reluctant to go into detail with their partners and associates as not to put them in danger or scrutiny. Without naming names or specifics, I'll do the same.

I've fought alongside a member of a much debated and controversial holy bloodline who is an obnoxious, arrogant jerk, but his heart's in the right place. I've worked with and been healed by a young lady who...let's just say her family keeps the magic levels down in China for a good reason, and leave it at that. I've worked with and even saved the life of a being whose powers and nature seem to step out from the shadows of death, but has embraced a faith that defines him and what he fights for. I'd gladly fight alongside and die for the man. And I'm not being racist by saying that, his spirit embodies the strengths that many men strive for while being part of something else. And yes, I've even worked with beings that aren't human or from around this neck of the woods. Some smaller, some taller, of many shapes and sizes.

But above all this I know one fact: Hope and faith are not exclusive to the human race! Yes, there are monsters, demons, beings who were or are human but by the choices they make align them with sadistic, xenophobic, genocidal forces of undeniable evil. But so too are the ones that choose NOT to be. Maybe my perceptions are colored by experience or my...knack for sensing evil in others. The face and species doesn't always determine it. Martial artists like Bruce Lee say that the fighting arts are the most honest form of expression one can perform. To be truly honest is to witness one's actions. If non-humans are involved, study the way they move, the way they act, and don't use the appearance of someone right in front of you as carte blanche for murder.

If you see a dead body and something standing over it with blood on its mouth, sure the logic is that it's a monster that attacked them. But what if it were the person's best friend who just happened to be other than homo sapien and was attempting to revive the person or even perform CPR on someone with a head or neck wound? I'd imagine too many people have had stories like this where they look back and console themselves with the fact that the thing looked like a killer at the time, everything fit. To think that you killed an innocent there such a thing? It's too easy to simply judge by dehumanizing. And people have dehumanized other humans for millennia simply by ethnicity, skin color or faith. Does that make humans the real monsters that need to be exterminated outright? Or is there capacity for incredible good as well as evil? The same goes for others for the most part even if they're of a different species.

I've fought and did my part of dispatching many beings who are flat out evil. But one thing I've learned is that when a life is threatened and those of us here who vow to protect life comes, we're not just weapons or books, but we represent hope. That hope has gotten people through so much in the past when there was no other reason for someone to hang on. Hope for survival, hope for a reunion with loved ones, hope for living life as you see fit, not letting something else choose it for you. That hope for tomorrow being better than today, that later is better than right now, that right now is safer that a few seconds ago away from death, that's just as much a part of us in our being and what we convey to others as a sure answer and a weapon to end a killing spree. Remember that, and take from my thoughts what you will.

Re: How Prepared Are We - Non-Human Members

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 8:41 pm
by Kelly
Im a non-human and honestly I think we could use a few more here in The Society.

Just no more female vampires. :mrgreen:

Re: How Prepared Are We - Non-Human Members

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:50 pm
by Ethan Skinner
Why? Feeling threatened? :?

Re: How Prepared Are We - Non-Human Members

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 12:17 pm
by Holister
Ok, in the past I know we had several non-human members. They were reliable and trustworthy.

As for now, I think the only member who is not 100% human is Kelly. Unless there are others out there still.

Re: How Prepared Are We - Non-Human Members

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 12:17 pm
by Kolya
If you can mate with something not human, then you're not human, too.

Re: How Prepared Are We - Non-Human Members

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 2:17 pm
by Holister
That is not called for, so I hope it is not an insult directed at me and my family "K".

Re: How Prepared Are We - Non-Human Members

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 2:28 pm
by Kolya
It's biology.

Re: How Prepared Are We - Non-Human Members

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 2:33 pm
by Holister
Humans are an X-factor when it comes to breeding with SupNats.

Kelly and I have a kid.

Succubus can mate with men; inncubus with women (from what I hear).

I have even heard tales of demons mating with people all to often.

So that kinda shoots down your take on things don't it.

Re: How Prepared Are We - Non-Human Members

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 2:35 pm
by Kolya
I guess. I don't have anything invested one way or the other.

Re: How Prepared Are We - Non-Human Members

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 2:38 pm
by Holister
Any other non-human or semi human members out there care to share their stories and experiences?