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How Prepared Are We - Detecting the Evil

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:05 pm
by Holister
This matter only has risen a few times with no real answers. How do we detect hostile threats that hide behide the disguise of humanity?

Many times an evil entity or demonic presence has acquired a human persona in order to forfill its agenda, or even infiltrate these boards. There is also the real threat of vampires, werewolves, and other cretaures able to pass themselves off as human.

How do we detect and recognize these threats, and them deal with them when we do. Many of these creatures acquire "lives" and allies that wuld make it difficult to attack them so strategies, methods, and tactics would also useful.

Re: How Prepared Are We - Detecting the Evil

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:50 pm
by finder_fee
Frankly, for the most part, you don't.

Unless it makes an impact on society that screams out "EVIL THING HERE" Most of the things out there are not going to be found. Until they start to screw up, there is usualy no good way to find them. Oh sure, there are people who can sense these things when they get close, but you need to actualy be looking for them, or in many cases, touching them, for you to detect what they are.

For example, looking in the world news, you can find DOZENS of stories each day that could be an evil supernatural beastie doing something EEEEVIIIIL, but I bet you that only one or two of the stories each week are something that was actualy done by said beasties.

This isn't because they aren't doing said evil, it's just that I'm sure that with thousands of years of not being seen, the beasties have keeping hidden down to an art form. While they might have modified things a bit to deal with our age of comunication, rule number one is still "don't be visible".

Which means that the things you usualy find out there are one of three things... either realy young and inexperienced, something that you have needed to track down and research for years in order to get a handle on it, or something that you just stumbled upon by accident. Tell me I'm wrong.


Re: How Prepared Are We - Detecting the Evil

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:11 pm
by Shang Li
Watch the animals, pay attention to the children.

Dogs will growl and bark at things you do not see. Cats will hiss and refuse to go anywhere nearby. Ravens and crows will congregate nearby in anticipation of the coming feast. Local children will tell you of "bad things" and "bad places" before they are tought to close their eyes.

If you are sensative to chi, a strong enough source of negative energy and thoughts will cause faint eddied in the flow of chi from place to place, rather like the ripples created in a stream as it flows around a boulder. By following channels of negative chi, once can find nearby pockets of malignancy - good places to start your search since evil beings tend to use such places as lairs and nesting grounds, knowing conciously or instinctively that they are stronger and their foes weaker in such places.

Re: How Prepared Are We - Detecting the Evil

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 11:55 am
by Holister
What works better for this topic, magic or psychic abilities? When does one chose one over the other? Should all members have some means to sense or detect the presence of evil in our midst?

Re: How Prepared Are We - Detecting the Evil

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 12:04 pm
by Kolya
You choose the one that works for you.

Natasha for instance obviously uses wards for evil detection.

I use Lyosha, Sasha, and years of experience.

Re: How Prepared Are We - Detecting the Evil

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 12:24 pm
by Holister
Does Natasha creat these wards herself, or does she use ones that have already been made?

Does Lyosha & Sasha use magic or psionics?

How do you look for evil without their aid? Your experience would be quite useful.

Re: How Prepared Are We - Detecting the Evil

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 12:27 pm
by Kolya
Her spare time is spent making wards, so I guess it's not really spare time.

Lyosh is a sensitive. Sasha is just weird, it's not psychic with him, it's innate.

As for me, many monsters are not capable of passing for humans under close scrutiny. They don't get the emotions, colloquialisms, and so forth quite right. Just look for stuff that's out of place.

Re: How Prepared Are We - Detecting the Evil

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 2:22 pm
by Holister
That is extemely useful info "K". I am gonna have to try that out.

Re: How Prepared Are We - Detecting the Evil

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 2:23 pm
by Kolya
Good, hope it helps someday.

Re: How Prepared Are We - Detecting the Evil

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 2:31 pm
by Holister
Maybe one of those wards wouldn't hurt either. Carter has a few amulets, but he keeps the best two under lock and key for special occasions.

Re: How Prepared Are We - Detecting the Evil

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 9:01 pm
by finder_fee
Again, most of the things that are easily detected by spotting the thing that doesn't fit in are the new kids on the block. Don't expect to find the guys who have been here for a generation or two slipping up like that, and I am certain that there are some who have been here that long.


Re: How Prepared Are We - Detecting the Evil

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:59 am
by Holister
finder_fee wrote:Don't expect to find the guys who have been here for a generation or two slipping up like that, and I am certain that there are some who have been here that long.

Hello.... :wink:

Re: How Prepared Are We - Detecting the Evil

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 8:10 am
by Kolya
finder_fee wrote:Again, most of the things that are easily detected by spotting the thing that doesn't fit in are the new kids on the block. Don't expect to find the guys who have been here for a generation or two slipping up like that, and I am certain that there are some who have been here that long.


I only expect the unexpected.

But more to the point, there are some that have been here for thousands of years and still don't get it. They're simply too alien to get it.

Re: How Prepared Are We - Detecting the Evil

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 6:52 pm
by Hannah
I remember my dad saying something about laughter - things that weren't natural didn't seem to get it right.

Re: How Prepared Are We - Detecting the Evil

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 8:38 am
by Kolya
Yes. The only natural laughter I have ever heard from the paranormal was a ghost child's laughter.