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Thoughts for a Quiet Moonlit Night

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:52 pm
by Holister
Well tonight is "The Wolves Moon" and Kelly and Sammy are off in the woods tonight. Molly is sleepin' over a friend's house. That leaves me alone with my thoughts on this here moon lit night. Well, ok, so have ol' Duke here to keep me company.

Im sittin' in front of a roarin' fireplace with a cold Black Rabbit in my one hand and a remote in the other. Today I asked my deputy how were things. Here's his answer....

" I'm like a fly stuck in a thick tar of dispair. Incompetence hangs in air like the cold stench of death. I'm drownin' and monkeys dressed like lifegaurds are throwin' me anvils. My job has convinced me that life is a stale joke with no punch line. I long for the comfort of the grave. "

I told him that next time he should just say " It's Fine".

How many you feel that's how your life is? Just wonderin'.

Re: Thoughts for a Quiet Moonlit Night

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 5:28 pm
by Holister
Its quiet tonight. Too quiet. I feel as though I should be doin' something more ya' know. Ya' know, other than sittin' here watchin' the snow come down outside my window and watchin' this computer screen.

I feel I should be out huntin' some monster or investigatin' some hauntin' somewhere. I hate this down time.

So far I pressed bullets for all my guns (standard, rosewood, & silver), modified my .50 rifle some more, monitored the boards for any near by activity, got my duty roster for next week done, got my paperwork filed away, and even did my taxes.

Its been a slow couple of days.

Re: Thoughts for a Quiet Moonlit Night

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 10:20 pm
by Shang Li
I will be arriving for tea within the next few days.

Re: Thoughts for a Quiet Moonlit Night

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:44 pm
by Holister
We will be expecting your honored arrvival Master Li.

Re: Thoughts for a Quiet Moonlit Night

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 6:44 pm
by Shang Li
You still do me far to much honor, Benjamin Holister.

If I remember the town correctly, you will likely be notified by a townsperson, or a deputy as soon as a minor of oriental decent steps off the bus unescorted.