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Party Favors in The Big Easy

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 12:52 pm
by Billy J.
Well there I was, plum tuckered out and needin a rest after flambayin that demon cop. Ol Gertie needed a rest and so did I.

Figured I'd stop off in New Orleans to see what all the hub bub was about I dun dar read in the post bout some bloodsucker killin folks there. I knows its out of the way, but heck, its not called "The Bg Easy" for nuttin.

So I on down, pull into town, and gets me a rom at one of them real fancy Motel 6s I always see on the TV. Nice high class place; had its own toliet paper and towels. I of course took everythin that wasn't bolted down fore I left.

Anyhows, I cides to go for a walk about through the city and see if I can't find me a bloodsucker or two to extermynate. I look round, mistook a bum for a bloodsucker. Aw well, win some, loose some. That was a nice stake too.

Anyhows I get to the one place I knows thats gotta have plenty of bloodsuckers. The graveyard. It was a funny place, not alot of graves but plenty of them there mosoleniums all over the place. Alot rich folk must be buried in New Orleans I tell you what.

So there I am, creepin about, huntin me up some bloodsuckers when I find these fellas look like they up to no good. Must be bloodsuckers I think to myself. They all dressed in brown bath robes with them hoods up, and chantin in some strange tounges. Must be possessed, or bloodsuckers. SO I jump on out and mow em down with some fire from my MP5. Blew those demon lovin cult SOBs away somethin fierce.

Rats I dun think to myself, not bloodsuckers, but a couple of demon lovin cultists ain't no bad start neidder. So I move on to anudder graveyard. And hot dam I hit paydirt.

Re: Party Favors in The Big Easy

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 12:49 am
by Holister
:? :?: :shock:

Re: Party Favors in The Big Easy

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:01 am
by Billy J.
Hello to whom it may concern.

My name is Chris. I am the nephew of the man you know as " Billy J. " I am not a member nor do I desire to be. I am simply letting you know that my uncle will not be posting here on this site any longer. He has been placed in permanent psychiatric care due to his psychotic break.

He was arrested for his actions this past weekend and already extradited back to Fort Worth were he will receive the treatment he desperately needs.

If I may for a moment speak my mind. If your entire organization is anything like this web site, then most of you should also receive the psychiatric help you rightfully deserve. This web site should be shut down and its administration held accountable for insane happenings that come as a result of this website.

This site had my uncle believing that vampires and demons were everywhere and were out to get him. That is the affect this website has on those of already disturbed minds. Do you know the damage he has done and the innocent lives that have been affected by his actions?! I only wonder how many other lives have been ruined by this organization.

Our family lawyer says that we have a good enough case to file a civil suit against The Lazlo Society and its founding organization The Lazlo Agency, with a possible class action suit pending further developements.

You people are insane and should seek professional help. If anyone of you attempts to contact my uncle you will be sued for harassment!!!

Re: Party Favors in The Big Easy

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:13 am
by skeptic
Don't worry.
I wouldn't come within the blast radius of a caddy's gas tank....

Re: Party Favors in The Big Easy

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:35 pm
by Joe Smith
Lol - I love the states and their sue happy culture. I wonder if they realize that this is the source of a lot of their woes.

"Everything I do is someone elses fault and dammit, they gots to pay me for it!"

Re: Party Favors in The Big Easy

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:40 pm
by Grace
I think we can all breathe a little easier now.