Return of the Templar knights?

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Lucas Priest
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Return of the Templar knights?

Post by Lucas Priest »

I am dropping this post quickly to let you all know I am still with you, even after an extremely close call during my investigations. Following up on some leads, most recently those posted by Pendragon on the preserver party, I discovered some disturbing things...

The Preserver party, though now mostly defunct, is an arm of the "Skull and Bones" society off the east coast. They are mostly known as a colligiate secret society of well-to-do's and very influential in political circles- JFK, and both Bush and Bush Jr. have been members in the past, giving them credit for 3 presidents in the last 30 years or so. I was following one member in particular, a Jackson Bishop, who you might note from past postings I have had dealings with his apparent handiwork. The odd thing I found in my research was that Bishop was an outstanding philantropist earlier in his career. He was left some very old money upon his parents death in Isreal during the Palestinian uprisings in the late 70's. Bishop founded a fund to open facilities across the states called the "second chance" centers for the homeless. The centers provided shelters for the homeless as well as educating them to re-enter the job market and move forward with their lives. A noble effort, to be sure. But in 1992, Bishop seemed to change gears.. He started making several statements to the press on the un-recoverable state of the homeless, and began closing down the Second Chance shelters that were not completley self sufficient monetarily. At this point, Bishop drops off the radar for about 2 years, but re-appears on the board of the preserver society as a major funder for their presidential campaign, which they lost. I had run into a few cases over the last year, that although I could find no direct connection, seemd to be connected to various companies that Bishop either owned, or sat on the board of, so I began searching for him in earnest, hoping to draw a direct connection for the authorities to pursue and put him out of action. That was my mistake..

While at a local bar in Seattle, hoping to meet with an associate of Bishop, I had waited for over 3 hours, and began to suspect my contact would not show. I made for the exit, figuring to drop a line here and see what came up, but I was jumped 2 blocks away from my hotel (Ron will chide me for walking alone, but hindsight and all..) and rendered unconsious. When I came to, I was in what seemed to be an old holding warehouse, probably in the Port area. I was not alone. In the room with me were several Military types ( I recognise the bearing that we all share ) and Mr. Bishop himself! I was tied securely to a rolling chair, and interrogation seemed imminent. Steeling myself for what was to come, I remembered an old psych tactic from my time in the service, tell enough truth to be beliveable (if you believe it, you sound truthfull, etc). I told Bishop I was indeed investigating him (I was) in hopes of writing an article on his abandonment of the Second Chance project (the article would be posted here, naturally) and what had caused his change of heart. His answer chilled me..

"More of a change of perpective.." he said. "you see, several years ago I was looking at myself in the mirror, and I actually saw myself looking back at me..." I told him we all see that, but he pressed on..

"No, I definately felt the presence of another.." he said. " And as I stared at him, a sort of exchange of will occurred, I cannot explain it more than that. But afterwards..."

"Afterwards, I felt like, a new man..." he said, followed by a sinister chuckle.. " I turned my fortunes to a more, fertile ground."

He proceeded to confirm many of my earlier connections, and when I asked him why he was telling me all this he said: "well why not, you will feel much more...sympathetic after you take a good long look at yourself..." At this, two of his goons began wheeling in a big...mirror?

"Relax my friend, Gaze into the mirror and feel much more like yourself..Then you can help us find your friends, friends like a mr. Pendragon..."

I tried to look away, but tow of the goons forced my attention to the mirror, and we satyed that way for a good ten minutes before Bishop's face clouded over..."It's not working!?!" he shouted. At this point, the night exploded in fire and light as several men must have blown a hole in the roof of the building and began ascending from draw lines, small arms fire blazing. I pushed away on the chair with all my strength and slid across the warehouse floor as the soldiers on both sides engaged each other. I saw Bishop take several hits, which knocked him out a glass window on the periphary, and out of sight. The goons all went down, and to my shock I saw my rescuers draw swords and lop off the heads of my captors! One of then untied me, and I quickly used my advantage to pull his sidearm and put him between myself and my "rescuers". But to my surprise they all started laughing!
"Relax friend- if we wanted you dead, we would have blown up the building.." This from what appeared to be their leader, as he pulled off his nomex mask, revelaing a man of about 45 years. "We saw the need to save you before Bishop tried to release your counterpart."

"Counterpart?" I asked, " I don't understand."

"Suffice it to say that there is another world next to ours, a kind of shadow of it, many people have darker duplicates there that men like Bishop have traded places with, though not voluntarily.."

" Right, and I suppose we can spot them 'cause of the goatees? We all know evil alternate dupicates have goatees.." I said, thinking furiously on how to get away from these madmen..

" No, we know them when they change to a polar opposite, or when a personality changes dramatically from how it was. We don't expect you to believe right away, but you should know, scince you stumbled right into this mess.."

" Then why did my duplicate not cross over? It had more than enough time to do so." I said, trying to get a look around for exits..

" Some people, like yourself, have no duplicate on the other side. All of us present here have no duplicates on the Nightscape side, which is why we are uniquely suited to the purpose of running down those in league with the Cult of Night. Your friends sent us on your trail when you went a week without communication.."

" What friends?" I said, trying to wrap my brain around these concepts..

" Your church friends," he said with a laugh, "After all we all work for the same authority.." And with this, he exposed a tattoo on his left shoulder, one depicting a "squaring of the circle" that belonged to only one order in history, along with the cruciform cross....

"Knights of the Temple?!?" I said incredulously.." TEMPLAR Knights??"
At this point I had dropped the gun from my hand to the floor, staggered by this new information. The Knights Templar had been denounced by the church, many of the leaders burned at the stake for demon worship, surley not allies of any type, but I needed to know...why?

The leader of the knights told me that the order was indeed denounced, but that was due to immense corruption within it's ranks as the church feared their growing influence with the people. But the core of the order survived under the leadership of a John Sinclair, who with the private sponsoring of the vatican continued under a new doctrine: they became the caretakers of the knowledge of Solomon, and the wonders discovered in his temple during the crusades so long ago... They have been fighting the efforts of the supernatural ever scince. In addition, they keep tabs on...US...

Apparently, many times in the past they have been shadowing us, helping when possible from behind the scenes. and directly when necissary. He told me of at least one situation where they had found a friendly judge to release me when I had been found on the scene of a serial killing before the police arrived, so I have to give their claim credence, as I have never been able to explain that ( I thought I would have to face a court hearing at least). I asked the leader, whose gave his name as Alexander, why I was told this information, scince the Masonic order is secretive at best, and it would seem they were giving up their secrets to me. "Simple, " he said, and his next words chilled me more than the wind blowing off Puget Sound..

" Your Father was one of us... "

More later...
The science of any sufficiently advanced society would appear as magic to those less developed...
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Now that's freaky and messed up.

And believe me, I know freaky and messed up - afterall I worked with Debunker.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Dennis Haverstand
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Post by Dennis Haverstand »

The knights templar, and dating back to the conception? Amazing.
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Post by Ammendment2 »

We have been watching a long time- we continue to do so now. So...Be Good...
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Post by Debunker »

Ron Caliburn wrote:Now that's freaky and messed up.

And believe me, I know freaky and messed up - afterall I worked with Debunker.

Say what?! Ron, I'm the best friend you've ever worked with.
Elliott James Tobias III
AKA: Debunker

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Post by Huntress »

I dont know Deb, one night and I could be the best thing Ron's ever worked on. :wink:
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Post by Debunker »

Elliott James Tobias III
AKA: Debunker

"The truth is indeed out has been pointing it out for centuries."
Pastor Greed
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Post by Pastor Greed »

Ive only heard bits and peices about the Templar Knights, and none of it has been good. Stay sharp indeed people.
"God is always talking to you, but are you listening?"
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »


The idea that you and I worked together is freaky and messed up.

You're just odd.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
The Traveler King
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Post by The Traveler King »


Just a thought, but it could be she she's making these statements just to get a rise out of you.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Yeah, getting a rise out of a guy seems to be her hobby and profession.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

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Tabloid Hound
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Post by Tabloid Hound »

Yikes Ron! You wrote that like it was a bad thing! :lol:
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Different class of woman than I usually associate with.
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Delta Sierra
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Post by Huntress »

Now thats a shame Ron, hopefully I can one day fix this paticular association issue for you :wink:
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Victor Reynolds
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Post by Victor Reynolds »

I would be careful in any dealings with secret organizations, if I were you, especially with the Knights Templar. My own research has revealed that the charges of demon worship brought against them by Philip the Fair may have been more than the ambitious machinations of a medieval monarch. I will post more when I can access my resources again.
Cowardly Leon
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Post by Cowardly Leon »

We have to realise that what we hear and what actually happened can be two very different things.

After all, like any fishing story, tales of corruption and greed often get greater and stranger each time it is told.

One of the templar tales I heard was that they got in trouble solely for the hording of loot from the crusades and thus defying their oath of... is Poverty the right word? Anyways the church got mad that they weren't getting their 'hard earned' cash and made an example of them.

Still... I find that idea of a mirror world to be disturbing. I mean yeah, when I get up in the middle of the night to spend some personal time with my bladder I find it hard to look at my reflection in the mirror with the lights off. For some reason doing that always creeped me out, I thought it might have been those old 'bloody mary' urban legends but now I have terrible images of some sort of shadowland behind the looking glass to make me want to put a curtain over the mirror.

Oh.. and Huntress... If our paths cross I... uh, have a little number that you might be interested in. It's a dagger that sits in a holster up the sleeve and falls into your grip with the flick of the wrist.
You sound like the sort of person to... collect that kind of thing.
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Post by Heretic »

I've got the feeling that next time you get the chance to meet Mr. Bishop, bring some friends and some heat with a silver lining. Sounds like a classic villain monologuing to you like that.
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Post by Ammendment2 »

It appears our rescue of Mr. Priest only postponed the enevitable. No one has seen or heard from him latley. Keep an eye out for him, and if you see or hear of this Bishop character- take him out, prefferably from a distance, and with extreme prejudice. From what we have learned of him, you do NOT want him to see or know you...
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Post by Kolya »

Let me know if he ever comes to my neck of the woods.

He won't leave...
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Anybody heard from Lucas in the lastyear or so? For that matter, what about that Ammendment guy?

And that Bishop fellow . . .
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Delta Sierra
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Post by Kolya »

Nothing from anyone connected to this since that last post.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by Natasha »

Sounds big though.

Maybe someone can look into it anyway?
Наташа Крылова .:. Natasha Krilova
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Too many mysteries, too few members.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by Natasha »

Yeah, unfortunately.
Наташа Крылова .:. Natasha Krilova
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