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Taking a little Trip

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:20 am
by Grace
Good day all!

I'm taking a little trip across the pond to Ireland. Anyone want me to pick them up anything while I'm there? For a reasonable fee, of course. ;)

Re: Taking a little Trip

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:32 pm
by Acheron
My research has led me to believe that an Medieval Artifact of Interest may be hidden there, would you be interested in aquiring it for me, compensation will be reasonable, danger minimal, and its delivery to me will be handled by a contact of mine so you neednt worry about pesky customs. Interested?

Re: Taking a little Trip

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 9:29 am
by Grace
You have my attention, sir.

Re: Taking a little Trip

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 5:53 am
by Acheron
When you leave the airport in Shannon, go to the Knothole Pub(open 11am to 4am local time), about a mile from the airport (any cabbie can tell you where it is). Once you get there, ask the bar-tender for Walt Emmerson. Walt is 5' 11" medium build red-head, tell him Max sent you, if he wants proof tell him to remember An-Nassiriya. Walt recntly contaced me believing he had found the medieval hide-out of the Vampire Cian (pronounced shawn) whose brother was called the Storm-lord, a Sorcerer. If it is indeed his hide-out, then the staff oh his slain brother still lies there. According to Myth, Cian made a deal with a evil force to become a vampire out of jealousy for his brother. The Storm-Lord, sickened by his brothers marauding, asked Morrigan to end his torment. Morrigan gave him a polished Hawthorn staff with small inlays of silver. Mythically, this staff is capable of creating jets of water, storms, purifying water into holy, and bringing rays of sun even in the night. Its final ability is that the dead and undead of any form cannot bear its presence. When he confronted Cian after besting his minions, he was betrayed by one of his companions, and in one final blow sealed the cavern. Walt, while digging a new well, discovered an ancient catacomb, and recognized the seal of Storm-lord on one of the doors. He left to contact me, knowing my propensity for the obscure, later that night he had a visit from beyond, if you catch my meanin. The un-dead have begun to stalk his small hamlet, so he fled. If you were to go in day-time the danger would not be overwhelming, it is my belief that Cian still rests in torpor in his throne room, and if he can be reached so can the staff. Destroying him in this state with the staff would be extremly simple. with him gone the others in the area will either die or go dormant, to be killed at lesiure. The staff can be then given to walt, who will pay you either 800,000 in swiss bearer bonds, or the same amount electronically transfered to an account of your choice. Still interested. Both the Staff and the destruction of Cian, are required for full pay. I will ony pay 500,000 for the staff itself.

What am I going to do with you?

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 10:59 am
by Grace

I really don't know what I'm going to do with you right now. Because you see, as promising and rewarding a job as this sounds to be, you've bound my hands. I can't be sure if you're an amateur, a fool or deliberately trying to set me up.

You've given explicit details of the contact and the meeting as well as an acceptable password over a public medium. Anyone trying to track me down, could now use that information.

Proffessional ethics requires me to point out that you've put this contact in Ireland in harms way. I can not stress this enough, he is now in mortal danger. If dym sees your post, he may well act to intercept me using your contact. Not that I'll be going any where near this pub now. Nor can I ever make contact with your man directly.

I would advise you to edit your post. This is a low traffic site and few people may have seen this mistake.

If you still wish me to take care of this situation for you, then contact me via PM so we can discuss things. I'll warn you now however, you've risked exposing me to my enemies and greatly increased the threat level of this assignment with your little blunder. This means that the price will be greatly increased (yes, over what you've offered already) and a hefty portion of that will have to be paid up front and with no garuntee's of success.

And that's assuming I agree to take this mission. It's only the large sum of money being discussed that hasn't led to me telling you to shove off. Speaking of the money, you never named the denomination. Are we talking USD, Yuro's, Pounds, Yen, Paso's or what?

Re: Taking a little Trip

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 7:56 pm
by Acheron
My my, maybe you are not the amatuer I had you pegged for, but you lack insight. Primus, you would not be wrong that this is a public sight, however the nature of my contact style leaves my employees in little danger, it merely requires a little insurance. Secundus, I specifically stated swiss for the denomination. Tertius, if you are unwilling to risk, Im sure the parties I represent would be willing to change the ammount, of course it will require a bit more proof of skill than mild paranoia. Quatrus et finalus, you will find that when dealing with go-betweens like myself, little is ever straight-forward.

Re: Taking a little Trip

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 8:33 pm
by Grace
Acheron wrote:My my, maybe you are not the amatuer I had you pegged for, but you lack insight. Primus, you would not be wrong that this is a public sight, however the nature of my contact style leaves my employees in little danger, it merely requires a little insurance.

You've given a contact location, name and password over a public medium. This makes no one safe. I do not lack insight, I lack patience. To step into the scenario above would be suicide for me as stated.

Acheron wrote:Secundus, I specifically stated swiss for the denomination.

No, what you said was:

Acheron wrote:who will pay you either 800,000 in swiss bearer bonds

Swiss bearer bonds are not a denomination. Swiss franc's are. The sum offered in bonds could have been in any currency. When dealing with contract workers, the devil is always in the details.

Acheron wrote:Tertius, if you are unwilling to risk, Im sure the parties I represent would be willing to change the ammount, of course it will require a bit more proof of skill than mild paranoia.

Successful completion of an assignment is all the proof anyone ever gets. You can review some of my past posts for previous exploits (those with dym can be confirmed by other parties). However, after the frustration you've caused thus far, 50% payment up front is going to be a sticking point. Nor will I expose myself to any face to face meetings. I'll be acting through go betweens of my own. Which brings me to the final point.

Acheron wrote: Quatrus et finalus, you will find that when dealing with go-betweens like myself, little is ever straight-forward.

This is ain't exactly my first rodeo so please don't presume to tell me how to deal with the bull.

If this was some little test then I'll assume I've passed. You can PM me and we can discuss the details.

Re: Taking a little Trip

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 11:16 pm
by Acheron
Oh you are hot headed, but quite right, I will contact you shortly with details of the endevour my employers wish under-taken until then
Ave Anque Vare

Re: Taking a little Trip

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 12:43 pm
by Grace
Your PM's have proved quite enlightening. I'll have to leave the big emerald behind before I fetch your small one.

Using a crossbow is something I've only done as a hobby. I suppose now that I'm deploying it in a contract, I should get it deducted from my taxes next year. Although this contract is not my usual 'kettle of fish'. Perhaps I could offer you alternative contractual options.

Are you absolutely certain that you want impalement through the heart as opposed to decapitation? I generally specialize in more permanent solutions.

I still have some investigating to do before I formally accept this contract. Once acceptance is issued however, the staff is as good as in the bag. Hawthorn has it's uses but perhaps you should really look at oak.

Re: Taking a little Trip

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:35 pm
by Grace
There's a good chance I may be going back to Ireland this spring.

Anyone got anything they want fetched or done while I'm there?

For a reasonable fee, of course. ;)

Re: Taking a little Trip

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:58 pm
by Doctor Boggs
Ireland you say? Sounds like fun :wink:

Re: Taking a little Trip

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:06 pm
by Grace
I certainly enjoyed myself last time. Made a little cash as well.

Re: Taking a little Trip

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:41 pm
by Doctor Boggs
That reminds me, Vegas was calling before my recent detour. Considering my last two trips I'm due a lucky break, Vegas here I come! :wink:

Re: Taking a little Trip

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:46 pm
by Grace
Have fun!

Remember, always bet on black!

Re: Taking a little Trip

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 12:32 pm
by Joe Smith
I would like a case of 15 year old Redbreast whisky! Its very hard to find here.

Its my second favourite whisky.

Re: Taking a little Trip

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 12:42 pm
by Grace
Leave it to a Canadian to ask for booze.
(This from the Irish girl, I know)

Consider it done, Mr. Smith. A bonus for that little job we've been discussing.

Re: Taking a little Trip

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 10:06 pm
by Ron Caliburn
My request is don't implicate me via my thank you gift in too many international incidents.

Re: Taking a little Trip

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 11:55 pm
by Grace
I have no intention of causing you any trouble Mr. Caliburn. In fact, I intend to be unarmed when I arrive in Ireland this spring.

Just like last year.

Re: Taking a little Trip

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:54 am
by Cybermancer
Nemesis wrote:Anyone got anything they want fetched or done while I'm there?

For a reasonable fee, of course. ;)

I suppose it would be too much to ask that you turned yourself over to the authorities while you were there?

Re: Taking a little Trip

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 10:41 am
by Grace
Cybermancer wrote:I suppose it would be too much to ask that you turned yourself over to the authorities while you were there?

Yes. Yes it would.

Re: Taking a little Trip

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 5:57 am
by Brutal
Nemesis wrote:I have no intention of causing you any trouble Mr. Caliburn. In fact, I intend to be unarmed when I arrive in Ireland this spring.

Just like last year.

I would suggest some light armaments, it is always better to be safe then sorry.

You may not be heading out looking for trouble but it does not mean it will not be looking for you.

Re: Taking a little Trip

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 1:24 pm
by Grace
I am a light armament.

Re: Taking a little Trip

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 1:37 pm
by Doctor Boggs
A million dollars would be nice! :P

Re: Taking a little Trip

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 2:19 pm
by Grace
If you want to profit from this trip Doc, you're going to have to come with.

Re: Taking a little Trip

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 10:40 am
by Holister
Its a trap Doc...RUN! :D

Re: Taking a little Trip

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 2:37 pm
by Doctor Boggs
Nemesis wrote:If you want to profit from this trip Doc, you're going to have to come with.

Hmm, business trip eh? :D

Holister wrote:Its a trap Doc...RUN! :D

But the bait is a possible boatload of money, you can see the bind I'm in! :lol:

Re: Taking a little Trip

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 3:01 pm
by Holister
Well if your interested in a job right up your alley there Doc, we have some ol' whiskey smuggler tunnels under the town that date back to the days of prohibition. Only about 30% of them have been explored by previous townies.

We pulled a safe out of there a few years back. Had wads of cash, some quailty whiskey, and a few guns. Don't know what else might be down there. Rumor has has that some f those tunnels run all the way out to the bluffs.

Oh, while Im on the subject of jobs. I got the impression you were quite the freelance journalist. Interested in runnin' your own paper.
The town paper up here as been closed up since 1984 and up for sale since.

Just thought I would throw the idea out there.

Re: Taking a little Trip

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 5:09 pm
by Doctor Boggs
Ya know, that might not be a half bad idea, it'd beat retirement 8)

Re: Taking a little Trip

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 6:59 pm
by Holister
If you're interested I can take you by the place next time your up and let ya' take a look round.

Re: Taking a little Trip

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 5:10 pm
by Grace
Doctor Boggs wrote:Ya know, that might not be a half bad idea, it'd beat retirement 8)

You'll have more fun with me, though. ;)