New Orleans Vampires

General discussions of issues of the paranormal affecting our community. A place where you can ask questions, and others will offer answers.
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New Orleans Vampires

Post by Bias »

Is anyone out there familiar with a New Orleans vampire named Annika and her "daughters? " My band and I crossed paths with her a few days ago, and now there's no more band.

Well, other than the drummer who showed up at my place at 3am this morning to quench his thirst, if you get my drift. Lucky for me he isn't any better of a vamp than he was a drummer...somebody should've told him to leave his sticks at home.

Tobias Petros
Lead Singer for Mission Street Saints
Posts: 8
Joined: Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:13 pm

Re: New Orleans Vampires

Post by Acheron »

Familiar with her, possibly, they tend to change names, but I do have a bit of history with the breed. If you could give me some details on her and her group I will provide you with all the info I can dig up (no pun intended)
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