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Ancient Magics

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:33 am
by Michael Viedram
I'm probably wasting my time, because all conventional wisdom and reports say it's dead and gone or never existed at all, but one of your members said that if any one would know to try here. I'm a linguist in the antiquities trade and I'm looking for remenants of ancient runic ward and circle magic. Through work related chanels I've heard tale that some may old texts may have survived, the information seemed reliable enough to warrant looking into, but all my attempts to find out more have had me beating my head against a wall. This really is my last resort, any information would be greatly apreciated.

Re: Ancient Magics

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:58 am
by biggie
anything in particular?

Re: Ancient Magics

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:28 pm
by Michael Viedram
Anything really; texts, tomes, petoglyphs, cave markings I'm not entirely certain. In my line of work everone keeps real hush hush and this is really outside of the norm. but I'm hoping maybe someone has heard of strange markings on doors odd patterns drawn into the floors, expadition members dying or being injured under strange circumstances when they touched something. If someone knows or has heard of such I would very much like to know more so I can either help investigate it or to try and track down leads on my own. Right now I'm in the middle of a survey expadition in India, but once I return home I will have access to my library again.

Re: Ancient Magics

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:20 pm
by Debunker
I have one of them most extensive acrhives I know of this kind of material as my family has been researching them for generations and now they've come under my exclusive care. however you are indeed wasting your time as none of it is real sir.

All the markings and incidents youve mentioned are matters of hoaxes, superstitions and coincidence... nothing more.

Re: Ancient Magics

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:16 pm
by Willie Long
In Prague I encountered a sword with runes carved in it that we were warned not to touch. Not much more to say, though -- we didn't touch it, and ultimately threw it into the sea.

Re: Ancient Magics

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:56 pm
by InTheDark
Hmmm...there's this thing that's been following me around, a talisman, two interlocking bracelets...or were. Now the ruby lynch-pin is missing but they were still together this morning.. I think it's made out of jade. I havn't been able to place it, or translate the runes or marks on it. Could it be related to what your searching for?

Re: Ancient Magics

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:57 pm
by Heather Dawes
I know a guy that touched a pimp's car and died later from sudden lead poisoning. Don't know if that needs an explanation or not. :roll:

Re: Ancient Magics

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 6:09 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I'd suggest looking up Micheal T or Natasha, they both seem to know a bit about that stuff and they aren't as dismissive of it.

Re: Ancient Magics

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:48 pm
by Huntress
I got nuthin for this one, the only charms I'm aware of is the ones I put on the men at the club when I'm working it.

And they are nice charms I might add, just ask any of my old boyfriends... or girlfriends for that matter.

Re: Ancient Magics

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:59 pm
by mrloucifer
Huntress wrote:
And they are nice charms I might add, just ask any of my old boyfriends... or girlfriends for that matter.

Bloody hell Huntress, you are such a tease!

Re: Ancient Magics

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 8:01 pm
by Grace
mrloucifer wrote:
Huntress wrote:
And they are nice charms I might add, just ask any of my old boyfriends... or girlfriends for that matter.

Bloody hell Huntress, you are such a tease!

Seems to me as though it's implicit in her job description.

Re: Ancient Magics

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:42 am
by Shang Li
You may wish to investigate the art of Kotodama, the black art of names, from ancient Japan. Not an easy subject to research as all known masters were slain in the early 1800's, but it may be related.

Re: Ancient Magics

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 2:32 am
by Lord Shakar
All I can add is that I know for a fact that runes and wards of Arcane power exist. As I carry two examples of Runic work and I have encountered wards in my travels and use a variation of them to protect certain things.

And I might (Very strong on the might) be able to put you into contact with someone that knows much much more than I do about the subject.

Re: Ancient Magics

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 3:13 am
by Michael Viedram
Well thank you all I'll see where these leads take me. With any luck I'll be able to get in contact with Mr. Caliburns associates for more answers, as well Mr. Li I will see where Japan takes me. Lord Shakar, so far in my research I have been unable to pin down even a single "group" as an orgin; it seems that traces of at least close enough work make apearances in the mystic traditions of cultures the world over yet no whole works have I been able to find or aquire. At this point I am willing to go on faith with even a "Very Stong Might".

And when I return from my trip I will look into this bracelet, to see if anywhere in my records there is anything about a interlocking jade talisman. Perhaps if I knew a little more about it's orgins, there are after all many cultures which are known to have used jade in the creation of their jewlery,religous, and cultural adornments.

Re: Ancient Magics

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 4:35 pm
by GhostSpider
Why do you want this knowledge?

Re: Ancient Magics

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:34 am
by Michael Viedram
While many Archeologist and Anthropologists study a cultures social, economical, and regional climate to try and learn how they were as a society and what may have been the contributing factors in their fall into the mire and shadow of human memory, they often forget that one of the largest contributing influences on a society as a whole is the religious, mystical, and superstious traditions are able to provide a very intimate glimpse into the very nature of the whole. I also think that it would be a tragedy to let all that dedication and knowledge to be condemed to the fog of time. Which is most of the reason why the majority of my study is on the so called "Forgoten and Lost Magics and Traditions" of the world, the way I see it if there exists a practioner and someone to keep and safeguard it, it is neither Lost nor Forgotten.

Re: Ancient Magics

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 2:18 pm
by Bre'hanna
Very little is "Lost or Forgotten", but more often (in my experience anyways) hidden from others to either a) maintain one groups power and authority over another group, or b) for the well being and safety of the general populace.

As a jumping off point, take a look at the most common form or "symbology" used in Western Culture (Any of the Hermetic orders) and you will see that a LARGE portion of the symbology comes from two sources, The Germanic People, and backwards from their, to the roots of these symbols, and you may find some of the answers that you seek.

Re: Ancient Magics

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 1:52 pm
by Acheron
To understand these things may be closer than you know, yet farther than you can reach. All things in all times and all places can be achieved, but it requires many things to make such a journey. You have your purpose and motivation, but I wonder do you have direction? Remember that some things are better left buried in the dust of thier graves, some things are lost for a reason. But if you truly wish to find it, seek not the Lost but the Source.

Invenium Viam Aut Faccium