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Reality Check is Back

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:18 pm
by Deacon Ash-Shaytan
This place has been missing a voice of reason for too long. Sorry for my absence, folks. I'll try ta give ya a slap alongside the head if you say something too stupid or outlandish.

Re: Reality Check is Back

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:44 am
by Lord Shakar
If you ever tried to slap me in upside the head you would meet a very bad end. I face enough troubles without complete strangers trying to tell me that what I say is a lie or false just because there are paranomal or dealings with the Supernatural involved.

Re: Reality Check is Back

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 11:29 am
by Deacon Ash-Shaytan
Yeah, yeah, and I'll drop a house on you and sing about how I represent the Lollipop Guild. Let's keep our threats realistic, shall we? I am merely asserting that I'll remind ya when a your story you might tell makes absolutely no sense and has plenty of other possibilities, too.

I don't know about you, but I live in the U. S. of A., which includes the freedom of speech. And if you're threatening to kill me just because I say you're whacked, maybe you better take a time out and go hide in that cloud city of yours.

Some of you guys can tell a pretty interesting story. Others of you are sadly, not so good.

That wouldn’t be very nice . . .

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:19 pm
by Clarity
_____That wouldn’t be a very nice thing to do, Mr. Deacon. If you have to be a . . . skeptic, maybe you could at least try to be nice about it? Nobody wants to be slapped alongside the head or have houses dropped on them, and it doesn’t help, either. And Mr. Lord is nice and trying to help others, so I don’t think you should slap him alongside the head, either.
_____P.S. Welcome back though, Mr. Deacon.

Re: Reality Check is Back

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 8:26 pm
by Lord Shakar
Deacon Ash-Shaytan wrote:Yeah, yeah, and I'll drop a house on you and sing about how I represent the Lollipop Guild. Let's keep our threats realistic, shall we? I am merely asserting that I'll remind ya when a your story you might tell makes absolutely no sense and has plenty of other possibilities, too.

I don't know about you, but I live in the U. S. of A., which includes the freedom of speech. And if you're threatening to kill me just because I say you're whacked, maybe you better take a time out and go hide in that cloud city of yours.

Some of you guys can tell a pretty interesting story. Others of you are sadly, not so good.

My promise is very realistic, if you were to try that in person as to on these boards. I will most likely just ignore you unless you have something useful to say.

Clarity Grace wrote:_____That wouldn’t be a very nice thing to do, Mr. Deacon. If you have to be a . . . skeptic, maybe you could at least try to be nice about it? Nobody wants to be slapped alongside the head or have houses dropped on them, and it doesn’t help, either. And Mr. Lord is nice and trying to help others, so I don’t think you should slap him alongside the head, either.
_____P.S. Welcome back though, Mr. Deacon.

Thanks for saying I am nice. Though I am not as nice as it sometimes may seem. But its nice to hear Clarity.
P.S. Clarity please call me Shakar. Lord is a title and not apart of my name.

Re: Reality Check is Back

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 2:53 pm
by GhostSpider
Try to keep a civil tongue this time around Deacon. Don't want to see you get erased again.

Re: Reality Check is Back

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 6:27 pm
by Deacon Ash-Shaytan
Erased? I haven't the slightest idea of what you mean, Spider. I try to keep a civil tongue and sprinkle it with a thimble of humor. Much like yourself, I suppose, barring the obvious.

People here are quick to venture judgment, quick to anger, and slow to ask for proof of anything.

I find myself on the opposite edge of that pizza.

Re: Reality Check is Back

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 8:59 pm
by Shang Li
To question things is wise, for not all is as it seems. To close one's self to possibilities because they are outside of one's own understanding is foolish - and sometimes dangerous.

Welcome back, if you require my assistance, you may simply ask.

Re: Reality Check is Back

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:09 am
by Deacon Ash-Shaytan
I agree Shang Li. That includes closing one's mind to the possibility that a certain "ghost" is just the wind, that our minds can play tricks on us, and that sometimes a cat is just that: a cat. No need to scare the bejudas out of people for no reason.

Re: Reality Check is Back

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:18 pm
by The Councilor
Mr. Shaytan, who are you?

You say you're coming back, yet a simple search turned up very little on you on this site.

Perhaps an explanation is in order.

Re: Reality Check is Back

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 6:12 pm
by Deacon Ash-Shaytan
The Councilor wrote:Mr. Shaytan, who are you?

You say you're coming back, yet a simple search turned up very little on you on this site.

Perhaps an explanation is in order.
Why? All you need to know about me is what I have posted online, sir. (Or madam, as the case may be). All you need to know is I find many of Lazlo Society's posts to be illogical and unbecoming of an actual, realistic encounter. All you need to know is that I ask pointed questions in order to make people think on whether the person they attacked one night really was a vampire or in actuality, a gang member high on PCP.

Re: Reality Check is Back

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 6:42 am
by Lord Shakar
Deacon Ash-Shaytan wrote:
The Councilor wrote:Mr. Shaytan, who are you?

You say you're coming back, yet a simple search turned up very little on you on this site.

Perhaps an explanation is in order.
Why? All you need to know about me is what I have posted online, sir. (Or madam, as the case may be). All you need to know is I find many of Lazlo Society's posts to be illogical and unbecoming of an actual, realistic encounter. All you need to know is that I ask pointed questions in order to make people think on whether the person they attacked one night really was a vampire or in actuality, a gang member high on PCP.

Actually you also have claimed to be returning to these forums, yet Councilor as found that substantially lacking. Me I don't care whether you are returning to the boards or just saying that you are to boost your supposed credibility. Not that you have much in my view anyways. There's a line between Skeptic and Close minded a very fine line. And it hasn't been determined which as of yet you are in my view.

And another strike against you. Your answer to Councillor's post sets off all sorts of warning bells. You at least by the appearance of your post in response to his have something to hide.

Re: Reality Check is Back

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:48 am
by Deacon Ash-Shaytan
Lord Shakar wrote:
Deacon Ash-Shaytan wrote:
The Councilor wrote:Mr. Shaytan, who are you?

You say you're coming back, yet a simple search turned up very little on you on this site.

Perhaps an explanation is in order.
Why? All you need to know about me is what I have posted online, sir. (Or madam, as the case may be). All you need to know is I find many of Lazlo Society's posts to be illogical and unbecoming of an actual, realistic encounter. All you need to know is that I ask pointed questions in order to make people think on whether the person they attacked one night really was a vampire or in actuality, a gang member high on PCP.

Actually you also have claimed to be returning to these forums, yet Councilor as found that substantially lacking. Me I don't care whether you are returning to the boards or just saying that you are to boost your supposed credibility. Not that you have much in my view anyways. There's a line between Skeptic and Close minded a very fine line. And it hasn't been determined which as of yet you are in my view.

And another strike against you. Your answer to Councillor's post sets off all sorts of warning bells. You at least by the appearance of your post in response to his have something to hide.
Very well spoken, Shakar. You're taking into account what I implied from the start: this is just a screenname, and until we actually see the "face" behind the facade, we shouldn't immediately trust and give every detail of our lives. I don't know you or the others (with a few exceptions) on this board from Cain, Abel, Eve, Jezebel, and the rest of the crew from the Bible.

Knowing that, why should I tell you anything? I give you nothing but my opinion, and others have those just as well. I'll back mine up with statistics and facts, but not until I am called to do so and only then on matters pertaining to the situation at hand.

Which my real identity has no bearing on.

“Another strike,” Lord Shakar? Are we now equating our post

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 1:44 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
“Another strike,” Lord Shakar? Are we now equating our posts to contests? All I’ve heard from you for many posts is just how you “don’t care” about one thing or another. Well, I get it. You don’t care. Can we leave it at that until you can think of something you do care about? We all have something to hide. When was that new? Deacon also happens to be a skeptic, which on Lazlo, is like a bowlful of water and baking soda, and then adding vinegar. So let him be until he hangs himself or something. He’s been decent so far, considering.

Deacon: welcome back. Please don’t ask more of me at the moment. I really don’t have the patience right now. I’ll check back later.

Re: Reality Check is Back

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 6:17 pm
by Willie Long
The Councilor wrote:You say you're coming back, yet a simple search turned up very little on you on this site.

He is a returning member, as can be seen from his join date. He wasn't a prolific poster, but he had more posts than some of our members did.

Re: “Another strike,” Lord Shakar? Are we now equating our post

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:56 am
by Lord Shakar
Eilonwy Solstice wrote:“Another strike,” Lord Shakar? Are we now equating our posts to contests? All I’ve heard from you for many posts is just how you “don’t care” about one thing or another. Well, I get it. You don’t care. Can we leave it at that until you can think of something you do care about? We all have something to hide. When was that new? Deacon also happens to be a skeptic, which on Lazlo, is like a bowlful of water and baking soda, and then adding vinegar. So let him be until he hangs himself or something. He’s been decent so far, considering.

Not a contest at all Mrs. Solstice. You well know there are things I care about. Certain things I don't unless they interfere with those that I do. Its just how I am. Hiding things is second nature for those of us that deal in the "Weird." Deacon being a Skeptic doesn't bother me. Its how he says things and the way his questions come across that irk me.

But I am always willing to give someone enough slack so that they may hang themselves.

Re: “Another strike,” Lord Shakar? Are we now equating our post

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:20 am
by Heather Dawes
Lord Shakar wrote:
Not a contest at all Mrs. Solstice. You well know there are things I care about. Certain things I don't unless they interfere with those that I do. Its just how I am. Hiding things is second nature for those of us that deal in the "Weird." Deacon being a Skeptic doesn't bother me. Its how he says things and the way his questions come across that irk me.

But I am always willing to give someone enough slack so that they may hang themselves.

Oh brother, here we go again. :roll:

Re: Reality Check is Back

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:01 am
by Deacon Ash-Shaytan
Well Shakar, I won't stop probing just because my questions make you uncomfortable, but if you'll give a few hints to let me know how to sound less demeaning or whatever has your thong flossing your crack, I'll see what I can do. But if we do start into a "ten things I hate about you" thread, what really irks me is the way everyone here trounces on the "supernatural" bandwagon without the decency of at least wedging in a "The police thought I was crazy, but this feeling wouldn't go away" or "I tried to call my neighbor, but the phone was dead" and maybe even "I checked the windows to see if that's where the cold breeze was coming from, but they were locked tighter than a wad." That's not including the "I just can't wait to see his butt chewed on by a vampire. Be a skeptic then." dig.

Honestly. That's just childish and beneath y'all. :roll: :lol:

And finally. Hopefully, it's a welcome back, Mrs. Dawes. It's nice to see someone else around here that considers realistic possibilities before jumping on the "vampire, werewolf, astral entity, or possessed janitor" wagon.

Re: Reality Check is Back

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 4:03 pm
by The Councilor
I seem to have stirred up a firestorm.

I apologize, I was merely curious.

Re: Reality Check is Back

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 10:38 am
by Deacon Ash-Shaytan
I was under the impression it was just a friendly discussion.